My right coronary artery became blocked...requiring 2 stents.
Just started my drugs... what might I expect? • Lipitor 40mg for cholesterol… which is was 140 during Tuesday’s lab results. It’s working. • Brilinta 90mg 2X/day (new drug)… anticoagulant to keep clotting off the new stents. Take this for one year. • Corvedilol 25mg 2X/day Beta blocker blood pressure med. This one works on…
My fear is that we fall back into our old routines. I'm still in rehab, but my neighbor who had a heart attack used to walk. Now I don't see him out anymore. Is this to be expected as the passion/fear wares off?
It’s been a while... returning with a technical question. If a person looses 15% (just for example) of weight by diet modification, does that person’s neck cicumference, waist circumference, thigh circumference, ect. also reduce by 15%?
I was at my office on Feb 27 (3:00 PM) giving a presentation to a team of executives and lawyers. I began to sweat profusely and pressure was building up in my chest. I also felt pain in both my arms. I made it out of the boardroom after the final Q&A session, went to the lobby's front desk and asked security to call 911.
Its getting difficult to "brand" my diet under any one program :-) ...hard to explain. I evolved and morphed my diet as I learned what works for me. This is what I'm talking about... - Eat kind of like South Beach phase 2 most of time... really phase 1.5 :-) No bread, pasta, potato, rice, and sweets...avoid simple carbs…