ok so maybe i fell of the wagon for a bit, maybe a gained 10 lbs and a few inches around the waist, but all that's behind me. today was my first solid day back in the gym since last july. a new deployment's comin up so i figure i should get back in shape. it was a tad rough, my legs are feeling a bit like laffy taffy but…
just a question that i was wondering if anyone had the answer to: when it's hot ouside and you are sweating your tail off, do you burn more calories than if it were, say, cold outside? for instance, does your BMR go up if you're laying out by the pool in 100+ degree heat as opposed to laying in your bed at home in the…
this may be something that has been discussed in previous threads, but i was noticing that i go over my alotted protein intake pretty much every day. i try not to eat too much but my meals usually consist of a couple chicken breasts or a tuna sandwhich or something like that. i pretty much eat some type of meat in every…
hey everybody i just joined this site the other day. so far it's been really helpful in the whole "counting -your-calories" department. does anyone know if this site adjusts caloric consumption and expendatures for your BMR automatically or is it something we have to factor in?