it HOT!!! outside

just a question that i was wondering if anyone had the answer to: when it's hot ouside and you are sweating your tail off, do you burn more calories than if it were, say, cold outside? for instance, does your BMR go up if you're laying out by the pool in 100+ degree heat as opposed to laying in your bed at home in the frosty cool AC? just wondering


  • paul82682
    paul82682 Posts: 48
    just a question that i was wondering if anyone had the answer to: when it's hot ouside and you are sweating your tail off, do you burn more calories than if it were, say, cold outside? for instance, does your BMR go up if you're laying out by the pool in 100+ degree heat as opposed to laying in your bed at home in the frosty cool AC? just wondering
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I am just making this up, but I think it may be opposite... you burn more calories trying to stay warm... (except in severe cases where your body starts shutting down to save energy...)

    I know even just lying outside makes you seem like your heart is pumping harder, etc but I have no idea if it changes your calorie burning. I imagine that either way (cold or hot) it would be a very little impact over the course of the day...

    You also read sauna sales people's claim that sitting in a sauna for 30 mins can burn as many calories as jogging or rowing for the same time - because of your body working to create and distribute sweat.

    No idea if it is true or not... I think the key here is not to worry about the calorie difference, but to not equate water loss with weight loss after all the sweating!!

    If there is anyone out there who actually knows the answer though, it would be interesting to know! Everything I found goes back and forth on the issue....
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Greetings Paul...this is a good question for "Songbyrdsweet"...she's college educated in this field. your profile and I can guarantee you that your Wife will always find you attractive!

    Also, we're of the same decent...I'm Irish, Mexican & Kado Indian.

    Take care!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I got this; my interpretation is that you burn more calories in extreme cold and hot and less in moderate tempetures.

    When the weather sizzles, you're body burns more energy trying to keep itself within a healthy temperature range. But when we let technology do that for us with air-conditioned homes, cars, work areas and shopping malls, our bodies don't need to crank up the energy expenditure.

    So let the temperature rise! And let your body do what's natural. You'll find that when you allow nature to work, you will naturally lose weight during the hottest times of the year.

    Another bonus of hot weather is that it slows down your digestive process. This leaves you feeling full longer, resulting in a lower calorie intake throughout the day.

    And when we're feeling over-heated, we tend to migrate towards cooler, lighter foods that are lower in calories. Air conditioning not only negates this effect, but staying indoors restricts our movement, limiting our calorie-burning activities.

    Of course turning off the air conditioning won’t make you lose weight. It's still up to you to monitor the calories you eat and keep active. But hot weather could make weight loss a little easier.

    Are you buying this? No?

    Okay, so you can't stand the heat and can't relate to the idea of staying warm on a hot day. Fine. But now at least you'll feel a little better when you do have to suffer through it.

    And you'll be happy to know that winter brings bonuses, too. That's when your body burns more calories trying to keep you warm!

    Healthy regards,
    Megan Porter, RD
  • paul82682
    paul82682 Posts: 48
    ok cool that's kind of what i was thinking in my head. it makes sense, anyways. thanks for all the imput, i appreciate it. i feel enlightened :smile: