NSV / Exercise
This really is an NSV vs. an Exercise topic. Used to run for exercise in college. Hated. Every. Minute. Of. It. Basically sedentary since then. (A long "then") Start C25K last week. Ran/walked 3 days. OK, good. I'm using my Android to track my process. (BRAND NEW) It went south on Thursday & stopped working. I have a…
NSV appearance
A friend who hadn't seen me in about a month came about and said, "Are you losing weight?" I nodded, and she said, "I can tell - your face really shows it." So one fewer double chin. Yay!
OK, so I'm really close to doing this. I can cut eating because I've done that before, but I've never - *NEVER* - had a consistent exercise program. Monday looks like a good day to start. Yikes. I might just go through with this.
NSV - clothing
My favorite silk shirt fit this morning. It's still not hanging / draping loosely, but it's not tight anymore. It's feeling loose, and I feel good.
Gardening Calories
Oh man. Just spent 30 minutes laying 14 bags of mulch in the garden. I'm a hot, sweaty mess. It's 47F outside and raining, and I have 12 more bags to go. Does this count as "General Gardening"? This surely must be more like "Stone, Rolling Uphill."
NSV - clothing
Am at a wedding & am wearing my suit. Not completely lose, but my collar isn't choking me and my slacks aren't binding my waist. Snd i'm all mentally prepared for the reception & have about 500 calories saved up.
BMR funny
Well, funny to me. I decided to use the BMR tool to see what my basal metabolism rate is. When I clicked it (under Tools > BMR) I thought it said "this is calculated using the Muffin-Jelly equations" and thought, "wow, how did they figure that out?" My poor eyes just ain't what they used to be.
Exercise: How do I get started?
First, let me tell you that I DON'T WANT TO EXERCISE. There. I said it. I walk about 20 minutes a day, at a pace as fast as the street lights and traffic allow - 10 minutes to my office and then 10 minutes back to my car. I have a treadmill at home with a DVD player in front of it. I have a very very small, dusty weight…
Another NSV
I didn't even think of it as a victory, but reading a new friend's post prompted my memory. Last night's dinner was flank steak, potato, and broccoli. I had a single serving of flank steak and no seconds on anything. This morning I looked in the refrigerator and we have leftover flank steak. I can't recall a time when I've…
NSV again...
Bought a new belt today. The old one just doesn't work anymore. The new one (which I expect to be temporary) is 4 inches smaller, so it should last a bit - it's snug, but I hope it will soon be loose. (Don't think I've lost 4 inches - just that with the old belt I was on the last hole, and with the new one I'm on the first…
Do you tell others your success?
So first of all - 20 POUNDS LESS TODAY! Second - I don't tell anyone I'm dieting. I don't tell people I "can't eat that" or "no thanks, too rich." I just eat less and choose different options. And third, I'm not doing it for anyone to be impressed - I'm doing it for me to be healthy and active and - I hope - alive. So I'm…
I'm not seeing _what this is_. I know that before I were to start a strenuous exercise regime I'd need my doctor to advise me, but what exactly does P90 or P90x mean? How do you get started? What does it take / how long do you do it & how frequently? I see _that_ people are doing it, but not _what_ it means. And, be kind…
My food choices are now causing problems...
I've been watching what I eat now for two months (one month on MFP). Tonight my lack of flexibility (!) is causing problems because I'm not expressing interest in eating high fat or high starch foods for dinner, even though "that's all we have." What do you do when your unwillingness to eat the way you used to causes…
NSV for me
Yesterday was Mother's Day, which presented quite a temptation of foods for me. 1) We shopped for lunch at the market/deli, with free samples of cherry cheesecake, strudel, cookies, and other stuff. While I did *look* at it, I walked away and went to the other wall to avoid the sight and smell. 2) Our lunch "treat" was…
A small victory
I've been using MFP for the past month, and have been studious for about a month previous to watch what I eat and to get exercise. Saturday I got to wear a shirt that I really like and it was just a bit loose. So that felt good. I've lost 10% of the weight I need to lose. So - maybe in 18 more months I'll to where I should…
Boo. Gained weight after a nice beginning of losing a pound
Lost a pound this week earlier - weighed myself twice, over two days to be sure. Was under my calorie limit every day by 10% or so. Exercised for 20 minutes 5 of the 7 days. Still, I ended up gaining 2 pounds. If it's water, that's a lot of water (half a gallon, if there's 7.5 pounds per gallon.) I'm not discouraged, but…
New to this site, long-time resident of the planet
I noticed that my weight was slowly but inexorably creeping up. And I've been watching what I eat but without any real tracking or check-in. Since November I've slowly lost about 15 pounds. I've found this site recently and have started tracking my weight. One of the best things about the site is how easy it is to check in…