New to Discussion Group- Hi!
Hello all! I'm struggling to lose my "C" note and have for years. I go a few days and do well then completely blow it due to emotional eating. I'm all hip and know my issues - and how to lose the weight. Just struggling for consistency and wondered if anyone else can help? I don't tend to eat things like chips, sometimes i…
My 600 lb life - mental attitude...
I was watching TLC's "My 600 pound life" and saw the one recently with the 34 year old man who ended up with a chronic disease during weightloss but I kept seeing the same pattern in him I see in myself on a smaller scale. That people minimize the mental improvement you have from eating "clean". I'm amazed at how much…
Gained...trying to keep focused.
I know it is "that time of the month" but I gained back what I lost last week and I thought I did fine this week. I went over my calories yesterday but all week even going out with friends I was on target. I'm struggling with working out so I know that is it, along with it just being female, but just kinda down right now…
No walking patner and I'm stuck again...
Last week I posted my struggle with being motivated to work out - at all. I got a walking partner who baled on me and now I'm stuck. In the past I've been able to muster the energy to just get going...but the routine and starting are freezing me cold. I know if I could find a partner it would help - but when all of us are…
HBP - not so high!
In only 2 weeks of gettng fully back on track with my plan - and MFP - I'm on the high end of normal blood pressure. That has not happened in 5 years! I eat so much less salt - I'm salt sensitive - and poof - amazing!!! I'm so excited I had to share! :smile:
Need motivation to work out...I'm at zero.
I'm just beginning my journey back to health and thus far the food, water and attitude are there. WOrking out - not so much. The kinds of work outs I like are very involved; horseback riding, tennis, etc. I love to run but I can't at this weight. Walking - snooze. I probably just have to force the issue but wondered if…
Biggest Loser Dietician - finally!
I was so happy to see last night's BIggest Loser show - and how they had a real dietician on. In the past they have had some guest chefs and the trainers weigh in, but it was nice to see a dietician introduced so we realize that the contestants get sound advice. Anyone pick up good tid bits who saw it? I did - especially…
Worst thing today - and best thing today!
Every night with my kids we do the "What was the worst part of your day?" and end with "What was the best part of your day?" I think the longer I diet I forget why I started, and even more, the things that are so good about what I'm doing. There are so many wonderful outcomes of eating healthy and being healthier in mind…
camayallover - starting again with MFP!! Excited!
Hi all - I am Camay and I"m starting with MFP for "real". I had used it by recommendation of a doctor but not really 'used' it. I love it though and am now poised to really be successful and am hoping you can help me on the journey. I'm a project manager by profession so I developed a project plan for weightloss that is…