I have been doing Paleo for most of the last 2.5 months or so. I have never used butter in anything. Today I was searching for a Paleo Roasted Chicken recipe and almost all of them that came up included butter... Is butter allowed? I assumed this was a dairy item and just never used it...
Is anyone doing this? I am a few months into CrossFit and I am loving it. The box I go to is encouraging everyone to join the games even if you know you have no chance of winning. They said it's a good and fun way of knowing where you stand.... I'm tempted. Thoughts? Have you done it before? Are you doing it this year?
Tough Mudder is two weeks away and I am trying to nail down what to wear. For those that have done it - what do you suggest? Right now I am thinking I will wear capris and my running shoes. Either a tight fitting tank or short sleeve shirt. What are your thoughts on gloves? Also, I am thinking it would be next to…
Can anyone recommend a GOOD fruity protein powder (not strawberry)? I'm trying to learn to mix my protein powder with water and the chocolate is just not appealing!
I am looking for input on personal trainers. I had one before and I thought he was awesome. My workouts were really good. And as an added bonus - I LOVED working out with the trainer. However I noticed that I can burn just as many calories in a class as I do with a trainer in the same amount of time. However, it is a…
I am curious how others track their food. I have been dieting on and off for years but in the last couple of years I really started tracking my food - obsessively (when I am doing it). My husband thinks I'm crazy and the amount of dirty dishes we have - due to measuring - drives him crazy. So when I am counting calories I…