Tough Mudder - Gloves?

Tough Mudder is two weeks away and I am trying to nail down what to wear. For those that have done it - what do you suggest? Right now I am thinking I will wear capris and my running shoes. Either a tight fitting tank or short sleeve shirt. What are your thoughts on gloves?

Also, I am thinking it would be next to impossible to carry a camera or water through this thing - am I correct in my thinking?

Any last minute advice is appreciated!


  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    I did the Warrior Dash...I'm guessing like the Tough Mudder. Wore shorts and a short sleeve shirt (tight but got soaked and ended up hanging off me). Wore old shoes. Gloves are actually a good idea...would have helped me.

    But yeah, I wouldn't try carrying a camera or water. Too tough with the obstacles. Good luck!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I've done 2 Warrior Dash's. Good luck on a Tough Mudder. That's a big challenge.

    I highly recommend gloves. I wore them on my second Dash and they helped my hands avoid rope burn and other issues.

    I think they'll have some water stops during the course for you (not sure, though!). I personally didn't try to carry anything extra.

    I wore fitted dri-fit/athletic clothes. Since you'll get wet early and often, I wanted something that wouldn't hang off me and weigh me down.
  • btretiak
    btretiak Posts: 23
    I ran the Tough Mudder in May.

    I bought two pairs of gloves and accidentally left them both in the car. I was freaking out about them but I finished Tough Mudder, and most people I saw with them on had discarded them by the end.

    Personally I think they're a waste of your time. Your grip is either going to be strong to enough to get you over walls, hold on to the monkey bars, etc....or it's not. The gloves don't really matter and they're just one more thing to be caked in mud and soaked with water.

    Wear the most comfortable, fastest drying, lightest clothes you have. Sneakers are best. If you have a pair of old ones you're willing to get rid of wear those and donate them at the end of the race. If not, you won't 'ruin' your shoes, they'll just a thorough power washing.

    Oh, and don't even think about trying to carry a camera on your first Mudder. This is billed as the toughest event of its kind, and it's no joke. You do not want to have to think about anything other than what's in front of you.

    Good luck. Let me know if you have any specific questions about training, the course, offense to anyone, but as far as this event goes....if you haven't run it, you have no idea what it's like. There's a sign about 3 miles into Tough Mudder that says "If you were doing the Warrior Dash, you'd be done by now."

  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    Oh heck. Didn't even realize that the Warrior Dash wasn't close. Wow, really wishing you good luck!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    I'm intrigued. What is it?x
  • dreamer1003
    dreamer1003 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone! I know they won't make me stronger for the upper body exercises but I seem to have delicate (haha) I was hoping I may last a little longer on the monkey bars (etc) if I had something to help them out. I usually get off the monkey bars not because my body is done but because my hands are burning.

    I am going into this thing thinking it will be the most physically challenging thing I have ever done. I am sure it will be a struggle mentally too! I am doing this to show myself just who I am NOW compared to who I was a few years ago. I can remember just after my husband and I got married we went for a bike ride on the Mount Vernon trail in Alexandria, VA. There were a few hills...I couldn't make it up them and I quit. Not only did I quit I had a huge tantrum on the side of the trail...threw my bike and cried tears and yelled curse words. This happened twice. Insert my lowest point right there...but it didn't get me moving in the right direction. Anyhow... I am (amazingly) still married to the same man and he will be doing this mudder with me. I am so excited to celebrate the new me but oh so very nervous!

    As for the person that asked what the mudder is... well the mid Atlantic is on a farm (rather than ski resort) so it should be much flatter. But it is a 12 mile obstacle course designed by British Special Forces. There are about 25 obstacles....and lots of mud.