Joining MFP made me realize:
People have messy houses.
Has any one done the CoolSculpting procedure? I have a consultation on Friday, just wondering if it is worth the time/money and how effective it has been for you. Pictures would be wonderful, and any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!
CoolSculpting Reviews and Results
Has any one done the CoolSculpting procedure? I have a consultation on Friday, just wondering if it is worth the time/money and how effective it has been for you. Pictures would be wonderful, and any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!
Is 115lbs at 5'4.5" realistic??
I am a success story, I've gone from 181 lbs to 121 lbs over the course of however many years. I've had ups and downs (currently in an up) and have gotten to where I never thought I'd be ever again. I've recently discovered bicycling and love the escape into nature that it provides. I know that people say the last 5-10lbs…
Official "Before" Success Story PIC
I've been on this journey for pretty much my entire adult life. I've lost 64 lbs and now I am beginning StrongLifts 5x5. I am on my third week, so I wanted to post an official before success photo! Success in that I have reached my weight goal, but now I want to focus on my recomp goal. Hopefully in a few months I can post…
I've lost the weight, now what?
I have recently hit my goal weight and now it's time for some serious recomp! I am looking for your experiences with workout videos. I have 3-4 days a week, but don't want to spend three hours working out. I have a home gym and have met with a personal trainer, but I want to supplement with a good workout program. What…
Never thought I would see this again!
2008 Chevy equinox?
I'm looking at buying at 2008 Chevy Equinox awd 2LT. Anyone have any experience with this vehicle? Looking for some reviews! Thanks! (I totally understand this is MyFitnessPal)
I'm getting there! (with candid bathroom pics, use caution)
So... my journey has been full of ups and downs. More downs than ups, but I always get motivated again somehow! My daughter will be turning 9 this month, and I can't even tell you how it has changed my life, let alone my body. Before she was born, I weighed 151lbs. During my pregnancy I got up to 182 lbs, but after her…
I never thought....
Over the years I've lost a total of ~55 lbs. The last time I was at this weight was probably high school or just after. BUT I never thought I'd feel "fat" at 125 lbs. I want to lose about 10 more pounds, but the last 10 are so much more difficult than all the rest. I am 5'4.5" and I try to stay around 1200-1300 calories a…
Would you rather have a pretty face or a hot body?
If you had to choose one or the other, which is more important to you: having an attractive face or a hot body? I read an article the other day that said most people would want an attractive face for themselves vs a fit body. Personality and other traits do not factor into this scenario. I know you can choose to have a fit…
How many times a week do you lift? Success pictures please!
I am new to lifting and am on my 4th week. The first week I was super motivated and excited to be lifting, so I did it about 6 days out of the week although, I've read that many of you only lift 3 days a week. I know you're supposed to take a rest day in between to let your muscles recover. I've since taken it down to 3…
Here's the situation: I have a 8 year old daughter and we just moved in with my boyfriend, who has two kids ages 5 and 7. We moved in around the beginning of June, so it's been over 2 months. Before we moved here, she has stayed over plenty of times and things have been fine. We had to rearrange some things to make room,…