Lookin for some medium rare medallion mates! I know- horrible. Journeying along my second week leavin gluten behind, embracing low/carb and phasing into Keto more each day. Friend me if ya wanna I'm gonna go dry rub a pork belly. :# Only 1 pun/pork reference per post from here on out.
Reintroducing myself and am starting an elimination diet of gluten, maybe dairy next- looking at the ketogenic diet and some of it's researched benefits- all the best to you all! This is going to be awesome!!!!!
OK MFPers- gimme your best- I have decided to keep on with the before work gym thing, but lately its been hard with the weather getting cold. Hah- I have NO EXCUSE- my gym is across the street from me, literally. So what the heck is goin through my head? Need some booster shots! What ya got? I absolutely can't get my butt…
I am happy about returning- my time away was not too long but long enough for me to realize that I am a better person in my life and to others when I feel better about myself. So simple right? Some new support and spark for efforts and failures would be more than welcome! Not too much to say in my introduction expect that…
Just got into myfitness pal due to a best friend's enthusiasm about it and I have to say- I AM ENTHUSED! I am biting the bullet, chipping a tooth, and writing to put myself out there and meet some new friends/motivators through a few of these forums and help support others in their fitness goals as well. A wee bit about…