2-3 Cups chicken broth (reduced fat and low sodium) (less broth the thicker the soup) 3 Can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes (no salt added) (I cheated and used 2 cans of the diced tomatoes with garlic and basil) 3 cloves garli 2 tbs olive oil 2 cups basil 2 fire roast red pepper (from a jar) Chop garlic and add to hot oil in a…
anyone take any appetite suppressor? I was using slim Quick which seemed to do the job. Gave me a bit more energy with having to chug down a rockstar. I just pick up the mega Green Tea which only has 50mg of caffeine and whatever is in the 'secret' blend. I work very long days... between working 6-days a week, master's…
Yield: 8 servings with rice (serving size: 1cup. 540 calories in the whole thing!) Ingredients 8 cups low-salt chicken broth (fat Free) (120 cal) 1/3 tablespoons lemon juice (0 cal) 4 large eggs, lightly beaten (300 cal) 1 cup hot cooked long-grain rice (or something similar. I used 1/2c Trader Joe's Arborio Rice) (120…
Hello! Before my wedding I was 145lbs... a year later, I'm 155, then the holiday's hit... and I'm 165!!! I'm determined to get back down to 130 by oct. I'm the Matron of Honour at my best friend's wedding. I cant be up there next to her (she's got a foot in height on me, and thin) i'll look like a whale. A short whale, but…