Eating your exercise points...
I am sure this has been asked a thousand times before so let me start off with apologizing and thank-you you all for responding... as an experiment I have decided to not eat any of my exercise points this week... I am following weight waterchers, and have eaten all my regularly alloted points... My weigh in day is…
Workout Partner Dragging Me Down
I have a bit of a moral dilema here... When three of us started working out in preperation for a friends wedding (we're in the bridal party) one of the group would drag herself and would constantly go on about not being able to do it but her sister would push her through. It was a great combo because the sister pushed me…
Which comes first, the running or the weights? :p
Good morning everyone! I was so inspired with one of the threads I read yesterday regarding at which weight you can start running, that I printed out the couch to 5km schedule and started it last night! We enjoyed in tremendously... and I have been reminded why I was so in love with running years back... Having said that,…
Is it wrong to lust after weight loss?
Last night I was retuning home from work and while passing by this glass wall at the train station I caught a glimpse of myself, on just such an angle that I looked slim... something I have never been... This has happened every once in a while, a photo where the light caught my face just so... and angle where I had to do a…
FInally learned what my dad speant a life-time trying to tea
The other day I was talking to my friend, together we are losing weight for ourselves and a friends wedding in which we are both bridesmaids... I asked her what she was having for lunch... She told me it's all protein for 5 days then fruits and veggies for x # days (insert long complicated eating plan here) I found myself…
Struggling to see beyond 200lbs...
So, my goal weight is 170lbs... but I have weighed over 220 pounds for almost 20 years and I haven't weighted under 200 pounds since grade 8... Others encourage me to lose 40 pounds and stop there (I am currently at 261) but I have this dream of being slim, for the first time in my life... ffwd to today, I realized that…
Shrinking stomach~Whole Foods
I have noticed something really cool... I follow a points based weight loss program and I noticed this week that taking processed refined carbs out o fmy diet and replacing them with whole foods (the type not the store) has made an INCREDIBLE difference to my appetite... in THREE days.. and I haven't cut out sugar or…
Lets Get 'er DONE! Focusing 4 months at a time...
Hi! My name is Ella, and I just joined today! I am surrounding myself with as many resources as I can find to get me through the next four months as I focus on losing 40 pounds for a friends wedding. I know... life is not about an event... but there is more to this goal than just the event... I don't want that day to be…