

  • Salads are the ULTIMATE filling lunch food... you can graze on them if you eat lunch at your desk and it just feels like the most decadent filling meal... Today i had romaine lettuce with cherry tomates, various peppers olives about a 1/4cup feta cheese, greek dressing and a can of water packed tuna! And this will have me…
    in Salads Comment by ElaKuz September 2011
  • This made me smile... :)
  • If only I could get across using these 101010101111100 just how MUCH this post meant to me today! Thank-you!
  • Sugars from fruit and sugars from refined sources are two COMPLETELY different types of sugars! THey are processed totally differently by the body... So much so that on the new weight watchers plan, fruits are free, as in eat as much as you want... not fruit juices or dried fruits, but fresh whole frutis have so much fibre…
  • OMG A fellow BLOCKHEAD!!!! My profile pic is me at the June NKOTB concert in Toronto.... And it was my picture with Donnie taken on the cruise that was one of the motivating factors to finally GET THIS!! ROFL So cool to find a fellow BH on here... My goal is that for my next picture with Donnie I will be 100lbs slimmer and…
  • My money is on him lacking in other 'departments' and there by needing to supplement his lack of balls by taking it out on someone he perceives to not be a threat... I would have looked at him like the douche bag he is, asked him if he as serious, and told him to get the hell OFF the damn bike or I will get the manager.…
  • My friend is a HUGE fan of this book... she lost all her weight through cardio and weight lifting but mostly cardio and then she took the next step and started doing this program. She looks amazing!
  • I had three things happen within a week of each other: First: I had a glutonnous day of beer and burgers and fries, while out with friends we had men join our table... one spent the whole evening talking to me and then near the end asked my friend out for dinner (of course she being skinny and me not). My retaliation was…
  • I still can't believe there is someone here with my exact same story... Asked to be in wedding Found out my ex will be there and that he is now dating... Took the first step! :)
  • Thank-you! That is a great idea... There is no reason why I could tag on some alone time... and on the days when she can't come, those days I can do the harder workouts until she wants to step it up! :)
  • The whole points of use working out together originally was to follow one routine and since I had the most experience that fell on me... We workout on the terrace at my condo with free weights, there really isn't an option to doing two difference things since she really has no background in fitness. After the work out,…
  • Thanks everyone! I will do just that, inform her of what we're doing, let her know ONCE maybe TWICE that her form is off and then try and put blinders on... it will be hard but I'll try! And if she doesn't want to do the second set then she can go off and sit in the sauna I hate how the thought of this is stressing me out…
  • She can just be so confrontational... its exhausting... I know she is a great friend and I can count on her for anything... but sometimes when I am correcting her she gets plain all out angry with me when she really truly doesn't have a clue about working out... Sigh Tonight we start lunges... and lower body work.. I can…
  • My workout buddy cannot workout tonight and she has told me she doesn't want to run tomorrow, so unless I plan on being off schedule I will need to do upper body and run alone tonight... first time running alone... key will be to kick my *kitten* out the door... Yup *kitten* Out.... The door... Anyone here feel like…
  • Cery cery much so! And I am the one pushing my much thinner friends to keep up with me, which, lets face it just makes me want to go harder! *hee hee*
  • This is why I am slowly (ok, maybe head over heals quickly) falling in love with this site! I have a faith in my journey this time that I have never felt before and whenever I even waiver for one moment I come one here and remind myself that it IS possible.... Posts like yours are the reason I know it will be done this…
  • I know this may not help right now, but there is evidence to suggest that when we eat learge amount of refined carbs the metabolic process involved in breaking them down actually induces hunger... I've personally found that on days when I 'treat' myself to say, a large bagle, I am RAVENOUS that evening or the next day...…
  • I AM LOVING THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 5'8.5" and all my life I've been over 200lbs... well, obviously at SOME point I was under, but my earliest memory is weighing 190 lbs in grade 7... I'm 256 now and dream of getting to 170 and it was VERY hard for em to fathom that weight until I found this site... This…
  • Thank-you so much!
  • Thank-you! I forgot how much I love to run... and now that we have a very set program (that ends the week before my goal 5km run) I am more motivated than ever! I also heard about this theory... but was wondering if the same applied too running since it takes so much out you, which is silly because all cardio SHOULD take a…
  • I'd love to join! THis fits PERFECTLY with the end date being the week before my brothers wedding! You are totally AWESOME for doing this!...
  • I realize this isn't always an option, but I have limited my contact with people who I consider to be enablers of bad food choices. You know the ones, those people who will talk you into a night at the pub with chips and burgers even though you've alerady had dinner... or brunch, followed by dinner followed by movies... I…
  • Agreed! I also realized that I need to be able to enjoy a good smashing... a nice planned out smashing... that way I won't be perfect perfect perfect... only to drop cartons at a time until I look around and realize months have passed.. (ok, this is where the egg analogy ends! lol) I plan to enoy my weekend... I indulge a…
  • I don't follow MFP at all. Instead, I follow weight watchers... I find that the calorie restrictions here are to low, and too focused on calories as opposed to fat/protein/fibre and carbohydrates... I am losing about 2-3 pounds per week doing this... After a life time of 'dieting' I finally realized it is about finding the…
  • Thanks everyone for the positive feed back... I think this may really be like falling in love, once you get it, you get it and you wonder how you ever thought you had it before... It's made a huge difference interacting on a daily basis with someone who is where I once was... she is a constant reminder that quick fixes,…
  • VERY well said... And I mean VERY VERY VERY well said!
  • I do believe that refined carbohydrates are as addicitive as alcohol and cigarettes... They combine with emotional instability to create serious cravings that are VERY difficult to fight off... Its only once I realized this that I started to serious limit my intake of refiend carbs and cut myself some slack when I craved…
  • My workout friends bailed on me and instead of going to the gym on my own I stayed home... Granted, I stayed home and ate my regularly scheduled dinner with a substitution but not caloric additions so I would say that was a massive WIN... kinda' , right? lol What I did learn last night though was that the gym is much…
  • WOW Your replies brought tears to my eyes!!!!!! I think it is impossible to not see it as a 'sign' that the jeans I thought would fit me by Oct (40 inch) are actually the jeans to would fit me at goal... I am being shown, in numerous ways, the path towards what has elluded me my entire life. I have faith in myself I am…