Is it wrong to lust after weight loss?

Last night I was retuning home from work and while passing by this glass wall at the train station I caught a glimpse of myself, on just such an angle that I looked slim... something I have never been...
This has happened every once in a while, a photo where the light caught my face just so... and angle where I had to do a double take... but THIS time the image froze itself in my mind and I started lusting after it... imagining myself in the cute suits and hot jeans... seeing the strut, the smile, the change in my face and posture...

I feel it in the depths of my heart this time...
I will fight to my last breath to hold onto this determination, I've lived in hope long enough.

12.5 pounds down (since last year) 7.5 pounds included in that in the past three weeks... 87.5 to go...


  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Good for you hun!!! Keep it up! Anything is possible!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Girl please! That's not wrong at all! After losing my baby weight, I check myself out all the time! Visualization is a great motivator!!! Keep up the good work and before you know it you won't be lusting for it anymore...because you'll already have it!!!:wink:
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    That is absolutely not wrong :smile: You can do it!!
  • Texas_Nana
    Texas_Nana Posts: 92 Member
    Try to draw the image you see. Even if you aren't an artist, you should be able to recreate something close to what your mind's eye saw, put it somewhere close so that you can pull it out for inspiration when you need it.
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    It's absolutely not wrong! I do it all the time. I'll see myself in the right light, the right angle. Or I'll see someone else and just imagine myself with that body. It motivates the hell out of me.

    Congrats on your loss, and good luck with the rest! You can do this.
  • Newnanax3
    Newnanax3 Posts: 192 Member
    No it's not wrong, it gives you something to work for. What a great post and wonderful determination!! You will succeed for sure.
  • cathyAprice
    It's definitely part of our goals to see how we want our bodies to be--just as long as we don't obsess over it because that just causes stress....and stress packs on the pounds! You'll get there! Go you!!!
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Heck no - there's nothing wrong with that at all.

    I actually had a dream about being thin not too long back. Now all I need to do is keep working towards making that dream a reality :drinker:
  • ElaKuz
    ElaKuz Posts: 49
    Thank-you so much!
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    Nope!! That feeling, that deep desire that you felt in your soul, will be VERY helpful in your achievement of your goals. When you may want to fall off, draw on THAT feelign to bring you back. I think thats GREAT!!! :)