Who is doing MFP as designed?

So many post that they modify their diet. Some don't eat all or their exercise calories back. Some modify the nutritional values.

I personally zig/zag calories to net the same daily requirement but on a weekly basis. I also don't worry too much about the nutritional values online (as I eat pretty balanced mostly).

I am truly not judging, I am interested in how many people are doing MFP "as is" and how is it working for you?



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I lost all my weight without exercising. I recently started walking but this was after I lost 30 lbs. As long as you stay within your goals you can reach your goals.
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    I up my fiber and protein and usually come in under my fat and carbs and hopefully sodium. I LOVE eating my exercise calories back. Thank goodness for those! : ) I just started a couple weeks ago so we'll see.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I use MFP as is. I count my calories and I exercise I try to log everything as accurately as I can but I do tend to drop the ball on weekends. I normally end up over my calorie goal after dinner each day and then I go for a run which puts me back in the green so I eat a couple eggs over easy and then I am good to go. I try to land exactly on top of the MFP goal number every day. Some days I go over it and some days I end up under it. I can tell you that this is work well for me and in a few weeks the army will no longer have to check my body fat percentage because I will be at an authorized weight.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I honestly dont look at most of the #'s on here except my calories. I try and always stay within that. Normally the rest fall into place. My protein is over sometimes but I think my protein is set too low so I dont worry about it.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm doing it as is, I think. It's my first week!

    I so far am always over on my carbs, but I'm vegan and eat a LOT of carbs, so I'm not worried about that.

    Yesterday was my first DOR of MFP and I hated not having those exercise calories to work with! I ended up going over by about 250 calories... and was advised by my friends on here to try to make up for that today, so I'm going to leave behind 250 exercise calories today! Is that part of MFP, or am I doing "my own thing"? I'm not sure.

    I'm loving MFP!!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    while I don't any longer, I did while I was losing weight. For about 1.5 years I used MFP religiously and ate all my calories, logged everything, while participating. I lost about 50 lbs (most in the first 8 months), learned how to eat healthy, learned all kinds of new exercises, and in the process developed a healthy relationship with my body (something I was lacking before), so I say, MFP is a perfect weight loss tool if you go into it with the correct expectations and the right mindset.
  • ElaKuz
    ElaKuz Posts: 49
    I don't follow MFP at all.
    Instead, I follow weight watchers...
    I find that the calorie restrictions here are to low, and too focused on calories as opposed to fat/protein/fibre and carbohydrates...

    I am losing about 2-3 pounds per week doing this...
    After a life time of 'dieting' I finally realized it is about finding the balance between eating too much and eating too little and that yes, there is such a thing as too little.

    But that's just my opinion
  • wanttogetskinny
    I changed the nutritional 'requirements' to alter how much is recommended to me in terms of carbs, fat, and protein. I also reduced the recommended sodium intake. And I set my fiber at 25 (for some reason it was only recommending I get 14g a day).

    I want to try zig zagging. I actually made myself a spread sheet to keep of track of my daily calories and how they fit into my WEEKLY calorie allotment and so I can zig zag and make sure I'm not way over or way under. I haven't tried it out yet though.

    Right now I'm not exercising due to a blood vessel issue I'm having (let's just say I don't want to cause an internal hemorrhage!), but when I can I will!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I don't follow MFP at all.
    Instead, I follow weight watchers...
    I find that the calorie restrictions here are to low, and too focused on calories as opposed to fat/protein/fibre and carbohydrates...

    I am losing about 2-3 pounds per week doing this...
    After a life time of 'dieting' I finally realized it is about finding the balance between eating too much and eating too little and that yes, there is such a thing as too little.

    But that's just my opinion

    Do you realize you can customize everything in MFP to suit your needs? Just click goals, change goals, custom and you can edit everything.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I modified my sugar intake lower and modified the total calorie intake to 1250 instead of 1200. I don't usually eat my exercise calories though. :)
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    I'm pretty much using it as is, and definitely was for the first 6 months during which I lost 20 pounds. I also couldn't exercise much (injury then pneumonia) so had to do it mostly by counting calories.
  • BigClaire88
    So far I'm logging everything, meeting my excersise goals but nowhere near my calorie goals. Most days I'm having a calorie deficit of over 1000 and I'm not hungry enough to eat those extra ones either. I could reach those goals is if I re-introduced the foods and drinks I'm avoiding but I'm not going to do that. I'm happy with the food I'm eating (mostly) and the portion sizes, so why change it? :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I was following it's guide lines but i changed it yesterday to more protein and less carbs. i want tot get more defined and drop the last 10 lbs that i have been sitting around for the past 3 weeks.
  • Jamiebaby05
    Jamiebaby05 Posts: 47 Member
    I am just tracking my calories, eating half of what i normally would eat and making sure i excersize. I try not to eat my exersize calories but if i break into them, i go on a walk or do some vigorous housework....Ive only been on here little over a week but the first week.....a very big success.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    NotAllWhoWanderAreLost Posts: 615 Member
    well, since MFP allows us to set our own goals, IMO we are tweaking the process from the very beginning. There are no "good foods" or "bad foods" just targets to watch. Yes, the macros DO matter (carb/fat/protein) so watch them too. The system is set up to allow a person to succeed at losing weight even without exercise, but i am sure we can all agree that exercising is the way to go. No set amount, type, intensity or frequency: do what works for you and be sure to fuel whatever it is that you ARE asking your body to do. Get connected to your body and how you are fueling it. Thats the basics. Then there is the reality of the fact that if you eat REAL foods you can eat more/better foods than if you rely on packaged/ready foods. This *should* be a no-brainer for us all (think about life up till the past 75 years or so), but for many (including me) its a matter of habit because *my time* on this planet just happened to have been in the era of fast, plenty, and easy food acquisition. (and it showed!)

    When we accurately measure/weigh/record our foods and stay within our targets produced via well-chosen goals (not everyone should be set at a 2-lb a week weightloss goal!!!!!!), and we stay at least moderately active, and have the patience and self-love to accept that its a journey -- and often a long one --- the system works. Pretty much "as is"

    There are special circumstances, of course, where the system can and should be tweaked to help one achieve their specific goals, but it should be done carefully and intelligently, with a mind toward analyzing and re-tweaking when needed.

    Bottom line: educate yourself before tweaking :flowerforyou:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    I now generally eat my exercise calories but I am down to my last 3.8 pounds. I changed the nutritional values for protein (which also means changes for fat and carbs) because I think MFP is way too low on protein and to high on carbs. I also made a huge increase in the fiber number since MFP is not even close to the minimum amount of fiber a person needs a day which should be around 28g or more IIRC. Also, I changed the sodium number down to 1800, as their default number is way too high.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I use it as is, and while I haven't been on for long, I no longer feel bloated or tempted by sweets and chocolate. I feel I have more energy, and it's liberating knowing I don't have to deprive or starve myself. I'm all about healthy eating right now. That and exercise.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    NotAllWhoWanderAreLost Posts: 615 Member
    I now generally eat my exercise calories but I am down to my last 3.8 pounds. I changed the nutritional values for protein (which also means changes for fat and carbs) because I think MFP is way too low on protein and to high on carbs. I also made a huge increase in the fiber number since MFP is not even close to the minimum amount of fiber a person needs a day which should be around 28g or more IIRC. Also, I changed the sodium number down to 1800, as their default number is way too high.

    i agree! And great job on your weight loss thus far! Woot!! :drinker:
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    I use it exactly as is----I eat all my exercise calories--within 50 calories of my goal is what I aim for and I also change my "how many pounds I'd like to lose a week" every time I drop 20-25 pounds. I've lost 73 so far and the scale is still moving :)
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    So many post that they modify their diet. Some don't eat all or their exercise calories back. Some modify the nutritional values.

    I personally zig/zag calories to net the same daily requirement but on a weekly basis. I also don't worry too much about the nutritional values online (as I eat pretty balanced mostly).

    I am truly not judging, I am interested in how many people are doing MFP "as is" and how is it working for you?


    The only thing I don't follow is the carb recommendations. I'm diabetic, so my allowances are a bit lower than MFP recommends. Otherwise, I tend to stay pretty close, though I usually come in below on the calories.
