Questions about Creatine
Hey I'm on the football team and I wrestle. I want to use creatine to help gain weight for wrestling. I'm planning on using creatine during the summer for football workouts. here are my questions 1. When i get off of creatine, how much weight, mass and strength will I lose? 2. Should I cycle on and off of creatine? or just…
Creatine bloating!?
I want to start taking creatine but I don't want to become bloated (With the summer coming up). How can I avoid this? I've heard that drinking a lot of water won't cause you to bloat. Will loading cause bloating? If I start will I lose muscle definition? THANKS
If I take protein with creatine?
My protein has creatine in it, like 3 grams. If i wanna switch to just creatine will I still have to load? Or just take 5 grams a day. And will drinking more water stop bloating? how much water should I drink to not bloat. And can I eat creatine? like put a scoop in my mouth then drink it down with whey? because I don't…
I need some advice on CREATINE!
I'm 16 and this summer for football workouts I want to try creatine. Should I ? are there any risks? what are the benefits of taking creatine and what are some recommended brands? thanks!
When to bulk?
I want to bulk. But idk when. I want to but the summer's coming up and I want to keep a "beach body". I can't during the winter because I wrestle and have to maintain a weight class. so when should i?
Whey Protein
I want to start taking my protein right after my lifts (I'm now taking it in the morning). Before I go to weightlifting, I change in the wrestling locker room. In our locker room there is a mini fridge. Should I mix my protein at home, get to school, then put it in the fridge? Or put milk in the bottle bring protein and…
When putting oatmeal in my shaker bottle, does it matter if it's cooked or not? and also should I blend it?
I want to start taking my protein right after my lifts (I'm now taking it in the morning). Before I go to weightlifting, I change in the wrestling locker room. In our locker room there is a mini fridge. Should I mix my protein at home, get to school, then put it in the fridge? Or put milk in the bottle bring protein and…
I'm bulking and always come up short on my protein needs. ANY HELP?!