30 Day Shred - Track?
How do you guys track this? I tried to enter it into the exercise tracker, but couldn't get it to come up. Is there something I'm missing?
I drink several cups of decaffeinated coffee per day. Can these be counted as my "water"?
Best Bathroom Scale?
My bathroom scale is going crazy on me! I can get on it 5 times in 5 minutes and it will give me 5 different weights! And they can vary up to 5 lbs. Makes it very difficult to track my weight or feel like I'm making any progress. Obviously, I'm in the market for a new one, so does anyone have suggestions for the most…
Happy to be here!
Hi all! Like many of you, this is my millionth attempt to lose weight. I've been up and down for much of my life, but especially since turning 50, it feels like I just keep packing on the pounds! For the first time, I am also noticing that this excess weight is affecting other areas such as my ankles, my back, and…