Inspirational video
Saw this on reddit the other day, thought I would share it with you fine folks. Enjoy:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH0nP4NzS9M&feature=youtube_gdata_player
how i feel towards women
sums it up nicely. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpgj04Tp4rs
Divert your course!!!
This is a little bit old, but still funny. Enjoy!
Valentine's Day
Is this the right time to pre-order extremely overpriced flowers? Ladies - whats a good v-day for you? Do you expect anything, and if so are you devastated if he forgets? for the singles: does this time of year annoy you? or do you hit the local singles scene and hate-f*** the next person who offers u a v-day shooter
how to know if your plastic surgeon is legit...
im sure some of you heard about this halarious implant-gone-wrong story, and if you havent here it is: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/phony-us-doctor-accused-using-cement-surgery-031230834.html basically, Oneal Ron Morris claimed to be a plastic surgeon and allegedly offered low-cost household operations to sculpt sexy buttocks,…
hcg is a sham - federal agencies act to remove hcg products
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-500368_162-57338043/federal-agencies-act-to-remove-hcg-weight-loss-products/ The FDA and the Federal Trade Commission today took joint action against several companies selling over-the-counter hCG products that falsely and illegally claim to promote weight loss. Labeled "homeopathic" by the…
the elusive higgs-boson
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/12/07/higgs_boson_comes_closer/ God particle may be within our grasp Rumours of Higgs sightings precede latest results seminar By Brid-Aine Parnell • Get more from this author Posted in Physics, 7th December 2011 15:22 GMT Free whitepaper – VMready Physicists working on the Large Hadron…
Blood type linked to stroke risks
I dont have the link for the scientific study, but it was reported on chicago tribune. http://www.chicagotribune.com/health/os-blood-type-stroke-aha-meeting-2011-20111115,0,3717053.story Your blood type may put you at higher risk of stroke, according to a large, long-term study presented Wednesday at the 84th annual…
sport science credentials
Do you think its necessary that your trainer/person giving you advice be the embodiment of the said advice? For example, if you’re asking a nutritionist about dieting advice, wouldn’t you want them to not be overweight? The reason I ask is because im thinking about hiring a personal trainer, with specific goals in mind.…
Im at the gym so I won't elaborate too much, but basically I've been strength training for several months. My problem is that I have hit a plateau. My max bench has not improved for at least a month - if anything I find it difficult to keep up with what I was capable of before! Assuming I'm doing the other things right…
Truth for mature humans
What is attractiveness?
A spinoff from some other threads - What importance do you attach a persons face vs body? U just have the two Options - on the other thread, most of the MFP ladies said you place a higher premium on the guys face. So how important is a good looking face vs a hot body? Ie. My rating is 60% body, 40% face Note: plz don't…
i need more awesome, funny friends like YOU! apply below. athatisall.
Fat tax
is finally being implemented in one country - Denmark. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2011/10/02/denmark-introduces-fat-tax-on-foods-high-in-saturated-fat/ Denmark has introduced what’s believed to be the world’s first fat food tax, applying a surcharge to foods with more than 2.3 percent saturated fats, in an effort…
Advice needed on fitness goals
Hey all, I just put together my first progress report, and i need a little feedback from all of you currently bulking - or anyone that has been through a bulking phase before. For a brief background, check out the blog i just posted here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/lj27/view/progress-report-152476 Basically, after…
flirt thread
is this allowed anymore? i havent posted in a while, so i dunno
what is the greatest injustice you have ever suffered?
other than being the recepient of an ethnic cleansing movement back in my home country, i will say that i have suffered one injustice that went unpunished. when i was in third year university i got an internship with a huge steel company (internship = paid 12 month contract offered to students before they graduate, for…
making news in your area
i was in ottawa this weekend and came across an odd billboard with the caption "Win a baby" an ad by a local radio station Hot 89.9, and thought it was a joke. turns out its for real, and making headlines. so i was just wondering whats making news in your neck of the woods these days...…
spicy quinoa-stuffed peppers
had this tonight, thought i'd share this recipe :) recipe; http://christiescorner.com/2010/10/05/recipe-spicy-quinoa-stuffed-peppers/ Spicy Stuffed Peppers Serves 4 as a main, 8 as a side In a large saucepan, over medium-high, heat: 2 tbsp canola oil Add to hot oil and cook until soft (about 5 minutes): 1 onion, finely…
The hypocrisy
booty Thursday is ok but cleavage tues. Is where the line is drawn. Haha Note to anyone, if you post anything that makes other people feel insecure you will be deleted. Fail
forums resume
have you belonged to any other forums? and if so how long did you post there? i started posting on this forum called Earth 2025 when i was 16, because i played the game. i posted on those forums for a few years until we all grew out of that phase. as with most forums, random topics were discussed and we constantly argued…
Just had some turkey sausages and I caught myself using a total of 6 different condiments - not all at once but just as an assortment. Needless to say I love my sauces and condiments- my usual go to are hot Sauce, hot pepper rings and tzatziki. What r your favorites, and what are some good healthy choices?
dna in meteorite
interesting article i read today: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-08/building-blocks-life-can-originate-space "In what appears to be seriously big news from a team of NASA-funded researchers, scientists have found evidence that some building blocks of DNA--including two of the four nucleobases that make up…
Meeting goals - need advice
hi fitness pals - maybe i can get someone to give me some advice? im looking to bulk by adding 10-15 lbs. when i filled out the profile, according to my lifestyle (sedentary), and other parameters (starting weight ~198, height 6'2") i was given a daily calorie goal of 2930 cals. i realize this may be a bit low, so i…
Meeting goals
edit: posted it in food and nutrition. my bad
Half of men would ditch woman who gained weight: poll
Found the link on reuters, but the original poll was done on askmen.com http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/26/us-sexes-survey-idUSTRE76P5CU20110726 Just thought that was interesting - since this is a heavily female dominated forum, what do all you ladies think? Edit: The original poll can be found here, along with many…
for the men
just wondering if there are any guys out there using fitness pal as a tool to gain (muscle) mass? i've been working out consistenly for many years, and have reached a plateau that i can't seem to get past. my goal is to gain 10-20 lbs of muscle (i'm 6'2, ~200lbs with about 15% body fat). has anyone been able to sustain…