muscle cramp remedies
Just started biking and loving it! But my thighs are cramping super hard and i'm out of sugar for the day, so bananas are out. Any remedies?
motivating myself with a little black dress
I haven't tried any real kind of goal or motivating tool thus far, fearing that i'll pick something unrealistic and give up when I can't reach it. But now I feel it's time, so here is my promise to myself, made here in public for all of you to see: I will go to the gym at least four times per week doing cardio and strength…
discouraging people who think they're 'helping'
I have heard this a couple times now: "oh, you're eating a bagel? you know you just basically negated your entire workout" "oh, you're doing sit-ups? those are useless without some resistance" why not say, "oh, you're trying something new? well, unless you're perfect, don't even bother. you're just wasting your time and…
Fighting-How should I record this exercise?
I work approximately 40 hours per week at a group home for Autistic children. At fairly regular intervals, I am called upon to restrain these children for the safety of themselves and those around them. Don't worry-I am trained in how to do this in a respectful and safe way, and do it only as a last resort. Nevertheless, I…
finding the right exercise
So i've done hot yoga. It made me feel awesome but isn't helping me build the muscle i want. Then I walked for over two hours. Burned a bunch of calories but man was it boring! Today i did Zumba, and it didn't get my heart rate up where i wanted it-plus I have terrible coordination and almost sprained my ankles a bunch of…