100 Days of 2016 Challenge : The takeoff

Welcome to a better you in 2016!!!
Imagine an adventure quest where everyone is trying to find the grand prize. We all have different maps, we travel at our own pace, we fight with our own weapons and we always come together as a team to support ourselves in times of trouble. We check in daily and write down mission logs to testify our bravery. Along our journey, we have check points that help us stay motivated and we track our progress with our all knowing spreadsheet.
Does this sound like your kind of adventure???
Then join us as we continue on the path of success we started back in 2014!!! We are only getting better!!!!!

This group will run for 100 days starting January 11th and ending on April 19th. We will have 10 milestones along the way.
The group will remain public for the first 10 days and afterwards we will become private, accessible only to those who join. Let's do this!!!
Owner: danelutza19Leaders: danelutza19Created on December 26, 201550 membersPrivacy: Public



Upcoming Events

Aw snap, no events are coming up.
