Important stuff will go here one day.
Week 7 - May 25 to May 31
Ola Hello and Bonjour! Hope everyone had a successful week and are ready for a brand new week starting tomorrow! Here are this week's challenges! Food: Pick a dietary bad habit and try to beat it this week! Mine is something I'v slid back into. I started having coffee at home to avoid buying a coffee at Tim Horton's and…
Week 6 - May 18 to May 24
Good Tuesday morning everyone! Sorry I'm a little late with this posting! It was a long weekend for us and it messed up my routine! LOL MischelM had a great idea for this week and I'm going to apply them for us today! Thanks for the idea! Food: Our challenge this week is to stay within 100 calories of our calorie goal…
Week 4 - May 4 to May 10
Surprise! Ya I'm early on this one but I just had a good idea for the food challenge so I wanted to get it posted in case you need to research and plan for next week. I'll post the fitness challenge this weekend. So I usually track carbs, sugar, protein, fat, and sodium in my diary and I was looking at the different things…
Week 5 - May 11 to May 17
Good Monday morning All! Sorry I'm late! I've been sick and our air conditioning and furnace broke down so I haven't slept well because it's been so hot... UGH! OK here we go for this week! Food Challenge: I love the idea of herbs and spices so let's try this... 3 times this week, let's use FRESH herbs (fresh that have…
Week 3 - April 27th to May 3rd
Its that time again! Time for new challenges! :) Food: Let's stick with fruits and veggies this week only this week, you must eat 5 different colors of fruit and veggies. Can you do it??? Bring it on! Fitness: Let's relax our lower half and work on arms this week. STANDING DUMBELL CURLS! You can do them with a weight bar…
Week 2 - April 20 to April 26
Alrighty! Everyone ready for week 2??? Fitness: This week we're doing WALL SITS! We're going to be doing one set of 3 per day. Here's a link to show you how. There's also a modified version in case of knee/joint sensitivity. So try 30 seconds, rest, and then repeat twice more. On day 2, add 5-10 seconds (whatever you're…
Week 1 - April 13th to 19th 2015
Hi everyone and welcome to the group! I'm excited to start this again and hope you'll have fun with me! Here's how it will work (for now). I'll post new challenges on the weekend to give you a chance to prepare for the coming week. To join, all you need to do is post on the thread that you're in it to achieve it! Then, let…