Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!! I was going to take a ride to my friend's farm but she is coming home early. Nothing else planned so will ride my bike and visit Joe. I might take a walk since it is so beautiful, it would do me good. Movie night was great with watching The One and Only Ivan, a true story based on a book about a gorilla in a mall for 27 years. I loved the movie and of course cried a lot. I highly recommend it although I think it is on Disney+.

    Jackie, what charming pictures, you have such beautiful views!! Enjoy that eclair, we only live once!!

    Anne, I can't wait to hear if Michael stopped by. Animals are so perceptive aren't they??

    Buzz, I am so sorry about your friend's daughter. No one should bury a child no matter how old.

    This day is getting away from me again. Have a great one and keep healthy and smiling.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY. Yes, Mike came over for two hours, in fact he's just gone home. He was quite frank, NOT to see me, but to see Jilly. We both took her for a long walk and then just before leaving he took her for another short walk. He had to carry her home because they met a cat. Jilly isn't keen on dogs but she adores cats. She just wanted to sit and stare at the cat. Anyway home and after zoomies, and a game of fingers she's now in dreamland and he's driving home.

    Mike said he will never help me shift furniture again after viewing how I'd put everything back as was in the back room. So he isn't forgetful at 58 almost 59.

    I see Mr Trump is after our lobsters in Canadian waters now. Maybe for celebration dinners IF he wins another term?

    I'm feeling a bit sleepy myself!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited August 2020
    Hello. Good afternoon/early evening.

    It is much cooler today. It was in the 50’s F this morning as I puttered around with my plants on the deck I had on a long sleeved shirt and a light hoodie. Felt good. I have an insect attack. They are boring holes in all of my tomatoes, pink, just turning and green as can be. I cleaned some vegetables this morning and attended online church.

    Another puzzle grabbed me and I spent most of the rest of the day working on it.

    Anne, I am not surprised your son is finished with moving furniture. Well happy Jilly had a good day. I hope you enjoyed it as well.

    Sandy, another great movie night. What fun! A quiet day is nice. It has been very quiet here. I believe five households close to me went away on vacation. Another neighbor was home but he and his wife had a moving van yesterday in preparation for a move to another state. I used to see him a couple of times a week at Trader Joe’s. I never asked about his background but as they were leaving I found out he was a newspaper reporter and I believe the newspaper either cut way back or went out of business. So he was just filling in with that job as his wife had a very good job here. Nice people.

    I also spent some time looking through the Sunday ads online to see if there were any Labor Day laptop specials to tell my friend about but did not find any. By the way Sandy, I did try when we could get together to try to orient her a bit with my iPad. It made her too nervous—she wouldn’t even try it, she would just look over my shoulder.

    Jackie, I loved today’s photos. Beautiful panoramic view and a sweet view out the window. I hope as your project progresses that you will get exactly the space that you will enjoy. So your neighbors are home and are happy to get away from the throngs? I can believe that. High schools are playing football games. I watched several of them Friday evening. What a difference between them. One had people wearing masks and sitting well apart. It looked relatively safe. The other game, no one had a mask, people were grouping and sat close on the bleachers. I am sure they would say masks aren’t needed outdoors, true, but when you don’t keep your distance?

    On the Covid news, my friend has survived and is now well enough to continue his recovery at home. They threw every protocol his way and something worked. Yes!!

    Bob, have you heard of this store?


    Some friends were discussing it and what a wonderful place it is to shop. Although I never travel, especially now, the photos were so compelling for a moment, I really wanted to see it.

    Thinking of you Buzz and you as well Patsy. ❤️❤️

    Here’s the new completed puzzle.


    See you tomorrow.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! Sunday, and it is a sun day! Not too warm, thank goodness. It is to be a warm week then a cooling trend. Sounds like autumn doesn’t it?

    I listened to a wonderful Sunday baroque program. I love that music. It sounds so pleasant and it has a feeling of cheerfulness. I turn it on loud (too loud according to John☺️) and fuss around with a Sunday dinner for us. I am trying a Greek spinach-feta cheese casserole. Not sure if it will be too weird for John or not but he is game for my experiments.

    Katie is due for another grooming session. This time she gets a conditioning treatment on her hair. He also gets her nails trimmed a bit. This doggie has better and more frequent beauty treatments than I have. Is there a pattern here? I might need to follow the same schedule for myself. Monthly facials and trimming my hair. I usually wait until I am a total disaster. I have no excuse.

    Sandy: I love animal programs but I confess if they are too negative I have to stop watching. The same with negative movies about children. I love the movie and the book, “Marley and me.” But I have to quit watching near the end. I know the spot when things start to get sad. I stop watching before that.

    Anne: our son would tell us not to do those things that could hurt us. Then if we went ahead and continued, he would get very “vocal.” What a to do!!!

    Jackie: love that Panarama shot of the moors and the doggies. Good job on experimenting with your camera.

    On to the dungeon.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Patsy, I can tell you this movie has a happy ending which made me cry.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, thank you for your lovely card. Hi to everyone and I'm keeping it short to save my breath and fingertips!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello Buzz❤️❤️❤️❤️ take care. Wonderful to see you here.

    Good morning. A Wedgwood teapot today.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Goodness PATSY, in some ways we are rather alike. I can't watch anything sad about animals either and turn off Marley and Me before the end! Same with little children. We both spoil and adore our girls, have messy "dungeons" (I don't see how one can paint and draw without a messy dungeon) and get yelled at by our sons for doing what comes naturally. Moving furniture in my case. It's my form of a change of scenery these days!

    I'd never dare use the wedgewood teapot LIN and where do you find such interesting jigsaw puzzles?

    Well it's washday for me. I'm very predictable. So I'll away for now and wish you all a happy day,
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Yesterday was wonderful… we took in a small early evening gathering at a local ice cream stand for some music by a local dance band. Of course no dancing allowed and masks required when not sitting. Hard times for local musicians. The ice cream stand is owned by church friends of my sister… profits go to missions. My daughter and husband texted a pic of the kids apple picking (definitely not the usual “apple-picking pic”)



    Today Jean is registered with the Red Cross hosting blood drive at fairgrounds in lieu of State Fair. She has that O-negative blood that can be transfused to patients with any blood type. If I could, I would also give. Great weather today (although it was “pumpkin spice” cold this morning. LOL

    Anne – thanks for the laughs! “… thrown out of Mary Jos dance line class…” "clear off Anne" and “choir master… pointed at me and said "you, OUT"...This meant I had to join the French class instead. Alas, my French wasn't much better!” OH YES – we would have hung out together, if we had attended the same school. It only bothered me when the nun would rap me with the pointer… :D

    Ps – Barbie – sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Sandy – Glad the air conditioner kicked on for you. As much as I like the heat…I need that relief – especially for sleeping. I understand what you mean about keeping spirits up during these pandemic times. Even going out and about I can tell it’s all wearing thin on some people.

    I did read yesterday – “New CDC report says 94% of patients who died from COVID had other health issues” – so only 6% of deaths listed COVID-19 as the only cause. The report says that 94 percent of patients who died of COVID-19 had another health condition ranging from respiratory illness and heart disease to obesity and diabetes.
    "Provisional death counts deliver the most complete and accurate picture of lives lost to COVID-19," the CDC said. "They are based on death certificates…and contain information not available anywhere else, including comorbid conditions, race and ethnicity, and place of death." I think most of us were aware of age, co-morbidity issues etc., but I know some younger people that weren’t. Wish you the best on dealing with it all.

    Jackie – With my sense of humor when I read your comment: “Do you know I’ve never in my life eaten a McDonalds burger” you can only imagine what I wanted to jokingly reply. I was addicted at one point to a weekly Big Mac…but I haven’t had any fast food since May 2019 of any kind. Jean loves a McDonalds regular cheese burger and only eats a child-size meal (never my style). She has always managed a certain amount of restraint – that I never had. Hence I “super-sized” my weight LOL. I have no desire of McDonalds anymore. You aren’t really missing anything.

    Lin – No… I never heard of Vidler's 5 & 10, but just Googled – it is 2 ½ hrs from me – and at some point down the road will have to check it out. Thanks for putting the thought in my head.

    Time to get for the Red Cross… hope everyone has a great Monday. Bob

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Guess what BOB and JACKIE, despite living here I've never had a mcDonalds either! But I do miss fish and chips! Have you ever had fish and chips and mushy peas BOB wrapped in brown paper and wrapped again in newspaper to eat outside on a bench facing the cold North Sea. Oh my!!!!!
    I bet your Jean would love English fish and chips, NOT the ones sold over here! A great big fresh off the trawler piece of haddock, cod, or plaice! covered in dark brown crunchy batter! And not namby pamby French fries, but lovely crunchy big English chips....heaven! The seagulls appreciated them as well, dive bombers!
    So you got rapped by a nun with a pointer! I got rapped with a ruler for forgetting to bring my bible to school. We are indeed twin souls dear boy!
    You wouldn't notice, being a boy, the added burden of being a skinny mousy/gingery haired girl. All the "Shirley Temples" were the teachers pets.

    While the washer chugged away the Bean supervised whilst I pulled up dozens and dozens of tree saplings! And that was only one side of my small garden. I'm having a coffee right now and reading everyone's comments before heading out again. I've got half a brown garden bag full of saplings, wee saplings, so far. Mother Nature is amazing and a damn nuisance at times.

    I won't bore you with my experience of reluctantly (clue: it didn't want to leave me) giving my O type blood, but I really admire the souls who do give!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Outside weeding again, I just got stung by a wasp. Ouch........ inside disinfecting entry point. Not weeding anymore today. Natures revenge?
    Anne . 😳🐝🌿
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Windows are open for fresh air, although it feels like it is getting hot again. I do have a ceiling fan that helps while I am on my computer. Today is Babe's 81st. birthday and I have yet to hear from him if I do at all. Yesterday he told me that it is getting harder and harder to talk to me since they listen to all his conversations. He said his son harasses him if he calls me. He said he would try to call when he can to which I said you don't have to call at all and at the time I meant it. I have to admit it hurts that once again he doesn't stand up to his son but I will work hard on letting it go and move on.
    Bryanna is leaving on her road trip to California today. Her friend is going there to get her Master's degree and they plan on camping at State Parks which doesn't make me happy. She is stopping here to pick up my credit card because I asked her to stay in a hotel rather than camping but she said only if the weather is bad. They plan on staying in a hotel at least one night but I really hope they will stay each night. They have pepper spray and possibly a taser but still I will worry. She will fly home once her friend is settled. Again no control over other people's lives just my own. I know this but sometimes it is hard. (right Barbie)

    Anne, oh no I do hope you aren't allergic to wasps. I hate August for that reason they all come out just to annoy us. It is not too hot for Jilly is it?? Today must be one of my worrying days, sorry.

    Bob, great pictures as usual. I read that report as well but still the US has 180,000 deaths. My friends would love me to join them at an outside restaurant for lunch/dinner but I still am not comfortable doing that. My DIL said if I did I would have to wear a mask to watch the kids and I would prefer not to do that. BTW, I watch old reruns of game shows and guess who was on Match Game last night, Paul Williams. I think the show was in the 70's but not certain.

    Buzz, so nice hearing from you again.

    Jackie, are repairmen there or are you just busy??

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not sure what bit me, it was big and black as I knocked it into the garden waste bag. Finger Still hurts, interesting shade of pink and swollen. Anne.😳
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2020
    Oh no Anne and earlier when I was fixing the Perspex roof on the chicken run I heard my neighbour say ouch then another word before telling whoever she was talking to on her phone she had just been stung by a wasp! It’s that time of year for sure.
    A beautiful morning for walking became overcast by 1130 while a friend who dropped in for a coffee joined me in the garden. The view here has shown sunshine about a mile down the road which made me think it would probably clear as evening arrives which it has!
    Crowds of visitors were arriving on the moors as we finished our walk so because it’s a Bank holiday I decided there’s no point going out. Schools go back at the end of the week so the holidaying crowds should depart then it will be older and generally more sensible folk about!

    Bob, Great photos as ever. Let’s hope one day we can look back, laugh and say remember when we all had to wear masks wherever we went? As our Covid death toll rose during lockdown we were often shown photos of individuals who had died and I quickly noticed a large percentage were overweight to obese which of course brings with it all sorts of underlying issues. Then an older generation especially in care homes who would also have other health issues so it’s interesting to read such a high proportion of victims slotted into those categories. Hopefully it will mean kids going back to school will be safe; just have to be regularly tested to avoid them inadvertently spreading the virus at home.
    I’m sure you know your weight loss is an amazing achievement and I imagine not helped by McDonalds being everywhere. A few years ago I visited Krakow in Poland and couldn’t resist taking a photo of a young man playing his violin in the archway of an ancient city wall. Very atmospheric except through the arch on the street behind him a modern sight... McDonalds!!

    Anne, the tastiest fish and chips I ever enjoyed was in Oban on the west coast of Scotland sitting on a bench looking out towards the Isle of Mull while a cold wet blast of fresh air blew off the Atlantic! Hardy people the Scots!!

    No pointers for rapping knuckles at my school but a solid wood blackboard cleaning block thrown across the classroom at any misbehaving child!

    Hello Buzz. Wonderful to see you dropping in. Take care ❤️❤️❤️

    An interesting teapot Lin but I imagine it wouldn’t last long having boiling tea poured in and out. The wrong kind of pottery although I could be wrong.

    All that talk of burgers, fish and chips means I now feel the need to prepare my evening meal.

    A text just arrived to let me know my order for the Carole King Tapestry vinyl has been dispatched... happy days!

    Take care.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited August 2020
    Hello, I have tried repeatedly to get here to write a post but it was one thing after another from updates from a worried mom on her daughter’s surgery, to tending to the laundry, and a big crash in the basement. A hunt for my regular paper punch, sorting out boxes and trash (pick up day tomorrow). Placing another grocery order with Whole Foods. Anyone betting on the likelihood that the system is working now? Last day to review my subscribe and save order with Amazon and some research on a study book.

    All terribly dull. Some fun, my new little leaf paper punch showed up and I have more little leaves ready to go. Final design not set. Cut out some Halloween images and may make a few easy cards for that day as well.

    Okay. You are all much more interesting.

    Jackie, it will be nice when all the holiday folks go home again. School has started in my suburb but quite a number of students chose the online option. So they remain trapped in the house with the same adults as usual. My friend has several grandchildren who are doing the online schooling but no adult will be home with them all day. I guess that is not unusual but I would be worried to leave kids alone in the house with no one there to help with questions, etc.

    Anne, darn bug! I hope you recover quickly. Wasp/bee stings are so bothersome. I was stung by wasps on my stomach one year. Oh, my, gosh! Painful much!!!! I think that is a hint to stay away from them. Gosh now you’ve made us all hungry. I love air fried potatoes but won’t be making any this evening. On the question you posed, I have been purchasing puzzles where they can be found. At first I found one in a local store and got a curbside pick ups. Since then I have found more and more reputable companies doing online orders. Puzzles are out of stock all the time. I am always pleased to find something I wanted. I have had to purchase 1,000 pieces and higher for the most part. My attention span is more 500 piece. 😂🤣😂

    Sandy, I am sorry you are not hearing from Babe but you knew that was coming. He is a prisoner in that house. I don’t know why he didn’t realize what would happen. And Bryanna and her friend should be fine but staying in a hotel/motel might be safer. But no one listens right? Wishing her well.

    Bob, I love your photos and once again, that looks like so much fun! Even with masks. Now even the photo of the orchard has made me hungry as I noted the beautiful apples in the background. Well, I didn’t know how close you lived to that store but thought in all your travels you might have been there. You know on Facebook, someone starts a topic and photos and then others chime in with comments and memories. They made that store sound just fantastic. I was sold! I need to see what I could get online, a pale experience compared to the store. And good job Jean with the magic blood. So wonderful that she donates. Saving lives.

    The comorbidity issue has turned ugly. I am seeing posts saying those people were meant to die anyway so should never have been counted as Covid deaths. Well, those people may have been living just fine with their conditions until this virus came along. I guess I am pretty angry because I see this coming from the same people that earlier said, hey, if old people are dying, that’s just the natural order of things. Too bad, so sorry grandma. Seems fairly heartless to me.

    I think Wedgwood is well used by many people but I could be wrong, maybe most people just purchase things like this to look at. This color of Wedgwood was unusual to me, I have seen more blue.

    I must run along. Time to crush some boxes and get the trash out to the curb.

    All best wishes.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited August 2020
    The comorbidity issue has turned ugly. I am seeing posts saying those people were meant to die anyway so should never have been counted as Covid deaths. Well, those people may have been living just fine with their conditions until this virus came along. I guess I am pretty angry because I see this coming from the same people that earlier said, hey, if old people are dying, that’s just the natural order of things. Too bad, so sorry grandma. Seems fairly heartless to me.

    All best wishes.


    My thoughts exactly Lin!!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Take good care dear ones. We are stressed and insecure at this time. . It is natural to turn on others when our life and wellbeing is threatened. But we will be fine if we foster respect for each other. I feel sad that people are so frightened. As one of my life lessons I like to think of Jackie tenderly releasing field mice or gathering little black spiders with a handkerchief to set free out in the garden. I am sure I have all of the comorbidity issues but I still feel I have a place on the planet and might still be of some use.

    So my dear sneakers, don’t even think of that word. Take good care of yourself and others. We will all try to be here after the COVID 19 drifts away.
    Are you with me?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    <3 Dearest Patsy, the law of averages tells me that because our little group of caring, loving sneakers has managed to form and share thoughts and experiences on this internet magical mystery tour, there will be thousands more out there just like us. All we can do is prove to the negative ones that being older or having health issues doesn't make anyone worthless, in fact quite the opposite because life's experiences teach us empathy, consideration for others and a sense of history that can be frightening if ignored.

    I'm not particularly religious but brought up with Christian values that hold no place for hate, not even for wasps! Turn the other cheek dear friends and move on.

    Happy Tuesday.... love you all. <3<3

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Exactly dear girls and very well put. I lay awake all night for two reasons. One I couldn't get poor Roy out of my mind, he should never have died in that senior home recovering from surgery and succumbing to the virus. Avid gardener and he loved Christmas to the extent we all got a little something. Every adult on his street got a box of biscuits or a box of chocolates, every child a little gift. He will have left a huge empty space in his street now he's gone. And a big empty space for me and Helen. Val his wife was our cousin. We both had our weekly phone call from him. It's odd on a Sunday at 9am not hearing his voice anymore.

    The second reason, well whatever bit me and scurried off had my pink swollen painful finger turn into a pink swollen itchy finger in the night, despite squeezing to get whatever out, and applying ointment, tea tree oil etc. I will live, but I must remember I'm not gardening in England anymore and purchase garden gloves which I hate. Spent the afternoon peering at the descriptions of 31 biting and stinging insects and spiders and the nearest I can get of what I briefly saw and stung me is a black widow spider but surely they aren't up here in Ontario? I believe they are in British Columbia though and with the heat of this summer please don't tell me they are here now lurking under wood and leaves!

    So, we soldier on in the knowledge that hasn't hit the young yet, that youth is fleeting, that even wasps and black widow spiders have a right to life. Another poem springs to mind.

    When all the world is young lad
    And all the trees are green:
    And every goose a swan lad
    And every lass a queen,
    Then hey to horse and boot lad
    And round the world away
    For young blood must have its course lad!
    And every dog it's day.
    But when all the world is old lad
    And all the trees are brown
    And all the sport is stale lad
    And all the wheels run down;
    Creep home and take your place there
    The spent and maimed among
    God grant you find one face there
    You loved when all was young.

    Charles Kingsley.

    Probably not completely accurate but sent with love from
    Anne 🙃🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    I have nothing meaningful to offer in this discussion. Just a teapot.


    with love and best wishes