Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I'm beginning to realize I don't walk alone when it comes to.burning things on the stove. Thanks girls! Mark, on being told I nearly burnt his house down suggested I buy an air fryer. What on earth is an air fryer? How can something working with hot air brown chips? Mark hasn't a clue, any of you girls or BOB possess an air fryer?
    Thanks for turning Jackie's photo around SANDY. We all can't wait to see the finished project!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Anne Jake's Ninja Foodie has an air fryer and it works great. Read about it on the internet
    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    I have an air fryer and a countertop oven with an air frying function. It is lovely to air fry.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    It’s another day and another teapot. ❤️

    Long narrative from the poster:

    “I'm always on the lookout for anything different, rare or unusual and this teapot certainly falls into the rare and unusual category. Why? Because it's a British made bone china teapot by a company that wasn't based in Stoke! This was made by Abbeydale New Bone China Co. Ltd who were based in Duffield, Derbyshire. The company was not in existence for all that long, they commenced production in July 1962 and ceased production in May 1974. The teapots were manufactured at the Jason works in Stoke-on-Trent and then transferred to Duffield for decoration. I have not seen any other Abbeydale teapots for sale anywhere else, so I am pretty chuffed to have this sweet little 1 pint / 600 ml example in my collection.”


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Raining “cats and dogs” this morning … besides the usual… time for some more in-house organizing. Yesterday was simply amazing at the zoo with the grandkids, daughter and son-in-law. So heartwarming to witness the love and respect they have for each other... they are amazing. Hard to believe our grandson (turning 13 this yr) is now taller than Jean, the middle child (10) is already growing into “young lady” status and the youngest full of confidence at age 5. Here are a couple pic’s from the zoo.


    Lin – as you can see from the above, it was a great day as you noted. Like you I am attracted to reading, bookstores and libraries…even in a day of the internet. I still prefer to “hold” a book and if it is something I bought, I like to highlight things important to me. I do re-visit some books every few years. I like puzzles, but nowhere as much as you and my daughter (& grandkids). Glad you “scored” the veggies you wanted! Love the llama puzzle!

    Barbie – You are clearly a “real” Paul Williams fan. It is people like that I find so interesting. The ups & downs of life they experienced and how they came out on the other end. That is why biographies are my #1 choice. How kind of you to make homemade blankets for children in need. Great work!

    Anne the unrepentant – Like that moniker! Experiencing the same here with the weather. One day it’s around 90 and the next a high in low 70’s. Yesterday morning the sky clearly advised summer is coming to an end and the temp was in the upper 50’s and too cold for the deck and coffee at 5am.

    Jackie – LOL on being the only person to know Paul Williams – I think we all have that feeling from time to time about things. It might have been the same storm for your friends QM2 trip.
    Most ships stayed on the fringe but NCL Breakaway even with warnings sailed right into it…it was all over the news … dishes crashing, rooms flooded, vomit throughout (sorry), people frightened to death etc… they ignored warning of the “Cyclone Bomb” as the news called it and intentionally sailed right into it People sued etc and it took a couple years to settle. We took that ship out after it arrived still encased in still smelled etc. Conversely, we had a wonder 4th of July trip in 2014 on the QE2 – beautiful ship (photo).


    I can’t imagine what dealing with all that asbestos must be like…it must have been very stressful at times. A “scene out of an environmental disaster movie” doesn’t sound like a great time.

    Sandy – Yes it was quite the cruise. Horrendous for those that sailed through it and not pleasant for us heading out a day late with smells still present and rooms still having carpets dried and the smell… worse yet was the cancellation of Aruba (the ONLY reason we took the cruise). The ones that sailed thru the storm had to sue and we rec’d a 25% credit to use on next cruise good for a year…we passed on the “opportunity.” As for the grandkids – you can tell from my opening – it was wonderful! I know you love that same kind of family bonding… hope all is working out with the car issues.

    Have a great Thursday everyone. Bob
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Absolutely horrible out. Very wet and humid. Short walk but I was dripping by the time we got back. No more walkies today with another 30 in the forecast by noon. I shall wash the sheets instead from my move to the front bedroom.
    Oh oh, BOBs name just showed up on the flash at the bottom of the screen. Let's see if his walk was as unpleasant as ours.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Great post BOB. Your cruise reminded me of when my ex and I sailed back from a holiday in the isle of Jersey. No kids then! A tremendous storm lashed us. People throwing up everywhere. We couldn't use the washrooms the floors were so bad! The ex and I remained on the lurching deck preferring the storm to the mess inside and guess what, neither of us suffered the same fate as most others. The storm was so bad, a BBC news camera crew photographed the ship docking. Our friends at the time swear they saw us peering over the rail, us being the only ones really on deck. Never forgotten that trip and it was the mid fifties. I've kept well clear of ALL ships ever since. Oh, almost forgot, tomatoes rolling everywhere because they were originally boxed for sale in the stores in England.

    Great photos of your family, keep them coming!

    I prefer a nice new smelling book fresh from the bookstore to read as well.

    Me and the Bean are enjoying the two window air conditioners.....aaaaah!

    Last, my "baby" Mark is 56 today! WHAT! My oh so cute, pretty little angelic looking wriggly baby, 56! This can't be! And Mike will be 59 in 9 days time. Guess I'll have to stop telling folk I'm 60!

    Anne, the reluctant sailor. Don't mind canal barges though!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Something must have happened overnight because the heat and sunshine had turned into low cloud and torrential rain by this morning. A bank holiday this weekend so I decided it was a good idea to get a few groceries in and was in town just after 8am. Naughty though, I bought a pack of 4 Brioche bagels... not exactly a healthy option! By the time I was heading home half an hour later the roads were flooding! A very short dog walk after that then a couple of catch up phone calls, one with someone I worked with over 40 years ago who lives to reminisce about the funny side of life. That was a fun hour! The electrician who visited a month ago was also rung and he will get to me as soon as he can to go over my requirements for new lights and sockets. The dank smell that hung about yesterday from the uncovered walls seems to have gone, unless I’m just getting used to it and I’ve put a couple of heaters on in the rooms to hopefully dry things out. At some point when it was raining I put my head out to check the dripping gutter and good news, nothing! My neighbour’s however appears to have come apart so splish splash further along.

    Delightful photos Bob and it’s obvious from the natural poses what a loving family it is, all down to Jean and yourself I’m sure!
    Certainly climbing the greengage tree was the better option while asbestos was being smashed and swept up!

    Anne, I looked at the Ninja air fry selection and thought the combination with a grill would be the most useful for my lifestyle Plus the others look enormous for my small kitchen. As to how it works, no idea!
    Thanks for the recommendation Barbie, I will certainly do more research because anything that makes cooking easier and more healthy is a good option for me.

    Pretty teapot Lin and interesting about the short history of the manufacturer. At least 6 books were collected up as I tidied before yesterday’s work and put in a ‘to read’ pile so once the last few strips of wall covering are off and there’s nothing to be done for a while I shall relax and work my way through it.

    Are you still without a car Sandy? A good excuse to stay home and chill!

    I hope you are alright Buzz. So glad the hurricane missed Florida although it looks horrendous for others.

    Hello Patsy of course... watching the political speeches and no doubt having the occasional meltdown! Is that painful hip behaving?

    I’m not sure where my day has gone but it’s time for my afternoon cuppa and a rather rain soaked Brady just popped through the cat flap and will be wanting some kibble.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Meeting today and hopefully my car will be done today. They sent me a video of the work they are doing and I am more than impressed. I don't know how they did it but it looks brand new. Once I get the car I will post before and after pictures. I just hope Bryanna will be available if the car is ready today, not keen on taking an Uber. Maybe they can deliver but no use in anticipating something that might not happen.

    Jackie, good idea for you to relax for a change. You will have plenty to do in getting everything done in the very near future.

    Anne, your baby is 56 and mine will be 48 in November. My oldest was 57 in July. After reading about your and Bob's cruises I am grateful that those I have been on have all been wonderful, especially since they were with family.

    Bob, great looking family even with masks. I am glad the weather cooperated and you had a great day. The Queen Mary was huge correct? It looks beautiful. Our cruises were all on Royal Caribbean and I always have a balcony room because of the view.

    Lin, are you having a heat spell as well? I think storms are coming tomorrow but a great weekend. Hopefully we will have movie night over the weekend.

    Barbie, I will also have to look into an air fryer. I missed my opportunity when my friend told me one was half price on Amazon and I told her I really wasn't interested but now it sounds like something I would love.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2020
    Thanks BARBIE. I passed the Ninja Foodie info onto my sons. Mark in particular is very interested. Something for me to think about. I gather it cooks and crisps a 5 lb chicken or 3 lb of French fries amongst other things.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Here is a fryer that was quite inexpensive when I purchased it a long time ago. It is how I got started.

    Then later, after my little countertop oven failed, I got this monster. I adore it. I use it to toast, bake and air fry most of the time. Favorite functions but it takes a lot of countertop space. I cannot tell you how much I love this!!!



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) There are lots of videos on YouTube with people showing how to make all sorts of things with the Ninja Foodie. That's how Jake learned to use his
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited August 2020
    Well, another day done. I have been communicating with a former co-worker. We had yet another colleague from Lake Charles Louisiana. So we have been chatting as the storm caused extensive damage there. Lots of discussion with another group of ladies about our governor apparently out of the blue decision to close bars in a number of counties. Lots of speculation as to why she did it today. And I had an hour long phone call with another friend. The Thursday friend. When I called, she was surprised, she did not realize it was Thursday. ☺️

    Bob, thanks for taking us along on the trip to the zoo. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Lovely family and everyone very comfortable with a camera around. You have trained them well!

    Jackie, what a tremendous amount of work. I hope you get your electric updated quickly. And do take some time for a bit of reading I always have a stack of books. Did you find out if any checks/hens are available to keep your current hens company?

    Anne, did your son make any progress on lowering his financial obligation to his ex? Keep looking at the air fryers. They really do brown things!

    Sandy, I hope you got your car back.

    Patsy, hello.

    Barbie, and to you as well. I see you are posting right about now.

    And Buzz, all best wishes.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Before and after! So impressed and such a good price. I am so happy!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    What a great fix Sandy. Looks like new! 🤗

    Happy Friday teapot

    Earthenware teapot in the Indian Tree pattern - Stamped 'Lord Nelson England' on the base. Likely produced by Elijah Cotton Ltd, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent (1885-1981) in the the late '50s to early '70s.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Lots of info ladies. Thank you so much. Must take off, busy day starting early, but lots of info to study later,
    Anne the grateful.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy, as I viewed the first couple of photos from the top I was thinking I couldn’t see any damage but then scrolled down! Oops, but a brilliant repair and even better if you think it was achieved for a good price. Happy days!

    I’ve been out and about all morning and must get a couple of chores done at home. Back later!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited August 2020
    Just a hello to all. I need to sort out and destroy some old bills and papers.

    Tomato plants are watered, possibility of storms later today 🤞🏻🤞🏻 that the probability of hail is wrong or at least misses us. I have more than a dozen lovely looking green tomatoes out there.

    Dragging a bit low today. I was in touch early today with a long time friend. Someone I have known since January 2nd 1990 when we both started jobs in the same department of a local corporation. Her husband has had years of health challenges, trials and tribulations including a heart transplant and for the last year a long fight with cancer, multiple operations and biweekly chemotherapy. I asked how he was doing as she had not mentioned him lately. Well, turns out he is ok but she has been somewhat busy with a biopsy and lumpectomy. A surgery is scheduled for this Monday and then a course of radiation. She and I live in different cities and she hadn’t uttered a peep about this. I was wishing her a happy birthday....🤦🏼‍♀️

    Enough said.

    Sending best wishes to everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is almost done, then a little sprucing of the house before picking up my groceries from Walmart. Will stop in Dollar Tree to get a few cards and see if "C" batteries are back in stock. Will get Babe a birthday card and see if they give it to him, just my own little game. I did take a Lyft to pick up my car yesterday as Bryanna was in the city. I wore my mask as the driver did and it was only ten minutes away. I really can't tell you how happy I am with this repair especially since I had three other quotes ranging in price from $1500-3000. He charged me $615 with tax and since I didn't go through my insurance company I was thrilled. Some people would have left the damage but being a little OCD it was driving me crazy so I had to get it fixed and so happy I did. Sorry the pictures are so big.

    Lin, how sad for your friend, so many health issues with her husband and now with her. I am glad you were able to listen to her, I am sure it helped her cope just a little.
    We also might get big storms but it changes by the hour.

    Jackie and Anne, enjoy your busy day, I hope it is fun and not all work.

    I must get moving if I want to get anything done. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! I have WiFi in the short term. It is still in process with two WiFi companies working on the repairs. Could this be a scary thought? Two large corporations working together on a repair in a tiny town on the coast of Oregon? To make this even more interesting, put into the mix a repair of an old drawbridge that is the main road from one side of the bay to the other. Water, sewer and phone lines run beside and under some of the bridge supports. In truth! It is sort of exciting as well as frustrating. I know! I am just a bit STRANGE!

    I see autumn is marching right along here. I am wondering about a possible Indian summer. I love autumn, the colors, the smells, the light and the cooler temps. Brings happy thoughts of when I as a young mom, I would be buying school clothes and supplies for our kids as well as for John and me. The start of a new school year was dizzingly busy and no small amount of anxiety for my little brood.

    I must confess to a huge belly laugh when Sandy showed us her now perfectly repaired car. When we lived in Alaska all the cars that were operational were just short of a total disgrace! Frozen mud covered the cars, rusted out places were common from the salt that was regularly scattered on the thick ice. It was also common to see cars going down the road with rusty fenders flapping in the breeze, barely hanging on to the car. We would say...”wow! That has been completely Alaskanized!” Funny exciting times back then.......

    I am putting together as many of my painting photos as I can. It is a complete time sink. Hours scoot by as I plow through all this stuff. I actually even threw a lot of stuff in the trash. The dungeon is looking worse than ever. Oh well. It really has never been actually clean and organized. Are you surprised?
    Miss chatting with you lately,🎽