Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sweet tea and a couple of crisp breads have done the trick and I’ve even eaten a small bowl of pasta for an evening meal so I think Patsy you are right about low blood sugar. Very occasionally I do get some of the symptoms that knock me about although never before a kind of vertigo to make me physically sick and although my GP never came up with a diagnosis a practice nurse told me once that she thought that was the problem. Hey ho, I have been pushing myself but need to remember I’m not 21 any more, not even 41, 51 or 61!! 🤪. Painful hips are a quandary and although I’m delighted with my new joints I know we all approach these problems differently as we get older. Knees more so!

    Sandy, I know what you were thinking about a temperature and it did cross my mind at one point, especially as I’d visited my hairdresser, as careful as she is. I don’t possess a thermometer and when I thought I should buy one at the start of the pandemic they were crazy prices I refused to pay. I’ll check Amazon in a minute to see how much they are now. 😉

    Independence is a necessity so long as we can maintain it Anne and you’re a girl after my own heart. A gutter at the back of my property has sprung a leak but I know if I put a ladder against the wall my neighbours will tell me off as if a 4 year old! If the high winds and rain stop I might just take a look (Very carefully) before they return from their Canal boat trip. 😌

    A small amount of washing up then an early night because Asbestos man says he will be here by 8.30 in the morning.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh by the way, there has been some road and culvert repairs along our road and some of the fiber optic cables were cut in several places. This has necessitated relaying that cable. So I might disappear from time to time. I am still with you dear ones, just taking an occasional maintenance break.

    Also I am still in a Long term process on my possible youtube art show and accompanying artist statement and blog. Fun new adventure!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Jean went out to dinner last night to celebrate her girlfriend’s 83rd birthday. I was home doing small jobs (replaced old carbon monoxide alarm etc.). Today was pretty much “same old same old.” Got up at 4:30am and enjoyed some thunder & lightning. Stopped raining by 5:45 and headed for gym…great to be back. Weather was humid but nice in the afternoon (low 80’s).

    Excited for tomorrow. We have zoo reservations to spend time with daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. It’s all reduced capacity, masks etc. but can’t wait to see them. It is the only day this week no rain is expected and the high will only be low 70’s “sweet.”

    Sandy – Car problems are definitely a pain and no car for 3 days makes it even worse. Hope all gets fixed perfectly – the first time for you. Re: Sunrise – yes, we were on a cruise. Weather wise, it was bad out of NYC…delayed a day and overnight Aruba portion cancelled – and that was the ONLY reason we chose that sailing. The ship was a mess etc. Here is a clip of the ship we took 24 hrs after it arrived in NYC and they should have cancelled ours – it made all the major news outlets.

    Hope your cholesterol is ok now.

    Lin – Sorry about all the grocery order cancellations. I understand your position re: “why they are accepting orders if they know the system is broken?” I’d rather they just tell me at the outset of potential problems in any situations, so I can make my own decisions.

    Jackie – I checked and the Paul Williams doc is still on Amazon Prime…see pic. I am truly fortunate with the gym and its location…less than 3 miles away. It is part of the plaza I do 99% of my grocery shopping at (Wegmans – It one of the best and always rated a top 10 employer by Forbes/Fortune). The sunrise was one of the cruise highlights for me.


    Tomorrow should be busy – after the gym, we have some early shopping planned (not at the mall), then home for lunch and freshening to meet grandchildren at the zoo and at 5pm Jean meets a couple of her girlfriends for dinner. They get together every 3 months or so normally – but COVID got in the way - it has been a long time for this gathering. Not sure how they do it – they can sit for “hours” catching up. But I love when she does it…she has some great old friends and these date back decades.

    Adios for now. Enjoy the evening. Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited August 2020
    Good evening. It is still very warm, about 90 degrees so I haven’t gone out to get my mail yet. 😃

    I made a trip to the credit union and then stopped at the library to try to pick up my holds curbside. Unfortunately, they did not answer the phone so I drove home using a different route to see a bit of new scenery.

    I had placed a second order through Instacart for missing items and ordered from a different store. Score! I got the items I ordered. Then chopped lots of vegetables for a yummy salad.

    After lunch, I drifted off a bit to work on a puzzle. My friend who is searching for a laptop called and asked me questions for another hour or so. Hey, I guess I either do have some knowledge or am highly opinionated! 😂🤣😂

    I am reading a book that I would like to finish and return to the library but that darn puzzle keeps drawing me in. I will go to the library again tomorrow even though I will not be returning that book. I have some holds to pick up and the library will be closed starting the 27th for a week or two for more remodeling.

    Bob, sounds as if you have a great day planned for tomorrow. You and Jean are busy folks even in the midst of “The Great Virus.” In my lost post, I too had commented on the sunrise photo. I loved it and in general I love both sunrises and sunsets. Such wonderful colors and fleeting in comparison with the hours of daylight or moonlight.

    Sandy, I hope the shop gets your car fixed up to your satisfaction. Being without your car for three days really clips your wings. Hope you stay cool. 🤞🏻

    Anne, wow, the furniture mover. You are a strong lady. ❤️❤️ Glad Jilly is feeling better.

    Jackie, I am sorry you had a bad spell today. May you wake tomorrow in good health. You have been working very hard. Maybe your body just said, hey, I need a rest.

    Buzz, hello dear. I am glad the current storms are not coming your way. Best wishes to you as you continue your PT.

    Patsy, sometimes these seemingly small injuries take lots of time, patience, and rehab to get better. Just take care❤️❤️

    Barbie, I hope you are well.

    My local friend hospitalized with Covid was able to speak to his wife and told her he felt a little bit better after his plasma treatment. I hope that is true and he will recover. He is quite young. I am not certain he has hit 50 yet.

    Two friends who have been in rehabilitation, one with heart surgery, the other with the very bad hip injury and surgery, have both been discharged. One lady went back home and her husband is sort of looking after her. The other has gone to stay with her son. Progress!

    Well, not nearly as nice as my morning post...

    Best wishes all.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I love Paul Williams. I got the DVD of "Paul Williams Still Alive" from the library before we had an Amazon Prime membership. I read his book "Gratitude and Trust". I choreographed a beginner line dance to "The Rainbow Connection". Yes, I am a fan.

    :) Jake found out today that he was able to renew his drivers' license online. He was dreading having to drive to the office to do it. From what he said, it is a service available up to age 74 so next time we'll have to go in person.

    :) Bernie was almost out of dry food so I went to the grocery store today and shopped for everything on our list. I went early when the store was almost empty. There are excellent safety protocols in place. I wore a mask and gloves and took my time so I could keep my distance from everyone. When I got home, I put all my clothes in the washer and took a shower and washed my hair.

    :) The rest of the day was zoom meetings and riding my bike and watching TV mixed with some more dog walking.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Just finished this blanket for Project Linus
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    More maybe later because I'm just going for a shower on a cooler, hopefully, Jilly walk day, but wanted to let you know what the radio weatherman said this morning. No surprise Bean got heat stroke with the rest of us looking like last weeks wilted lettuce.

    We have had this summer 30 days of temperatures of over 30 degrees - all time record, and
    19 days of 29 degrees. This will continue in September. Our first 30 plus day was at the end of May.

    I expect mangroves will be growing on the Great Lakes shorelines next as we all watch we don't step on the odd alligator who will have eaten all the Canadian geese.

    The times they are a-changing. I must invest in more heat related clothes and less in my beloved winter gear! Blast, shorts and bikini tops don't go with "long in the tooth" wrinkles.

    Last of all, I daren't climb a ladder whatever else I do. Please JACKIE, don't climb the ladder to inspect your eaves and especially with your nice neighbours away. PLEASE! We need our daily dose of Jackie and the doggies on the moors, and not Jackie describing a hospital wall!

    Sorry to be a bossy boots! But
    Anne the unrepentant. 😳🐶❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    A group of blue teapots 💙💙


    (Staying Away from ladders)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    The puzzle won out last night.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Barbie, what a wonderful blanket. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I have a friend who is a knitting fiend. Always making something so I mentioned the Linus Project to her as I did look for some information and found there is a way to deliver blankets in this locality. She sounded interested enough to look for additional information.

    Happy knitting to you. And so glad to hear Jake could get his license renewed. That is a problem around here. Several friends needed renewals and they had to sign up for an appointment. From what I was told, there are fewer people waiting but there are still many people in the building.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And I'm over the moon. Walking Jilly I could see my old neighbour Darren in his front. Their tenants left last week after a two year stay, and Darren, Katherine and the girls have returned permanently from the UK. They are in two weeks quarantine but I'm so pleased because they are a lovely little family. Katherine was born in the UK and they were considering remaining in Britain, but I guess the virus helped in their decision making. At least Katherine's job was left open for if she returned.
    Yeah, yeah, I've hopefully got my snow clearer and handyman back! But even better, lovely neighbours to chat and wave to.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    What wonderful news Anne ❤️❤️👍🏻👍🏻❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2020
    Well, that was an interesting morning. Asbestos man duly arrived with.... George the human! I showed them where the tea, coffee and kettle were then left them to it, drove to the moors and walked George the dog and Betty Boo. On the way home I stopped at the farm shop for bread and milk where a different assistant told me my new hair cut with its pink blush is “cute”. Many years since that word was used to describe any part of me! 😜. When we got home the workmen were just finishing a cuppa then showed me into my cottage to find a scene out of an environmental disaster movie. Every surface was covered and taped with blue plastic sheets and the door from the kitchen had a double layer with a flap cut in the middle to walk through. I took a coffee into the sunny garden thinking thank goodness we didn’t do this during yesterday’s storm while they smashed up the asbestos lining and bagged it up. It took a couple of hours but in that time I did some gardening and then took my ladder down to my greengage tree that doesn’t bare fruit and oh-oh Anne, climbed a few rungs to cut out top branches thinking all the while tee hee, no neighbours to tell me off! That job is almost completed but I was called up to look at the walls minus the asbestos and I’m pleased because I think once they have aired a bit, a plasterer will be able to easily make good ready for painting.

    Marvellous Anne, your lovely neighbours are back so you can plan snow clearing even as it remains hot. We too have had hottest temperatures on record but don’t tell the climate change conspiracy theorists!

    Haha Lin if I had a jolly jigsaw like yours I’d sit more often. Perhaps too I should avoid the 1000 pieces puzzles. That’s a pretty tray of teapots... enough tea for everyone! Although plasma treatment hasn’t been thoroughly checked and cleared for use here there are many frontline doctors suggesting it’s worth the risk of side effects if it aids recovery from Covid. I do hope your friends all continue to recover.

    Thanks for the prime video link to Paul Williams Bob. I’ll watch at the weekend and now Barbie tells us she too is into the man’s music while I had been thinking I must be the only person left in the world who knew of him. Certainly my friends in England don’t although they know so many of his songs performed by other artists.
    That storm onboard your cruise ship looks terrifying although everyone does seem calm. I wonder if that’s the same storm a friend of mine sailed into on Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 a couple of Christmases ago. She mentioned it was a bit hairy out of New York!!

    Patsy just don’t disappear too long while those fibre cables are replaced.... have serious words with them! I think your YouTube exhibition is a brilliant idea so please think of it as a definite rather than “possible”.

    Hello Buzz, I do hope you are still improving with the help of your PT <3

    Must get on and see if I can get the rather long grass cut before the next storm!

    A butterfly just flew in my window... perhaps she’s seen the forecast!

    Happy Wednesday. Stay alert and safe.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited August 2020
    Happy Wednesday! :) Hopefully, car is being repaired as I write. Little Charlie was a pistol yesterday, she did not nap and is now throwing tantrums when she doesn't get her way. We just ignore her but she does have a temper. lol Bryanna picked me up as promised so now the waiting game. Still very hot at 98 degrees so I predict another high electric bill this month.

    Jackie, you naughty girl, what am I to do with you and Anne?? I thought you were going to say the two men saw you on the ladder and cut the branches for you. I can dream can't I? So do you now have just open studs waiting for drywall? Or do they just make a hole and suck out the asbestos? It must not have been dangerous or you would have lung problems. I have to admit I am confused on all of this, but what's new?? I think when a butterfly flies in your window someone who died is saying hello to you. Anyone come to mind??

    Anne, I am so happy for you, I know how much you like Darren and his family. I know what you mean about shorts and tank tops, wrinkles win. Hard enough wearing shorter sleeves with bat wings. lol The heat has been excessive this year and probably a good things the pool wasn't open, I might have cleared it out in a swimsuit. B)

    Barbie, beautiful blanket, what a great talent and generous donation. I am glad Jake got to renew his license without going in person. I also love Paul Williams, his songs bring back lots of good memories.

    Lin, what a great puzzle, how many does that make for you? I am glad you got your groceries, I will wait until I get my car back before my next order. I order for Wednesdays because I think Walmart stocks on Tuesdays and found I get most of my order except for cleaning supplies.

    Bob, wow, what a cruise, I think I would have been seasick. Did they give you a refund? I hope you had a wonderful dry day at the zoo. It had to be great to be with the grandkids.

    Patsy, love that idea and when it is all done be sure to send us the link. I would love to see your artwork.

    Buzz, hope all is well with you.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2020
    Well, I had no right telling JACKIE not to climb ladders. Not after what I did. Michael phoned to tell me about his visit to his lawyer (trying to get his payments reduced to the ex after only having $68 left to live on in his bi-weekly cheque) and I was so interested I didn't realize I'd left the chip pan with olive oil on a still lit burner. My marvellous little dog reared up to plonk her paws on my knees, and was turning her head to look in the direction of the kitchen. Frying pan now in the garbage, Jill's stopped shivering and looking towards the kitchen, and with windows open is now barking at passing dogs. What a doddery old idiot I'm becoming! Good job I've got a guide dog!

    Enough for one day! No more climbing ladders or trying to burn the house down! Actually with PATSY and her fall that's the three potential disasters for this week! Cross fingers!

    Who says old age is uneventful?

    Anne 👵🏻🔥🍳🐶

    PS. Your wrinkles comment SANDY reminded me of the old joke about the old lady who decided to do a nude streak through a stately home. The Duke turned to his butler and said "I don't know what she's wearing, Jones, but it sure needs ironing."
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Oh my Anne, that’s a fright. My grandma did something similar and set her curtains on fire in the kitchen. Very very scary. So I won’t fry anything and will stay off a the ladder. Falls are not always avoidable.

    I have been punching out little fall colored leaves for some cards. Ack, the punch just broke, a replacement may be here on Saturday.

    Meanwhile, I did a little Charlie Harper puzzle.


    I think that is perhaps #19 since resuming my puzzling ways sometime in May.

    Need those leaves to continue with the cards so I will put that aside. Back to the lovely mystery I am reading. It is about a detective whose partner is a dog. So much in the book about the dog’s thoughts, reasoning, smells, trying to understand humans. Love it. It is part of a series and I always look forward to the newest installment.

    Hot, hot, hot. The air conditioner is humming away with just a few breaks.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear, with only a few feet of lawn left to cut I blew the mower up! The grass had grown long in the warm wet weather so it clogged up the blades as I tried to push it to finish quickly. Sparks, smoke and a crackling noise warned me too late!
    I was too tired to look inside the fuse box but have a feeling a new mower will be required.

    Sandy, the asbestos was contained in cement wall sheets nailed in to the old plastered wall. It’s considered a low grade risk because there is little chance of it becoming air borne and breathed in but still better all round to get rid of it. Apparently it shatters like glass when hit with a hammer then bagged up so it can be disposed of safely.
    I now have to wait for the walls to air and any dampness dry out. An electrician is the next tradesman required.
    Well if that butterfly was someone dead I would say ghost Violet would be likely to fly in to look at her original walls and crumbling plaster. Hopefully she will like the final results!

    Close call Anne so well done your little guard letting you know what’s happening in the kitchen. I once did something similar with oil in a wok that caught fire and left black soot over the kitchen walls... oops!

    Lin, relax and enjoy your book!

    Falling asleep so better get to bed.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another upside down photo!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Wow Jackie just wow!! Can hardly wait for finished remodel.

    Anne, I once was making sugar water for my hummingbird and forgot it was boiling on the stove until the smoke alarm went off and all this black smoke was filling the house. I had to remove the smoke alarm from the ceiling and open all the windows. I thought for sure the fire department would come but thank goodness they didn't. Awww memories.