Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hi everybody. I remember, which is probably not quite right JACKIE:

    Whether the weather be cold, whether the weather be hot,
    Whatever the weather
    We'll weather it together,
    Whether we like it or not.

    I'll be back later because Beans got an upset tum and I've decided to stop buying store treats but make my own.
    The one I fancy involves pumpkin purée, peanut butter, two eggs and whole wheat flour.
    Of course I've already put my order in for tomorrow and I'm now trying to figure out how to add a can of pumpkin purée. Too late I think so will have to wait until Saturday and a car trip.

    Bye for now, Anne. Sleepless in Ontario. Bad night!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I am being naughty and missing my meeting today because it was the only time the girl who cuts my hair was available. She works out of her house and we both wear masks so we both feel safe. I will then pick up my groceries from Walmart.
    I got my results from my blood test and my cholesterol went from 259 to 150. I asked my doctor if I could stop taking the medicine now since it was messing with my tummy and other things. She said no and prescribed another pill. So far I think I cannot eat dairy, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and now salad. What is left to eat??? I cut out iceberg and went to romaine but that doesn't seem to be working either. Will see if the new pill helps or hurts.

    Anne, I am with Bean, maybe I should just eat boiled chicken and rice which we gave Daisy with her tummy problems. But then the vet said too much chicken isn't good for her either.
    Just can't win.

    The page has flipped and my memory isn't working so have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good afternoon.

    Jackie, sorry the weather is foul. I see Anne provided the words you were seeking. I hope your day is going well.

    Anne, sorry to hear of the Jillo’s problems. Yes, once an order is placed it is difficult to change things unless you order from a place that allows changes. I order most often from Whole a foods and there are no changes allowed once you hit the order button.

    Sandy, sometimes you have to adjust things even when you hardly ever make a change to something. Hope your hair appt goes well and that Walmart has the items you ordered.

    I was ready to place an order with Whole Foods for a few things but one item is out of stock so I do not have a sufficient $ amount to order at this time.

    Buzz, good afternoon❤️❤️ Hoping you are well.

    Bob, 🙋🏼‍♀️ to you and Jean.

    Patsy, I hope your day is going well m

    Meanwhile, I spent a long time on the phone with a friend this morning. She is bemoaning having nothing to look forward to and is tired of the things she does on a regular basis. Couldn’t help her a bit. Nothing seemed to interest her.

    I am starting to search for a light that will help with seasonal affective disorder. Who knows how long winter may be and I have trouble most years staying in when I had numerous trips out each week. I think it is essential this year.

    One more evening of online crop tour results. I hope tonight things work well. Last evening it was just getting interesting when everything froze up. It did not return so I was disappointed but read an article online this morning that summarized the day’s findings.

    I am also mulling over ideas for fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving cards. Haven’t made any starts yet. Don’t want to waste my supplies!

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross is on in the background... goodness, how many programmes did he record? Happy little clouds over a pink sky!
    I managed to fill a couple of containers with nic-nacs and put them in the back of my car along with dining chairs so I could drive them to the lock-up my neighbours offered. As a thank you I’ve given them an antique granite garden ornament and we had fun moving it across to their property as it’s so heavy. More sliding than carrying!
    The veggie curry is delicious and I’ve just finished a bowl with a side salad...who knows, perhaps I will have lost another pound for weigh in tomorrow. 😛

    The wind continues to howl and I gather rain is on its way but we’re tucked indoors with Bob Ross and my cup of tea so it can do whatever it wants outside!

    Drat, I’m typing in the posting box on the previous page so can’t re-read posts. I do remember Sandy has a hair appointment and Lin is planning Halloween already!
    Yes Anne, if we put our 2 weather the weather efforts together we’ve probably got it!
    Hello Buzz, Patsy and Bob. I’m guessing Bob is enjoying a Jean tomato in a cheerful salad as I type!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mark came over and cut the back lawn. That alone makes the place look tidier but he also swept up debris and cleared Harry's side of the property. The enormous thistle that was peeping at me through the kitchen window is a goner. He was all of 6ft and a bit with enormous thorns! I wasn't idle, I cut yet more branches into manageable lengths and raked up lawn cuttings etc. Jilly just looked her usual little self watching the humans work. It's a dogs life! BUT I'm hoping she's got over her upset tum because she did zoomies around the LR when we came in for lunch AND she ate all her chicken and rice. Now sleeping off her restless night and I wish I could!!!

    Anyway, if I keep this up, a little a day, I can see us maybe tidy by October. Unbelievable the many tree saplings growing, but then, we live in a wooded area with an enormous maple behind us. Two things that have really grown big, two holly bushes, plenty of branches for a merry Christmas!

    Our weather is bearable today, but we are back into the 30s for Friday and the weekend.

    Oh and best of all I'm eating normal again. Homemade Chinese stir fry for lunch with loads of veggies and some chicken stolen from Jillys store. You really appreciate getting your teeth into something solid after 10 days of soup, soggy weetabix, mashed potato salad etc.

    Anne, still sleepless in Ontario. 😳🐶
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hi, a small grocery order should be delivered a bit later. Meanwhile, just a teapot.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Love it Lin and collectible I bet!

    Our wild weather continues but took the dogs on to the moors in spite of gales and driving rain.

    It’s George’s unofficial birthday today based on information left with him at the shelter. Eight years old already and still very puppyish. My neighbours popped round with birthday treats, cakes for the humans to enjoy with coffee and a squeaky toy that Betty immediately stole!

    I’m disappointed with my lack of weight loss and see Anne has had a similar week but all we can do is persevere.

    Must drive into town on a couple of errands this afternoon then press on with emptying cupboards.

    Happy Friday everyone 🥰
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's almost as if our bodies are happy with the present weight JACKIE because however hard I try I simply can't get lower. I'd be happy with 2 lbs lower, but no, virtually impossible.

    Hard to believe George is 8 years old! The same age as Jill's present age when she came to live with me at 10 weeks old. Doesn't time fly past at an alarming rate. We must enjoy every second of every day whatever it brings,

    Jill is on the mend thank goodness. I was really worried the last three days.
    She will enjoy Dorio rolling up with the groceries.

    My back room (art dungeon) blinds collapsed in a big heap when I opened them. They are pretty ancient. Marks going to try and fix but I hope he can't. I fancy wider wooden slats to match the rest of the house than these pesky plastic dust catching inherited things. It seems we are into a pre Christmas winter clean up and not only in the gardens.

    Annie - awake in Ontario.😳❤️🐶

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning. We are under hazy skies that are coming from the sad wildfires in California. My heart breaks when I think of the tragedy upon tragedy going on there. We had a blessed little shower last night. It has been so hot and dry, it has been alarming. We are like a tinderbox, just ready for a careless act to bring disaster here. Our firefighters are helping in California as well as Colorado!

    I have been obsessed with the virtual convention. So many interesting speakers. Today and this weekend I must try to get a bit more chores done. We are in the midst of having to change internet providers. Such a crazy decision. Do we go cable again? Do we get rid of that obscene doodad hanging on the side of our house? Why is this such a hard decision? John has picked up this ball and has announced that he will be gathering info and will discuss all with me in due time. Hummm...not sure about this. As I said, why is this so hard?

    I have been exercising more lately because I am so creaky. The heat really gives me something to think about. I have been thinking about a stool with large wheels to sit on as I cook and clean in the kitchen. It might be just an unworkable fantasy. I might be trying to buy something that doesn’t exist for a job that requires a bit of elbow grease and grit.

    Jackie: our Katie is 4 years old. She is still a puppy (! ) and has baskets of toys that she drags out each evening for us to play with together. Even John gets to play with her teddy bears and squeaky toys. We have never had a dog that continues to enjoy toys like Katie. Katie naps with one of her stuffed animals cuddled next to her in her doggy bed. More of that large litter inherited altitude.

    Anne: in my experience, there is always a spirit muse living in studios and dungeons. She loves light and doesn’t mind a bit of dust and dust bunnies. Toss out the old shades, and enjoy the light and enjoy a cup of tea with your muse. That’s usually my plan.

    Lin: funny teapot. Had me humming the beatle classic, “Yesterday..all my troubles seemed so far away🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶”

    Sandy: there you are with your hair looking great. Mine hasn’t looked good in months. Most of the salons have closed here. We are all looking rather disheveled.
    On to clean the kitchen and listen to my Beatle cd.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started and probably some sprucing up in the house. All my groceries but one cleaning item were in stock but I stopped in the Dollar Tree and got a replacement plus some other items including some low cholesterol sides. Before Walmart I got my hair cut and I love it, also had to go to ATM to make a deposit. Today other than the bike and visiting Joe will be a stay at home day.

    Anne, am I understanding you right, Jilly is eight years old? I am sure I am misunderstanding.
    I am glad Jilly is feeling better, I feel her pain.
    I just read that scientists want to release a new mosquito they changed that will eat bugs but not bite people. What do you think?

    Happy Birthday George!! I hope mom spoils you on your special day!!

    Lin, I love that tea pot, so cute!!

    Hello to everyone, time to fold the laundry. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Heavens no SANDY, Jilly is 4 years old the same as Katie and just like Katie is still a puppy at heart.
    Didn't word very well. I meant to say George must have been 4 years old when Jilly came to live with me at 10 weeks and already, SHE is now 4! And George is 8. Times gone by so quickly.

    No Dorio today, a British chap instead who recognized my accent immediately. Came over with his parents but I apparently sound just like them. You simply can't dump the Yorkshire accent, it's with you for life. Anyway, he was a half hour late because his first van had broken down. No problem, they are refrigated and everything arrived as good as ever.

    Much as I hate Mosquitos I don't like the idea of them being mucked around with. Change their makeup and something else worse will crop up. That's my view on all this genetic engineering.
    Scientists PLEASE don't muck around with Donald's DNA, but then, maybe somebody already has!

    Mark takes forever fixing things, so I think I will be enjoying my "light" muse for some time PATSY. Did a bit of drawing today whilst waiting for the order.

    I'm having a funny day. Everything a little off and disorganized. I'm going with the flow, it doesn't really matter and after all there's always tomorrow and tomorrow never comes.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hi ho, happy birthday to dear George.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Whew Anne, I knew I was wrong it was just impossible seeing as Daisy is 11 and I think the oldest of the group. Enjoy your whimsical day.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh dear me! How could I have forgotten to wish dear brave George a very happy birthday? Woof! Woof! Woof! Georgie Boy! A happy birthday to you. Here is a virtual chew bone from Katie and Patsy.
    As John would it, baby, for all you can. Birthdays are for getting your way, all day!🐕❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good afternoon. Well, the day hasn’t worked out as I thought it would. My grocery order didn’t show up and I heard nothing from them. Later it said delayed and a couple of hours later, contact us if you don’t have your order.

    Lots of time with customer service and I never got a straight response. Something about my order being ‘stuck’ in distribution. So place another order. Now the order is just sitting there, no acknowledgement of what went on or a cancellation. I will wait a few days before ordering again, they insist I have not been charged but I know a charge went at least to pending charges yesterday.

    So I made lunch and am settling in for the day. It is hot out there. I would flip a coin to decide what to do next, but I need more than 2 sides to make a decision 😄

    Sandy you had a busy day yesterday. So if today is a bit slower that is okay. And it must be going around, I am having tummy problems too. I think I got too upset. It has been a long week.

    Anne, I am glad Jilly is feeling better. Wow, collapsed blinds! I hope you work something out for a replacement.

    Jackie, the teapot photo was posted by a lady who said her husband gave it to her for her birthday. It is a Kensington & Price teapot. It reminds me of the images of the Beatles when they had that cartoon show? Anyone remember that? I hope your errands went well.

    Patsy, enjoy your time with your 4-year old puppy. I think it is wonderful that she still likes her toys so much. I have always had dogs that liked NEW toys but not old ones and other than destroying them, they didn’t form attachments.

    Buzz, hello ❤️❤️❤️❤️ just thinking of you.

    Barbie, I looked up the Linus Project. I see they accept knitted items and crocheted as well. I am thinking of mentioning it to a friend of mine who crochets winter hats for a local charity. Maybe she’d like a little variety.

    Running along.

    Sending everyone good wishes.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GEORGE 4x6dlufyrol1.png<3
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well George your birthday is almost over. Jill and I hope it was a good day with lots of barking at strange men and we hope you got your birthday toy back from that naughty Betty and she didn't leave teeth marks in it.
    Pats from Anne and a nose lick from Jilly Bean.🙃🐶❤️
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Same old same old re: walking. Good new! – gym reopens next week! New house rules regarding personal health, cleanliness, social distancing, showing kindness, and touchless check-ins etc & reduced capacity. I’ll wait and see.

    Been swamped with photo editing Thurs., Fri and this morning. Finished and delivered results this afternoon…awaiting review re: print selection, sizes, quantity etc.

    Recent blood work showed mult readings outside std range…need addit workup. My calcium score is pretty high at 785 etc. and they said I need to re-start statin for (plaque etc.). Agreed to go back on statin. One thing at a time.

    Jackie – I can smell that pork chop, potato and onion roasting in the oven. YUM. Until your comment and the video – I knew nothing about Vera Lynn – love learning this new kind of information. History and English were my favorite school subjects. I can’t tell you how happy that single sunflower makes Jean… she is like a kid when it comes to certain things. As for PJ’s – I have a half-dozen ideas I am mulling over to make the kids laugh. (ps - Joy of Painting with Bob Ross can be addicting LOL and love the dogs on the moors.)

    Lin – Glad you got the cards, plants and tomatoes taken care of.. I hope the Soc Sec call went ok. It seems those calls can go either way depending upon the representative. You and Jean must have the same genetics spending an hour on the phone. I’m good for 5 minutes!

    The first time I spoke with Jean was over the phone (I worked with her BFF and it was going to be a blind date) we talked for 1-2 hours. Guess you could say “she had me at hello – and then some! Great job sharing those tea pot photos. They are really interesting. I will pass along your sunflower comment to Jean.

    Buzz – I hope your labs prove to be what you want and that your breathing isn’t too bad – that has to be very difficult. Wish you the best.

    Anne – I just stole “Whether the weather” to use LOL…

    Sandy – Good luck with the cholesterol numbers. That’s a wonderful drop in numbers you had!

    Hope all had a great Friday! Bob

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Aah, thanks for all of George’s happy birthday wishes. He has been a part of our group along with Daisy, Katie, Jilly, Barbie’s Bernie and pooches and yes Anne, where have those years gone? Jilly 4!!
    Here he is with the new toy that Betty keeps running off with but to be honest he much prefers his favourite brown stone sitting on the floor in front of him that he buries under rugs or the sofa!
    Stayed up ‘til midnight so George could enjoy his whole day. He’s now snoozing and I’m ready for bed after an evening of BBC Shirley Bassey concerts and documentaries What a lady, what a singer!

    Patsy, Betty is the toy fiend in this house, always collecting out of the basket and creating a nest for them. The funniest sight is her carrying the largest stuffed toy up stairs to bed each night! We see the devastation those fires are creating on our news so I feel for you if even the smallest threat is close by. Is anyone in touch with Diane on Facebook to know she and her family are safe?

    Sandy, it’s always a bonus to come away from a hair salon happy with the result! That’s quite a drop in your cholesterol count so well done but a shame it’s restricting what you can eat. A friend has similar problems with her Type 2 diabetes meds to a point she worries about going out anywhere. I hope the alternative works for you.
    I agree with Anne about mucking about with genetics. We should leave these imbalances for nature to sort. Ha, silly me, when did scientists ever do that!

    Bob, our health centres reopened a couple of weeks ago and my neighbour uses the gym. She tells me it’s well organised with hand sanitizers at every piece of equipment but time on each is limited to keep people moving on and out! No shower facilities or changing rooms either so she has to travel to and from in her kit. I could tell from your photo that Jean is a happy mum with her sunflower!

    Good news about Jilly Anne. I’ve a little dog biscuits recipe book that advises to introduce new ingredients a tiny bit at a time because many dogs find human foods toxic.

    Lin, customer service again!! 😤🤬 Nothing else to say!

    Hello Buzz 🥰🙋🏻‍♀️

    George has gone to bed of his own accord so all the days excitement must have tired him out. Me too plus it’s nearly 1am so I’ll get Betty out for a last garden visit and follow.

    Nite all

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, glad to read Shirley Bassey is still around!
    A good night ditty for BOB and for the next rain burst.

    The rain it raineth on the just,
    And on the unjust fella,
    But it raineth harder on the just😇💦
    'Cos the unjust stole the just's umbrella.😋☔️

    Sigh, Anne.