Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited August 23
    What a stressful day. The power went off early - shortly after 9am. My generator’s battery failed completely. I called the dealer to try to get my late afternoon appointment moved to morning. The technician was in a foul mood when he arrived. It was a crazy morning and he wouldn’t stay long enough for my network to boot up. The power wasn’t restored until about 6pm. Unfortunately the generator lost the network information when the battery was switched and so far, I have been unable to get the info entered. You cannot do it from the app, it has to be entered directly into the generator and the app is not working well. The last update is a horror.

    Well, tomorrow is another day and I will continue to try to figure this out. Going to watch a bit of TV and then I am going to get some rest.

    Take care everyone.
    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is going, life is almost back to normal. I am planning on going to pool to relax this afternoon as I have another memorial service tomorrow.

    Lin, I am sorry you are having problems with your generator and hope you figure it out today.

    Jackie, enjoy your company.

    Have a good day all,
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Good evening friends. It was a very long day, Trying one thing after another to get the WiFi set up. Every time I wanted to try something else, I had to put my hat on, grab the keys to unlock the unit, and either my phone or iPad or both. I did a lot of online research and made little progress. I saw a message around 3:30pm that the iOS issues had been resolved. I went out and got the same error message so I finally called support. We talked for quite a while and huzzah, finally the server number method suddenly just worked! I tried multiple times earlier in the day but I guess the issues had been fixed. Wow, when something works, it just works. I am so relieved. This is the first time my annual subscription to the app has proven to be very worthwhile.

    Sandy, I hope you had a good time at the pool. The weather here today was very nice. Looks like it will be heating up. An excessive heat warning is apparently in the works.

    Jackie, I agree, I hope you are having a great visit.

    Barbie, how is Jake?

    Hope everyone is safe and well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :)Lin your patience and persistence were finally rewarded. Jake is doing well. No more appointments until September

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It's a beautiful day but I will be going to a memorial service instead of the pool. I did get a couple of hours yesterday so content. My son is picking me up to go with me which is nice but we won't stay for the whole thing since he wants to get home and I want to go to 5:00 mass. We just want to pay our respects.

    Barbie, happy to hear Jake is doing well and gets a break from appointments.

    Lin, I am glad you got your IOS issues sorted out although I must admit I had no idea what you were talking about. Not sure how your generator is connected to your internet but happy you have it back.

    Jackie, hope you are having a wonderful time with your guests.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    Hello! Having a wonderful time. Sven and his partner have now gone on to Devon for a tour but Charmaine is still with me. She will go home on Monday.We have been out and about and she is now cooking a very spicy curry in my kitchen!
    This is Nephew Sven with Helen. He is the spitting image of my late brother John.

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member

    Barbie, thanks for the update. I’m so happy things are going well and the appointments are over until September.

    Sandy, another busy day for you. What is on your agenda for tomorrow?

    Jackie, what a lovely photo! Sven is a handsome guy. In fact, everyone in the photo is quite attractive. ❤️ Did you enjoy the curry? It sounds like a great dish.

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) It's going to be a scorcher today with high temps and high humidity. I will probably be in the pool most of my time there since I can't sit in the hot sun for long. The memorial service was nice and my nephew's wife was so grateful Rob and I came. I did get home in time to go to Mass so today is my day.

    Lin, no plans today I hope you get a me day also.

    Jackie, great photo, everyone looks so happy.

    Have a good day everyone and enjoy life, it is much too short.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Hi, it’s going to be a week of heat and heat advisory each day. I have quite a few online meetings this week. It is the usual meetings on farm leasing and the ag economy. Tomorrow is an all morning program. Eeeck. And then another program starts with another company just after. Fun week. 😁

    I did more laundry today and attended online church. Fit in some cardio of course.

    Sandy, I hope you enjoyed your time around the pool. School has started so the pools are pretty much shut down now.

    Be safe my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another hot and humid day with temp at 96 with heat index of 103. Lin and I are getting hit with extreme heat this week. I may or may not go to pool, I haven't decided yet.
    I have so much coming up again with Bryanna coming in Thursday to Thursday which means a game night Friday with Cheryl and Marisa at Marisa's apartment. Sunday at her dads and whenever she wants she is doing my hair for me. John and Laurie are coming Wednesday, so another game night with Bryanna and all leave Thursday which is good since I am going for a mani/pedi and have to pack for Florida as we are leaving Friday. I can't say I lead a dull life but at least it keeps me moving. I ride my bike as much as I can when I am home and I am at one of my lowest weights in years so feel good.

    Lin, you are as busy as I am with all your online meetings and cardio. You must be in good shape and keeping active.

    Jackie, we miss you but hope you are having a wonderful time.

    Babe's birthday is Saturday so I will be going to cemetery and I had a mass said for him at my 5:00 mass.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    Happy Monday. It is our August bank holiday so a lot of visitors in the area. Yesterday Charmaine and I went for a long walk in rather cool weather and on the way home, stopped for a Cornish cream tea. George wasn’t very well with an upset tummy so I decided it would be best to starve him until today. Charmaine cooked again last night, this time a Caribbean spicy bean casserole that was delicious. We planned an earlier night but found ourselves sitting up late talking about my late Brother John and what has turned out to be a horrible manipulative wife. Sven is having to battle for the small inheritance left to him and has had some dreadful experiences dealing with her. It’s the sort of story found in a Netflix drama but I don’t see a right outcome for Sven so we all wish her no less than Karma!
    Charmaine left today to go home around midday while I walked George and Betty and this afternoon I have finally had time to begin tidying my garden. No rain!!

    Take care Lin and Sandy in that expected heat. I am now, after a meal of reheated spicy dishes, going to put my feet up and read magazines gifted to me by David the dog walker.

    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    One day completed! I set up my iPad so I could do some walking and other movements while listening to the presentations. As they got to the final questions, I logged in to cardio dance with a low volume. Felt good to get several things accomplished! After getting through the meeting, I called my bank to try to get some changes made to my accounts. It turns out they were going to call me. We sorted through everything and I just have to stop by the bank on Thursday morning to sign all the needed papers. While on the phone with the bank, a friend called. I hadn’t spoken to her in a long time so I dialed her as soon as the call was over. We had a long conversation talking about people she has seen recently from many years ago. We worked at the same company and although it had thousands of employees, we did know quite a number of the same people since I was in the company choir and she was the accompanist.

    Sandy, yes, we are melting this week aren’t we. The forecast shows we may see more moderate temperatures late this week. I hope you do as well. Wow, another upper busy time coming up. How long are you staying in Florida?

    Jackie, you have had a good catch up! It is nice to do that from time to time. I am sorry to hear George had more tummy upsets. Is he better now?

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another hot humid day with heat index of 109. Thinking of going to pool for a short time but it depends how hot it feels when I get there. I might just chill in house again to be safe.
    Rob is trying to figure out when he wants me to help with kids, either for volleyball tonight or when he goes to city tomorrow or both. It is supposed to rain later so that could change everything.

    Lin, multitasking, good for you. Glad you got to talk to your old friend, always great to catch up.
    I don't remember it being this hot in like forever, hopefully it cools down soon.

    Jackie, I am glad you got to catch up with Charmaine but sorry to hear about Sven and his inheritance. He is your brother's son correct? Why are there always fights when it comes to money. I hope I have everything clear as to who gets what and have it written in a trust so they have to honor it.

    Have a good day all and stay cool and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Another hot day. We may get rain overnight. It was noisy here all day, someone is doing some sort of demolition and construction. I have my usual Tuesday night YouTube Live coming up soon.

    Sandy, too hot for the pool today? We have a little breeze now which is helpful.

    Jackie, hope you had a good day.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I did not leave the house for two days with that awful heat but it is a little cooler today and I am dog sitting until the kids get out of school. Rob went downtown and I will go around 11 to let dogs out. Will pick the kids up from school and get them their Mc Donald's that Grandma gets for them when she comes. Lisa will be home by 4 so it should be an easy day unless she needs me for something else.
    I pick up Bryanna from the airport tomorrow around 6:30am so hope to get to bed early tonight.
    We leave for Florida in two weeks so trying to get things done before that including spending time with Bryanna.
    We had storms last night but mostly thunder unless I didn't see the lightning. At least it cooled it off a little.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    Hello and happy Wednesday. Yesterday was showery so I stayed in to concentrate on washing bedding and what seemed to be a pile of dishes and containers from Charmaine’s cooking. She loves making every kind of Far Eastern dish as she is originally from Sri Lanka where her mother taught her until, at the age of 18, she took flight from an arranged marriage. She had always dreamed of being a midwife so worked hard to achieve that goal in England.
    Today is brighter so after a walk, I’ve cleaned out the hen house and made sure the water dispenser is clean and topped up. Also fed and watered tomato plants and potted flowering perennials. After a cup of tea I will prune shrubs, a job that will continue through the Winter months.
    Tomorrow George will visit the vet for his booster and annual examination. He has what I think is one of Brady’s claws stuck in his skin so I’ll ask the vet to remove it, hopefully for free!

    Yes Sandy, Sven is brother John’s son. Unfortunately John’s Will was rewritten by his wife and in his depressed and often drunk state, he signed it. I was removed as Executor by her too so nothing I can do to help but Sven is persevering questioning her dishonesty. Phew, that is the sort of heat that wipes out my energy so I don’t envy you!

    Lin, George is his old self again after I bought a fresh supply of his frozen raw meals. We are all tired from the excitement and long walks but finally getting up to normal speed! That is a cream tea with today’s teapot although we usually eat 2 scones! I hope today is quieter for you.

    Cuppa finished and it’s a beautiful evening so I will head outside.

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited August 29
    Hello. Another day of online farm seminars. Some good information today. It was fine to be indoors as it was quite hot once again. Storms are expected to roll in tomorrow. Last evening there was a large amount of lightning but no rain and in fact, no thunder. During daylight hours, It is loud here most days. More heavy equipment today, a company doing siding repairs with lots of hammering and a lawn service doing full service, mowing, trimming, blowing the clippings. Had a phone conversation with a friend I talk to about once a week. Did a bit of cardio but didn’t cook today as it is still too hot. I hope it cools down enough to bake my sweet potatoes. I have an appointment at the bank tomorrow morning to do that paperwork I mentioned several days ago. I may need my raincoat. 🌂

    Jackie, back to loads of chores my friend. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

    Sandy, always happy to help. You are a treasure for your family.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Well I read Bryanna's ticket wrong and she doesn't come in until tomorrow morning.
    I just saw Thursday and looked at arrival time but she leaves California at 11:58pm Thursday and arrives 6:15am on Friday. Sure glad I talked to her last night but I don't feel too bad her mother read it the same way as I did. Not used to people flying in the middle of the night so I guess that is what confused me. So not sure whether her mother or I will pick her up tomorrow as her mother took the day off from work. In the meantime we changed game night at Marisa's from Friday night to Saturday night after my mass for Babe. Lisa and Rob asked if I could sit Saturday before all the changes and I said I might be able too and bring them home Sunday since we are going there with Bryanna. Now I told them I can't sit Saturday but could on Friday night so they are trying to work everything out since Robby has karate at 5:00pm. Sound confusing? Think how I feel. lol

    Lin, your farm keeps you busy this time of year or is it all year? We are getting a little rain this morning but clearing up until tomorrow which is another reason I may let her mother pick Bryanna up from airport. Good luck at the bank.

    Jackie, glad George is back to his old self except for having a claw stuck in him. Ouch! This is why I keep saying second marriages with children sometimes just do not work. There is always someone greedy and doesn't understand family at all. I hope your nephew gets what his father intended from that greedy stepmother. Sorry, sore subject for me.

    Hope you all have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited August 29
    Hello. I did get my bank trip out of the way. The officer I needed to see was not in the office—called away to another branch. I told another employee the story of what was going on and she searched his office and found my paperwork. I got everything signed and straightened out given her sleuthing skills. Saved me a return trip on another day. I also hit Trader Joe’s while out that way. A busy store this morning. Then came home and put in a small order for delivery with Whole Foods given it is a holiday weekend. Got most of what I had in mind. Then placed an order for a few things on sale at Target. I purchased some gift cards on sale last year and decided I was going to use some of those. Got the order placed and these items will be sent in the mail next week. Finally searched online for the things I normally get at Walmart. No success so no order.

    Did my cardio for the day, wrote a couple of emails to friends and called another friend. She and her hubby are packing for an upcoming trip. They are heading out next Tuesday for a weeks long trip East planning on visiting many states. Sounds like fun.

    Sandy, you are heading into a busy weekend. You make me dizzy with your plans and changes to plans. I hope everything works out the way you would like it. And no, I am not that busy with my farm all year long. It is sporadic but always more busy in late summer when rental negotiations take place.

    Jackie, I hope George had a successful and pain free visit to the vet. Hugs for George.

    Wishing all Sneakers the best.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Interesting set

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    Late again, sorry! George’s vet visit went well and he was very brave when the vaccination was administered. A very pleasant stand in vet checked him over and agreed he was healthy for his 12 years but I should try to brush his teeth! Well, I can try but don’t hold out much hope. She said what I thought was one of Brady’s claws was a spur on top of a wart. I’m not convinced but will keep a watch on it. Before that appointment I walked on the moors and bumped into David. I knew he had once worked for top solicitors in London so told him a little of how my sister in law is behaving and he recommended Sven contest the Will as that will halt any house sale until Sven is offered what was promised. I’ve messaged him and can only hope he follows it up. It was a lovely day so I manage to catch up on laundry and start pruning shrubs that were missed in the Spring when it was too wet.

    This morning we’ve walked on the moors again, this time in hazy sunshine. I don’t know where all the usual dog walkers are because I only saw one other car. Back home now so after my usual coffee I will get on with pruning. There’s so much to do! 🫣

    Goodness Sandy, you do have to keep your wits about you don’t you! My head is spinning just reading about all the arrangements! 😵‍💫

    Busy too Lin. Well done the lady in the bank finding your paperwork! I love the Wagon Wheel tea set. It was my favourite biscuit as a teen but when I returned from Canada 15 years later the size had been reduced so was no longer the naughty treat it had been!

    Time to get working in my garden. Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰