Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    edited August 16
    A misty start to my day but by the time I was walking the pooches on the moors, the sun had burned it away and we’ve had a lovely warm day. There’s a few more chores inside to do but I decided to spend the afternoon in my garden. After I messaged Barney to arrange a visit for him to cut and prune larger trees and shrubs he has booked September 19 to begin work so that will give me time to get on with smaller jobs weeding and tidying. I did quite well and will give myself a full day to continue tomorrow.
    It’s 9.30pm and I’m sitting in the garden room with 2 snoozing dogs. There is a beautiful full moon! 🌕

    This is now an edit as somehow the message got posted before I finished. 🤨

    Sandy, that is so sad about your friend passing. Seniors are mostly stoic about death but I think it must be particularly difficult to lose a loved one after so many years together. You were a good friend to spend time with them.

    No colour in my hair this time Lin because I was so desperate to have a shorter style that will behave when I’m gardening or walking on windy days, I didn’t put in any extra requests! Most has been cut out now, so grey it is until the next time!

    I’m going to have an early night then up early to walk.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Oh darn, I just lost my post. I don’t have it in me to try to recreate it.

    Good to hear from you Sandy and Jackie.

    Be safe.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :) We safely navigated the week of endless appointments with two different friends driving Jake to his appointments far away and me driving to lab 3 times, pharmacy twice, primary care doctor, chiropractor, and grocery pickup, The medical appointments resulted in more medical appointments far away. One is for a procedure he's had before that takes all day. His daughter agreed to time her planned visit so she can take him and stay with him. The other is for consultation about a new and not yet approved heart procedure being tested by the University of Washington in Seattle (a much longer drive than the other hospital) and a friend of Jake's who is a retired nurse and interested in all things medical agreed to drive him and go with him to the consultation. Today we have nowhere to go and tomorrow only grocery pickup. Yippee.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    edited August 17
    Happy Saturday! :) We had a fun game night last night and Marisa brought a new friend (boy) and I texted her later and said he seems so nice I hope this goes further than friends and she said so do I.
    Young people are so cute.
    It's kind of a dreary day so not sure if sun is coming out. I still am going to my friends to help her with her Roku either this afternoon or after Church tonight.
    Tomorrow we are going to the Renaissance Fair early so I might not have time to post in the morning.
    It opens at ten and we usually stay to near closing which is 7. I did pay extra for VIP parking because I don't want to walk a mile from my car to gate and then spend the rest of the day walking miles. I am lucky I can keep up with the younger people although Lisa's parents are going so at least Sue will be walking with me. I just hope we don't get any rain.

    Barbie, poor Jake, he has been going through a lot. Nothing more frustrating then having one appointment after the other even though it brings answers. I hope the consultation explains things clearly and Jake will be a candidate. Happy to hear you have good friends willing to drive him and glad his daughter is coming in for the whole day procedure. Prayers for Jake and for you, these are trying times.

    Lin, sorry you lost your post.

    Jackie, sitting in your garden sounds wonderful. I love sitting on my balcony and relaxing.
    Anne sent me an email this morning wishing me a happy birthday. I wrote back explaining my birthday wasn't until March and she must have meant another Sandy. She wrote back and said yes it was meant for Mike's friend Sandy but told me to have a happy unbirthday anyway. I sure do miss her and her sense of humor here on MFP.

    Have a great day and Sunday as well, just in case I don't make it here tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Hello, let’s try this again. It has been a noisy day in this neighborhood. Loud mowers, trimmers and blowers, a party that has been going on for hours complete with pounding music and screaming children.

    Sandy, game night sounds like it was fun and wow, a day at the Renaissance Faire tomorrow. What a great weekend.

    Jackie, accomplishing so much this summer. Good for you. And getting an appointment with your tree trimmer before winter. Very good.

    Barbie, what a week! So many appointments this past week. Good that you have a more quiet weekend with just a grocery pickup. With all of these trips that you have made, is the charger keeping up?

    I am working on the last 4 August birthday cards. I will get them on the mail next week.

    It is State Fair time and our Public Television station posts photos of various events. Yesterday they had yoga with goats. I thought this was such a happy picture.


    Nothing particularly interesting. Some friends with health problems. Time will tell how things will turn out.

    Well, the music is getting louder as it gets dark. Fireworks will probably be next!

    Take care. Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :) This morning was drizzly after a middle of the night thunder and lightning storm that scared the dogs and kept us all awake for an hour. Only errands today were dropping books off at the library and picking up groceries all done before 9AM. Then I walked with my Sunday friend who told me the plans for her knee replacement in October

    :)Lin the car charges quickly and our errands are less than 5 miles away so keeping the car charged is easy. I love that we just plug the car in when we get home.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Back from Renaissance Fair but too tired to post. Will be back tomorrow.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Good evening. Church today and I did finish the last August birthday cards. I have signed the farm lease for next year as well. Did some cardio and finished a book I was reading.

    Barbie, that is so good to hear. I wondered if the EVs charge quickly and the answer is yes for short trips. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Sandy, didn’t go home early—must have been loads of fun.

    I hope everyone has a god week!

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    edited August 19
    Good morning. I didn’t manage to post yesterday because my day was nonstop until I finally fell into bed at midnight. I walked George and Betty on a section of moors we don’t often go to and before long I remembered why. It is a quiet U-shaped route with a lot of gorse bushes in the middle and all went well until, almost back to where we started, George disappeared! Betty had been with him but had the sense to run to me when she realised he was straying but no amount of calling and whistling got his attention. Knowing he would get back to my car I waited at the start point then set off to walk round again. We finally met up when I saw him happily coming in my direction following our scent. It doubled our time out which was tiring but because it was a dry day I got on with strimming and cutting the grass and footpath that leads to my property from the parking area. A quick cup of tea before a long chat with my brother in Spain about, amongst other things, arrangements made for when we die. Cheerful or what?

    We expect heavy rain this afternoon so I have walked round the block with George and Betty and will now enjoy my Monday morning housework chores while they snooze in the garden room.

    Lin, if I had a smallholding I would choose goats to live with chickens. At my previous home there was a field next to the property with a few goats that would always run to greet me if they saw me the other side of the boundary fence. More beautiful china and I’m wracking my brain to remember the name of the blue flower!

    Sandy, a long day for you at the Renaissance fair but I think you are fitter than me so no problem! I hope you had a lovely time. Yes, Anne has maintained her sense of humour in spite of everything that has recently happened to her. She is next on my list for messaging before housework takes over.

    Enjoy your Monday and let’s all appreciate our freedom. Too many scary decisions being made here! 😡
    Jackie 🥰

    P.S Looked up the blue flower I was thinking of…. Vinca Minor, otherwise known as blue Periwinkle!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    Posted then realised I had missed late messages from Barbie, Sandy and Lin! Don’t know what happened there! 🙄🤔
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :)Lin, our EV will go about 300 miles between charges. There are fancier models that have an even longer range. There are places to recharge along the way for longer trips. As time goes on, more and more charging stations are popping up.

    :)Jacquie, I don't let my dogs off leash because I am too nervous about what they might do (also, my neighbourhood where we walk has a strict leash policy). There was a time in my life when I fancied having goats and chickens but I was still working full time and decided it was more work than I could imagine doing.

    :)Sandy, I went to a Renaissance Faire years ago and had a wonderful time just as you did, but it was tiring.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    edited August 19
    Happy Monday! :) Still exhausted but did sleep in a little. Walked Cheryl's dog for a half hour and now I plan on just staying in and doing things on my computer. Later I will ride my bike as I have a busy week.
    Tomorrow I meet with my sponsee, Wednesday is Bob's wake and Thursday is his funeral. I am trying to find some pictures of our fun times together to put on the the guest page of his obituary page. I will also have a tree planted in his memory unless they have a donation page for something else. I just feel so bad for his wife as I think she will be lost without him. She has wonderful children who I know will take good care of her.

    Barbie, I like the hybrid cars but do not own one. Cheryl has one and whenever she picks me up I can hear her coming as it sounds like an airplane. lol It's our yearly tradition to go to the Renaissance Fair so I will see how long I can keep going.

    Jackie, please find out if Anne wants copies of our posts or if she is satisfied with you filling her in.
    We can also send emails if she prefers but don't want to overwhelm her.

    Lin, I never expect to go home early when I am with Lisa and the kids. We seem to stay to almost closing no matter where we go. Good thing I am still in pretty good shape although my back hurts at the end of the day.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited August 20
    Hello, I planned on writing a note earlier but I went outside to take my trash bin to the curb and several neighbors came over to talk about misc. things related to house maintenance. It was nice to talk about house issues, drainage on our lots, just home trivia.

    Drove to the post office to put my signed lease in the mail, did a few loads of laundry, called the generator dealer a couple of times (they finally answered the phone) and got an appointment scheduled for a battery replacement, talked to a friend who had been hunting for a missing grandson.

    Sandy, you do go places with some high energy people. I went to a few Renaissance Faires and enjoyed them. A friend posted a lot of photos/video on Instagram recently of the one in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. The jousting was super.

    Barbie, I always walked my dogs on their leashes too. The city is quite strict about not letting dogs run loose. With all the traffic even in a residential area, it is better to have some control over your beloved pets. My old hybrid car had to be driven frequently to keep the hybrid battery charged. I never drove it enough according to the dealer. 300 miles is a very good range. This car is working out well for you. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

    Jackie, George gave you a bit of a fright. Bad boy! So glad he was ultimately tracking you. You work so hard on maintaining your property. Amazing.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) FYI, don't make a cup of coffee in a single cup coffee maker without the cup, it makes a mess on the countertop. Yep, I did that, I got distracted and forgot to add the cup.
    I am meeting my sponsee for lunch later since I won't be able to attend my meeting Thursday do to the funeral. My mind seems to be in a hundred different places this week but hopefully by next week things will start to go back to normal, as normal as I am anyway.

    Lin, I go where I think the kids will have the most fun. As long as I am able I will continue to do so, although I feel as though I am slowing down some days. I couldn't let our Old English off lease except at the dog park which didn't last long as the other dogs were too aggressive and the owner didn't seem to care. I did love walking in the forest preserve with them and Babe.

    Trying to decide if I should eat something or not as I will probably eat at the restaurant and then want to eat dinner later. I am a hungry person. lol

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited August 21
    Hi, didn’t get a chance to login earlier. A busy day. Left early to do some grocery shopping and found almost everything on my list! Yippee! Lots of online meetings today.

    Sandy, I hope you didn’t stay hungry all day. And I have good days and then not so good days so I know I couldn’t keep up with your kiddos. Hope you had a good day.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    edited August 21
    Happy Wednesday! :) It's a beautiful day today and thinking of going to pool for an hour before the wake later this afternoon. I honestly hate wakes which is why I am being cremated. I want to be remembered alive and happy. I know it brings closure to people but to each his own. The funeral will be tomorrow but haven't heard if there is a luncheon after the service, just that the burial is private. That's because he is being buried next to the cemetery by their farm. He loved his farm and will rest in peace being near. I am a little worried about his wife as she told us this morning she is very emotional and needs prayers. Her family wants to take her to breakfast to keep her busy but I know what she is going through. We will be as supportive as necessary to get her through this.

    Lin, glad you got all your groceries. I did eat some yogurt in the morning and had a low carb lunch so I ate some cheese and crackers later with my normal snacks. I also came home and rode my bike.

    Jackie, where are you?

    Have a good day and if you pray please pray for my friend.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    Here I am but off to bed. I’m ok, just very busy. Sent a Jacqui Lawson card to Anne because Jilly is at the vet for an operation to remove 6 teeth and of course she is very worried. My nephew, his partner and also Charmaine arrive tomorrow so I’ve been preparing as much as I can. I should have more time to post tomorrow before they arrive.

    Nite, nite! 😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Sandy, I hope the funeral doesn’t make you extremely sad tomorrow. And I will pray for your friend. I am glad you did eat yesterday, time can get away from us.

    Jackie, wow, I did not know you were welcoming company tomorrow. No wonder you have been extremely busy. I haven’t heard anything from Anne so I am very surprised about dear Jilly’s surgery. Anne must be very worried.

    Here, a lovely day, some laundry, cooked a bit, cardio, and doing a bit of research. And poof, the day was gone.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) It was a beautiful service with a lovely luncheon. Tears were shed but I was happy to be there to celebrate his life. After the luncheon they were going to his farm where he will be buried in a cemetery next to his farm. It was private, just for the family. My friend his wife is holding up good during these sad times but I think once this is done and she is alone it will hit her hard. She is surrounded by family and friends who love her dearly so I hope we can all be of help in one way or the other.

    I got up at 6:30 and I am very tired so I think I will try to take a nap.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time