Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Hi to any Sneakers out there. Another busy day with the same tomorrow. Just wanted to say hello and hope you’ve had a great day.

    I just got a letter from my insurance company and they denied my claim for prescription sunglasses. Looks like I owe a few hundred dollars to Costco. 👀 darn

    Well see you tomorrow.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    Good evening. I was up very early this morning and decided because it was misty as well as dark it wouldn’t be safe to walk George and Betty round the block. Instead, before I drove to pick up David, I wedged the door into my garden open so they had outdoor access. Turns out he lives in a tiny community of just 16 properties, most tucked behind high hedges, so he had decided to walk out to the road where I could see him. His appointment was in a small private hospital that also carries out NHS work and his consultant told him he had never seen such a damaged hip and wondered how he is still walking as he must be in so much pain. He will move David up the waiting list for a full hip replacement. When I took him back home I walked round his garden he has worked so hard on because when he bought the property it had been in a mess with so much rubbish either piled high or buried. It is now a beautiful and serene place. I stayed for a cup of tea then came home to two very excited dogs! Tomorrow should be dry so after a walk on the moors I will carry on tidying my own garden!
    Sheila phoned to tell me she has an appointment confirmed for a cataract removal next week although she was initially told it wasn’t urgent and wouldn’t be for a couple of months. I have told her she needs to find someone else to drive her because I have my own appointment with my dentist and all the trips driving to Plymouth are wearing me out!

    Midnight again! I must try to get myself in bed earlier.
    Nite, I’ve
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I went for a blood draw for the trial after calling them and leaving them a message that Uber never contacted me so I was going to drive myself. They called me back as I was backing out of the garage and said one is on it's way. When I got home I went to the Hallmark store for an engagement card so I could send a check for them to celebrate and then went to CVS for my covid vaccine. I had ordered Walmart groceries and they just arrived so it is time to make dinner.
    I am bringing my car in tomorrow as I had some kind of warning sign come up yesterday but has disappeared. The serviceman said they would do a complimentary inspection to make sure my car will be okay to drive six hours to Wisconsin on Friday. Going for a long weekend to visit Chery's sister with Cheryl. I also want to go see the kids tomorrow or Wednesday or possibly both since I haven't seen them for a while. Busy times but I do love it. We went to a play about Queen Elizabeth with the prime ministers but it was confusing as they were out of order. Then to dinner with coupons and gift cards which made our dinner pretty cheap.
    Almost 7 and I am hungry so hope you all have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Fall has arrived with rain and cooler days. Hopefully there is nothing wrong with my car and I won't be there long. I am going to see the kiddos after school today and helping Rob while Lisa plays volleyball. I think it will be raining but Lisa said it is supposed to stop. We will see.
    The only side effect I have from the covid vaccine is my arm is sore, other than that I feel fine, thank goodness.

    Have a good day ladies,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    My pooches and I had a lovely walk late morning, around a section of moors we hadn’t been on for months because all the rain we’d had during the summer months made it so mucky. Firm under foot now and both dogs did lots of zoomies to make up for not walking yesterday.
    This afternoon I have been pruning shrubs and now, when I finish my cup of tea, I will bag up the cuttings, then cook chicken for my dinner.

    Sandy, that’s good you haven’t had any adverse effect from the vaccination. I’m still receiving reminders but ignoring! It’s lovely to read about all your visits and adventures and know you are enjoying life.

    Lin, I missed your post yesterday so you must have sent it the same time I did mine. A beautiful tea-set and just in time for Autumn. My one Acer tree is still hanging on to green leaves but no doubt colder nights will soon turn them. Sorry to read your insurance company won’t pay out. I know how expensive prescription glasses can be.

    I haven’t heard from Anne since her planned procedure last Thursday so will send a Jacqui Lawson card. Any news I will of course let you know.

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Hi, overcast day and the forecast keeps saying it is going to rain.

    My car has been serviced and checked out. Ready for winter and other than the regular service all I needed was a new rear windshield wiper.

    I also picked up the large electric roaster I purchased for the church. Now to get it over there. That will be for another day. Also stopped by the library.

    Now to catch up on my regular stuff and cardio classes this afternoon and live videos. Talk about multi tasking. Cannot do this.

    Sandy, wow no problem with the shot. That’s terrific. Hope your car is okay.

    Jackie, it sounds like a good day as well as a productive one. I did like that tea set from yesterday. So nice for fall. Take care, get some sleep!

    I hope Anne is okay. A friend had a cornea transplant yesterday. She was already trying to post funny memes this morning. I wonder if she made her husband do it for her.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Ugh! $800 for car, new battery, alignment and fluids. Cars are expensive!! At least they had a shuttle so I could wait at home. Of course I tipped the driver so not exactly free.