Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Bryanna's mother picked her up as I asked if she could since I didn't want to drive in the rain or have to deal with holiday travelers. Her plane was delayed a couple of hours so I really could have picked her up but it works out better for me. I am doing laundry and have a couple of errands before the kids spend the night, although that is iffy also as of now. Max, the 7 year old has a soccer game tomorrow but they aren't sure what time until later today. So they might or might not be spending the night. That's how my life is right now, never a dull moment.

    Jackie, at least it keeps my mind sharp trying to do six things at once. My head is spinning also, just too much at one time. Things will calm down when I go to Florida next Friday. I am glad George is in good health but wonder why the vet didn't remove the spur and/or wart. I do hope Sven follows your advice so he can get his share of what his father wanted him to have.

    Lin, I am glad the girl at the bank was such a good detective and able to help you. It sounds confusing but hopefully all is good now. Glad you got most of the groceries you wanted because the holiday is going to bring out all the shoppers for backyard parties and such. I have to run to one grocery store today to get some shrimp that is on sale for our pool party on Monday.

    I got a late start this morning from being lazy so I better get moving before I have no time left.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Hello, I did some laundry today, some cardio including a special line dance super class that included all the dances that had been taught in the last few weeks. Difficult to do 8 different dances in succession. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    This afternoon my microwave made a popping noise and it was dead. I double checked the circuits, the outlet and tried plugging it in another outlet. Yep, it is done for. I got another one ordered late this afternoon. It is a Holiday weekend so I have no idea when the new one will be delivered. They said September 1st but I think that is doubtful.

    Sandy, enjoy your weekend however it turns out.

    Jackie, I hope you see more of your dog walking friends soon. Another hug for George please.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    What a collection of teapots!

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    A quiet day after a short half hour walk on the moors. A few supplies picked up from my store like local milk and yogurt, ham and sausages from a Cornish farm and PG Tips teabags as I was about to run out. I cut the grass on the upper lawn then finished tidying the area pruned yesterday. Considering the time it took, it doesn’t look like a major clean but at least it’s a start. A rug and runner for the garden room was delivered late yesterday, the sort that pick off dirt and dust from shoes and pet paws, and are already making a difference to how much gets walked ins!

    More information has arrived from nephew Sven about his step mother’s devious behaviour. I’m so cross, not only that she has managed to steal his inheritance but that my brother spent the last 6 years of his life feeling depressed about her leaving him for a younger model rather than divorcing her!

    Early night because I’ve been fighting a sore throat and sniffles since Thursday that’s getting me down a bit.
    An amazing collection of teapots!

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member

    Jackie, I love your new rugs! And glad to hear you did get your PG Tips teabags. That’s a necessity. It seems somewhat despicable people end up harming good folks. I hope it is not too late for Sven to mount a fight. So sorry for his situation.

    Sandy, I saw your photo of the beautiful flowers for Babe. ❤️❤️ I hope you enjoy game night on whatever night you’ve chosen.

    I spent time today going through all the Labor Day sale emails I received from some stores I like. I ended up with some orders including new driving gloves for winter. I know, it is not winter yet. 🤣😄 The markdown was quite good and I liked the color. I also got some half price undies. I don’t remember Labor Say sales being so good.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Sunday! 😀I had a non stop day yesterday with soccer game, cemetery, two different stores for returns, mass, Marisa’s house for pizza and games and finally an escape room. Got home at midnight exhausted. Today we go to Robs. Love having Bryanna home. Babes birthday was yesterday I got flowers from me, Cheryl, Marisa and Michele in the colors we love.
    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Hello. Finally, a quiet day on this street today! I hope there are no fireworks tonight. Plenty of cardio today, watched church online, wrote all of my September checks. That took a while, a long while actually. I worked on the start of a card today. Didn’t turn the way I’d hoped. Will start again, maybe tomorrow.

    Sandy, wow, you do stay out late! I couldn’t do that. 💤💤 Did you have a good time today?

    Jackie, hello. I saw on the Facebook page that Kerry got another new puppy. He’s an absolute cutie. His name is Duggy. Here’s a photo of him with Harry.


    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    Happy Monday. I began to type a post last night but halfway it disappeared and because a head cold has me feeling Blah, I had to give up looking for it. I did manage some shrub tidying in the afternoon then had to spend time bagging the cuttings because rain was forecast today, which finished me off! Apart from a local walk this morning I don’t plan to do anything so hopefully will shake off this bug.

    Beautiful flowers Sandy and definitely a cute puppy Lin. Fellow dog walker Brian’s Westie is called Duggy. When I saw them yesterday, Duggy disappeared into long bracken so we only knew where he was when the greenery moved!

    I must walk George and Betty before the rain becomes heavier.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Happy Labor Day!

    Jackie, I am so sorry you have caught some sort of bug. You just keep powering through and getting some things accomplished. Amazing! It doesn’t take much for me to just go to bed and nap and nap when unwell. And you bagged cuttings and walked your dogs. What a contrast.

    I moved a few heavy things and I have an absolutely crippling pain in my back and shoulder. I couldn’t sleep well last night, well, less well than usual. So I am tired and was unable to get through the cardio class I signed up for this morning.

    Sandy, hope all is well.

    I think I will have to break down and take some Tylenol.

    Be safe my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Monday/Labor Day! :) We had a great time at Rob and Lisa's. The kids were thrilled to see their big sister and she was so good with them. We ate pizza, played a board game and Bryanna went with her dad to his open AA meeting. It meant a lot to him and to her, she is such a good daughter and granddaughter. She drove me home and then took my car to visit her friends in the city. I am going to the pool today so I don't need my car. She will bring it back later tonight.
    I am a little confused about a text message I got from my trial place saying I have an appointment tomorrow but I was told it was the 18th. I can't call them until tomorrow morning so not sure what is going on but I guess I better be ready to go tomorrow just in case.

    We are having our usual labor day party at the pool today. Everyone brings some sort of food to share and some drinks as well. It is not really hot with temps in the low 70's but the real feel is 80 so should be perfect.

    Lin, sorry you hurt your back, maybe just rest today so you don't aggravate it more.

    Jackie, sorry you aren't feeling well so do the same and rest today.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    edited September 3
    Happy Tuesday! :) I had a nice relaxing day for Labor Day. Went to the pool where we shared food and drinks. We basically just put our feet in the water and sat on edge of pool as the water was a little chilly.
    It was nice though and we had a good time. We are not sure if pool is open today and we were told to see if our fobs opened the door, if not it is closed. If open this will probably be my last day as I am busy until next Tuesday when I get back from Florida. Bryanna is using my car as I don't need it until Thursday but will return it today or tomorrow hopefully with gas. lol I ordered the taxi for the airport Friday and on then return Tuesday. Thursday mani/pedi , washing clothes and packing and I will be ready to go.

    Hope you all had a good day yesterday and again today.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    edited September 3
    A drippy Tuesday for me! I can’t shake this bug off and am told the symptoms could be Covid! It’s annoying because a dry and not so hot day would be perfect for all the gardening I want to carry out but that’s impossible at the moment as I continue to sneeze and blow my nose! This morning George and Betty had a very short walk but didn’t seem to mind, and I visited the supermarket very early so hardly anyone there, and bought a few supplies. A boss from nearly 50 years ago phoned for a catch up and I’ve promised to try to visit him in October when I have an appointment with my dentist whose practice is in his area. He is in his 90’s and loves to reminisce, in fact just threw Anthony Hopkins’ name into the conversation from when he worked with him. I can’t keep up with that kind of name dropping!!

    Lin, I do hope you haven’t done major damage to your back and shoulder. Tylenol for you and Paracetamol for me!

    Sandy, I hope your Trial place sorted themselves out. Modern technology can’t beat a pen and paper for efficiency!

    I must feed the hens their afternoon corn, then the pooches and Brady, then me, but first I want to change my bedding so hopefully have a better night’s sleep. Last night I managed about 2 hours!

    Take care and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Hi, no improvement on my back and shoulder. Darn.

    Jackie, yes, I suppose it could be Covid. Lots of it here. Several of my friends had it recently and took Paxlovid. They thought it helped. I hope you are on the mend.

    Sandy, did you get another visit to the pool today? The weather was good here (again).

    I hope I will be able to sleep tonight. I was up for a couple of hours again last night. Could not get comfortable. Just kept trying to find a comfortable spot.

    I hope everyone will have good days. ❤️❤️

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    edited September 4
    Happy Wednesday! :) John and Laurie should arrive around 4pm. Bryanna is coming around one to do my hair, maybe just a cut, I feel blonde enough. She will also vacuum for me as it hurts my back to push the vacuum. We will play a couple of games and then go to dinner and come back and play more games. It should be a fun night.
    BTW, I did not have an appointment with the trial yesterday, it is the 20th like I had written down.
    I did make it to the pool for a couple of hours yesterday and I am sure it will be closed when I get back Tuesday.

    Lin, I am so sorry about your back, you might need something stronger than Tylenol. Maybe give your doctor a call?

    Jackie, oh no, maybe covid? I do hope the medicine works fast and you are feeling better today.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Hello. I did get out today and did a number of errands. The pain was less today. Hoping this trend continues.

    Sandy, busy, busy, busy. What a lot of fun on your schedule. Wahoo!

    Be safe and happy everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    I stopped everything yesterday and rested which seems to have worked because my head is slowly clearing. It has turned a lot colder so I dug out my Winter waterproof jacket to walk this morning and was glad it has a fleece lining! George loves the cooler weather and did lots of zoomies while Betty did her best to keep up. Even Brady is spending more time in the cottage so his 8 years are catching up with him! I needed to visit the farm supplies store but dropped the dogs back home first. I had skipped breakfast so I could make an early start and that meant I was tempted to buy an Apple doughnut that I’ve just eaten with a cup of coffee. Nothing tastes good, not even coffee, so I assume Covid hit me at the weekend but I’m winning the fight! Rain arrived as I drove home so I will make it a house cleaning afternoon. Not much needed, just a quick run round with the hoover.

    Sounds like a fun evening Sandy. I wonder if younger generations will appreciate the joys of sitting round a table with loved ones, playing cards and board games? Much more fun than studying a phone!

    Good to read your pain is subsiding Lin. It’s too easy to strain muscles as we get older.

    I have been sending Anne some of our posts and owe her an email so will attach a few more. She is still hoping to post on our Sneakers page one day but her life seems busier than mine!

    Happy Thursday! Wow, another week rushing by and I didn’t get any gardening done. So frustrating but maybe next week!

    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I have been busy since yesterday with John and Laurie coming here and then Bryanna for dinner and game night. Laurie took me to Costco this morning for new glasses and then I had a mani/pedi appointment. I just got home from running around looking for a post card which 5 stores did not have. Hopefully the airport will have one tomorrow. My daughter sent me a test about a little boy from her Church that moved to Tennessee and he is hoping to get a post card from every state. I tried and I might even try making one but I still have laundry to put away and beds to make besides packing. I hope to keep in touch while I am gone but will see. I will be back Tuesday.

    Have a good weekend,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member

    Sandy, yes, you have been busy! So we purchased new glasses at the same type of store (Costco) in the same week. 🤓

    Jackie, it does sound a lot like Covid. I am sorry your treat and coffee didn’t taste good. I hope you feel better each day.

    Today I found out a friend who was just ready to leave on a trip with her husband for several weeks in their lovely new camper rushed around too quickly and took a fall in their upstairs bedroom. She ended up in an ambulance that took her to the hospital. She fractured her kneecap in two places. That was on Tuesday morning. She will be transferred to a rehabilitation hospital and will need to stay there for several weeks at best. What a detour. Life throws lots of curves.

    I can’t believe tomorrow is Friday already.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


    Some very lovely cookies

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,877 Member
    edited September 6
    It’s a mild day and so far dry, so I am able to get several things done. Yesterday afternoon I received news that dear Les had passed away. In spite of his 99 years he had received Radiotherapy treatment to slow down cancer that was spreading but had taken a bad turn a couple of days ago. I am so grateful I visited him a couple of weeks ago when we chatted for a couple of hours. He laughed about the happy pills he was prescribed and it was lovely to watch George and Betty take it in turns to jump into his lap. A lovely memory of him to hold on to.
    After a walk on the moors this morning I bought a condolence card to drop off at his home. He should have been travelling to London today to attend his sister’s funeral but as no one was there I assume his immediate family have gone anyway.
    My head is gradually clearing and I’ve been able to get some pruning and weeding out of the way. Also picked tomatoes but I will need a lot more sunshine if so many left on the plants are to turn red! My taste buds are still letting me down but one ripe tomato was enjoyable!

    Have a wonderful trip Sandy and stay safe.

    Lin, that’s sad your friend took such a nasty fall just before a trip away. These things can happen in an instant however well we plan. I love the plate of cookies. How clever!

    I must get back to my gardening because rather threatening clouds are looming so I will need to pack away tools.

    Happy Friday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Hello, another mild day. I went to Walmart very early this morning to pick up a little order. My light sweater wasn’t really warm enough. 🤗

    Jackie, I am sorry to hear that Les has passed but how great that you and George and Betty spent time with him recently. I am glad your taste buds are starting to come alive. A good tasting tomato is an excellent start.

    And I hope you get lots of sunshine to help all of those tomatoes ripen.

    Happy Friday to everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited September 8
    Good evening.

    Another lovely weather day. I did my cardio classes, finished reading a book, went down the street to a sale at a neighbor’s house. Today was a sale where you just picked out anything you wanted and paid whatever you wanted. Nothing was marked. I didn’t buy anything but made a donation as the money raised is for the lady’s granddaughter who is planning to study in New York.

    I texted with a friend about this book I was reading (an author we both like) and found out she made a last minute decision to go on a trip to Aruba with a friend who had already booked accommodations. She said she is enjoying days on the beach. This is her second overseas trip this year with girlfriends. No husbands included.

    I also heard from a friend who was working on some type of gardening and did something to trip on some landscape rock. She took a hard fall and thinks she has one or more cracked ribs. She has a doctor’s appointment this week. She would like to have it checked out although I don’t know what they would do for cracked ribs.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Beautiful display