Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - The theme this year is our clubs 50th anniversary 1964 - 2014 but just decorated for Christmas. We are wearing Santa hats or antlers. We simplified this year.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    Phoebe <3
    Gayla <3
    Barbie <3
    Sandy <3
    jeri <3
    lin <3
    Buzz <3
    Jake <3
    Becky <3
    Shirley <3
    Karen <3<3 both of them
    Jackie <3
    Judy <3<3 Both of them
    Nola wherever she might be
    maddie <3
    Connie <3
    just wanted to connect to you all
    <3<3<3 Marie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Just checking in. I am still fighting this awful bug. Darn, I think it is just a bad cold but I am going to the doctor this afternoon about my sore throat.

    We have our grandson staying with us for 2 nights. He is 11 and so nice. He has a cold too and doesn't feel like doing too much either. Good thing as Ed and I both feel crappy. What a nice Kid. He is sniffing around as much as we are. LOL

    He bought himself a robotic dinosaur and we've had lots of fun watching him do it. We watched a funny movie last night too,. Grandkids are great.

    See you all later,

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Picture of our new tree this year.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lovely Shirley. I see some boats.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited December 2014
    :mrgreen: Lin, things seem pretty organized at your house, you've done a great job

    :smiley: Buzz, I get between 6 and 7 hours of sleep every night because I aim to be in bed by 7:30. On the nights I have to be up later, I take a nap in the afternoon. I have the same length of day as most people, I just start earlier and end earlier.

    :mrgreen: Sandy, beautiful are such a youthful looking grandma

    :smiley: Shirley, the parade sounds like so much fun....your tree is beautiful.

    Marie, Jake and I stay home a lot, too, and enjoy each other's company. We are best friends with each other. :cry: I know how sad you are about Sammy....he was such a good companion.

    :cry: Jeri, sorry to hear that you are ill......I guess that means no long walks outdoors

    :mrgreen: Besides going to dance class, walking the dogs, and riding the exercise bike, I spent a lot of time on the phone and the computer dealing with prescription renewals, new health insurance plans, bill paying, and a lot of miscellaneous stuff. It feels great to cross things off the "to do" list.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie, Yes there are actually 3 boats, our old boat, our new boat and the Blue Nose.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2014

    It started snowing!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member

    Good evening! So glad to read all of your updates. I had another busy day........highlights included a trip to Whole Foods, an online cozy mystery readers party on Facebook for several hours, a lovely conversation with the hospice social worker and more sorting through the bins and bins of Christmas decorations in the basement. I've sorted out some to give to a friend and many more to go to Goodwill. Progress!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Oh and I do plan to leave very early on FRIDAY morning--first to get a haircut and then to visit my dad. I think I will buy him a package of donut holes tomorrow......he keeps them for several days so i think I can buy them a bit early. They are easier for him to hold and eat........ <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    how is the weather up there lin? you are such a busy girl.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi Marie - our weather has been a lot of overcast and sometimes with a cold wind. Right now our snow is gone and temperatures are increasing slowly. We should be in the 50's by the weekend and will see rain instead of snow. That is fine with me!!! Plenty of time for snow and to use my new shovel!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    This is the design I am going to try to embroidery in the morning The Gingerbread Pirates
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Except for dear under-the-weather JERI, you all sound great. SANDY indeed looks like her kids sister! Hope she loved St Augustine, a lovely historic and fun place to visit! There's also an excellent discount shopping center across I-95!!! SHIRLEY, your tree is as beautiful as you are! BARBIE, I get it. You probably end up with more sleep than I get!
    MARIE, sounds like a very pleasant and peaceful existence you have managed, and thank you for your effort in putting your <3 list of our present and past members together. LIN, drive carefully Friday and I wish you a rewarding visit with your Dad! Whether or not he expresses himself, I'm certain he values every minute of your visits! How lucky he is to have you for his daughter!
    After myriad outages of phone, internet and TV, I argued my Comcast bill down to $22.14!!! The $116 floored me! Off to bed now. I must figure out what to do with all the empty disks I bought and held far too long! I thought "back-up" but never used them!
    Have a good night's sleep!
    <3 Barbara
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Enjoyed my weekly swim at the leisure centre and luckily got out just in time because as I got into outdoor clothes after a shower the fire alarm went off! One of the friends I was with had commented 5 minutes earlier that she could smell something burning so we weren't too surprised and managed to get into the car park quickly although by then we were being told we could got back in but I decided it was easier to head home and dry my hair here. It's a cold and grey day but I have to pop out again to do a small shop and then hopefully walk George on the edge of the moors because we had a short one this morning in heavy rain and with lots of traffic trying to run us down so I'll feel safer where cars can't go!! I've read all the posts and will hopefully get back to respond later today but must now phone my dentist after chipping a tooth last night and feeling another small piece of enamel come away when I just bit on a crispbread for my lunch. Last night it was a piece of chocolate so that will teach me!!

    Happy Thursday to everyone.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Dec 11th already. The month has been busy for me. I thought once I stopped working I would have time to check in more often but seems like I was wrong about that.

    I am helping plan and do all the preparations for a church Christmas party and that has taken up a huge chunk of time. We are doing a bath to Bethlehem theme so we have been painting scenery so that when everyone comes in the church it will look like they are walking into Bethlehem. We will have little booths all around for them to go to and do DIFFERENT things. We will end with a Christmas video clip about the birth of Christ and hope that everyone goes away feeling spiritually uplifted.

    My husband and I made reservations to go to Abu Dhabi to visit my daughter and her family after Christmas. They don't celebrate Christmas so I will stay in Egypt and celebrate with my son and then off to UAE to celebrate the new year AND my 37th Anniversary. Can't wait to see my grand daughter for a week. We 'll be going to our beach house on the 19th to for several days just to rest up and enjoy a couple relaxing days before Christmas too.
    It was fun to read all about everyone activities. Seems everyone is enjoying the season.
    I started tutoring a little girl and she comes every day except Fridays. So that keeps me busy too preparing for her. She is from Croatia and I help her with Language and Math skills.

    Better go cause she is coming soon. Merry Christmas All. Phyllis
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2014
    Happy Thursday! :D Time sure is going fast, Saturday will be here before you know it and I will be home. I do miss Robby, but I will be babysitting Monday. The good news is that I will be sitting Monday and Tuesday's and Lisa's Mom will take the rest of the week. I asked not to sit on Thursdays so I can go to my meeting, so this seems to be the best arrangement for all. We had a busy day yesterday with going to St. Augustine,as Buzz/Barbara said it is a wonderful historic city. We toured the fort, had a great lunch, walked the quaint little streets and toured the lighthouse. We came home briefly and then went with some of Kristy's Church's friends caroling which was chilly but fun. We ended up having hot chocolate and cookies, then playing a fun game. Came back to Kristys and played dominoes.
    Today even though chilly again, will try to sit in sun. My niece is leaving today, she is staying with her SIL about two hours away. She is relocating to Florida so is here for a month looking for a job and apartment. My other niece who lives here is coming for dinner with her husband tonight and my daughter didn't want to make either niece uncomfortable since the family doesn't really keep in touch with Kim, the daughter of my nephew: brother of the niece coming for dinner. You have heard this story before so I don't have to explain. Just sad.

    Time to eat and relax.

    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Sandy seems like you are having a great time in Florida in spite of the cooler weather. :o
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Barbie...your morning sounds like mine without the very early rising. I get up a 5. Take dogs outside. Back inside for devotions and then outside again. happy for you that you spend time with your grandson. They are so precious.

    Beautiful tree Shirley. I am thinking of getting one this year.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Hello Sneakers,

    Well we got some snow last night. Dave had to leave early for work and meet someone so he did the driveway early this morning.
    I was meeting Elli's family for breakfast this morning. It was her birthday and she would have been 58. Everyone was doing pretty good with a few tears shed when we would talk
    about her. Tom treated everyone which was very nice. Christmas will be hard for them this year.

    I was supposed to meet my friend Donna for lunch across the border but rescheduled
    because of the snow. The roads are too slick today.

    I did make some Rocky Road squares last night for Christmas and I think a batch of Almond Crescents today and then the cut outs are left to make. That is all I am baking this year. Just a sample we don't need anymore than that.

    LIN - Safe travels again to see your Dad and good luck with the decorations.

    SANDY - Enjoy your time in Florida in the sun. It has got to be warmer than home. ;)

    JACKIE - Glad you made it out of the complex unharmed from the fire. Good luck with the dentist.

    MARIE - Love the new gingerbread man, Arrrrgh!

    BUZZ - Nice to see a bill go down instead of up as everything else these days.

    PHYLLIS - Your Christmas party sounds lovely, and I bet a lot of work with painting.
    I am sure it will look wonderful and inspiring when its done.

    Ontario, Canada

    26F and snowing!