Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lost my entire post, boo-hoo and no time left! Everyone have a lovely rest of the day, and must rush to dress for dinner! From now on, I will continually copy my post as I go along so I can past it back when I lose one!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2014
    Forgot to enclose the pictures from yesterday. 219 steps up and 219 steps down to see the top of lighthouse. Over 11,000 steps total, good day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Excellent posts from everyone and of course, I am lagging far behind! I had a lot of cooking to do today---I won't list everything but it took a lot of time. Then did a couple of errands, spoke with my dad, spoke with the hospice nurse, got together the things I need to take with me tomorrow, and I have my lunch packed. Have to leave very early and wouldn't you know, it will be foggy. Lovely but I really do not want to try to reschedule the haircut........she only had one opening.

    Onward. Hugs to all. I cannot get to the groups from my phone right now for some reason so hope to keep in touch, if not, no worries, I'll get back to you when I get back home.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Do be careful Lin. take care
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Love the pictures Sandy . you look so dashing cute.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited December 2014
    Took Brandy and Bernie for their yearly check-ups at the vet today. Brandy loves going and Bernie hates it. Sasha had her check-up in October when we boarded her. Brandy and Bernie both need teeth cleaning (scheduled for February) and Bernie needs to lose more weight....he lost a little since last year but not enough.

    Sandy, your pictures look great. I love lighthouses and love to climb to the top.

    Phyllis, your Christmas event sounds like a lot of fun.

    Lin, drive safely on your trip and enjoy your dad's company even if it seems like he doesn't know all you're doing for him.

    Shirley, you're smart to avoid driving in slippery weather....better to be safe.

    Marie, hugs to you

    Buzz, my best friend keeps hours like you do and we have difficulty finding a time when we can talk on the phone.

    Jackie, I hope you found a good place to walk George....I know that I feel safest walking my dogs where there is no traffic (that's one reason we walk so early in the morning)

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Buzz...I understand. I have lost many posts. We get about two or three paragraphs and then they all disappear.

    <3 photograph so well. Beautiful lady !!

    <3 Lin...I hope you got your hair cut. Little things like that can make us feel so good.

    I have the day off tomorrow, but I have two doctor appointments scheduled plus my family, knowing that I am not at work, will be wanting me to do all sort of things for them.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Reporting my Friday weigh in on the 3 one's diet
    My lost for this week. <3 .5 That make 7.5 lbs on the 3 one's diet
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Off to see the ocean, do some errands, lunch and later dinner to celebrate the closing of my daughters house in Minnesota. So glad it sold. My niece and her husband came for dinner last night.


    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
    image.jpg 1015.4K
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Fabulous photos Sandy ~ a beautiful family you have.

    Since I'm doing my best to work through about 40 Christmas cards to be posted I won't hang around and also want to get George out for his late afternoon walk before the temperature drops to freezing as predicted.

    Marie ~ You're doing a great job on your diet and it does seem to suit you so congratulations dear friend.

    Everyone have a lovely Friday and I'll hope to catch up over the weekend.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Just checking in.

    Sandy you look like you are having a great time. Nice pictures.

    Buzz - losing posts, I do that all the time and it is so irritating.

    JACKIE - I see you are definitely keeping busy. Great job.

    Marie - doing great

    BARBIE - I've been so bad about replying as we continue to be sick. But I was so impressed with you getting up so early to walk the dogs. What time do you go to bed?

    Lin - so busy my dear. Look after yourself.

    Ed and I are both still sick. Will this nasty virus ever go away so I can start to look after Christmas preparations. Horrible sleep last night, sore throat and ear. Coughing.

    Ed is going to the doctor tonight to have them listen to his chest. He had pneumonia last year and we don't want a repeat.

    Have a good day.


  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Dear friends,
    I just finished reading posts for the last 10 days or so. I am going to try to get on the computer more often if it lets me.
    Marie, your new diet program is really working for you, I am so glad that your swelling is going down too. Keep up the good work. I am going to have to do something as my weight is up 10 lbs in the last year and a half. I think I will go to ww meetings after the first of the year.

    Sandy, your trip sounds like you had a very good time, good for you.

    Lin, boy you are organized now. I am a organized person too. Everything has to be in its place and everything clean and shinning or I don't feel like things are done. The safe is a good idea, the fire ext., and the latern is smart to have. You are a great daughter for your dad, so caring. You are also a good person always commenting on everyone's food diary. I am glad you are a friend for all of us here. God bless you.

    Phoebe, I haven't seen any posts from you, everything ok?

    Barbie, you have so much energy, your dogs are lucky to have a good mom to walk them so much. I bet they are not over weight.

    Buzz, things seem to go well and then all of a sudden things change, I hate when that happens. I hope your arm is better and things go smoother for you and Mike. Your food choices look good. Keep smiling!

    To all the friends I didn't comment on, forgive me. I enjoy reading about you all but the internet out here is too slow for me to get on every day. God Bless you all.

    My day today
    Breakfast, protein drink and black coffee
    Snack, 1/2 orange.
    Lunch, probably a salad with boiled egg, tomato, skinny slice of ham, spinach, lettuce,carrot, radish. low cal italian dressing.
    Dinner, we are meeting friends at the senior center, one of the churches is giving a free dinner to our small community. We went last year and it was very nice, the pastor came around and talked to everyone. We tried to give a donation and he said no this is our gift to the community.

    I am going to try to do a walking tape today too. Also I have to work on a quilt. Well, enough from me. Happy day to all of you.
    PS, the weather has been in the 50's lately, rain too.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm not sure if you get to see our British tv series Christmas specials in the States but if so am sure some of you will be delighted to know there is one to be broadcast for Call the Midwife which I thought had finished for good and also Downton Abbey has a special guest star in their's, someone I know BUZZ admires! ;) and who will even get me watching!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Christ how long have you been in your new home? Seems just yesterday you was talking about relocating So nice to hear from you... every post from you is a precious gift to us

    Shirley when did you join MFP/ I notice you have over 5,000 post so you must have been a member a long time. You are so nice to everyone I so enjoy hearing all about your life. My granddaughter in Springfield. Mo. has done the nursery in Anchor My great grandson is due in January His name is going to be Grayson
    have a great day <3<3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited December 2014
    My line dance class went well today. The woman who organized the collection of over 40 knitted and crocheted hats to take to Head Start announced that she had enough hats and brought a picture of all the hats laid out on her guest bed.

    Even though there have been terrible storms around Seattle and Tacoma, we have had nice weather with a bit of rain. It was clear this morning when I walked the dogs and sunny for their walk this afternoon.

    I hadn't been able to get in touch with my 94 year old cousin that I call every day. First I found out that her phone wasn't working and then someone called today to say that she was in the hospital. I called her today and she said that she hadn't been feeling well so she went to the hospital. She is still talking about wanting to move out here but in the more than a year that she's been talking about it, she has done nothing about putting her apartment on the market.

    Jackie, I wrote short notes on three cards to respond to friends who had sent me Christmas cards and based on how long that took, I can imagine how long it will take for you to do 40 cards.

    Jeri, we go to bed about 7:30 PM almost every night so we can get up really early in the morning. We rarely go out in the evening and if we do, we take a nap in the afternoon to prepare. I'm sorry to hear that you and Ed are still sick especially with all you want to do to get ready for the holidays.

    Marie, that is such good news about your new eating plan.

    Sandy, you have such an attractive family.

    Buzz, I am writing this in a word document because I don't want to be a good sport when I lose it. I save my work about every five lines.

    Chris, we have high speed internet. I think I would be like you not posting too often if I had internet problems. I know you have been successful with weight loss before so I'm sure you'll be doing it again soon.

    Becky, can you take a day off and not let your family know, so you can do stuff for yourself?

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    24,000 steps today :mrgreen:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello friends----HOME - HOME - HOME! Yippee......... <3<3<3<3

    There was just a little bit of fog and some very light drizzle today and on my trip home the weather was just fine and the traffic was heavy. I think many people were driving to Des Moines to go shopping or to one of the many holiday events.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I really meant to post earlier but I must have fallen asleep sitting here! Read all the posts today and love SANDY's pictures. Who is the young lady on the right of the 1st picture? She looks just like you!
    JACKIE has my curiosity up re Downton Abbey. Who could it be? 40 cards??? OMG!
    BARBIE, we are just returning from dinner about 7:30! But your lifestyle sounds idyllic!
    JERI, you and I win lost post prizes. Lots of flu around here, and I hope you are improving!
    LIN, glad you got home safely, but was that from a trip to your Dad?
    MARIE, you keep us a;; up to date. I wondered, too, how the posts get counted, though I know BARBIE mentioned about posting within groups not counting!
    CHRIS, sounds like all's well in your area!
    BECKY, can you maybe just sneak off and have time for yourself?
    SHIRLEY, can't seem to find your post, but I know you're busy busy busy!
    must put wash in the dryer.....
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Buzz, if you are talking about the picture with the three of us on the lighthouse, that is my great niece,my nephews daughter. The other girl is my daughter. In the group shot the girl that is not my daughter is my niece,my brothers daughter. Does that clear anything up? B)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz Shirley and I are posting on a challenge thread of Losing 20 lbs. by Easter and I do not find any Days join on it. Anywhere. ?
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Well we got the church all decorated and it looks like stepping into Bethlehem.. ( WELL ALMOST) but I think everyone will get the idea. It was fun to create this scene and I can't wait to see everyone all dressed up in gallabeyas and enjoying the activities that we have planned. My husband is gong to come along and my son too so I am happy since neither one of them are Christians. At least they support me in my activities and that makes me feel glad.
    My mom FINALY had surgery to get here REAL hip yesterday. She is in Idaho in a hospital and my sisters and brother are taking turns being there with her. I wish I could be there too. I enjoyed sitting in the hospital with here almost every day of the summer. We became very close. She told me yesterday that she wished I could be there too because I stayed all day every day with her and my sisters will only come and go and visit a while. But life is what it is and I am half way across the world so I can't be there in person but I'll still call and keep her company when I can. I am excited that she can finally start to walk again. They said they will get her up and start to walk today. It is going to be hard since she has not been able to walk since Aug. 13th. Her muscles in her legs are probably needing a lot of therapy to even walk up the hall and back.
    Merry Christmas to all.