Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy is it today you go to Florida for you vacation. You really need it after this week. A very busy week for you. I am going to be fine I think. I am just going to concentrate on my ONEONE ONe diet And think of all the good times with Sammy. you have a good time. How long will you be gone?
    I do want to thank each and everyone of you for all your king thoughts for me.
    <3 (((hugs))) <3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2014
    Happy Saturday!! :D Donna's funeral was yesterday and was very moving. They had a viewing for two hours and then a graveside service followed by a luncheon. She looked peaceful and I put a little angel in her coffin so we can stay connected. After my kids and granddaughter went to my sister's niche and I showed them mine for when I die. Then on to my brother, mother and father's graves. Both cemeteries were very close so it made me happy that my kids and Bryanna went with me to visit their graves.

    I got up at 5 am this morning to take my daughter to the airport since her flight was at 7am. Came home went back to bed for a little while and soon have to get ready to go back to the airport for my flight to Florida. Bryanna will drive my son and me even though his flight is later than mine but he doesn't mind waiting at the airport. So off I go to Jacksonville Florida and will welcome the sunshine. I will try to check in but have a wonderful week.
    Marie, I will be gone from Saturday to Saturday. <3

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I welcome you to share our sunshine, which is bright and lovely today. Sorry you missed the shuttle take-off yesterday, but I couldn't see it either! Have a great week!
    JACKIE, I do try to be careful, but some things are unavoidable! Like this morning, I don't know what, beside the squashed strawberry and grape I discovered on the kitchen floor between the sink and counter top, where we sit on the other side on bar stools. As I brought my cup around to the sink, I could feel stickiness on one shoe, ..looked down and sure enough, squashed fruit on the floor. Realized Mike had to have tracked it elsewhere, but he said his shoes were clean. I saw sticky residue all around, so went to look at his shoe bottoms, and they were loaded with pieces and sticky juice everywhere! I hope he didn't walk on the carpeting, but what could I do except wash the entire hard floor? I sent him up to watch a travelogue given by one of our residents while I cleaned up. How should I deal with the feelings I repress? I surely am aware he doesn't mess up deliberately, but it seems to be constant!
    We are having a shredding service come by on Tuesday, and it seems like a great thing to take advantage of, so I will start examining anything over 7 years and prepare it for that service! Is that what LIN is busy doing, also?
    Everybody have a great weekend and I must run while the apartment is empty!
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited December 2014
    Have a good trip Sandy. You deserve it.

    Buzz - big hugs to you. You have lots to deal with.

    Becky and JACKIE - why is weigh so hard to take off but so easy to add. Grrrrrrr. I am still struggling with getting off some weight I put on awhile ago too. It comes off so slowly. Darn.

    Both Ed and I have come down with a bug. I felt really awful yesterday but starting to feel a little better this after noon. Ed only got real sick in the middle of the night. He'll have a bit of catching up to do with me.

    I had my 6 mo. Cancer checkup Appt with my doctor to review my MRI of my breasts. All is good!!! That's always good news.

    See you all later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    So sorry you're not feeling well Jeri. Hope you and DH improve soon. And yeah on your cancer check-up.

    Happy travels to Sandy!! Enjoy your week in Florida............see you whenever you get a chance.

    Marie - you have a good plan. Concentrate on something else. Of course I live alone but I always have some kind of sound in the house so I feel like I always have company.

    Buzz - nope, not working through things to shred. This latest round of business started with me thinking about security systems and home safe..........which turned into a lot of online research and a discussion with my handyman. In the end, I decided to get everything I already had in good shape so that's what I've been doing. I do have buzzers on both front door and slider to deck BUT I'd been bad about changing the batteries so while I started to try to remove the covers I dislodged parts from the wall---oh my!! I've ordered the batteries and have talked to the handyman about re-installing what I've messed up. Hopefully that will all be sorted out next week. Meanwhile I also was changing batteries in flashlights, got out several motion sensor LED lights and got those going and placed in the house, changed batteries in remote controls, got out another motion sensor---it has a piercing alarm sound! Oh my. I also have a sensor that turns on a light when a door slams or anything (actually it goes off all the time when we have thunder). And of course I have my personal wearable alarm so I did a test of that to make sure it was working properly. I found my two padlocks (keyed the same) and put them on the gates to my backyard (I have a 6 ft security fence back there).

    My handyman thinks I don't need to do anything at all since I've never had any break-ins. I think that's kind of short-sighted thinking. Prevent the problem right? Anyway, he will bolt down a safe if I purchase one but he just wants me to put it in the garage rather than the basement. That's what they did when they moved........rather than having it installed in the basement again, he put it in the garage so there would never been an issue with water in the basement from failure of a sump pump or back up of storm drains or anything. Well that is true but having one in the basement would really discourage anyone from trying to carry it up the steps---having it in the garage not at all.

    In addition to that, I got an Amazon Fire TV stick and installed it on the television in my living room. I also got other items plugged in after I found another multi-plug power strip, got all the remote controls working again, the channels re-scanned and now can watch TV in that room if I want to watch Amazon instant videos, Netflix, PBS or my few local channels. Not as flexible as Roku. I have a fairly comfortable couch in that room so if I'm not feeling well, it's a good place to hangout. I also set up a lamp on a timer in that room.

    Finally I worked on the electronics in my bedroom. First I had planned to install that 42" TV I won and never took out of the box but honestly that is so big and the room so small that the amount of light in there would drive me crazy! Instead I again got all the remote controls fixed up and found all the cords I needed and installed a BluRay player (the one I won along with the TV). Now I can watch anything I have access to or have in the house as I have a VCR (the only functioning one I own apparently), the BluRay player, a Roku box, and an iPod dock on that TV. So I immediately watched the old "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" on VHS! I'm left with a new TV and a home theater system still in the closet!

    I tried to hook up the TV in the family room to a combo DVD/VCR player BUT since the VCR part doesn't work it didn't seem worth it. That is also the corner which is just a complete nest of wires and cords!! The cable modem, wireless router, garage door wireless system, Roku, VOIP telephone........all in that little corner and working fine.

    Also been doing all the normal cooking, veggie cleaning and chopping. Seems like I'm always making almond milk or soy yogurt of crackers or something.

    Now, I've bored you totally with all of this detail. I'm trying to remove some putty from one of the security components and so far all I've done is cut two of my fingers. Not smart. I'd like to get some excess Christmas things together for a Goodwill donation. Not necessary though.

    Also thinking about selling my dad's acreage. I still don't want to do it yet. But I've still been wondering about trustworthy cleaning services. I have a subscription to Angie's list but it's only good for my zip code, not for my dad's. Grrrrr. Many phone calls to make next Tuesday (many people are out on Monday). And no call from a hospice nurse since last SATURDAY!! I should have had one or two calls. I have been talking to the nurses and the supervisors though.

    I've stayed home and have missed almost all the Holiday events on my calendar but I was happier to stay at home. I will probably go to visit my dad next week and maybe I can get on the calendar of the gal who cuts my hair.....maybe. She's fairly popular.

    Hugs to all............can you believe I wrote all of that? Haaaaaaa.


  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Jeri...take care of yourself and get over that flu.

    <3 will be missed. Here and at FB.

    <3 Lin...I think you wrote a book ! lol
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri good news but bad news on your ills . Hope you get over it real fast. And ed too.
    Hi Becky
    Missed phoebe since they gone back to work. You two take care of your self
    Gayla Is it snowing?
    Lin I do believe you have more electronic than. walmart has on hand.
    : <3 (((hugs))) <3

    Heck I do not know how to send this on my I pad >:)
    I think I will go back to my ccompute

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Ha, that made me laugh Marie. I think Walmart has me beat by a long way......

    Becky, I sent you a friend request on Facebook. If you don't want to accept it that's fine. Some of the Sneakers won't friend me on Facebook. We all have our different interests and purposes for social media.

    Well, two more holes in my fingers and so many bandaids now I can hardly type BUT a lot more of that putty has been removed.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    B) Today was one of the laziest days I've had in years and getting to my goal of 18,000 steps was a challenge. Hubby, the pets, and I took a nap this morning and this afternoon we went to what seemed to be an endless memorial event for the wife of one of Jake's friends. It was a small gathering and we all sat around one table that had a lot of food mostly cheese, salami, and crackers (all things I don't eat). We brought cauliflower and cherry tomatoes so I had something to snack on but I was starving by the time I got home.

    :D The dogs are already in bed and hoping that we'll be there soon---sounds like a great idea. :D

    :bigsmile: :love: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This morning I managed to get our doggie walk in between heavy rain showers and between the clouds the sun felt warm which was a bit of a problem since I worked out halfway round that I was wearing 5 layers ~ a little vest, cotton roll neck sweater, cardigan and jacket with fleece liner... phew!! Yesterday I did manage to complete the task of attaching new panels to the porch and last night's rain didn't come in so hopefully job done. Apart from some housework today I'm going to relax.

    Becky ~ Bread is my biggest downfall along with pasta so I do my best to avoid it but there are times when my body seems to crave the carbs and that's when my weight goes up. It seems a few slices of bread and a bowl of pasta will put at least 2 lbs on to my hips which is so frustrating. Moving house and working makes it difficult to concentrate on healthy options I'm sure.

    Marie ~ You must have so many good memories of Sammy that will never fade and it's because we love you and hold you in our hearts that we feel your pain. <3 Your comment about Lin's electronics in her home was priceless!!

    Sandy ~ You have a wonderfully supportive family. Now get yourself off to the sunshine and enjoy!

    Buzz ~ Don't think I wouldn't flip to find squashed fruit walked everywhere because I would, in fact I'm bad enough when the cats or dog walk something in from the garden and they certainly don't do it on purpose. When my GP recently hinted that he thought stress was the culprit when it came to me getting heart palpitations and a general feeling of sickness I took stock of how I react to certain situations and realised I do seem to get wound up quickly by the silliest of things and assume that's an age thing because I was always so laid back before so am now doing my best to recognise the rising blood pressure and talk myself out of it. So far so good! As for shredding from 7 years ago a word of warning... when I retired I had a good sort out of papers and did much the same and then last year the very document I thought I'd never need again was requested by an indemnity group so I had to make some embarrassing phone calls to retrieve a copy... shredding is not a job to be rushed!

    Jeri ~ Sorry to read you've both been hit by a bug and hope you'll soon be feeling better. Great news about your check up... hooray!! Yes, weight gain in a matter of what seems hours is so frustrating and I see how and why I put on so much when I first retired. If it wasn't for MFP I dread to think how overweight I'd be!

    Lin ~That's an amazing system you've got so am sure you are as secure as you can possibly be but agree I certainly wouldn't keep a safe in my garage. You've reminded me that the smoke alarm inside my bedroom door has been without a battery for about 6 months so I'll sort that out this afternoon!

    Time to get myself a light lunch before cleaning the kitchen floor and pushing the vacuum cleaner about so I'll wish everyone a happy Sunday.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Jackie.
    its look very cloudy out this morning
    My third day without Sammy . I miss him most in the morning. When I get up early and have my coffee and he jumps in my chair to lay by my side While we watch the news and drink coffee. and his little ears waiting anxiously for Jerry to wake up When will the tears a stop flowing Sorry one of those moments....................Give me time

    <3 (((hugs))) <3 for my Sammy

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Lin...I accepted your friendship on Facebook. There isn't anything that I need to hide there. I am rather careful about what is seen on my wall because a lot of higher up people, where I work, are there.

    <3 Marie...I wish I could be there to give you a hug. So sad.

    <3 Jackie...I am going to have to cut back on my starches and see if that helps.

    <3 Barbie...I do like your choice for snacks. I should carry veggies around with me.

    Well, it is Sunday, so off to church I go.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2014
    Happy Sunday! Wouldn't you know it? I fly to the sunshine state and there is no sun. My daughter's house is beautiful, the pool inviting but much to cold to even it outside. We went to the Jaguars football game since my son in law works for them, but it was like 60 degrees and drizzling so we left early. I sure hope it gets sunny for the rest of the week, so I can sit in the sun and get a tan but if not at least I am on vacation.

    Hope you have a good Sunday.

    One Day at a Time
  • Hugs for Marie, you just have to cry until you don't cry anymore. That's all you can do love you

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello all - just wanted to say "hi" to my dear friends. Glad to see Sandy made it to Lorida safely. Jackie, that was a good idea by the way, I tested the battery in my upstairs smoke detector. It's okay but when the handyman comes to fix my other things I will have him change it before it gets to the beep beep beep state. Marie, thinking of you. :-( So sad to lose a friend. Hi Phoebe. Shirley, you do so many wonderful things. Yippee! Becky, I am so glad to see you here often! Thanks for the friend status on Facebook. Time to run along.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    I change my profile picture but it has not showed up yet.
    this is the time of year to be Jolly.
    My goal is to lose and have a new figure by Easter. not my final goal. But the one by Easter At least 20 lbs. By Easter. my Easter goal.I don't know how many weeks that is for I do not have a 2015 calendar yet.
    <3 ((( Hugs ))) <3 marie

    I check it out and it is 17 weeks
    week1 down 3 .8
    Week2 down 3 lbs total...... 6.8
    week3 Will see??????????
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh darn, SANDY, I just saw here there's a cool spell arriving tomorrow. Thought you were getting on a cruise up in Jacksonville, so I was wrong. That is not a warm city in the winter; in fact, sometimes it snows in Jacksonville!
    JERI, what a relief to get a good report from your tests! Now to get rid of the respirator stuff! Our friend had to cancel her cruise yesterday due to fresh bronchitis!
    LIN, I recently heard a whisper that Netflix might give up discs in favor of all streaming. When it comes to Rokus and all the other systems, I'm dumber than dumb, so I may just give up movies! Heard a fabulous live concert tonight in our auditorium, and now getting ready to fold up and get to bed. I agree about NOT putting a safe in a garage! Crazy idea!
    MARIE, since I lose 2 and gain 3, I doubt I'll ever see a 20 pound loss again. And I should lose 40!
    Restless legs starting to augment on a nightly schedule so will have to find out why. I cannot sit or lie down again!
    Back manana, take care everybody!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz this one one one diet has change my life.. Alice is on WW and is doing so great. so we have a goal o losing 20 lbs. by Easter. She has already lost 28 lbs.. I set up a thread call lose 20 lbs. by Easter I see that there is a group called drop 20 lbs. by Easter. Did not know it was there. its starts Jan 1st. But I will keep the thread open Buzz that was the story of my life. till now. lose 2 gained 3 now I am going to make everyday count.
    <3 (((hugs))) <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Such enthusiasm for a new challenge. That is great. :D More power to you Marie!!

    I've decided to make a trip to Costco today---I am totally out of frozen broccoli and Trader Joe's hasn't had any so I thought I'd check there. Also haven't been there in the last month or so and it's a good place to take a long walk!

    Buzz - I've never had a Netflix subscription for the actual DVDs, I joined just for streaming. And you would have no problem hooking up a Roku or any of the wireless TV devices. You just hook it up to an HDMI port on your TV, plug in the power, attach it to your wireless network. Well, there may be a little bit more to get subscriptions and things going but that's mostly it.

    Hugs to all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2014
    Happy Monday! :D Another cloudy and cool day, but the rest of the week promises sunshine. I am very relaxed so getting away for a while is good therapy. No special plans today, going to Mass at noon because it is a holy day of obligation. My daughter will drive me to Church, then she will grocery shop, pick me up and take me to the dollar store so I can buy some cards for her family for Christmas. I will put their monetary gifts in them and she can give them to them on Christmas.
    My niece from Chicago is coming today to stay with us until Thursday. She is the one who had breast cancer and is moving to Florida. She is in Florida visiting her SIL which is three hours away but wants to spend a little time with us. she will arrive later this afternoon.

    Enjoy your day.

    One Day at a Time