Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    edited December 2014
    smiley-cool05.gif Becky there is a way to find the information when you joined---go to Community, then click on the little bell icon and then on all notifications and it will tell you when you joined

    smiley-cool05.gif Buzz, one of the drawbacks of groups is that the posts you make don't count onto your total keeps growing because I post regularly on a thread....when I post on Senior Golden Sneakers the number doesn't go up

    :'(:'(smiley-sad010.gif Marie, I am so sorry about Sammy. I know how much you and Jerry loved him and how much he loved you.

    <3 Barbie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, our heart go out to you regarding Sammy, but what a blessing he just literally turned over and passed away! :'(
    I can't type tonight as something happened to my left hand/wrist when Mike and I were setting up the nice cabinet he put together from the internet store I watch. 7 drawers and very sturdy.
    Too painful to stay. PHOEBE, safe trip.
    I'll take my bandages and go to bed!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,139 Member

    Marie, my heart is breaking for you and Jerry. You were the best parents to Sammy and he passed knowing how much you loved him. <3
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Barbie....thanks for the information. I will check that out and post my start date later.
    <3 Marie....have you heard of The Rainbow Bridge? If not, then google it. You will be blessed.

    Time to get going. I like to arrive early to work. At least by an half hour. Will be in contact later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    Thanks you all for your pouring out love for Sammy,
    I actually rested pretty good last night despite our lost. Really going to miss that little fellow of mine

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just want to say so sorry about Sammy Marie. Losing a pet is hard to take, they are so much a part of your life and family. My heart goes out to you. <3o:)


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh no Marie, I'm devastated to read little Sammy has passed away as he was such a character and true member of your family. Thank goodness he went quickly and you didn't have to make the decision yourselves but still heartbreaking.
    Lots of hugs from me; I'm thinking of you. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Becky - I have a Fitbit One and have had it connected to my MFP account for a long time. I've done nothing with it since they made so many changes here but I have a Fitbit account through Fitbit and then here on MFP I *think* if you click on the APPS tab at the very top of the page and then find the app for Fitbit--click CONNECT and I think you should be all set. Again, I don't know what may have changed, it was very different last time I changed things (I've been through 4 Fitbits now I believe.)

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Dear friends,
    I haven't been on this site for a while, its so much trouble waiting for the right time to get on. If I wasn't so busy every day I could get on at 8am in the mornings. The only reason I am home this morning is its really icy outside and we don't want to drive. My internet is always slow so I go on my phone and post my stuff there.

    Marie, I am so sorry to hear about Sammy, I have been there and know how you feel. Take care. I only read the last postings so I am not sure what diet you are on, sounds like its working.

    The weather here has been warmer than usual so I am glad. Although yesterday it snowed and then rained last night so we have some ice and we are staying home today. I have been quilting so much I made 4 quilt tops and I am quilting ( putting the whole thing together and sewing top, batting , and backing). I made a wall hanging and some cute things. I guess since the weather is cold I might as well sew. I have so much fabric, ( 13 big bins plus), so I don't really have to go to the store to buy any for a long time. I know Marie probably has that much too.

    My weight has gone up and I am going to have to get out my Weight Watchers stuff again. Since my son and grandson moved here my cooking went back to the old ways that got me into trouble. So I am going to have to cook different when they eat here.

    I don't know when I will get on the internet again but know that I miss all of you. Take care and have a wonderful week.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Lin...thanks so much. That is what I did and it works. At the Fitbit group there is a link but it didn't take me to the right place.

    <3 Chris...I can relate to having a hard time cooking healthy foods when we are cooking for others. My kids made it very difficult. Now that they are all grown and on their own, it is only my husband and I. He, for the most part, eats healthy but way more food then I should be eating.

    Day is half over. comes the weekend.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    Chris it is the one one one diet. It really is all about portion control. you get one serving of protein, I serving of carbs and one serving of fat plus all the lighter veggies you want. plus 2 snacks a day 9 For snack you get half of servings of P, C and fats Really I was wanting to cut my carbs to one servings anyway now this has can actually have anything you want as long as you just have one servings of Protein, carbs and fats no food is off limit. and that I like. She even says you can have a donut for your carbs if you desire so. But only one.. Quite an interesting book She is teaching me how to eat. the right way I got the kindle edition of it. I may buy the book But I have a hard time reading the print. no counting calorie, pts just count the 3 serving you get at each meal or snacks / No food is off limit.
    Loving it. and I am comfortable with it. Something I have not been with any other diet

    There will be an article of this plan in Woman World in January. I am looking forward to it.

    Glad you were able to drop in.Miss you.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I went shopping with my sister yesterday and we hit Kohls, Stein Mart, Dave's Christmas
    store and Merl Normal (makeup). A good day, and we had lunch at Panera Bread and I had my favorite Chicken, Avocado Cobb Salad but I did have dessert. I should know better.
    I will be redoing my ticker after the holidays, not doing so great right now.

    I am up 10 pounds from my MFP weight and have not changed it. I will change it when
    the New year comes and get back to my discipline. It is so hard this time of year.
    My next goal will be February for a our trip to Jamaica again.

    I talked to my daughter, who is pregnant, and she will have her first visit with the
    Obgyn on Tuesday in the neighborhood she will be moving to in January. She has already started some packing on the weekends so she won't be so overwhelmed.

    Well I should go and get some cleaning done. Tonight dinner with my MIL and putting
    up our tree and decorating. Fun times!


    Cloudy, rain tonight and 42F feels like 36F. :|

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I like their cobb salad too.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, OK except left arm and hand wrapped in bandage so typing is too difficult. Sprained something :( !
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Busy day today with line dance class and dog walking and riding the exercise bike and knitting.....a super fun day....lunch was the chili Jake made yesterday with ground turkey....yum yum.....he puts cheese on his.

    :D it is warmer now so the snow is melted and we can walk wherever we want with no fear of ice....yippee

    It doesn't take much to make me happy :D:bigsmile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Busy day here as well. Just working through so many little things that I've let go for YEARS! My gosh, each little chore handled feels like a victory!


  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi from sunny Saskatchewan. This is my second try, just lost a post to you. I see I am nearly out of battery so have to be quick. I have a busy few days ahead but will be back soon.

    Marie -- many hugs to you and Jerry. I am so sad to read of your loss. Sammy was so well loved by you both and he returned that love to you. I know your house must seem quiet.

    I must close now before my battery shuts down. Take care. Gayla
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Home from a beautiful sunny walk across the moors. We probably cover about 2 miles and although I don't rush because George has to sniff every blade of grass I do feel it's doing a lot of good, especially for my sometimes stiff joints. A quick cup of coffee then back to fixing my newly painted panels on to the side of the porch before the weather changes. I was so warm towards the end of our walk I unzipped my coat although it's only just above freezing but will wrap up to do the outside work. LIN I'm with you on the completed chores being a victory... I'll feel very smug when I can finish the porch repair!!

    Buzz ~ What have you been doing?? Moving heavy furniture shouldn't be on your agenda any more even with Mike's help so please do take care. <3 Having typed that I know I'm as bad so can't really preach!! :|

    Shirley ~ My weight is creeping back up too although only about 3 lbs but that does take me into double figures on the ounces and has been enough to pull me up. Shut your eyes whenever the desserts come near!! :D

    My coffee is finished so I must get on. Have a peaceful Saturday everyone.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Jackie and Marie...the reason I am back to posting here is because since the first of September I have put on 10 pounds. It started the week that I moved and started school. Too much going on, I guess.

    I love Panera Bread. All three of my grandchildren who live in Florida are working there.

    Took my daughter to work this morning and then stopped for breakfast. That was not a good idea. Oh well, I will have to be extra careful for the rest of the day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We love having you here Becky. Is your husband doing Ok. Glad you got a computer at home now. you have been a MFP member a long time. I bet you have seen a lot of changes.
    <3 (((hugs))) <3