Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited November 2014
    Love the picture Phyllis. Wonderful!!

    Phoebe, I am also glad you have Okie at home again. Hope the recovery is quick!

    Marie, the thread only changes now if the administrator/owner wants a new thread. One I'm posting on has ALL the history---!!

    Today I put out many many more Christmas decorations. No doubt about it----if I was going to use all my decorations I'd need a much bigger house. The house feels *smaller* with so many things out! I think putting all this away will be an even bigger job. My Thanksgiving things are down in the basement but I've not excavated out the box they go in. I am lazy!

    I made almond milk today, chopped some fresh veggies and cooked some veggies as well. Yogurt is incubating now. Tomorrow or Monday I will need to make another batch of crackers I do believe.

    Hugs to all my friends......

    Lin in Central Iowa where it got nice and warm today and lots of snow melted


    I found this Christmas afghan I made quite a few years ago. It hasn't seen the light of day for MANY years. ;)
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Just a quick stop as we are babysitting 3 grandsons tonight. Whew. 2 five year olds and one 2 yr old.

    Thanks Marie, we did get lots is snow and it was beautiful.

    Sandy congrats on the TV

    Got to run.

    Have a great evening

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    This is the hat I finished today.

    Lin, I love your Christmas afghan :D
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Barbie - <3<3<3 that hat. The colors are wonderful! You are so talented!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :D We all enjoyed the snow here tomorrow it will be mostly ice since temperatures have dropped to way below freezing. I took the dogs out this afternoon and they loved playing in the snow. It was challenging to keep up with all their energy. I finished the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch (turkey and cranberry sauce) and the last of the dishes are being washed in the dishwasher.

    We are expecting guests tomorrow---a long time very dear friend of Jake's and his much younger wife and five year old daughter visiting from out of state. They will be here from about 10AM to late afternoon. Sasha will bark at the little girl, Brandy will want to kiss her, and I will have a challenge making conversation with the wife. I am not looking forward to the visit. I will be the charming and helpful hostess because Jake adores his friend and hasn't seen him in about two years. I will remember one of the great lines from my favorite meditations "I can do anything for 12 hours that would appall me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime." Also, "Act the way I want to feel". We'll take them out to lunch so I won't have to deal with cooking. This is one of the very rare occasions when I prefer eating in a restaurant to eating my own cooking.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to everyone from our Winter Wonderland. It finally stopped snowing but now the temperature is dropping. Oh well, it is winter after all!

    I was planning to pick Neil up today but he was in a foul mood and decided not to come home. I expected him to call with a change in plans but didn't hear from him. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Sandy -- Marie mentioned that there is a different procedure to post pictures now. Would you please give me the directions. I tried to find it here but had no success. Congratulations on your win! Enjoy, my friend!

    Buzz -- glad you are doing well, yeah for the loss. It must make your legs feel so good.

    Marie -- every time I look outside I think of you. I plan to take a picture tomorrow when I am out feeding the birds. Dave cleared a path for me to get to the feeder.

    Jackie -- George has become such a good companion to you. I always enjoy your posts.

    Phyllis -- are you still teaching! Nice picture!

    Phoebe -- hope you and your animals are feeling better. Be well!

    Jeri -- hope you have been feeling well. Those grandchildren will give you a boost! They are so much fun.

    Barbie -- love the hat! You are a multi-talented woman. Hi to Jake.

    Lin -- so sorry that your Dad is not doing well. I am sure that even though he can't express it he appreciates you very much. You are such a good daughter.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Beautiful snow. you guys must have got.
    Barbie love the red white and blue are a fantastic knitter. I envy you.
    Lin you did an excellent job on your crocheting I like that afghan . I did not keep any of mind.thyv19nkn9q3.jpg

    Well it is going on christmas

    gayla you will love post pictures our new way when you catch on to it.I even learn to do it on my own.
    Hugs Marie
    Phoebe hope all is well at you house.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy so sorry to hear Donna pass away. on Facebook. I feel like I know her thru you. So sorry for your kids losing their grandmother
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    edited November 2014
    Happy Sunday!! :D I got some very sad news yesterday, Donna passed away. My ex called to tell me she wasn't feeling well the last couple of days and yesterday her blood sugar was very low and her blood pressure as well. They took her to the hospital and she was diagnosed with pneumonia. Her son told them she did not want any type of resuscitation and she passed within the hour. The sad thing is she was alone but her two daughters were out of town and my ex thought he had more time to get to the hospital. I will miss Donna who always called me her angel and now she is mine. :'(

    Marie, you seem to be doing great on your new diet, congratulations.

    Gayla, above the reply box if you put your mouse on each of the items you will see a little box that says attach file here. If you click on that box you can find your pictures from your computer and/or IPad and click on the picture and the code will go in the reply box, showing us the picture once you hit post reply. I hope I explained that right. Good luck. <3

    Barbie, I have used that meditation myself, especially when I was with Phil in the hospital for Babe. B)
    Who knows maybe the conversation will be easy this time and the dogs will keep the little girl entertained. Here's hoping anyway. :D Love the hat, can't believe you did those so fast. <3

    Jeri, I give you so much credit for babysitting three kids, I have a hard time with one. :p

    Lin, love the afghan, nice job. I did put up my outside balcony lights yesterday and hope to get the inside done today. I too, have too much stuff, but will only use what looks nice and not gawdy. I have a dinner with friends later this afternoon which will cut into my time. :(

    Phyllis, looks like a great party and how cute is your friend who dresses up as a Pilgrim. You look great and your shirt is very festive. <3

    Phoebe, glad Okie is home and doing well, I love that you are such a great animal lover and take such good care of your pets. Did I tell you that the vet said Daisy has arthritis? Babe is all upset that she is only five and has it, but the vet told him it is common in big dogs. She is getting some laser treatments to help and also some meds. <3

    Buzz, you still crack me up when you clean before your cleaning girl comes to clean. Wow, 9 pound loss is terrific, it should help you keep on track now. So good to hear your legs are shaped again and you were able to walk further than in previous times. I understand about Mike and you are doing the best you can, so don't beat yourself up for that. Donna told her son they didn't wake her on Thanksgiving for breakfast and when he confronted the helper she told Donna, don't you remember me wheeling you down for breakfast and when you saw they had bacon you were thrilled? The helper told John they made sure she got all three meals and she ate a little at all of them. After she left, Donna told John she is lying and they are mean to her and push her. She is at peace now, where she can be happy again. :'(

    I better get moving if I want to get anything done. It is going to be a busy week with babysitting, having my kids fly in and staying with me for the funeral, the funeral, the trips back and forth to the airport and finally packing and leaving for my trip on Saturday. Whew I am exhausted already.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    wow sandy I sure would hate to walk in your shoes this week. Busy busy Sad too but you get to see your kids........ be thinking of you.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    In some ways it is a blessing for Donna. She was, i hope, not in pain, and probably not conscious of her surroundings, so she didn't know she was alone. Also, reaching the point when you are paranoid is a traumatic way to live out your days. It was real to her, you know? Yes, it will be a busy week, take it easy when you can.
    I hadnt heard about Daisy. That is very common. She isnt too young at age five. They have very good medicine for arthritis in dogs. Glad she will be getting treatment.

    The afghan is so pretty. Good job, Lin! Barbie, i love the colors on this hat too!
    vegetable soup tonight, better start it. Im still having leftovers, lol. Much less to choose from now. I may add the last bit of turkey tomy serving of soup.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Don't know if this will work, but I'm trying to download a neat picture of Mike and his "guardian", David, in front of the World War II memorial monument in the Washington D.C. Mall during that Honor Flight he was on in October. I think it was a super highlight for him recently, and I love the photo! He was so happy!
    SANDY, sympathy on your MIL Donna's passing. Congrats on the TV, but mostly, thank you for directions to GAYLA on posting pictures! WOW, so much easier! (If it worked, that is!)
    LIN, include a picture of your holiday décor! Our floor just got fixed for Christmas, and it is as cheerful as can be!
    GAYLA, I'm learning; just let Neil be when he's cranky! You don't need the stress!
    PHOEBE, happy for you Okie's purring and home again.
    MARIE, whatever you are doing, just stay the way you are, wonderful you! And congrats on holding your own over Thanksgiving! Me too, but I have so far to go! I hate mirrors right now!
    BARBIE, I'm sure you will be your pleasant self and handle the visit with aplomb! A five year old daughter? Oh dear!!! Love your meditation statement!
    PHYLLIS, what fun, celebrating Thanksgiving in Egypt! Following today's news on your area and ain't life crazy???
    We're about to have a snack so we can see the Sunday night movie in our auditorium.
    I changed the battery in my Kindle Touch and think I didn't get the back on properly! Wasted 2 hours repeating the steps with little change. I'll approach one of the geniuses here to see if anyone can help!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry, I didn't remember I had already posted that same picture back in October. Out of about 200 pictures, I chose the same one! Guess I'm the one losing it!
    :( Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Sandy - big hugs to and your family

    BARBIE - I know you will handle it all with perfection. When I am confronted with something I don't want to do I just concentrate on the day after. That works for me. LOL

    Marie - what a cute graphic

    GAYLA - thanks, I've been having my ups and downs health wise. I have an endoscopy tomorrow afternoon. Here's praying all will be well with that. I have been eating gluten for several weeks with mixed results. I am then going to try to reintroduce eggs into my diet. Here's hoping.

    I just got up from a nap. Needed one after last night. Lukas woke up throwing up last night at 3:30 am while we were babysitting. Ed and I rushed around trying to help him. I couldn't put him back in the bed he was sleeping in as He was sleeping with Sammy. Trying to keep quiet so we wouldn't wake up Sam and Joshua we found clean clothes, some new blankets, cleaned up the mess and I settled onto the couch with him. He started to get sleepy after all of that so I laid him down in the couch and covered him up with a bucket nearby for just in case. Ed brought me a blanket and I fitfully dozed in the reclining chair beside him. Ed went back to bed but came back at 7 am to spell me off.

    We dozed then everyone woke up around 8:30 and Lukas was fine and dandy. Everyone had a great time and Melissa and Jack picked them up later on in the day.

    So you can tell why I needed the nap. LOL. I'm not as youthful as I once was to handle this type of thing. LOL

    See you all tomorrow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello friends - after church today I started to research home security systems. Okay, this is going to take a while----I know nothing about them. Well, I know a little bit more than I did when I started. But not a lot. While not in my neighborhood, several friends of mine live across the street from a home where there was a daylight breaking and entering. They were very frightened as it was a group of 3 men. The cops came and they ran---apparently a gun was involved. We've also had a number of daylight home invasions and people are being beaten as well as robbed. Makes me think that I could us a bit more security around here. Just thinking.

    Waiting for details about the service for my friend who passed away November 28th. I posted on my news feed about it. I don't know if it will be a funeral or a memorial service. She was poor so I'm not certain if her brother or sister will step forward to pay for her final expenses. If there is a service, I may attend.

    This week is also the retiree holiday luncheon and the womens club evening meeting. I guess I should see what I have to wear. The Ugly Sweater party is next Saturday but I probably will not go as there have been too many shootings in the area where the party is being held and I hate to go there alone.

    Meanwhile, I'll try to post some of my decoration pictures. I only have my phone camera so my pictures are never great!

    Hugs to all. It's been fun to have both the Waltons and Poirot on today! Two of my favs............

    Lin in breezy Central Iowa


    My little corner of Christmas decorations as an alum of UNI----purple and gold! ;)
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Purple and gold, they are good together, pretty Lin. I assume this is a college? Its also the colors for LSU.
    Got to get up early. Sonny cat gets his vaccinations in the morning.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my MFP is not working good this morning It takes me to the wrong page. I guess it is something I am doing. Wrong.

    well what a mix up day. Jerry came in here and ask me if I felt like going to the store. I told him it was Monday not Tues. Well it convince me it was It was 9:30 AM and I had an doctor appointment at 10:00 am So had a rush shower got dress and I look my appointment up and it said Dec. 2 no way could I convince Jerry it was Monday Dec 1. Till I reminded him he wash his clothes yesterday Which he always does on Sunday. Then he told me I was right. holidays can really throw you off.
    since it is cold I am going to have chili for lunch and a salad. A baked apple


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Monday!! :D Robby is napping so checking in to say hi. He has a little bit of a cold but is still being good. I got all my Christmas decorations up so I am ready for the holidays. I still have to find time to get my hair cut, mani and pedi and pack before Saturday. My son and daughter will be in Thursday but Rob get two days off for his Grandmothers death so I don't have to watch Robby Thursday when I hope to get everything done. Hope you all are well.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Busy days for my dear friends. I did a bit of basement straightening and dad phone calls. Now my arms and hands are killing me so I'm going to get off the keyboard for now.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We are back from our Thanksgiving weekend. It was fun and tiring but I did get some
    great deals on shopping. We did some shopping Thursday night after dinner too but only for a couple of hours.

    There were long lines for checkouts but it went fast. We did our usual 11 hours of shopping with our elves hats on.

    I read everyone's posts and glad to see everyone had a great time and enjoyed their time with their family and friends.

    I bought some material to make a baby blanket for our new grand child arrival in April. All you ladies with your crafts gave me the idea to get back into making something again.

    Have a good evening.

    Ontario, Canada

    No snow, 27F