Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Just want you to know I cancelled my trip to Lisa's work. The weather is nasty with snow and wind. I feel bad for Lisa, but better to be safe then sorry. Robby is toasty warm with me.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    LIN - Your dishcloth is really nice, I love those crocheted cloths and they are great for doing dishes. Your tree is very nice too all sparkly and such. We have decorated the inside and outside but the tree will go up next week.

    SANDY - How exciting getting ready for a cruise. You will need the rest after watching

    MARIE - Eckhart Tolle is an author who wrote the book The Power of Now.

    JACKIE - Good to hear all is well with you and little George. Its such a busy time of year.

    PHOEBE- Be well for you and Jim and hope recovery is around the corner. <3

    BUZZ - We are back to rain now and 57F right now. It will be dropping again later this week. You just don't know what to wear half the time. Keep well my friend and glad to hear your legs are doing better.

    We had a great day with the girls and my SIL. Dave and I drove up and picked up the girls and Fraser and went to see the new house they bought. They will be about 2 hr. and 10 min from our house. We couldn't see the inside as the people are still there. They
    will move toward the end of January. Kathy looks great and is getting bigger with the baby now and she is 21 weeks now and had another ultrasound and all is going well. :D
    After we saw the house we went for lunch at the neighborhood pub. It is a nice community they are moving into but it is out in farmland. Actually Fraser used to live there with his parents for about 10 years. So he knows the area quite well.

    Today I went to get my haircut and picked up a few groceries and bought my sister's
    Christmas gift as she will be joining us for Christmas this year. I have started laundry
    and doing some ironing.

    We are leaving Wednesday for London, ON to visit our friends and then Thursday off to
    Michigan for Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping. My friend had a hernia removed
    on Friday, I hope she will be okay to do all this. She keeps saying she will be fine.

    Well have to go busy times.

    Ontario, Canada

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello - lots accomplished today but now stressing about when to drive up North. I heard one highway is pretty slick already from what precipitation we had today. I was planning on driving up Wednesday morning and now I hear we are to get several inches of snow and driving will not be very good. So then I thought okay, I'll leave tomorrow evening after rush hour BUT I got a shipping update and my yogurt culture is now set to arrive Wednesday evening. Argh! It's something I only order once a year or so and it wasn't scheduled to arrive until Friday----I can't believe it will be here more quickly. Anyway, it's driving me nuts trying to figure this out. I've driven on bad roads so many times and I detest sliding around out there in the middle of nowhere. My nerves just fray.

    Best wishes to everyone. Sorry for no personal responses.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    A quickie today; just time to check in and out.
    PHOEBE, glad to hear Jim has been diagnosed and put on medication. I hope you both get lots of rest when you arrive at various destinations so your lungs don't have to work overtime!
    SANDY supermom, I understand from friends who have cruised on your ship that it is a terrific one to be on! Have a ball and huge rest!
    MARIE, think about why you are spiking so! Change in diet? Be careful, li'l sis!
    JACKIE, marvelous turn-around. You grabbed the gold ring!
    LIN, skidding on roads is more than dangerous; can you put your trip north off until they are less dangerous?
    SHIRLEY, you had me going about visiting London.....before I realized ON does not mean UK!!! You lead such a busy lovely life!
    Hi to all of you not posting today. Is GIGI back here? Got a sweet blurb from her the other day.
    I said short, but it's already long, so have a great evening, y'all!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ohmygoodness! Just checked out GIGI and here's what I found!
    gigi46 Yes, feels great. Now I'm living in Florida.

    67 years old


    The Villages, FL

    "Its time for me"
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    I finished one knitted hat and have started on another.

    :D Our trip to the cardiologist in Seattle was a bit tiring but successful. Jake continues to do OK and his heart problems are no worse. The doctor kept us for a few extra hours awaiting blood test results to be sure the new medication was working and doing no harm. The results were good and allowed us to go to lunch at the Asian restaurant we like. The dogs liked the new dog walker. Thanks to getting up early to walk the dogs, walking on the ferry, and walking from the clinic to the ferry, I got more than the 18,000 steps I aim for each day.

    It looks like it's time for lots of crafts---popcorn bag, phone cover, dishcloth, booties---we are a crafty bunch.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Love the hat Barbie! Since I'm just struggling along with the basic knit stitch that looks impossible to me.

    Well the weather people say if you can't go today just wait until Thursday so for now that's my plan.

    Meanwhile I'm off to meet a friend for coffee and perhaps a bit of mall walking if her feet are up-to-it.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :D Short day for me today thank goodness, yesterday was a killer. I plan on staying in after Lisa picks up Robby and do my laundry. Since I had Lisa's car yesterday because of the car seat, she had mine. When Rob picked up Robby he took Lisa's car and left me his. As it turned out he forgot to stop at home to let the dog out so I drove back to his house to watch Robby so he could walk Cruzer. Now I have Rob's car so he will bring mine back after work tonight. Uh oh, Robby is awake. Pause.

    Time to do my sitting duties, will try to get back later.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    Barbie that hat is fantastic. Love it.
    also love all that Lin is learning too. and she has made some darling project.
    Phyliss is a great craft person. she seems to be into a lot of things. Me I am about at the end of my crafty days.. But still enjoy what little I do.

    I am into another diet book. just started it so don't know much about it yet. hope to have an ideal of it by next Monday after Thanksgiving However I will be eating in a modified way. Alice is doing fine. I am not sure about her lost but over 20 lbs. Since we are going to her house she will have some healthy foods. She said WW told her to have three fingers of turkey. I would lose out on that. For I have very short fingers.
    But I do think I will have to get back on the gluten free diet for I have had lots of problem with diarrhea the last couple of days. Scare
    to get out and go anywhere.It may have been the cause of my high blood presser I had the other day. But it is back down to normal now.

    Better get up and get my washing started.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    We will be leaving tomorrow for our mini trip to Michigan for Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping. Busy today and will be back on Sunday. I will check in to keep my days.

    Ontario, Canada

    Cloudy/Windy and rain 38F

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member

    Sending along my greetings as well. Got back from coffee/walking with my friend and had no Internet connection so just in case, I'm posting a Thanksgiving wish now!

    Nice talk, nice shopping (just looking for me) and my friend found her *perfect* purse on sale so she was happy.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sandy, you lost me at 'since i had Lisa's car....' lol, what a whirlwind!
    Sorry for the nasty weather around the country.
    Lin, I am glad you are waiting to make the trip. Nuf said.
    Shirley, for us, the good news is that we don't do much Christmas shopping nowadays. The bad news is, I still love to check out all of the sales ads, and Always find a reason to shop!
    Buzz, hope you are getting your legs back, and that the swelling stays gone!
    Jackie, nippy but beautiful weather, right?
    Be back
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from very white Saskatchewan. It is snowing lightly again today. I am so glad that I made a big pot of soup yesterday. I am looking forward to enjoying it for dinner, beef barley. I have tried so often to get into this group and was not able to but today it let me in! I feel like the lost finding their way home.

    Owen is doing great, so happy and busy. He astonishes me all the time. He loves books and is a whiz on my iPad. I limit the time but it is a nice change of pace from all the car and truck action!

    Neil is somewhat better in mood and behavior but I say that cautiously as I just had an angry call from him. He called again about 15 minutes later and was perfectly his normal happy self. It is very frustrating for us but I think I am dealing with it a little better. It doesn't put me into a funk and I do know his behavior is not my fault. The twists and turns of living life!

    Thank you to everyone for the birthday greetings here and on Facebook! You folks are all such special people!

    I am not sure if this will post so this is all I will write for now. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :-)
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Yay Gayla, we've really missed you! Thank you for the updates , and I see you will have a white holiday season. Right thru until spring!
    I couldn't stay awake to finish my post, so here it is.
    Jim was so tired yesterday and as soon as he sat down, he got chilled. His fever was 99.9. So he got his meds, and I went over to the truck, and proceeded to put everything in it. We were supposed to leave very early this morning. I told the night dispatch that he was sick, and they took us off of that trip. Today he has slept, didnt even wake from the phone ringing. He hasnt had a fever today. Im going to bake a sweet potato, split it with him, and see what else he will eat. We will try to leave tomorrow.
    Barbie, love the hat, and the design. I Might be able to knit a washcloth, but only if holes are considered part of the design. Phyllis ' work is beautiful, I can see the stiches, but id mess up the directions and end up with unwearable items. So hats off (pun) to the knitters!

    goodnight Phoebe
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    :p Phoebe ~ Hats off to you for the hats off pun!! Good job you cancelled the trip for a day or until Jim feels better. No point taking risks when you are driving so many miles.

    Lin ~ I'm glad too that you postponed your drive until the worst of the snow has moved on.

    Sandy ~ That was quite a car swapping story and did make me smile. Phew, did everyone end up with their correct vehicle or are you still swapping? :D

    Marie ~ The gluten free diet always did suit you so it could well be trying something new has upset your stomach. Your body knows best!!

    Barbie ~ Love the knitted hat, well done. My favourite at the moment is a fleece hat, bright red with black and white sheep all over that I purchased at a craft fayre a month or so ago. I wore it this evening for our constitutional "to the pond and back" as I call it and was warm as toast.

    Buzz ~ For a moment I thought GIGI was one of those Russian girls looking for a friend in the West I sometimes get messages from but am now either confused or forgetful since I don't remember a Gigi!!

    Enjoyed a relaxing swim this morning but didn't get much done after that, in fact have no idea where the day went but then they are so short since the clocks went back it's dark before 5pm. It's way past my bedtime and the temperature is falling as the fire fades and heating drops so I'm off to bed where I see big black cat Boris is already stretched out!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    Happy days Gayla is back. Hope you have no more problems getting in touch with us.
    How old is Owens now. We missed you. Gayla it is real easy to post picture here now. I expect some snow pictures this year.
    Since we are in the crafty here. Here is my first attempt on a coffee mug. I just love my new Rose designs . Its been lost and Alice found it for me. I could not remember where I filed it on my computer. 98n2gtpqsb1d.jpg
    Hugs Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :D The silly dogs didn't want to walk in the rain this morning. Each of them allowed me to leash her up, go out the back door and then walk all the way around the house to go back in, so I walked by myself for 90 minutes in the rain and came home soaked to the skin with 10,000 steps recorded on my pedometer.

    :o Tomorrow morning I go for my annual fasting blood test so I'm going to have to see how much dog walking I'll want to do with no food. The lab doesn't open until 7:30 so I'm hoping that by staying up a little later, I can sleep later and have less time to wait without breakfast before the blood test. I am so grateful that this is only a once a year event. My line dance class for tomorrow morning has been cancelled because the teacher is ill so I don't have to figure out getting to class mixed in with going to the lab. No line dance class means I'll have more time for knitting. I have no preparation to do for Thanksgiving which is one of the many things I'm thankful for.

    I started knitting when I was about nine years old. My mother taught me. I didn't learn how to cast on and do any interesting stitches until I was in college. When I retired I had time to take some knitting at a wonderful shop when I moved to Washington. I like to knit things that don't have to fit a specific person because I don't like to take the time and care to measure and make things fit. Knitting for children works great for me because they don't stay the same size for long and knitting to give a part of a group of knitted items to be given away is even better because it is likely that one of the children in the receiving group will be the size to fit my finished product. I am half finished with my second hat.

    <3 Barbie

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Wishing Everyone A Happy Thanksgiving. I will be making green beans, sweet potatoes and cookies to take to a dinner we are invited to. The host has planned all kinds of games and fun so not only will we eat but will have fun playing together. I think about 40 people are coming. Can't wait. Barbie the knitted hat is amazing!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited November 2014
    Happy Wednesday!! :D I slept for 8 hours last night and feel great today. :D Babe and I are going to Wildfire for lunch today to celebrate our Thanksgiving. I will probably go to bingo tonight since the turkey dinner will be at Rob and Lisa's. I will pick everything up in the morning and deliver it to them so they can get it all together for our afternoon Thanksgiving dinner. Life is good.

    Phyllis, Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, is Thanksgiving celebrated in Egypt? Your day sound like fun, I love to play games at family gatherings. <3

    Barbie, again you amaze me with all your walking but especially by yourself in the rain. You made it sound like you were frozen being soaked to the skin, I hope that was not the case. Good luck with your tests, I think I mentioned I tried to make my annual physical appointment which was due in November but they couldn't fit me in until January. :p

    Marie, I agree with Phoebe, I think you did well with gluten free, now find the foods you love. Your coffee mug holder is very pretty, you are still very talented. <3

    Jackie, yes, we all have our own cars now, it might be easier to just buy my own car seat. B) I didn't realize you changed your clocks in the UK, so you gained an hour of sleep correct??? You should write a book,, your description of the falling temps and fire fading sounds like something out of a novel. :D

    Phoebe, I do hope Jim takes it easy and doesn't have to drive until his fever is gone. You also have to take care of yourself, nothing worse than a sick caretaker. B)

    Gayla, so happy you finally got on with us and hope it continues. Gosh, Owen has to be close to two doesn't he? I bet Christmas will be wonderful for him. <3 Please post a picture of him so we can all see how he has grown. Too bad about Neil having these upsets, but as you say it is not your fault and all you can do is love him. <3

    Lin, Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, stay safe driving on the roads. <3

    Shirley, I hope your trip is wonderful and you find some wonderful things on Black Friday, a day I never go near the stores. :D There is a TV I saw advertised at Target that looks like a great deal, but I don't think I can fight the crowds so if it is not online then I will just forget it. B)

    Have a great Thanksgiving Eve.
    One Day at a Time

    P.S. I rode the bike for 2 days, recorded my calories and today was down 2 pounds. It works when you work it!!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy your post brighten my day. and also get a recap of all the Sneakers too. Which I read and forget. So good to read your comments to everyone.
    Phyllis your thanksgiving plans sound wonderful. our tradition is to get our belly full and watch the Dallas Cowboys. We usually leave at half time to get home and watch the second half. and fix us a plate to bring home for our Dinner I am to make the Devil eggs and a few just plain boil eggs. Alice is making a new salad and I just plan on having it with cut up turkey and a little bit of ham and a couple of hard boil eggs . really going to watch my Gluten, I had another spell this morning and had to cancel my eye doctor appointment. This morning. No chocolate cake for me. boohoo and no dressing either But better to be safe than sorry.
    Barbie I think your doggies is so smart. You should have stay in too. Hope you don't get sick over it. I too used to love walking in the rain in the summer time But not when it was cold. Sammie don't like to be out in it either When he has to go he goes out on the patio under the picnic table .

    Phoebe I do hope Jim get to feeling better very soon. Keep a watcher eye on him. And hope you and Jim have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Gayla I know you already had your thanksgiving and hope it was a nice one.

    We will get Kylee for thanksgiving but not for Christmas and next year it will be reverse if things are the same.. Going to get to meet Blaine new girl friend to see if I approved of her. I think Alice and Kathy are switching there plans. right now Alice does Thanksgiving and Kathy do Christmas next year they will change. Will also meet Alice new puppy , I better brush up on her name for right now I can't remember her name. It just came to me Thelma

    Don't know what Mandy plans are. She has been working such long hours you never know about her.

    Ok This morning made up My mind I am going gluten free again. Going to have to brush up on it . for now I am just leaving off white and whole wheat flour. No bread!

    Shirley have a great time shopping. Stay on track as much as possible.

    Sandy are we weighing in Friday. or having a by week.? It will be good for me to see if I can maintain my lost for this week.