Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Happy birthday to Gayla!
    We will be home for a few hours tomorrow, then go again. ShShould be time off when we get back
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Happy Birthday GAYLA.

    BARBIE - We actually have 2 treadmills. We took Mom's over with the thought we'd exercise together. Hasn't happened yet. Good thing they are in our workout room. LOL

    Sandy - you've been posting the sweetest pictures. Just love them.

    Marie - I was away, and not able to access MFP On my iPad. I didn't want o incur any data on my phone. Missed you all tho.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    Happy Birthday, Gayla
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Busy day! So many nice wishes for Gayla's birthday, I hope she is well.

    Did a few errands today and at home made almond milk and a new batch of crackers. Hit and miss over and over trying to talk to my dad. He is having more and more problems in hearing on the phone and most of the time he has to have someone dial the phone for him. When he can't hear he just hangs up saying he'll call again and then it may be right away or an hour or two hours.

    This afternoon I got my new little Christmas tree up from the basement, got it unpacked and put it up. Yes. I will have some decorations this year! I don't have ornaments on it yet but it is pre-lit so that's fun. I've never had one of those before.

    Talked to a friend, wrote some emails to other friends and signed up for another crochet class in December.

    Listening to a conference call now. Then will do a bit of knitting and some reading and then time for bed.

    I love the slippers Phyllis. Pretty colors!!

    Marie - will you have more procedures on your eyes??? My vision seems to get worse but I don't have any problem that can be corrected by surgery.

    Time to run along. Hugs to Sandy and Shirley and Jeri and Phoebe and Buzz and Barbie!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Lin My pressure is up the drops don't seems to be working and he said this laser surgery may work and I will not have to take drops anymore. But I really don't think it will help me. The last Laser he did was suppose to make my good eye a little more clear but It did not. I have an appointment next Wednesday to see about it. I am really tire of them messing with my eyes and not helping me any.
    HUgs Marie
    Had another good day on my new plan.Fixing to go take my blood reading and see how today went
    read on facebook today that Kylee Mother announce her wedding plans in 3 weeks.I really hate to see her do that. for I don't think this guy right for her. Kathy told me Blaine is bringing his new girl friend out for thanksgiving. She has a little boy about 7 or 8 years old.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    fjpisj6g9wn9.jpg ....... Lin check this out. I think I will order the pattern . I would love to make the pretty rose.
    Just saying this caught my eye this morning. I also look at some of her other designs Some neat ones.Hugs marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good morning! That is an amazing infinity scarf Marie! Wow.......that's way beyond me right now. I'm still just plodding along with the basics. I don't think I could do that pattern but that flower really makes that scarf special. And I do hope that your eye sight can be improved Marie but you do so well.........I admire you.

    Young people are very difficult to understand. But then maybe I shouldn't say young people, just many people keep jumping from relationship to relationship and not really thinking about the long term. Maybe it's because they just don't want to be alone? I don't know. A lady at church is really down and says she's lonely and unhappy---she's a mom with a teen son at home, has a job with a lot of friends and friends at church and lots of family---still has her mom and dad. Didn't someone say if you can't be happy with yourself you can't be happy with someone else?

    Off to rescue the laundry from the dryer........oh my, the Christmas carol clock just chimed. Love it.......... o:)

    I ordered a few things and got a notice that shipments are delayed in the Northeast.......I didn't even think about that when I placed the orders. Ooops. Might miss my packages.....I plan to visit my dad for a few days next week.

    Hugs.........will try to check-in later.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Friday!! :D Today is Lisa's birthday so I took Robby to her work so she could be with him for her lunch period. She was so happy and said that is the best present ever. :D
    Robby has been just perfect today and is now napping. I hope it is for at least an hour but more would be better. I completely forgot to weigh in this morning which might be a blessing since I haven't done any exercise since I started watching Robby. My fitbit says I am reaching my 5000 steps a day, so I must at least be walking inside a lot. :p

    I have to check on airfare and hotels for our cruise so will check in tomorrow.

    Hope your day was great.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    A little early.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :D One of my line dance friends who loves to knit wanted to knit some hats for needy children. Somehow she managed to volunteer to knit 43 hats for the children at Head Start. This morning she called me and asked if she could make an announcement in line dance class this morning to see if anyone can help her by knitting some hats since she just realized that she'll never finish that many hats in a month. I have a lot of colorful acrylic yarn and I found my hat patterns and needles and started knitting this afternoon. I found out that I can knit and ride my recumbent exercise bike so I'll be doing a bit of multi-tasking for the next few weeks. :D

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    oH Barbie YOU TAKE THE CAKE. never an idle moment. What a sweetheart you are.How many will you get made by Monday.?

    I got started on my pop corn bag tonight. Its my bedtime now.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good Morning from Cairo. Got up at 6:00 am and just stayed up. Been chatting with a cousin online and that was fun.
    Bad news... my mom was all scheduled to have the surgery Friday (yesterday) to get her REAL hip put in. She has lived with this fake hip since August. (She Can't put any weight on it )Thursday night they called and said in the "pre op" they found that she has a urinary track infection and can't do the surgery now until the 8th of Dec. So she is on antibiotics trying to kick that infection. She was so disappointed. ME too and all of my sisters. But I guess it is for the best that they don't do the surgery if she has the infection. Apparently if there is an infection any where in the body it would go straight to the metal part that is inserted and would infect that area too. We don't want that!!! But she sure is bored sitting around all day. She can't see but a little bit in one eye. 20/40 and the other eye is completely blind. So she watches a few TV programs and all the ball games at night. I have great sisters who come in and visit and bring her meals.
    Happy Birthday Gayla!
    Sandy, What a fun birthday surprise for your DIL
    Marie: The scarf was nice but I think it is to complicated for me too but I like that white flower a lot. So cute
    Barbie: I can just see you knitting and exercising at the same time. I used to know a friend who could knit in the dark and she would knit while at the movies.
    Lin: Yes I agree that if you can't be happy with yourself you can't be happy with any one. I felt that way yesterday. I was not happy with ME. I made unwise food choices and it really is true because I was down on myself and thinking negative thoughts even about myself. So I am sure that others around me were not treated in the way that they could or should have been with me around. Today I will start n a positive note and stay away from the cookies!
    Hi to Jeri and Karen and Phoebe and Shirley and Jackie and everyone else. Have a good day
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear GAYLA,

    love from Buzz and Mike!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2014
    And hello to everyone else. I'm off to bed now, much too late!
    I think the graphics have changed. Can anyone explain why I am now getting that extra img on my graphic display?
    Be well, stay warm. SANDY, are you cruising out of Jacksonville?
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Good morning,

    A quick hello, we went to the movies last night to see Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part 1.
    I loved it and it left you on the edge of your seat for the next movie. Since I read all the books (trilogy) I knew what comes next. ;)

    Today is finishing up decorating the inside the house and outside. I went through some necklaces that Elli wanted me to have, that was hard.

    Tonight dinner with friends to discuss the Christmas float for our sailing club entry.
    The theme will be the 50th anniversary of the club which started in 1964.

    Going to get my breakfast and exercise in for the day. JUST FOR TODAY I will stay in the Now (Eckhart Tolle).

    Enjoy your day!

    Ontario, Canada

    42 F and rain today, cloudy
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    OK Shirley what is the Eckhart Tolle?

    I have been reviewing my high fiber diet. I will continue on just consecrating on my breakfast till Monday morning then will work on my AM snacks. which is a hard one for mse for I am not hungry then. But it is to keep you from being so hungry at lunch. I had one cup of Kellogg's raisin bran with Flax seeds this morning for 5 grams of fiber Firsts cold cereal I had in months. hope this plan work for me. I am keeping my fingers cross. It is more of My kind of eating. For lunch I am having whole grain spaghetti with meat balls and a salad.Water! water!

    Jerry is cleaning the floors now. Suppose to have heavy showers but for now just cloudy. Tomorrow. Good day for Sewing. Alice will be out tomorrow. I think.

    this is not on my list
    hugs Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :D Dreary day here with drizzle, good day to stay in but I have to grocery shop, get some gas and then pick up Babe for 5:00 Mass. I really need to get back on track with my food and exercise. I go to Florida in two weeks and would like to shed a few pounds before doing so. I know I can do it I have done it before, why do I get so lazy???
    I have no one to blame but myself and hope I can turn this around and actually meet my goal before the cruise.

    I really better get moving as I have been playing games on the computer, wouldn't it be better to ride my bike instead??? Discipline, that is what I need.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hello friends - the day started out with great intentions of accomplishing a lot. It didn't turn out that way---it was dad phone call after dad phone call, extreme upset, calling nurses. This stuff gets me so distracted and worried that I didn't really get back on track for the remainder of the day. I worked on making a no salt, no oil, no sugar granola recipe today---and I really tried hard and spent lots of time making up the granola and stirring and rotating the pans in the oven every 20 minutes for HOURS until it was dry. It ended up pretty tasteless and definitely not worth the time and effort. I will find some way to use it is reportedly good for up to a month if stored in an airtight container.

    Also cooked several types of veggies as I was running out and made a grocery list for Trader Joe's. I hope to get there tomorrow morning. It will be a busy shopping week because of Thanksgiving.

    If there's no freezing rain I'll try to do my usual run---to TJ's, drop-off groceries at home, and then off to church. Freezing rain could change that schedule.

    A friend e-mailed me and wants to get together sometime next week but I haven't decided which days I'll be out of town..........guess I'd better make a plan.

    Hugs to all of you. I enjoy reading your posts.

    Lin in Central Iowa where all the snow melted overnight

    a crocheted dishcloth
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member

    A bad picture of my little tree..........
    tree.jpg 144.8K
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Isn't this pretty???????


    It really is glittery!