Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lol,yes, Sandy, it works if you do the work. Good point.
    We are home until next Thursday. It is good for Jim's sake. Not great in other, less important ways.
    I also agree with you, Sandy, that I won't go near the shops on Friday. It saves me more to Not shop than it does to try to take advantage of the bargains. Plus, im resting my knee.
    I cant decide about our meal tomorrow. Our family doesn't get together until Saturday. Jim is a picky eater, and we dont need much, coz I get stuck with the leftovers. Probably best to goto Cracker Barrel and bring home to go meals.
    Little Okie is limping, he's going to the vet this afternoon.
    Barbie, your dogs have enough sense to come in out of the rain! Lol, love that old saying. Of course, You, on the other hand,, jk jk jk!

    have a safe day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    Lin found this on one of my fabric supplier . And they have some lovely thread for knitting. I really like the company did not know they carry yarn
    But they have some good prices on fabric. Don't know about yarn.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Marie, I am going to think with Thanksgiving there will be a by week, but if you have a loss post it and I will be happy to post it. I am also trying to keep the two off that I lost but truthfully with the way I love stuffing, I am not sure that will happen.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good evening sneakers. This morning I gave friends a lift to a town called Bodmin, not too far away so they could collect their new car from the garage. I left them looking over all the modern interior knobs and switches so they could get home safely at least knowing where lights, indicators and horn were as well as how to open the fuel tank! Since I was close to an Asda store I had a wander around in relative peace and quiet because most are waiting for Black Friday, something that arrived in the UK a couple of years ago. Personally I'd rather pay full price and not be squeezed to death in the aisles!! Bought myself cosy fleece lined slippers and pyjamas with a patchwork bird on the front of the t-shirt top that could have been designed by Marie it's so cute.

    Barbie - George doesn't enjoy our evening stroll now the weather has cooled so I have to encourage him to walk because otherwise he hangs back and because he's on his lead as we walk on the local road it's frustrating for both of us! It's an uphill climb to our destination the local pond but once we turn round to head home he speeds up and nearly drags me along, as small as he is. The morning walk either across the moors or through local woods is another story and as soon as I unclip his seatbelt he jumps into my lap to look out the window before being lifted down to the ground and is then off before I can get out but because we're off the road he's safe with no lead so long as he doesn't confront the cattle and ponies.

    Sandy - Yes, our clocks went back about one month ago but I did my best to get up at what was then an hour early because it's difficult to explain the concept to cats, dogs and hens who all wonder why breakfast is running late!

    Phoebe - Hopefully Okie will be alright but it's such a worry when they can't tell us what's going on. At least Jim can explain how he's feeling and take a break!

    Tomorrow I must wait in for a repairman to come and look at a leak in one of my new windows that were only but in about 14 months ago. It only happens when we have strong southerly winds with rain so should be easy to sort. I've had a bad eating day with lots of what I'd call junk food so have decided to only make a bowl of granola and yogurt this evening rather than cooked meal to cut down on calories.... sort of!

    I noticed this evening when watching a weather forecast a big white blob of snow behind the presenter's shoulder over north America so hope you're all far enough away from that. Time for me to settle down for the evening. George is snoozing on the sofa next to me and cats all tucked away in warm, secret places.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2014
    Great to see GAYLA back. Her description of Neil's behavior is hitting too close to home! I only hope I can learn how Gayla learned to keep her equilibrium at the difficult times. I don't recall if I posted yesterday, but Mike disappeared when he went down to pick up a note left in our box, and 2 hours later, after searching all over, the nurse saw me and had a serious talk about his behavior, which is very erratic too often now, and again I heard he cannot help it, as he's not aware of it being anything but what he considers humor! More and more I think I'm recognizing what I try so hard to deny. I must learn to swallow hard, and try to overlook everything until we get help for him, or me, or both!
    GIGI was with us awhile back, and I recall her stopping to visit her Mother in Broward County (Ft Lauderdale) on her frequent visits before cruises. It's maybe 2 years? SANDY? MARIE? Help me remember!?
    PHOEBE, taking care of yourself is NUMBER 1, so if you aren't well, you come first!
    Sorry, I must run as DH just returned, needing attention.
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz I am also worried about jerry. he is really changing in his attitude. I am tryin to ignore some of the things. But his driving and his memories

    my latest memory of Gigi is all of her family went on a cruise and they all wore white on the beach A very nice lady. I really like her.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to everyone from Saskatchewan where the sun is shining and the snow is white.

    I have had a good several months watching my diet. My weight and cholesterol have decreased. The cholesterol is now in a normal range. However, I fell off the diet train when I was on my little holiday and am struggling to find my way back so have gained back a few pounds. One day I will step on the scale but not facing up to it yet.

    I am so happy to see that Gigi and Phyllis have been posting again. I will have to go back to catch up on their news. We can take a break but never really leave!

    Marie -- you will have to tell me how to post pictures so I can send you pictures of our winter wonderland. Some folks have different words for it!!

    Sandy -- thanks for the instructions to find my way back. However, when I checked back it worked without doing anything different. I suspect you worked your magic somehow.
    Owen is 19 months and very busy. His speech increases daily. He takes after his Gramma as in he loves to talk! He recognizes and names many letters which I think comes from his love of books. The other day he pointed to the letter E and labeled it and when his Mom asked him what E is for he said elephant. Kids are just getting too smart. He has loved his nighttime routine of bath and story but has now figured out that the sequence ends in going to bed. So now if you ask him if wants a book or bath he replies no very quickly. A little creativity goes a long way. Sorry for too much info! Just don't get this Gramma started!!

    Phoebe -- hope you and Jim are feeling better and able to enjoy Thanksgiving.

    Lin -- how is your Dad doing? Good for you on the knitting! I started knitting a sweater for myself many years ago and eventually my Mom used the yarn to make a sweater for my first born son, Gregg. I did like to do needlepoint but haven't done that for awhile either.

    Jackie -- I am with George, i don't like walking in cold and rain either.

    Buzz -- hope your legs are getting better. Is it painful to do the treatment? Hi to Mike.

    Barbie -- you are so busy and such a good example for me. Now I really need to follow your example. Lazy is my middle name.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling! Gayla :-)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla there is a apage above at the top of your post Attach image when you run your mouse over it click on it8m84yps76g9p.jpg
    And click on the picture and open and it will post the image
    Sandy can explain it better than me.
    My little kylee She was a year old in June
    Hugs Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    edited November 2014

    My goal for Thanksgiving is to focus on being thankful rather than on eating. We have a very simple meal planned with one good friend.

    I am so thankful to have all of you in my life. You have been here for me day in and day out, some of you for years.

    smiley-happy005.gifBarbie from NW Washington where the weather is mild (another thing on my thankful list)
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    That Kylee is a doll!
    Barbie, you are so right, focusing on the thanksgiving blessings not the food. I am thankful for all of the wonderful Sneakers.
    After having said that, lol, ive bought a small turkey breast and will cook tomorrow. I plan to pick up the yummy cornbread dressing/stuffing from Cracker Barrel at 10am. I can eat mine, but theirs is better. And, i get to freeze leftovers, yum! Plus Jim was looking forward to a turkey sandwich :)
    Buzz and Marie, I am so sorry about your spouses. It goes with life but it is so hard to see it happening. We love you both so much♥♥♥
    Jackie, I am with George on the wet and cold walking, there must be incentives, like, a pot of gold or a pound of peanut butter, lol.
    well, did Lin lose her internet or did she head for her father's nursing home? Hope she is safe.

    well, little Okie has broken his other hip! He will have surgery on Friday. Because tomorrow is Thanksgiving, he gets to stay home with us until Friday morning. Poor little guy feels pretty bad. We gave him a pain pill from the vet. We have no idea how he did it. I asked the vet how could he walk with two broken hips. He says he will do just fine. I will have to see to believe. As long as he is pain free, we will be happy to do whatever he needs us to. Poor little fella. So glad we are off for the week.
    Will wish you all Thanksgiving Blessings tomorrow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Hi friends - I have had some Internet problems loading pages today.......seems my bandwidth is limited for some reason. Maybe they don't like how much I've used this month. Anyway, I've been able to post on the news feed athough I can't see many of the little profile pictures.

    My dad will not give up on wanting me there tomorrow morning. Unfortunately the roads here today were not good and I found out the snow didn't start until mid-afternoon up North so likely the roads will be bad all the way up there tomorrow. I am totally dreading this and would like to wait until Friday when the weather warms up again but I guess I have to just do this. I will start later than I usually do so I can at least see what's on the road.

    Hugs--happy thanksgiving and I hope you are well, safe and happy.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin if you must go do drive careful. I too was wondering what happen to you. Still internet problems huh! have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. See you when you get back.
    Hugs Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    [/b] I am heading out to have dinner wit my family here in a little bit With a eating plan that will be Gluten free.Meal. I can do it.
    Love Marie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This picture had me laughing out loud and because I'm always on the side of the turkey had to post it. Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends.... enjoy!

    The repairman arrived just after 10 this morning to see if he could work out why rain water occasionally drips through the frame of my new window and after a good look round decided it could be getting in upstairs and working its way down so has put sealant on several areas and we both have fingers crossed! It was cold and a little damp when I finally took George for his walk but we headed for the moor and he just loved it, running up and down the track with a doggie smile on his little face! When we came upon 4 ponies grazing he behaved himself and carried on walking but a few yards on one stood on its own so George thought he would have a little dance around it so on went the lead before he got kicked in the head! Just before we got back to the car park I met a lady who told me she and her labrador had come face to face with a bull with enormous horns so she sensibly decided to about turn and head back.

    Buzz ~ Do you know where Mike goes when he disappears for so long; perhaps just chatting somewhere and losing track of time? That nurse is probably right that not much can be done but that doesn't take your worry away but I say again, you're in the right place for moral support if nothing else. <3

    Gayla ~That knitting story of yours did make me laugh as it reminded me of my own efforts to create something as simple as a scarf. It got carried around in a bag for nearly 2 years when I even took it to work with me in order to knit a couple of rows during a tea break. One day someone walked into the area I was sitting and grabbed it exclaiming they didn't realise I knitted at the same time pulling a couple of stitches off the needle and now that scarf, finally finished, has a small hole just to remind me!! Congratulations on getting your cholesterol down, that's a great achievement and I do think we all get to an age where weight fluctuates just because we can't be as active as we were 20 years ago so don't beat yourself up. Would love to see your snow if you manage to post a photo but please do keep that white stuff on your side of the Atlantic!

    Phoebe ~ Poor little Okie; perhaps it's a weakness in the hips that has them breaking so easily but the good news is it can be repaired. Does he/she travel with you?

    Lin ~ That's a lot of pressure on you to travel in bad weather, something your dad probably doesn't appreciate tucked up in a warm room but please don't go taking risks because he'd not be getting any visits if you had an accident! Safe journey.

    Marie ~ Enjoy your family meal... I'm sure you'll find enough tasty goodies even when watching gluten.

    Oh, now Bing Crosby is singing White Christmas on the radio when it's still November.... bah humbug!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member

    Have a wonderful day whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not. I brought all the food to my son's house and will return around 1:00 to enjoy our holiday dinner.


    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    I have arrived at the nursing home. Only about 20 miles of dodgy roads. That was a pleasant surprise. Also a guy driving a very large pickup truck has to be one of the best drivers I've come across. As he was passing me at about 75mph his back right tire no to my blew but totally disintegrated and sparks were flying from the rim. My vehicle is being belted with tire parts and there's smoke and terrible smells. I moved I to the center lane, he pretty calmly moved to the right, slowed down and finally pulled off the roadway. Totally amazing how he kept control of that vehicle---no weaving or anything. Yes!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! :smile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What a bright eye little man adorable
    Happy thanksgiving to all I am very thankful for each and every one of you.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    1767873fltwga9rbm.gifb]Happy Thanksgiving [/b]

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hope you all had a great day . Lin, so glad you are safe. Kudos to the fast driver! Too fast, maybe.

    we had a good dinner. Reasonable portions, and a cup of coffee afterward. No dessert. We decided the sweet potato casserole would be enough sweets.

    now i want a nap. Lol.

    okie has made it thru the day. He limps but he hasn't complained about the pain. He didnt want turkey, he wanted sweet potato, so he got a little bit.
    Ready for my nap.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :D We're at the end of the best Thanksgiving Day ever.....we don't say that every year, but we have had some great days. Our one guest was great....she brought snacks to eat during the first movie (pecans, gummy bears, wasabi peas), cranberry sauce made with apple juice concentrate and no sugar, and two pecan pies (one for dinner and one as a gift for Jake). I served turkey that was left over from the turkey cooked at the beginning of the month, baked sweet potatoes (butter, smart balance, and brown sugar for others to add), gravy, steamed green beans, steamed cauliflower, and green olives. I ate turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and veggies with no butter or gravy. When the others ate their pie, I ate the rest of the veggies. We watched a second movie after dinner. I rode the exercise bike and knitted for most of the time during the movies. We took several breaks for Jake to walk the dogs. At dinner we talked about the gratitude quotes I printed and put on the table. There was no talk of politics, sadness, indignation, or anything negative. Jake will cut up his pie and freeze it in pieces so he can have it as a treat in the future.

    “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.”