Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We had a lovely dinner too and I did stick with my gluten free plan. Here is a salad that Alice made and it was fabulous

    Well I got to meet Thelma Alice new dog. He was a cutie pie Stay in his cage and kept an eye on everyone And got so excited if anyone stop by and talk to her Kylee kept him busy.

    Love Marie

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hope everyone had a wonderful day. I am thankful for all of you. I am thankful for your unending support to everyone and for sharing your lives.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :-)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Friday!! :D Our Thanksgiving was also great and dinner was delicious. I actually didn't stay very long but I was just exhausted from not sleeping well the night before. At noon, I am going to a benefit for a little girl who has cancer. There will be raffles, chances and a silent auction. It is where my friend Jen works so it will be casual but fun. <3

    Gayla, I am also grateful to have you in my life, I missed you when you weren't here. <3

    Marie, congratulations on the 3 pound loss this week, you did a terrific job. I, on the other hand did not do well so I am taking a by. (is that how you spell it?) B)

    Barbie, what a wonderful Thanksgiving Day you had, I especially like the gratitude quotes on the table, great idea. <3

    Phoebe, I am happy to hear that you got an extra week off for both of you to feel better. I am also so sorry about Okie, good luck with the surgery and hope he heals quickly. <3 Daisy is still limping so she is going to the vet tomorrow, they never took an ex ray so I told Babe to make sure they do. It sounds like more than a sprained ankle to me. :'(

    Lin, glad you got to the nursing home safely, but that must have been scary to have truck
    debris flying at your car. Did it do any damage to your car? The important thing is that no one got hurt. What the heck is he doing driving at 75 miles an hour anyway? :#

    Jackie, your Thanksgiving picture was priceless and for some reason made me think of Charlie your rooster. Your walks with George must be so beautiful, the scenery minus the bull with big horns sounds wonderful. <3

    After a little catch up on Facebook and my games it is time to hit the showers.
    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Dropped off Okie at the vet. He was so afraid. He had his head down, trying to hide. It looks like hes praying.
    Went to petsmart to pick up food, on special today. There were no crowds, plenty of parking in the shopping center. I don't shop today. Tomorrow, on small business Saturday, i may go to the sale at the Bird Watchers Supply store. 20% off anything

    Gayla, thank you and glad you are here.

    Cold turkey sandwiches anyone?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello friends. Home again. I am so thankful to be home safe and sound. That is my gratitude. Lots of traffic again today, lots of people passing and pulling in immediately. I'm not sure I understand that. Some people drifting out of their lanes---distracted I guess. Fewer miles of wet roads today. Wahoo!

    Hugs hugs hugs. I do love to be home!

  • Hope your father was ok, able to communicate clearly. Welcome home!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Thanks Phoebe. How are you two doing??? As I drive I often think of you and Jim---driving for long hours on the roadways. And I have very little to say about the time I spent with my dad, no, he could not communicate clearly----it was a very upsetting, disturbing, and frustrating time and I'll shut up.

    I'm putting out Christmas decorations now!! Onward!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thinking about Okie hope everything fine. and how is your tooth phoebe.?
    lin glad you made it home Ok.
    Another good day on my eating plan. One meal at a time.
  • The vet asst called and Okie did fine. They'll call again in the morning, and he can go home by noon.
    my tooth doesn't hurt, I'm so glad!
    Sorry, Lin, about your bad experience.
    Marie, Sandy said you lost 3 pounds! Wonderful! Good for you..
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow, what a lovely column to read today. Thankful that LIN is safe after that frightening blowout! And for the beautiful grandchildren pictures. And for JACKIE's funny turkey picture! For BARBIE's reminder of what Thanksgiving is about. Most Thankful for our dear Phoebe's loving reminder to MARIE and me about our dear friends here on MFP! And I hope the vet isn't charging you the fortune my DS paid for his adorable doggie's spinal surgery just before our trip to visit last December! I must say it was so funny to see him trying to pee like a male by raising a leg, which he couldn't do. Well, I understand practice is helping and his contortions are almost finished! MARIE, my empathy, sympathy, and everything else regarding your DH. You probably handle it better than I have been doing, and I'm really trying to remain calm, cool and loving. However, I did manage to find the charge cards, "borrowed" his car key, and so far he hasn't said anything except he asked if he'd left his wallet somewhere. Had had forgotten to remove it from pants he put into the wash, and it made it easier to find things he should no longer carry. Otherwise, we are able to enjoy most time together still, and JACKIE, yes, he wanders around poking his nose and remarks into card players games, the gym, and saying inappropriate remarks as he sees what he considers humorous positions and such!
    GAYLA, sounds as if you have been doing lots of good things for you! Nice to see you back!
    My wrappings came off for the last time this morning and my word, what a pleasure to see normal legs again! Ankles down (but I hope they stay that way, calves minus swelling, and when I got on the scale this morning, the day after Thanksgiving, I was 9 pounds lighter than on the 14th of November, when I had the first leg wrap! Today, besides the leg pump, the PT massaged my legs with a new machine from Germany, which send vibrations deep under the skin and it actually broke up some fibrotic tissue that was hard as rocks until this treatment! AS far as pain, the treatments were sinfully wonderful, and I felt guilty about being treated so well! Felt like a fabulous spa! For anyone who has lymphedema (which I didn't realize was one of my problems!) and swollen ankles and legs, It is worth checking out if your health insurance covers the treatments. What an unbelievable difference, and tonight I actually took a longer walk than I have in years, and felt terrific!
    Gotta go pick up for my cleaning gal, who will come tomorrow morning.
    Have a super weekend, dear friends!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Just a short note to let you know I won a 40 inch TV at the fund raiser. I bought lots of raffle tickets and put them all in the TV raffle box. Love it! Put it in my bedroom and put the bedroom one in my office/guest room. I will probably end up giving the small one from my office to my son if he wants it. The funny thing is Target had a 40 inch TV on sale but I would never shop on Thansgiving or Black Friday. I tried online but it was sold out. God had a plan to let me win this TV. So grateful.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Congratulations Sandy on winning the 40 inch TV. How lucky. Wow ! Buzz enjoy reading you nice post. Me and jerry is always misplacing things. I used coconut oil to to cook my eggs and I don't know where I put it away at. So I am having to used olive oil. Till We go to the store. I am following a new plan on my diet. I eat 1 portion of protein. 1 portion of carbs. 1 portion of fat and all the veggies I want. Pretty easy to remember. What I can have. I have not lost anything in 4 days but glory be I did not gain anything over Thanksgiving. It is called is call 1-1-1- diet......Should be good on my diabetic. For my snacks I have half of that2410034yt39vxd7bz.gif


  • Okie is home and doing well. He's on pain meds so he's a little purr box. He got a special treat when we got home, and now he's in his basket napping. This cold is hanging on. Kinda yucky.

    Yay Sandy, you have an early Christmas! Thats a great size i think.
    Marie, it sounds like a good plan. You love your veggies.
    Just had my lunch, leftovers, yum.
    watching a scary movie

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Going to bed now but wanted to post a pic of me and the fun lady that hosted the Thanksgiving dinner we were invited to. She always dresses up like a pilgrim. We. Had a blast not only sharing the meal but playing games after anc30prke2pqp2.jpg
    d during the day together.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Look like a wonderful time. had by all Phyllis
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    Jeri just seen your lovely snow pictures of Calgary on Facebook. What a dream picture. Thank you for sharing
  • Phyllis, what fun! :p
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    I just notice on our reply note that we are own page 21 Does that mean we will not have to change to another topic? Usally on page 20 I would have to look for Lin note to change hey aren't we uptown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe glad you got Okie home and he is resting. Poor little okie from Oklahoma . We did not have left overs for Just Jerry brought some home. and ate it all last night even all of the chocolate cake. I will just have vegies and turkey steak no carbs or fruit. For the evening meals But at 3 30 I had a little Greek yogurt. fresh raspberries and some chop pecans that was a delight.
  • Marie, try roasting your pecans in the microwave just a little bit. Yum♥♥