Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sonny got vaccinated, after i caught him, ugh! Marie, sorry you had a mix up day. I do that too. Glad you got it straightened out.
    Lin, sorry your arms and hands hurt, mine do the same thing, especially after scrubbing.
    Hallmark has some cute commercials on this season.

    Two busy days with dr. Appts.

    have a good night

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone, sleepy ending to busy day! mm, just looked up to see Mike eating milk and cookies, even though he hadn't taken his sugar count. I'm told not to get upset, but I don't know how not to when he behaves stubbornly irresponsible! Sorry, didn't mean to start off this way!
    LIN, has your area deteriorated since you moved there? By all means get an alarm system, but have you considered moving to a safer area? I guess with the advent of instant auto transportation, almost any area is vulnerable. My advice, from much experience, is if you choose to buy a system, don't do it halfway! On our house in New York, we had each and every window and door treated, including basement windows and garage doors and windows, plus attic entries! Make certain the treatments are visible to anyone considering a break-in! And be sure you are connected to the police station, should there be a break-in. Tell the company to have your outdoor phone wires hidden from sight, so they can't be cut!
    SANDY, glad you will have Thursday for your own needs. You and
    JERI are such patient and loving grandmas! Tiny babies are so adorable and precious, but they surely entail a great deal of work and loving care. I hope JERI's endoscopy shows all is well. Do post the results, dear friend!
    MARIE, that kind of calendar error happens frequently in our house! I sometimes forget to even look at the calendar!
    PHOEBE, aren't those leftovers one of the perks of making Thanksgiving dinner at home? I miss the scent of Thanksgiving in my house! How are you and Jim feeling now? Fevers all gone?
    GAYLA, BARBIE, JACKIE, and anyone I missed today, ....everyone stay healthy and have a lovely evening.
    <3 Buzz
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to everyone from sunny and very cold Saskatchewan. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow so I will do my best to take a picture and post it to you! No promises as I am not much of a photographer!

    Sandy -- so sorry for your loss. I know you were so close to Donna. I hope you will be able to celebrate her life with your family.
    Thanks for the instructions and I will see what I can do!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla so oood to hear from you regular now. Once you get it down it is so easy to get pictures on here .oops got to go get my glasses can't see a blooming thing. Awe now I can see. Love these reading glasses.
    Yes today is Tuesday. and a 2:45 eye doctor appointment.To see about the lazar surgery.
    chilly morning here done had my breakfast and medication.

    I am posting my dairy on Just for today topic so as not to bore you all just Lin and Shirley.Bless their heart for putting up with me.

    Jerry had another Senior moment yesterday. He went to the store to pick up a couple of things he forgot at Walmart and forget his wallet came home to let Sammy off and got is billfold After paying for his items and got out to the car Sammy was not there After looking for him. and did not find him came home. He forgot he brought him home when he got his wallet. The life of us Seniors.

    Have a great day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    If you are on facebook go to my time line to see Kylee dance if it will let you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    I just checked out the video Marie!! DARLING!!! Off to get some lab work (again).

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :D I think I have a potluck Christmas meeting tonight but since I didn't get an email to remind me I am not sure. I really need to get a haircut and can't seem to find time to do so. I can't go to my niece she is just too far away, so I am thinking of trying someplace new like maybe the hair cuttery. I just need a trim so how bad could they mess it up??? (famous last words) Robby is napping so I think I will try to get in 40 winks as well.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hello to all my friends. I have been AOL for a while and very busy. I got a couple new grandchildren, we moved about four blocks away and I started college. I see Sandy all the time. are a blessing.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just HI to let you know I'm OK so far today. Trying to find missing items around the house with no luck so far. I just don't know what to make of it!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    senior moments buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Glad you made it back Becky.............congratulations on those grandchildren. Robby is the love of my life at this time.....but I certainly love all of my grandchildren.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Buzz...I can relate. I have to make a place for everything and make sure the items are in their proper place. Doesn't always work. I still forget what goes where.
    Sandy...I see pics of Robby all the time. You are one proud grandmother. And Robby looks so healthy and well cared for.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am trying to organize my life. Maybe an early resolution? I started by writing a schedule of my day. I am trying to stay on track with my time. If I have a set time for exercising it will come easier. So far I am doing better. I am using a kettle bell that came with a DVD. My arms are a bit sore so maybe I will find some improvement this way.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi Becky, sounds like you have a plan, a good one.
    I like the idea of a place for everything, except for forgetting where that place is. I do that too. Had to look in several places to find the new place where i store my sewing bag. :p
    Busy day, dr for me and for one cat, my oldest. It was her senior check up. More dr. Appts tomorrow. Mri on my knee. New pain doctor is much better than the other one.
    Buzz, we are both getting over whatever it was. No fevers. Just lingering cough. Thx for asking. Remember Buzz, you are not alone. Not only are we here for you for emotional support, there are many many people who are going through the same things you and Mike struggle with. A dear friend of ours is dealing with his mothers dementia. For years, his parents have been Santa and Mrs. Claus. They open their fully decorated home to friends family and strangers from all over. They are in full costume. Mrs. Claus knows it will be her last year. She discussed it with the family, told them she wanted to go ahead with it if she can. They take it one day at a time. She is having seizures and fainting too. Its just an all around sad illness. Hugs for you both.
    Marie, Sammy may have to take over at your house! It sounds like Jerry is preoccupied with something. Jim didnt tell me he ate all of the salsa And the cheese dip too. Even after I told him we were having flautas tonight. Took them from the oven, and then had to go to Dollar General for salsa. MEN! Lol.
    Shirley, glad you're home safe if poorer. I guess we posted at the same time.
    going to say goodnight, got some things to do before bedtime.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am wanting to make some of that salsa cranberries. That Linnet canned some. looks so good. Maybe for Christmas no more Devil eggs for me I love them but just way too much trouble. I looked the recipe up. My back is not up to all that work.I will be making pea salads for our Christmas Dinner. One of jerry favorite veggies dish. I did not get good results from the eye doctor today. Got to go to a Specialist on Glaucoma. he said I was in the advance stage. Sleep tight
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,002 Member
    :D Once again, my brain is my worst enemy. Our visit with Jake's friend and his family was great. They arrived a bit later than expected and left early than they planned because the roads were icy. They arrived thrilled to see us and that started the visit on a happy note. Sasha was able to get along and even though she barked a lot, the little girl loved the attention from both dogs and had a fabulous time. I acted the way I wanted to feel and began to feel as good as I was acting. We had a great lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant and I brought half my meal home for dinner. Thank you all for your encouragement.

    :D I have been busy knitting hats to be part of a contribution of 43 hats to our local Head Start so all my extra time has been spent riding my exercise bike, watching TV and knitting....doesn't leave much time for the computer.

    :D We bought new house phones and they just arrived in the mail. Fortunately they have to charge for 16 hours before you do anything so we are saved from doing anything with them tonight. The old house cordless phones have been having some troubles and we love having cordless phones so this is a great treat we got for ourselves. The new phones have the caller id announce feature so we can hear who is calling before getting to the phone.

    B) Tomorrow I go see my primary care doctor to review my lab report and get my cholesterol meds renewed. I got a copy of the lab results yesterday and they all look good. I hope the doctor thinks the same thing.

    :\ I haven't been in touch with my cousin in several weeks. The doorman in her building says that she's had trouble with her phone and the technicians have been out a few times but it still isn't fixed. I call every day in hopes that the phone is fixed but still no luck.

    :D Becky, welcome back, it's good to hear from you again.

    Here we are with our friends who visited on Sunday.


    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful chilly NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've read the latest posts so caught up with everyone. Today is a beautiful sunny one although chilly so after my usual walk across the moors with George I've been standing in my greenhouse to put the last coat of paint on six wooden panels that will then replace those that have gone rotten on the side of the porch so hopefully the dry weather will hold and I'll finish the task by the weekend. I'm now off to drive to the other side of my local town to hopefully find the lady from our local apiary who last used the manual honey extractor so that I can finally get the small amount my bees produced into jars. I say hopefully because her directions are sparse and I never find it easy to drive and look out for house names, especially if there are impatient drivers behind me! Lovely photo Barbie and pleased to read the visit went well. You had the right approach... something I must learn to do on certain occasions!

    Will check back when I have more time.
    Happy Wednesday.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Jackie,busy as usally. Thinking about next year crop. How long have you been raising your own food.?

    Becky glad to see your posting. so good to see our old members posting again. How many grandkids do you have now. <3
    my diet plan is still working. :D
    Well this is the beginning of my 6th year And some more of you too. or is it the 7th year, Oh my gosh looks like the start of my 7th year. I don't know? I join in 2008 and just finish 2014 . that make it 6th years and beginning my 7th I know one thing I sure got older. <3 (*) <3


  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 have you been? I have so missed everyone. Now that I have internet at home maybe I can keep up.

    <3 Barbie....I wish I had your willpower. I have a tendency to eat all my food. I have heard that you can ask for half of it to be wrapped to go before they bring it to you. Good idea.

    <3 Marie....My husband makes strawberry salsa. Yum !!! I think I just got grandchild number 19.

    <3 is great that you are staying so busy. That will keep you young and healthy.

    I just got a Fitbit and am trying to figure it out. :s
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hello All,

    Been so busy haven't had a free minute it seems. We've been doing lots of Christmas shopping for Grandkids and otheir family.

    I had my endoscopy this week. Good news, looks like no celiac disease. Hurray. Don't have the result of th biopsy yet, but don't anticipate any problems.

    Marie - wow, what a long time for you on MFP. Good for you.

    Buzz - Phoebe is right, we are her do you for sure.

    Becky and JACKIE - nice to hear from you n

    But I must run.

    Have a great evening.
