Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) It is going to be hot and humid so I will probably just stay in today except for grocery shopping. I am doing laundry with some added stress due to my granddaughter.
    Evidently she missed a court date while in Florida so when she went today they took her into custody with a $500 bond. Her mother texted me since she doesn't have the money and I transferred some money to Bryanna's friend who is with her and now waiting to see when they are releasing her. They told her friend it could be a couple of hours before processing. All because she got stopped for having old plates on her car and had the new plates in her car to show the policeman but he gave her a ticket anyway. I am too old for all this stress. I am sure Bryanna is scared to death but hopefully she will learn a lesson from all of this.

    Marie/Alice, sorry you didn't sleep well Marie and really sorry no potatoes. Listen to those doctors and get stronger soon. Give Alice an extra hug for being such a good daughter.

    Shirley, have fun at the cottage!! How exciting Isaac took 4 steps, he is on his way to walking.

    Anne, I am like you and am too honest, but that should be a good thing. It is probably a good thing that the guy follows the rules, it is good job security.

    Buzz, once you get this all straightened out I am sure you will sleep. Right now your mind is racing and hopefully today you will get all the answers you need.

    Phoebe, love your idea with Katie, what do you think Patsy?

    Jackie, tell Hebe I am not happy with him, I was hoping to see those curtains hung.

    Lin, staying in today!!

    Have a good day, it has to be better than mine.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Oh Sandy -- what a fright!! I hope everything is straightened out now.

    Yes, it is hot and possibility of storms tonight. I was out late in the morning and am now officially signed up for my supplemental insurance and Rx plan to be effective September 1st. Now to decide if I want to ask my doctor for a change in my one and only prescription.

    Shirley, enjoy your trip.

    Patsy, perhaps Katie can do artistic scratching for you??

    Anne, sorry for the problem you encountered but I am with you. Better to just tell the truth. I would be mortified to get caught and tossed out!

    How are you doing Buzz??

    I need to wash and peel and chop vegetables. I am having some trouble getting started.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne and Jackie...I saw a PBS special on Cornwall and how the Brexit affected that economy. I was struck by some of the similarities with our little area. Astoria, OR is at the mouth of the Columbia and the pacific. Fishing and logging were the historical industries. Times and tide have changed the way things are going now. We suffer from pollution, overfishing, and political wrangling and over-population with escalating prices. I will say Cornwall has the better looking charming town. We are still grappling with development issues and neglect caused by long departed absentee landlords. Interesting tv program!

    Katie is the only dog we have ever had that was absolutely entranced with stuffed animal toys. She always has several around her. I guess she is a true pack creature. She sleeps with her head on a stuffed toy dog that looks just like her. She is never any farther away from us than 2 feet. She has never been neglected but it appears she has separation anxiety. Or else she is just a groupie at heart.

    Sandy, I have to say, I have been there when it comes to young people being "too busy" to attend to important details of life. When our kids were in college, I was seriously worried they would end up in jail because they would totally forget to do things like your grand daughter. Our son has a pretty good business manager, thank the dear Lord! Our daughter is like she lives in a pin ball machine. She is constantly flipping from one disaster to the next. But what can we do? We adore both of the rascals.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Update on Momma: she did not move to rehab today - but only due to delays in getting authorization from her insurance. Good news was that she got up twice today (first time on her legs since Friday morning) and was able to take a few steps.
    I will bring her some taters tomorrow!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Yeah!! Great news. AND taters tomorrow. Thanks Alice. Hi Marie!!!!


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Love ya Marie, dancing soon!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Enjoy the taters today MARIE, they'll have you dancing again for sure with joy.
    ❤️Anne XX
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hooray Marie, on your feet and on the mend! <3

    Enjoyed the morning walk on the moors, just George and me although met a few doggy walkers on the way. Now wondering whether to get some gardening done or housework.

    Patsy ~ The programme about Cornwall and the EU sounds interesting and not something I've seen. I assume it was showing the impact of EU membership on the county with fishermen unable to work and farmers with hands tied not allowed to grow what they want. Yes it is a beautiful part of the world but then so is Oregon, I know because last week the annual Hampton Court flower show was televised and a beautifully designed garden display was called just that with stunning pines and running water!! I did think of you, John and Katie as I watched it. ;) I prefer the idea of Katie being a groupie than anything worrying her, after all life seems just perfect for her.

    Sandy ~ Do you find younger generations don't seem to worry about situations that would have terrified us and probably invited a whop from a parent? It's definitely a changing world and Bryanna is extremely lucky she's got you to bail her out.... literally! Hebe is playing the innocent puss each time I scan the dining room for those curtain hooks which I know will turn up once the new pack arrives and curtains finally get hung!

    Lin ~ If you're following our daily BBC news you'll appreciate why I stopped viewing months before the referendum vote because it was all so hyped up by the media. The insults continue to be hurled as well as bricks apparently so we now descend into the worst kind of politics, talking of which, Mr T is keeping schtum these days.... thank goodness!!

    Decision made, George is barking at something or nothing, possibly the farmer in surrounding fields out on his tractor so I'm going to get my wellies and gardening gloves on and head outside. No swimming today or next week because of school galas so I do need to keep moving.

    Enjoy your day.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lost my post due to Wi Fi kicked me out! I will post later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning! Day 5 in the hospital and Momma is ready for a change of scenery! Her leg is hurting her a bit today and she had another restless night.
    I hope we can get her transferred to the rehab center today. More to come later
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Marie - looking for good news today.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Marie, here is a potato to cheer you up!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Back later. Mike was not given permission to use the motorized chair unless he is supervised, which means hiring an aide, which is out of the question. Humana is giving us transportation to a new nephrologist shortly, so I must run. My hugs to MARIE. Right now I'm dealing with a very vocal and unhappy spouse!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Might go to the pool today since I have nothing else to do. I made myself a little filet on my grill yesterday and it was so good. I actually went to a better store for some meat for grilling yesterday. Today I will make a chicken breast with some Italian dressing.
    I love grilling and haven't been using my grill so decided to make a change. I also have started riding my bike again so hope to see a weight loss this Friday.
    BTW, Bryanna is home and on her way to the Wisconsin Dells. She did call to thank me and hopefully has learned a lesson. She still has to go back to court but that is up to her.

    Marie, said a prayer for you to be moved to rehab. Sorry you are having pain today and didn't sleep well last night, but at least you are in the right place to help you manage that pain.
    I hope Alice is getting some rest and taking care of herself as well.

    Buzz, bad news for Mike and for you but it is probably for his own good. Do they not have someone from his unit that can supervise him when he wants to go somewhere?

    Jackie, yes I think the young adults of today have little to no responsibility and that is just wrong. I know I enable Bryanna too much so part of that is my fault. Like you I was scared to death of my parents when I did anything wrong and nothing compared to what the kids of today do. I personally believe that religion played a big part in my upbringing and I had a fear of God. Of course now I know that God doesn't punish but I didn't then. lol

    Patsy, I was actually happy to read your post. I thought maybe I was the only one who had kids/grandkids who drive me crazy at times.

    Lin, glad you got all your insurance figured out, once less thing to worry about.

    Have a wonderful day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well I will try again, I finally got on with a lot of work with this internet.

    It is 30C today and feels like 39C. I just finished my walk and came back all sweaty but I picked some
    wild flowers and put them in a vase and that made me smile. :) I also fed the orange and white cat that was here last time, she is living under the neighbors house. I bought some tuna so I hope she has some.

    Dave is trying to hook up the A/C that we brought back from Kathy's house on the front porch. There is a wind today so thank heavens for that. We also bought an Oster blender so I can make some smoothies up here.

    Sandy - Sorry to hear about Bryanna and her predicament. I hope she learned her lesson.
    Marie - Happy to hear you are up and walking a bit but sorry about the pain you are going through. <3

    Hello to everyone else and hope this post goes through.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Buzz- Hang in there my friend, take it day by day and hope your worries soon become less and less.
    Lin - Good luck with your insurance. How is fence fixing coming along?
    Marie - Happy to hear you are up and around a little bit anyway. Sorry about the pain you are going through. My thoughts are with you today. <3

    Hello to anyone I missed and my fingers crossed that this goes through.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Marie asked me to post this from Facebook.

    Alice Allison
    Good news! Momma is sitting up and waiting for her last lunch at the hospital! She will be moving to rehab this afternoon!


    She looks great doesn't she?
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Yes she DOES look great Alice! Great news and thanks for letting us all keep in touch. You are a daughter in a million.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Wahoo! Looking great Marie. <3<3<3


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    YayMarie, you look good, you are such a strong woman, you are an inspiration to all of us!
    Thanks again Alice and Sandy. Buzz, thinking of you. Tough busy days