Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Waiting for a repairman. I went to a coloring group this afternoon and when I got home my garage door would not open. Have been scrambling since then. Most places are booked for days. This guy is at least going to come to see what is needed. I know a spring is broken. I am. It pleased though. He wants me to out both of my cars outside. Not a great idea. Tires are being cut in various neighborhoods.

    Hope he shows up soon.

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    edited July 2016
    Well I have finally gotten caught up with all of the posts. Must remind myself not to allow this to happen again. Trying to get my life back to normal again without my granddaughter being here.

    Buzz...I have been thinking about you and Mike and hoping this all works out for the best for both of you. It does sound as if moving to the medical unit is the appropriate thing to do and glad that he is realizing it. Probably best he can't go unattended with the electric wheel chair realizing he does have good and bad days. Hopefully the new dr will be able to help you. My prayers are with you both.

    Marie....You have been doing so well, so it was a real surprise to see you in the ER. However it sounds as if that was the appropriate place for you to go too so that they can attend to regulating your meds. You none the less look great and hopefully you are moved to rehab soon, so that you are up and moving around again. You have a wonderful daughter keeping an eye on you ! Hoping your husband is doing ok too.

    Anne....Loving your little puppy and your puppy stories. He is so cute ! Do be careful so as not to trip over him as he dashes across the floor. Sounds like he is starting to settle down a bit for you and glad he is almost housebroken too. Keep your great stories going. You can make me laugh so hard some times. Got to love the British sense of humor !!

    Patsy.....Labradoodle or goldendoodle ? I have been wanting a goldendoodle since I first saw one. Got to love those doodles...I have a toy poodle, which is as close as I will get to what you have and we love him to death. Saw an ad for a doubledoodle the other day, which is a puppy that is a labradoodle/goldendoodle mixture. Also glad your potty training days are almost over with. It does kind of take over your life..... Suspect next year you can tend to some flower pots again assuming he is no longer mischievous.

    Jackie....I am with you every am on your drizzly walk along the moors and so envious of the environment you live in. Discovering new lambs, ponies and whatever is right up my alley. Afraid my dog would also have to approach every new "friend" he discovers and likely he would be gone after him too. Do like your cute table and chairs ! It goes perfectly with your darling cottage... Thanks for allowing me to listen to the nightingales. I have never heard of one before. Saw a beautiful picture of the Cotswalds (think I got that right) and I so wanted to live there. Must be my English think ?

    Lin....Very impressive coloring !! I have a couple of books also (1 of cats), plus my pencils but my one picture of my coloring efforts is no comparision to the beautiful one that you did. I realized how uncreative I am; I have a lot of work to do to come anywhere near that pretty drawing you did. Another great artist in the group !! So now you are into fence building and garage door issues. You should just about have all of your projects done I would think then you will be free to do that many more fun things. You are one busy lady and I a glad you have found lots of friends at the library. Shall have to check into that here also.

    Jeri.....If it isn't one think it is another. Know all about that Lupus because my sister has dealt with it for yrs. Hopefully they have that regulated soon also. Another grandbaby due soon ? Enjoy it. I so miss the babies in the family. I ended up with 4 granddaughters and one grandson. You amaze me in how you and your dh can keep with with your grandkids pretty much each weekend. That definitely would tire us out. You are just wonder woman I know....

    Sandy....Are you ever the traveling lady and you seem to have so much fun when you take your trips. I am so envious of you. You definitely are going backwards in age LOL, but aren't we all trying to do that ? Unfortunately some are more successful than others. As for the younger generation and the way they deal with seems as if they always think tomorrow is another day and they will get to it. Probably far more stress on you than on her, but lets hope she learned a lesson. My famous words are not to leave anything inside the car, so that there is nothing that can be stolen. It is more common all of the time unfortunately. One still has a deaf ear to that and I suspect she will learn the hard way some day.

    Shirley....You are one busy lady again either running off to the cottage, the boat or your daughters to visit your grandson. And between all of that you still get your yoga and meditation done too. Next up bicycle riding :):) What a fun life you are living. Enjoy yourself !

    Also thinking of you Marcella enjoying your trailer just to get away; I can relate to that. Barbie.....hopefully your dh is feeling better each day. Lots of dog walking for you and hopefully not too much for you to keep up with. Still teaching dancing ? Don't know how you keep up with all of those steps.... And Chris....Nice to see you drop in periodically. We miss you when we don't see you, but understand how wifi etc works. Thinking of all you.

    As for me I am getting back into a routine again. Gradually trying to walk every other day again as my feet have good days and bad days. Tired of being cooped up, but when it is in the high 90s and low 100s I very much prefer my ac. Trying to find some laminate, carpet and vinyl for some new floors. Too many choices making the decision a hard one. Must get this done....Am enjoying taking time to read again, which is something I didn't have much time for this past 9 months looking after Aubrey. Friday is Ladies Luncheon Day for 8 of us , which is my responsibility this month. It is our monthly neighborhood ladies trip to eat together, which has been great fun to get to know each other. Miss not having our granddaughter, but their family is so busy we rarely see them unless they want us for something. :( At least being on fb I see new pictures of them periodically and they only live 10 minutes away. It is appearing that this is quite common around us as people are aging sad to say, but......need I say more.

    Well I have chattered on enough for tonight. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Shall try to keep up. I do enjoy reading all of you posts. Night....

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    edited July 2016
    Oh more and how could I forget.

    Phoebe....Thinking of you with your travels across the US with the varied weather that you encounter. Do not envy you being in Arizona muchless the desert that you have to travel thru. See you were in San Juan Batista recently on your travels. You likely passed the rv park that we stay at occasionally; Beta Bell just outside of Gilroy. Just by chance were you picking up strawberries to go east ? The Driscolls berries are the best ! Travel safe, avoid the traffic if you can. It isn't a fun time to be in the south part of our state, but you guys are pros. Pray the fires don't hinder you down there either this summer.

    Hopefully I have everyone now...:)
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hello, just me popping in to say hi on yet another hot and sizzling day. We are in the midst of a heatwave, the grass is brown and the flowers are wilting even though I water every day. Jill and I have just got back from morning walkies and it's already hot and humid. I've discovered that the Jilly Bean is supplementing her protein with a diet of large black ants. I thought she was merely chasing them, but no, "it's hello little ant", gulp "you're gone". She doesn't appear to have any stomach problems with this addition to her diet, her coat is shiny and indeed I believe some other human cultures enjoy an occasional ant. Wonder what will happen when the grasshoppers start! We drove over to Michaels condo yesterday and walked the beautiful gardens and trails around his place, however Miss Jilly spoilt her record by deciding to christen his wooden planked flooring despite prominently displayed pee pads! AND being outside for quite a while prior. Ah well, easily mopped up, but she's obviously not ready for visiting our posher and maybe less understanding friends and neighbours.
    Lovely long post DIANE. You said all I would like to say, so from lazy me, ditto to all DIANE's comments.
    Keep cool everyone who is under this heat mass coming up from Mexico,
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning on behalf of my mom! She got moved to the rehab center and it has been a rough transition. New people, a lot of people coming and going poking and prodding. She was nervous about being here alone last night so I stayed with her and I'm glad I did. She got a bit confused and thought she was home and tried to get up with a foot cramp! Luckily she did not fall out of bed! They said they could only put up quarter rails due to state regulations. But they have put an alarm on her bed so if she tries to do that again the alarm will hopefully remind her to stay put and call the nurse!
    Waiting for the therapist to come for an evaluation which will help determine if she can move about (with assistance) and what type of physical therapy she will start.
    We do have wi-fi here so once she is a bit more settled I am sure she will pop on briefly to say howdy.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I just realized I posted under my name instead of Momma (Caliecat). Have a good day everyone and thank you for continued prayers!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Alice ~ We don't mind you popping on as yourself.... get to see that adorable cat of yours!
    Hello Marie _ now you just behave yourself and do any suggested therapy so you can get home as soon as possible. You're looking good in that photo with your gorgeous smile!
    Diane ~ Lovely to hear from you with such a lovely catch up. Yes you definitely have grannies genes!
    Anne ~ A heatwave sounds great after yet another cool and windy walk on the moors this morning. We did do a bit of trotting as Scruff decided to run here, there and everywhere on her lead so that warmed us. It might just be different surroundings that had Jilly peeing on that nice floor. I've heard of so many dogs doing the same.... luckily not George!

    My curtains are hung - TA-RA and I'm now going to water tomato plants and pot on some shoots from an aloa vera plant that's expanding too quickly. The gell in the leaves is a great soother on cuts and burns. Put the kettle on first of course!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! Another hot and humid day but rain is expected. I never got to the pool yesterday so I think if I can beat the rain I will go for a while today. Haven't heard from my friends if they are going to bingo so I am going to assume they are still in Wisconsin. I rode my bike for three days in a row and watched my calories and gained a little weight today. WHAT?
    I think I will take a day off, although it could be muscle as they say!! lol

    Alice, once again thank you for the update and I agree feel free to post under your own name until Marie feels up to typing. It does get confusing when you are moved from one place to another and she might have been sound asleep and not realized where she was. I am glad you were there so that she didn't fall down. Marie, listen to the doctors and nurses, they are only there to help you and we want you back home with Jerry where you belong. (and the potatoes)

    Jackie, next we expect another picture of the curtains and don't forget the hen house.

    Anne, Jilly was just marking her spot in your son's home, she wants to be the alpha there. Have you decided if you are going to spay her or are you waiting for her first heat?

    Diane, great post you caught all of us up on everyone. :) I miss Robby as well, there is a void in my life without him but I do like the fact that my time is my own to do as I want. I am hoping to see him at least once a week and so far that is working.

    Lin, gosh there is always something that needs to be repaired, you can't seem to catch a break. I do hope he was able to fix your garage door so you can get those cars back in the garage.

    Time again is slipping away, have a great day everyone!!

    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers! Foggy morning but the sun is susposed to show later this afternoon. Everyone is making their "to-do list" at our house. Even Katie! She found her squeaky ball under the couch and is getting set for a good ball game with John out in the back yard.

    I have cleared enough of my dungeon to start to work on some sketches again. All this talk of coloring with pencils made me get out my chalks and conte crayons as well as some nice rag content paper for a few drawings. Katie has a basket of chew toys to deal with while I draw. She does like good music even Chamber music.

    Marie and Alice: I have had upon occasion that disquieting experience of being ill and confused when I awoke. So glad Marie has her daughter as an advocate. We all need that. I feel sure that re-hab will help her enormously. You know exercise makes our brains work better as well. I am not in love with the daily exercise but I do them to keep myself upright and functional. Aaarrrrrrgh!

    Making ground turkey meatloaf today. John isn't a fan of turkey in any form but we have it in various recipes if it is disguised. There are times when I am convinced that men never outgrow that grade-school kid who will never eat his spinach. That is a sexist comment...I admit it. Sorry, I will try to start thinking differently.

    I got a back to school catalog in the mail....what? Summer is just barely here. No! Not ready for autumn and winter.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2016
    So happy to hear and see Marie is doing better. Thanks Alice for the picture and keep us updated.

    Well its another hot one here as well just like Sandy and Anne. I was at Yoga today at the Mall and got my times mixed up, I thought I was going for 10:30 class but it was 12:00 class instead. I disturbed the babies and mommy class but I apologized for the intrusion. I did some shopping at Walmart instead and then picked up two pair of pants for Isaac at Gap Kids. They were on sale at 40% off so I was happy about that as the Gap can be pricey.

    We have the A/C in the livingroom and its quite comfortable in here and we rolled it in our bedroom last night and it was so nice and cool for sleeping. Dave's mom doesn't like AC so I was happy we could use it.

    We are waiting for Tom to come and he will be here sometime around dinner. I peeked in and Dave is having a nap so I will get some computer time.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Hello folks - I now have a functioning garage door opener. Seems to be working well and the error code has cleared from the system. The invoice just had a total on it. No idea how much was for parts versus labor or sales tax but I guess it doesn't matter. I had just finished purchasing the two wedding gifts, one bridal shower gift and two birthday gifts that I need for upcoming events. This repair and the earlier car repair have officially emptied my pockets. Argh!!

    So no word on when/if the stumps will be removed. The fence guy comes to do an estimate next week. At this point I am not in a rush.

    Wishing everyone well. I am going to finish my supper and then just take a nap!

    Buzz, how are you?

    Marie, hugs. (And hi Alice---!)

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Oh my goodness, we have been so busy that I've had no time to catch up with everyone.

    Ed and I took our oldest granddaughter to an apt yesterday because Melanie was double booked. Great to spend one on one time with her as we don't get to do that very often. Then Ed and I went down to the Stampede Grounds, it's that time again. We walked around looked at everything and everyone. Then as they closed the casino on the grounds, a tradition for us, we stopped at one on the way home. I lost $10 and Ed made 5 cents. LOL. Had so much fun.

    No new baby yet. Today is her due date.

    Marie, glad to hear you are in rehab. Hope that works well for you. Big hugs. And to you too Alice, I remember what we went through with Mom in the hospital. It can be frustrating for you both.

    Buzz - hugs to you too. Hope everything works out for you and Mike.

    Diane - I'm sure you remember fun times at the Calgary Stampede too. We didn't stay for the rodeo or the chuck wagon races but we walked through the barns and looked at all the animals and exhibits. Fun.

    I've been busy doing quite a bit of genealogy as we are going to a reunion in a couple of weeks. Busy busy.

    Must run. I only have 5,400 steps in and my goal is 10,000

    Have a great evening. Hugs

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member

    Love slapping color on paper. Nope, not getting the rest I wanted.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member

    Well the other photo was fuzzy. Maybe this one is better??
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, you look "Mahvelous" , darlin ' Li'l Sis! Just allow the entire staff to spoil you while you are there! And heal well and soon, dear!
    Meanwhile, Mike will be moving up to the 3rd floor in the Medical building. And today he said he passed the motorized chair test! I hope it's true, but will soon find out!
    Busy day, going to his cardiologist, who reversed yesterday's nephrologist's ,opinion about doing surgery to help his heart! Car Buzzdio says it would be like suicide! It seems his stenosis of the aortic valve is not very, very tight, and perhaps his pain on walking is angina, for which he prescribed medication!
    Now I lay me down to sleep...Aaaaaah! Soon I'll return to normal, I hope!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Ha BUZZ, what IS normal, but you know what I mean. LIN love the colourings especially the kitty.
    Now, Walkie times in a branch bedecked street after a tremendous storm and rain at 1:30am. Jill and I sat on the bed and watched it so we are both somewhat lethargic which is lovely not having the jumping Bean leaping all over the place.
    Morning MARIE!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited July 2016
    Whoops, meant to answer SANDY. No spaying for now because one of the complications that can arise is loss of bladder control, and who wants to have a hysterectomy anyway!! I knew of this potential pitfall but fellow dog walker Janice didn't. Her pretty little dog Amy has to be walked constantly now, especially as they live in an apartment. She's now having to pay for hormone replacement pills for the rest of Amy's life! I tell you, job security for vets! Mine never mentioned loss of bladder control when she was telling me the problems (for humans) that can arise with an unspayed dog. Jill is so tiny I can cope for now, but I'll keep an open mind for the future. None of our past girls were spayed and we never had unwanted puppies. However, its a minefield out there making decisions these days! We have to rely on experts, but who knows if it's in the interest of the dog, the interest of the owner, or long term security for the expert!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear CONNIE. Wish I had time to do a spectaculat graphic, but Mike moves to Medical today, we will attempt to attend a birthday party this evening but I must get some clothes ready for him, desperate for a haircut, and I haven't made the greeting card yet, so please forgive!
    Also see I screwed up last night's post with a wandering cursor. My signature wandered up to the middle of "cardio"; sorry about that. I'm just not very lucid these days!
    Tried to absorb al your posts, but will be back tomorrow and try again. XOXOXO
    DIANE, good to see you back!

    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    edited July 2016
    Happy Thursday! :) I have my meeting today so again short on time. For three days I have my car parked in the street because they said they were going to seal our driveways and common area. This morning Babe called and asked if they started and I heard what I thought was their trucks so told him yes. Since his daughter is coming in tonight from California and staying until next Tuesday he was going to bring my check and some supplies. We agreed to do it after dinner but realized after I hung up and looked outside that it was a tree cutting service I heard. I have been trying to call him back ever since but no answer on either his house phone or cell phone. I am frustrated but oh well I tried. Maybe I will stop at his house after the meeting to save him from driving here since he is still dizzy all the time.

    Anne, maybe with a small dog like Jilly it would be fine to have them go in heat. They can keep themselves clean but big dogs are messy and I don't think I could handle the pads. If I remember right and that is iffy, I think my vet recommended spaying not only for her protection of male dogs but because if spayed less bladder infections. I think it is a matter of personal choice and since bodily functions are not my forte, I chose spaying and neutering.

    Buzz, hopefully Mike isn't confused and did pass the motorized chair test. I am a little confused with Car Buzzdio is that you? So one doctor said to do surgery and the other said no surgery? Let's hope the medication works and relieves Mike's pain. ***you posted while I was writing so makes sense now.

    Lin, love your colorings, they are really beautiful. How do you know what colors to use, they are just perfect. BTW, kitty coloring was not blurry at all. Both are just wonderful!!

    Jeri, I love how you gamble, you and Ed make me laugh. Praying your daughter has an easy birth and soon!!!

    Shirley, your early arrival of your appointment was good news for Isaac and for you with 40% off. Glad Dave got the A/C up and running, makes for better sleeping.

    Patsy, your description of Katie's antics makes us all laugh. I love that she loves music! When I was in Florida the first night and woke up in the middle of the night to use the "ladies' room I was confused as to where I was, it was an eerie feeling until I woke up a little more.

    Have a wonderful day and enjoy life!
    One Day at a Time