Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    To Dear Patsy -


    Hugs and extra puppy kisses from Katie!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I ride the bevy or 0 minutes in gym this morning" at all my oatmeal.. Still hard for mr to co rectswills, I am not going to o try and o Forrest my spelling. Just anteconchckin
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie, you are looking well and your dinner looks delicious, your kind of food.


    Its a beautiful day here, I went for a walk and thought I racked up some steps, but no, my battery was dead in my Fitbit. I still got in my exercise which really counts anyway.

    Barbie - Good to hear Jake is up and doing things even though you have major laundry to do.

    Jackie - We found out that the nests in the outhouse were yellow jackets, not honey bees. Whew!
    We also found another nest under the front deck which Dave has to deal with again.

    Today we are having friends over for my MIL's birthday party later today. I think i will take an Up North
    shower, that is, outside with the hose. We try and conserve the well water here. Yes I will have my bathing suit on LOL.

    Phoebe - I agree your aunt looks well for 78 and her new room looks cozy.

    Buzz & Lin - I hope you get your computer problems solved, don't you love technology.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Dear Patsy


    Have a wonderful day whatever you get up to.

    <3 Jackie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2016
    Wonderful photos from everyone, especially dear Marie, you're looking amazing sweetheart! We've had some decent weather so I've been busy doing all sorts of outdoor tasks including the allotment where we are beginning to see fruits of our labours. A big trauma for dear George today unfortunately when I opened up the beehive to place a new box of empty frames for them to store honey on. Being a warm and sunny day I assumed most would be out and about but instead an angry mass came storming out and did their best to sting me which was ok because I had my bee suit on but they then sensed George in the garden and attacked. The first I knew was hearing him screaming so I quickly put the hive back together and ran to pick him up covered in bees, then rushed him to the top of the garden where he has a paddling pool (yes it's his!!) and placed him in the water so I could splash the bees off. My neighbour heard the commotion and ran round to help while I phoned the vet..... these things always happen on a weekend and he'd just gone home so emergency service put me through and he agreed to travel back to the practice. SO, the upshot was George got driven in to town and received a painkiller injection and steroid shot to reduce any swelling. He's now in la-la land feeling just a bit spaced out but thankfully we avoided him going into shock.... I think most of the shock was mine! We managed a slow walk round the village this evening in beautiful late sunshine so he'll hopefully sleep well tonight.

    48 posts were waiting for me when I logged on to the site this evening and I've read through but will now settle down. Shirley I'm not familiar with yellow jackets but pleased it wasn't bees that had to be destroyed although having typed that, I did promise George this afternoon that if the bees give him any more trouble I'll set fire to the hive!!

    Sandy ~ You asked for a photo of the curtains finally hung and I did try but the sun shining in the window blacked out the foreground until 9pm this evening so here they are in all their glory. You might well ask what took so long!!!

    Buzz ~ I was of course so pleased to read Mike is settled in and appears to be enjoying himself so do please give yourself a break and get a decent amount of sleep tonight.

    That's it, I'm yawning so will find a small pot of ice cream to finish the evening and then head for bed. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday and I'll catch up properly tomorrow. Hoping I won't wake to more ghastly news of yet another evening of death and destruction.... makes you wonder what's going on in the world!


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Oh JACKIE, I was horrified to read about poor little George and the bee stings!! Please keep us posted after a nights sleep. Poor little man. Did the vet have to pull out any of the stinging body parts? Can't remember what they are called, but what the bee leaves behind when it stings. The curtains look lovely and very pretty. Like you I've enjoyed all the photos, PHOEBES auntie and MARIE looking so well, PATSYS pretty little Katie, (although maybe not so little), the flowers, BUZZ and Mike, I find the photos enhance our imaginings of everyone and are appreciated very much by me.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    We received a call from Sean at 9 am telling us the baby was in progress. We went over right away to help out. The midwives had arrived shortly before us. Our plan was to keep the kids occupied and then take them as part of our new tradition to McDonalds for lunch. Before we had even left, Maggje, Margaret Anne Sonia Blair was born at 11:15 am. 8 lbs. and 21" long. So sweet. Everyone had a quick look and then we all went for lunch bringing back some food to Mel and Sean. We took pics got to hold the baby and left feeling so happy. Honestly I took a picture of Melanie holding Maggie right after she was born and she looked so beautiful.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    <3Happy birthday Patsy!! <3
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited July 2016
    Jackie, so sorry for George. Hope he'll soon forget about it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Congratulations Jeri and your family!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Oh Jackie, what an awful experience for poor George and for you. I do hope he is out of pain and resting comfortable. I just can't imagine what you went through but happy you got him the help he needed immediately!! Give him an extra hug from me please!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Oh Jackie, what an awful experience for poor George and for you. I do hope he is out of pain and resting comfortable. I just can't imagine what you went through but happy you got him the help he needed immediately!! Give him an extra hug from me please!!

    And from me as well. Horrible!!!!! Poor darling.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    JERI -



  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Happy congratulations JERI and family.

    My goodness what a day! New babies, happy birthdays, birthday parties, newly hung curtains, and poor little George!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Laundry is done and put away. Time for reading and coloring (and napping). I am starting "Moss Hysteria" by Kate Collins. A Flower Shop Mystery. I have read some of this series but not all.

    Still ruining art supplies. :D

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Jackie, so very sorry to hear about dear little George. I am terrified of bees and wasps. I am so glad you are knowledgable and knew exactly what to do to help your little guy. I can imagine me going into an uncontrolled panic when confronted with this situation. I know you will take good care of him as well as be careful of your own wellbeing.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, hope I made it in time to wish you the happiest of birthdays! <3<3<3
    My computer is balking at being used tonight by simply freezing and being unavailable! Whatever's wrong, it seems to happen in all programs!
    JERI, wonderful news, and loads of luck to all!
    JACKIE, I'm still shaking over the bee episode for poor George! Hope he'll be OK!
    Sorry, but the errors take forever to correct!
    love to all
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited July 2016

    Sandy ~ You asked for a photo of the curtains finally hung and I did try but the sun shining in the window blacked out the foreground until 9pm this evening so here they are in all their glory. You might well ask what took so long!!!

    Curtains are beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Your cottage/house is so charming and homey!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited July 2016
    JACKIE!!!! Hoping to hear how poor little guy George got through the night. You must still be in shock!! It was a good job the kitties where inside the house or if not, came through it all unscathed. The pool was a real blessing. You are all in my thoughts today!
    I climbed a tree when young (of course I was young, I can't see me doing it now) and I was stung all over with wasps. Quick rush to the docs. Years later, Mark was stung in the playground by bees. Another rush to the docs. So I know exactly how poor George felt! The memory is vague but something called a "blue bag"? was produced years ago.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here I am ANNE and George is sitting in the cool next to me. He slept like a log last night and today, in spite of the heat we are experiencing managed a slow to almost stop walk on the moors while playing the "i've been stung by a bee so need lots of treats to walk" card!! The painkiller will last another 24 hours so he shouldn't feel too much by tomorrow. I was concerned Scruff would be her usual boisterous self on our walk but she immediately sensed George wasn't up to much and left him alone, in fact we commented on how amazing dogs are to sense these things and no wonder they are used so successfully as assist dogs. So thank you and everyone else for your concerns but I do think his coat saved him getting far more stings because most were washed out with the bees into his paddling pool and the only obvious areas of pain are his left ear and a spot very close to his dinky! Now ANNE to your thoughts about whether to get Jilly spayed or not. I know I keep saying what happens in the UK but some of it does make sense and most of our vets follow the advice about the importance of timing given in this item -

    If the timing was out for that little dog with all her hormone problems now it was probably due to it not being done mid season and then apparently the hormones never recover and incontinence occurs. This is why it's considered best to wait for the first season to take place.

    Jeri ~ Another member of the family - congratulations!!

    Marie ~ I'm hoping you wake up to an even better day and more steps and exercise..... go girl!!!

    When I first came on to MFP I was faced with a full page ad shouting "FOLLOW THE LUNG WORM MAP" whatever that meant. I didn't bother to find out but wonder if it found me because I used the word dog in my last post.... very clever these ads, or annoying as the case may be!

    Time for me to get back into the garden but did want to check in to let you know George is well on the way to recovery.

    Enjoy your Sunday.