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Senior Golden Sneakers
Strong winds are blowing away the mist and drizzle so we had a blustery but enjoyable walk this morning with views as amazing as ever and lots of locals walking their pooches. It was especially great to see a rescued spaniel we hadn't met for months that had spent the first 2 years of her life shut in a shed and therefore ran in small circles now expanding those circles to include shrubs and mounds to sniff and is a wonderfully happy dog. A quote arrived for the hedge cutting work and is quite expensive but as a one off done by a young man I trust to do a good job I've accepted it, after all this is why I took out the lifetime mortgage so must get over the tightening in my throat every time I spend money!!
Sandy ~ Why did I think you had an Irish heritage? Polish isn't quite the same especially where lock-ins are concerned although we now have around 4 million in our country that arrived when they joined the EU. Hardworking and pleasant people on the whole that would probably love to spend a night in an Irish pub!!
Patsy ~ Your 'dungeon' description has always reminded me of the words carved over the Thames river small entrance to the Tower of London where prisoners were taken in by boat that states 'abandon hope all ye who enter here'. You could possibly think that a most appropriate sign to hang over your door!! I expect you do this anyway but because he wasn't house trained when I adopted him, before I go to bed I let George into the garden and insist he do a "pee-pee" before he comes back in then give him a treat and tell him what a good lad he is. It seems to work although sometimes he gets distracted by the frogs that are leaping across my damp lawns in the dark!
Anne ~ Sounds like this man seeking friends is just going about it the wrong way and it could be it's 50 years since he tried introducing himself to a girl.... it's certainly an old fashioned approach!!
Buzz ~ Goodness, that movie sounds like one big emotional experience but if it helped you through the day then that's fine. Your memories of Mike will I'm sure be of your happier times together because those last few months weren't the dignified, delightful man you married. Just hang on to what he truly was.As for the jobs around the house I take on, I've always been a practical person so even as a kid I loved to watch my father making furniture because there wasn't much money coming in or repairing old bomb damage from the war as walls continued to show creeping cracks and he was always happiest in the garden growing his roses or beans for the dinner table so I absorbed all this like a sponge. Not that I have to worry about bomb damage but I did once make a nifty bookcase soon after moving into my cottage! Of course these days it's all about persuading my body to keep up with my brain!!
Lin ~ Occasionally a short foreign film is shown on the BBC and as you say, they are compelling so I think sometimes everyone should make an effort to watch them and gain insight into the real people because there really is little difference between them and us whatever part of the world they're in. Having said that we are getting a lot of Scandinavian thrillers being aired on our tv screens these days that are far darker and violent than some of our worst offerings so I may have to watch where we travel in Norway when we leave the ship for a tour!! Finally your tyres are to be fitted and I'm sure you will feel safer once that job is out of the way.
Time to muck out my hens and see how many eggs arrived this morning. No decisions yet made on introducing a couple of new girls to the group but I will make enquiries soon.
0 -
I propose a "rename PATSY's dungeon" competition. Busy day so something to think about as I do the washing and chores. Not much so far.
Creativity Cavern?
Patsy's (painting) place?
Arty hangout?
Arty hidey hole?
Painters progress?
Well you get the idea. For someone who doesn't care for spiders Patsy, "dungeon" does rather conjure that image!
Hey it's happy Monday!
0 -
Good morning, woke to the news of another report of hell on earth. Once again. Las Vegas country music festival. And a monster in his 60s was the fiend this time
Lin0 -
It struck me just now that I can't recall any of these horrendous mass murders being carried out by the original indigenous people. The people who lost their lands.
I believe the man seeking friends already has 47 or so! Anyway, he doesn't need me to add to his "harem". I'm going back to my painting photo. I don't blame Jackie and Patsy showing Katie and George! This isn't the first time I've been targeted. Once much worse, by a woman I think.
Anne0 -
A box containing 6 bottles of wine has just been delivered by courier addressed to me but no sign of a note indicating who from and why!! Of course now I'm wondering if I hit a button on my computer somehow and took up an unwanted offer. Oh well I'll tuck it in a corner of the dining room for now and wait for contact from my admirer!!
Anne ~ He's not a dog lover obviously!! Perhaps post Jilly into your member photos!
A right to bear arms certainly comes with its horrific risks doesn't it!
Jackie1 -
Happy Monday!
Started laundry and meeting my friend, the grandmother of the little girl who had a liver transplant. They had an online auction to help with medical bills and I won an Echo Dot. I am not even sure what it does but wanted to help donate so she is meeting me in a parking lot not far from my house. I have a few small errands to run after that so my day is planned.
I really don't think our guy is a stalker but one never knows. He was probably just trying to make friends but his approach was all wrong. My advice is not to accept friendships unless you know who they are or become part of a group like ours and trust the members.
Patsy, John is right, we are all equipped to handle ourselves and with "a little help from our friends" we protect each other. (are you singing)
Buzz, I love Facetime and google hangouts video calls with my family. My son in Portland never misses a call on Sundays unless one of us is out of town. I get my serenity from Al Anon, it teaches me how to take care of myself and how I cannot control anyone. I, of course take steps backwards so that is why I still go to meetings nine years later. It is a program you never graduate and would be so helpful for the rest of the world to help them get along.
Lin, the movie festival sounds very interesting, I am glad you enjoyed. Good luck with the tires today and I am so with you on the movie IT! I hate scary movies because they SCARE me!
I don't think I am going to get a flu shot either, although last year I had no side effects so I might change my mind because of the boys.
Jackie, maybe cutting the bushes will keep your neighbor from using your driveway, we can at least hope. I hope the trim in the kitchen went without hitch. I forgot to go to the next page and now see that you have a secret admirer. Be sure to check your credit cards for any purchases to be sure you didn't accidentally order that wine. BTW, is is white or red?
Have a great day!
One Day at a Time
0 -
Maybe the wine is from our unknown "friend" JACKIE! Lol. Jilly is so black she doesn't photo well, but I'll try it! At least "John" whoever you are gave us something to talk and smile about on a Monday.
Anne.0 -
Good morning dear ones! Looks like we are going to have a clear day. I don't see any clouds at all. Lovely!
It is just a bit chilly, it is lovely sweater weather, not coat weather yet.
John , Katie and I spent a lovely Sunday. There is a new seafood restaurant here with an extensive take out menu. We bought seafood sandwiches and a cooked hamburger patty for Katie and found a nice picnic table in the park near the river. We are always interested in giving Katie an opportunity to socialize. She has always been somewhat shy. She doesn't like to be touched by most strangers or children. She barks in alarm at other dogs. She likes our son's dogs but they are older and truly not interested in her at all. We keep her leashed at all times when she isn't in her own back yard. Not sure if this approach is helpful but we try to give her an opportunity to see other dogs without direct contact. The joys of being a doggie parent!
I think it is me when thinking of Irish ancestry. I even have a copy of my grandmother's immigration papers. They say she was from Dublin but I am sure that she was from another county. She was of the flaming red hair and freckle kind of Irish. She had a great strong alto voice. She could play any music after hearing it once. She had an old beat up piano that was always kept properly tuned. My dad was of the black curly hair and China blue eye kind of Irish. He was also very devoted to music of all kinds. He played flute and piano and sang like dream. I can sing but not like my parents. But there is never a minute when there isn't music going on in our house. Thank goodness John tolerates constant music.
The dungeon actually refers to my disturbing lack of neatness and the cluttered condition of my studio. If you were to walk in there you would be confronted by paint smears on everything. Including the computer and telephone. Piles of paper, drawings, paintings and stuff tacked to the walls. Paint tubes, brushes,, books and cans of stuff...gesso, gloss medium etc. aaaaaaaagh! The place really is a dungeon.
Patsy0 -
I really took a few seconds logging online for a business letter, but I can't resist our group, so I read everything , "ate it up", actually, and just one reply before I shower and dress, and that's to PATSY: Your description of your Dungeon is so familiar to me! All my artist friends and family have a room just as you describe! In fact, DDs mate (represented the US at a Cannes Festival, so she's no slouch!) manages to color the ceilings ,walls and floors, as well! We allowed them to live with us a few months before they moved to California, and I almost had a stroke when I saw what she did to the rooms we let them live in! Now, 30 years or more later, DD has the same reaction I had, and no longer allows more than one room for her studio! She is unbelievably prolific and often has 3 or more easels filled at the same time!
SANDY, I have always heard AL Anon described exactly as you have! Hardest lesson in the world, I think: take care of yourself because you cannot change anyone else! Thanks for the reminder!
Love the memories I'm reading about your families! They are us, really, generations apart. OK, I wrote more than I have time for! As usual!!!Buzz
.........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................0 -
Hello, we got a blast of summer again today. Higher temperatures coupled with humidity. There was quite a bit of early morning rain and thunder. Anyway, I got glued to listening to news reports this morning. I didn’t get everything accomplished that I had on my list but I did get to my tire change appointment on time. However, my friend did get hung up trying to get her errands finished and she was not able to meet me for a movie. So, I pushed around a big cart in Costco for an hour and a half. Got my car then stopped at TJ’s for a couple of things. Not bad but then unloading the car and putting things away took forever. On the plus side, at least everything is put away. A friend texted saying she still is ill and won’t make it to any of the usual weekly events but she reminded me that a mutual friend has a birthday coming up. Yes, I guess I knew it but wasn’t planning on doing a card until next week. Anyway, I did go ahead and finish a card for her and I have a “thank you” card to give to another lady tomorrow.
Another day tomorrow with lots of running around and I won’t be home much. Errands, Mah Jongg, pick up my card off for a front end alignment, home for a snack and then book club. I hope my car starts tomorrow. I left the overhead light on for a few hours. Please battery, be strong.
Okay, I am apparently the only one who actually likes the idea of having a dungeon packed with projects and blobs of paint, ink, and other misc materials all over. I am not a tidy person and it is probably excellent that no one else lives here. Another human being would likely go crazy here. Patsy, if you want to change your environment then all power to you, otherwise, keep the creativity flowing.
Buzz, I heard about that movie and listened to an interview with Sam Elliot on Public Radio. I hope to see that movie someday. Meanwhile. I do not really have any recommendations from the short movies. I don’t know where you would ever see them since I think all were 15 minutes or less.
Anne, I do not know how that gentleman seemed to ask all of us to be friends but I have noticed that some people just want to get as many friends as possible. I accepted a friend request once and the lady literally had hundreds of friends. I have tended to ask for friends in groups I have joined here on MFP.
Sandy, how is Babe feeling? You have been spending a lot of time trying to help him. You are very kind. Oh, and the lady at church who drafts people to do the communion prep and clean up has put that other couple down for November. I have my doubts though. I will not be surprised to be asked again. But small church, someone has to do things.
Jackie, interesting delivery. Nice gift, unless you paid for it! I would have been searching my credit card charges today! By the way, when does the house construction project start?
Time to run along.
Lin0 -
Happy Tuesday!
I met my friend and got my amazon echo dot. It is a cute gadget that responds to Alexia. It can play music, tell me the weather, tell jokes etc. Not something I would have bought but wanted to do my part for donating to medical bills. I put up my Halloween decorations and it looks cute, Robby will love them.
I am sitting tonight, I am sure Lisa needs a break after spending the weekend with them and all the cookies her grandma gave Robby. He did not go through the terrible two's but the three's are a different story. lol
Lin, Babe said today he is feeling a little better, not so dizzy. His son is insisting that they go back to Mayo because he said he can't stand seeing his father live like he does. Babe feels there is nothing they can do to help him so unless they can guarantee an improvement he won't go. They are getting all the reports from his doctors since his last visit to Mayo and going to review his case. Philip of course always feels he can fix everything so only time will tell.
Buzz, as a person who likes to enable I admit there are times it is very difficult. I do try to take care of myself first but saying no is one of the hardest things for me.
Patsy, I like the name dungeon for your art studio. It reminds me of the top of a tower where you let your imagination go wild.
Anne, hope all is well, I can't believe I beat you in posting.
Jackie, do tell, have you figured out the mystery sender?
Have a good day!
One Day at a Time0 -
Except a genuine dungeon is musty, and mouldy, and dark, and under the ground. At least the ones I visited in Tamworth castle and Lincoln Castle were in England SANDY, whilst a tower or turret is up in the clouds. Your imagination can soar in a tower and you can let your hair down and hope a handsome prince climbs up, lol - or John in PATSYs case. Mike mentioned and remembered these dungeons the other day and the names scratched in the stone walls by the poor souls entombed in them. Usually either Roundheads or Cavaliers captured in England's 17th century civil war. That's why I was surprised that PATSY would call her place of creativity a dungeon.
Guess what JACKIE, there's a petition to bring back, backyard chickens in our fair city, one councillor says they shouldn't have been banned in the first place. I know Mary Jo's dad ignored this ban and kept them in my double garage in the bad weather and overnight. Just like Joyce's clothes line next door nobody informed the authorities what he shouldn't be doing. Objections in council so far are about the huge number of raccoons and foxes having a field day.
We went for a long walk today in glorious weather, sniffing and snuffling (Jilly) and crunching (me) through the leaves. We met the lady who was rude to me a couple of weeks back and this time she wasn't rude but played with Jill as her 14 year old dog looked on. I think she's decided I'm a lost cause in the alert department so might as well treat me kindly! Very quiet day, no news at all, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
Anne.0 -
Good morning. It is very chilly this morning. I have to remind myself that this is indeed October. I somehow feel like summer was very short and hot. I don't remember any lazy days of summer. I must have napped through summer...
I am still getting those phone calls and am now dealing with the last of my late friends "stuff." I don't think any of us have an idea about what happens when we pass away. I mean the thousands of details. For a non-relatitive I seem to be the head of her household. I need to really get serious about clearing out more of my own stuff.
Sandy: I almost chocked when I read about Babe's son. My own dear husband is one of those guys who needs to fix everything. As an example, we are both dealing with painful sciatica. John has been to the doctor twice, has a prescription and multiple pages of special exercises. He is constantly doing internet research on new and better exercises. He watches me do my exercises and suggests more and better exercises, different vitamins, New pillows, new mattress, warmer bedroom, maybe a cooler bedroom. Oh my! If this can be fixed, John will find out how.
Jackie: I really hope that your gift of wine came from some secret friend. I have heard my dad talk about some philosophy that he tried to embrace. Do someone a favor once a day. But don't let them know who did it, otherwise it doesn't count. What an amazing and happy thing to wonder and suspect who your friend is.
More laundry and then refilling my printer with ink. This is always a huge process. I never seem to get it right on the first try...or second for that matter. My printer is old but very good. It is very cantankerous and must be treated with respect. Well...I am the same way.
Patsy0 -
This is October and it is inordinately warm here once again. A bit humid with a threat of rain coming and going. The sun is having a bit of fun with us. I travelled to three stores this morning to purchase my cache of runner tape as it is twenty percent off today ONLY. I took it to heart and now I can run tape to my heart’s desire.
Played Mah Jongg for a while this morning and now I am sitting on my backside at the dealership waiting for the front end alignment to be finished. IA thought they told me when I scheduled to except a two hour wait. When I got here they said three to three and a half hours. So that would mean I will be here as long as the mechanics this today. Glad I have my iPad and a book to read.
Dungeon implies to me a place where you are consigned to stay and work, probably not great light, lots of solitude. But then I am fine with those conditions. I did work in a poorly lit cubicle for years in a solitary research analyst job. There was creativity in many of the numbers....
A friend’s husband refuses to go to the doctor about a hip replacement. She bugs him about it and he keeps refusing. He finally explained why and I understand his reasoning fully. She does not. The man has had heart problems and still does, he has a clotting issue and he is convinced since he was stented once years ago that they will find that another stent or stents will be needed before he can consider surgery. He said he refuses to get any more stents, apparently it was pretty unpleasant for him. She says he doesn’t know that for certain and he should go ahead and if he needs stents he should get them. Okay, it is not her body and not her choice. But she cannot honor it and continues to harrass him. She thinks medical people can fix everything. He says medical people can kill you.
I don’t believe there is a fix for everything. I like to try to do the research but then that is my background.
So Sandy, no one can guarantee Babe he will be better so no trip to Minnesota unless his son pushes him into it.
Anne, what a lovely walk today and no grief from the former bully. Excellent. A quiet day is a good day.
Wishing everyone happy days full of contentment.
0 -
Our love affair with guns has got to stop. I cannot believe I just heard a discussion remarking that the device that turned those rifles into machine gun repeaters was perfectly legal! Am I so mistaken that the right to bear arms concerned arms in a militia? As I write, there is a gun show and sale going on in a nearby town! I 'm seething furious but don't know where to vent or how to put my anger to good use! Sorry, maybe I'll just go to bed
..........................Always believe?.......................0 -
There are gun shows here in Oregon as well. In fact there seems to be a company that organizes these shows. They are normally in large venues. There was one right next an antique show. The gun show was larger and more people attended.
I keep thinking each time things like this happens...well finally, we have hit rock bottom! Something will be done now. But it never happens. It just goes on and on. There must be some primitive element that worships the sound and the nature of an explosion. It has to be more than just the right to the bear arms.
I feel we are at the beginning a huge political upheaval. Reading about Mr. Mueller's latest focus, Facebook etc. the show is about to start in earnest. Buckle up little Buttercup, there's a storm brewing for sure.
Patsy0 -
Good morning sneakers. I'm rushing through because yesterday I spent most of the day in Plymouth shopping for Winter clothes then on to my yoga class and was then too tired to anything other than slump in front of the tv before bed! I'm waiting for a message from a courier that is delivering an antique small dining table that I bought off ebay at great expense because it has the same flower design on it as my chairs that still await my efforts at refurbishment.... now I'll have to get on. Also I see my garden shears are finally once again in transit and should be with me today but after the last tracking experience I'm not holding my breath.
Just to say in a round about sort of connection to what people can legally do with gun repeaters, we were told after the most recent attempt by an 18 year old so-called terrorist to blow innocent people up on a train that when buying the necessary ingredients for his bomb AVAILABLE ON AMAZON (!!) the page shows "other people who bought this were also interested in...... nails, ball bearings and other nasties to be added for extra effect!! Bonkers but it's all out there I'm afraid!!
Lin ~ My friend I dog walk with has over the past couple of months been suffering with hip pain so immediately contacted her GP and is moving towards what she thinks is the only option, a replacement. I on the other hand was asked nearly a year ago if I wanted one but declined for now and of course realise I can't now complain about the pain so hopefully your friend's husband is suffering in silence!! I was told this morning of a lady of 92 who is currently in hospital after a knee replacement, this after both hips and the other knee being replaced not so long ago but I imagine her health is excellent in every other way otherwise it could be dangerous.
Anne ~ Having lived in Canada I'm not at all surprised they'd have some sort of by-law about keeping hens much like the fixation for neat grass and a lack of washsing lines.... I'd be imprisoned by now!! That's great to see a petition is being set up to allow chooks in back yards so long as cockerels are banned and perhaps numbers limited. I can't see it would be a problem and think of those gorgeous organic eggs!
Sandy ~ Phil can't bear seeing his father live the way he does?? You could laugh it that wasn't so ironic!
Ah yes, the wine!! Patsy, a lovely thought that someone felt I was owed a surprise although I can't imagine who!! After contacting the distributor to ask why it was delivered I was told they have no record of it but looking very closely at the label on the box I see the name of the travel agent we used to book our trip to Norway so although I still have no idea why they would send it I'm going to tuck it in a corner until Christmas and if no one owns up my friend will be given the 3 bottles of white and I'll keep the red. These cases usually sell for around £60 so definitely best kept for special occasions!
Must get on. I want to at least start on painting the back of my cottage today before more rain arrives tonight. Don't worry, I won't be climbing ladders, not a this stage anyway.
Jackie0 -
Bravo BUZZ and PATSY. No one has the right to bear arms that kill and maim other beings in such an easy and cowardly fashion.
Anne0 -
Well, well, a knock at the door and my garden shears have arrived.... no courier driver, just a rather beaten up box on the step so I'll never know what happened first time around!
Jackie0 -
Quickie - the chicken keeping approved but has been limited to four wards for now to see how it works out. All near the lake shore. Rules, only four chickens allowed per yard and cockerels completely banned. It's a start! Hope my town follows Toronto's example.
Anne0 -
I've just found out, the elderly couple and long time neighbours behind me both had a stroke this summer. Makes one shudder in ones boots. We both need a biccy and in my case, a coffee, to recover from this news. Here's Jilly:
Check today's top stories - BBC "Americas gun culture in 8 charts".1 -
Happy Wednesday!
Had fun with the boys last night and today is bingo. We had a little rain during the night (I didn't hear it) so it is a cooler day today.
Anne, congratulations on getting JIlly's picture posted, could she be any cuter???? And what in the world is a biccy? Do you plan on chickens if approved in your area?
Jackie, I did laugh out loud with what you said about Phil, funny I didn't think of that to say to Babe, it was the perfect line!!! Did you open the box the wine came in to make sure there was no card inside? If it did come from your travel agent, I would book all my trips with her.
Glad you finally got your shears and will need a picture of the new table.
Lin, I was told a knee replacement is worse than a hip replacement but when up in years and with a heart problem I can see why your friend is hesitant. The baby who had the liver transplant daddy had back surgery yesterday. It was supposed to be an easy surgery but they nicked his artery and he was bleeding so much they had to give him blood and kept him in ICU overnight. That poor family just can't catch a break.
Now hopefully to put a smile on your face, here's a picture of me and the boys. lol
Have a great day!
One Day at a Time
1 -
SANDY, lovely little boys. Hi kids! What is a biccy? A biccy is short for biscuit or cookie. Dog biscuit in Jilly's case. I would LOVE to keep 4 chickens if it's approved here. Jilly would love 4 chickens. Michael will take Jilly if I can't care for her, but I don't think his condo board would like him to keep chickens in his bedroom as well. So no, I can't see any chickens in my future, alas.
Anne.0 -
Good morning! A cold morning but it looks clear and sunny. I did get a couple of windows washed yesterday but as my mom would have said, "there is more to do but I am just not feeling it."
The news is so alarming I have to just take a quick glance to make sure we are still not at war, then off to more uplifting activities. John mowed and trimmed some blackberry vines as well as low hanging tree limbs yesterday. He has declared a low key day today. Very little tasks to be undertaken today. I wonder if he will stick to that? I am betting NOT.
Sandy: your grandsons are so adorable. That Robby is a very handsome little boy. The baby is so cute. One must look like dad and the other looks like mom. They look so different and yet such beautiful children.
Jackie: isn't it odd? Running errands and going various places is often more exhausting than working hard at home? After a trip into town just doing tiny errands can expend all my available energy. Katie and chickens, it would be a guess what would cause disaster first. Katie or raccoons or other neighborhood dogs or cougars.
Anne: oh my! Jilly is a grown up lady now. She looks very pretty and well behaved. Katie looks and is a juvenile delinquent! She is our joy but make no mistake about it, Katie is well behaved about 1/4 of the time. We are aiming for a slight improvement. We bought a dog whistle. She runs galloping to us when she hears it. Yea!
Buzz: there is a new movie with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. Saw the trailer and it looked interesting. I loved seeing two older stars, still georgous, in a romance movie. Redford is wonderfully wrinkled but sexy and handsome. Jane was the same although it looked obvious that she had gone through some face lifts. Still amazingly beautiful. Both in their 80s. I can't remember the movie title however.
Lin: in my opinion, one can never have too much supplies. I have never turned down a sale on art supplies. John has the same opinion about tools and car stuff. These supplies are necessary for you to continue doing your creative activities. Money well spent, my friend!
0 -
My table arrived and I was left to carry it along a rambling footpath, into my garden and then into my cottage but hey ho, such is life today!! Here it is laden with the mystery bottles of wine.
I may have mentioned before that the flower design is also carved into the backs of the chairs and both are 19th century.
Lin ~ I forgot to mention the garden room plans are with our local authority and I've been told by the company that will construct it the process could take up to 8 weeks. Today a letter from the planning department arrived in the post addressed to a J. Anderson and it wouldn't surprise me if that was a typing error on their part being an Atherden but I wrote on the envelope 'not known at this address' and popped it back into a mailbox.... I can see why it could take so long!!
Patsy ~ I've always found concrete cities and shop floors exhausting as they seem to draw all energy out through my legs! George and chickens is a bad combination too so when he spends time with the dog carer while I'm on the cruise next year I just know I'm going to come home to a dog with a pecked nose because he showed far too much interest in their grey parrot that apparently calls to any dog with a "come here doggie" before doing its best to peck it through the cage bars!
Jilly is looking as gorgeous as ever as are those scrumptious boys!
Time to cook my evening meal..... salad and something as yet undecided.
2 -
On my way to dress for dinner, but have to mention how mahvelous, dahling SANDY, as gorgeous as those boys are, who is that beauty who looks like their mother???lol !
....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................0 -
Hi friends . sorry to be so long away but trying to master this new cinoumputer. not much luck.tho.
ps And easy to used wrap th hospital gave me at one time. Now I have skinny ankles and feet So I feel pretty good. Plus some weight I lost.Making this short/ Lin thank you for th october cards so sweet of yo very prettyAnd Thank you all for being so kind.0 -
Wow!! What a collection of wonderful posts and photos!
First, hello Marie. I hope we see you more often as you work to become familiar with your new computer. Sending hugs and best wishes (as usual). It is your season—football season! I hope you are enjoying it.
Buzz, good evening. I admire how you dress for dinner without protest. I would not be fed in your community as I live in t-shirts, sweatshirts, sport pants and comfortable white orthopedic Brooks walker shoes with Velcro closures. I have upgraded to very comfortable bamboo mix fiber socks which unfortunately have to be washed by hand.
Jackie, I love the new table. Marvelous. I would love to have one similar. Good you to get it in the house. Oh gosh, I am thinking of poor George with a much wounded nose from the devilish parrot. I am glad your shears finally arrived and I hope they are wonderful. I hope we do not get permission for chickens since neighbors cannot keep track of their dogs and cats and we now have dogs and puppies barking nearly all the time, I am not certain a little plot of lawn chemical infused grass would be at all good for a chicken. Plus you would need an excellent coop or house for the poor things when the temperatures here drop very low. And like Anne, I wouldn’t have anyone to take a chicken or chickens should I pop my clogs. Oh yes, the planning approval, well, it will likely be a while to get all that sorted out. Silly me to forget that.
Patsy, I agree, errands can just drain all the energy from a person. Definitely walking around on the concrete is tiring but I also find it stressful to be in crowds and in crowded parking lots. Some of the actual looking at things is enjoyable but the rest, not so much. And I was looking over the required supply list for that weekend event mid-October and I believe I am good to go for that. Wahoo! But now I am hankering after a sepia pen. Does it ever end? I know the answer to that (for me at least).
Sandy, what a wonderful photo. You are all gorgeous and Robby is growing up too quickly. It is wonderful that you are able to spend time with them. And you have such a good time with them. I hope Bingo is enjoyable.
Anne, wonderful picture of photogenic Jilly Bean. I am sorry to hear of the health problems of your neighbors. They are still living in their home though correct? And Jilly looks fine to me by the way.
A number of our schools are now being harassed. Parents are receiving threatening texts saying their children will be killed at school etc. Terrifying for all involved. One school district was closed yesterday. They started late today. Other communities are now receiving similar messages. And one school was closed today as a woman killed herself on the school grounds this morning. Insanity is set loose.
Another busy day but again, accomplished everything on the list (the list kept in my head). I am so happy to have my mantle clock back again. It seems to be keeping time but in all honesty I am not certain it is chiming each quarter hour although I may be preoccupied.
Tomorrow the car has to go back to have the lug nuts retorqued. They have called to remind me to come in. So will do that and get gas for the car. In the afternoon I am going to the paper craft store to make a couple of Halloween cards. And I am looking forward to spending Saturday at the library with the paper craft crowd! But I do need to sort out what I want to accomplish.
Today we started a pendoodle project to make a mask with little paper feathers and beads hanging on one side of it and a stick glued to it as if to hold it up in front of your face. Truthfully, I did not get lots accomplished as I go so slow. I was not the only person taking home the bits and pieces to be continued.
The other day I watched a very old movie that I had forgotten was a four hour movie—Cleopatra. Quite stunning. I started to watch The Godfather yesterday but abandoned it after first marveling at how young the actors were at the time.
I am reading “A Legacy of Spies” right now. I am not sure why. Just the legacy of George Smiley I suppose.
Well, all best wishes and of course HUGS.
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Another lovely morning here! We washed living room windows yesterday and now the world seems brighter. On to the rest of the windows as the week end brings the last of the stuff from my late friends home. I have just found a home for her dog. I was thinking I would need to adopt him but fate intervened. He was an injured bomb sniffing dog in the army. He had an eye injury and so had only one eye. His trainer and partner called and offered him a forever home. The dog was a husky mix named Gunner (of course) so his personality is very serious and not very affectionate. A beautiful dog but not a good fit in our home. He seems delighted to be with his old trainer and friend. My friends son is stationed in Guam! Oh dear God! I am in a constant terror about his safety.
Now I think the time has come to get back to my own life and tasks and challenges.
Jackie: oh my! That table is a real treasure! I love the look of your dining room. All the wood tones and lovely table and chairs. You were very lucky to find this table. It is just the right size and such beautiful carving.
Lin: I love your dedication to your crafts. I have often thought there should be more design shows featuring craft projects. As far as back yard chickens, we live out in the country. Of course all the neighbors have chickens. There is always clucking and several demented roosters in the neighborhood. One crows all night long it seems to me. I don't mind the sound, I tune it out most of the time.
Another cup of coffee then ...who knows what silliness I could get into.
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We've just had a long long walk with Janice and Amy. Gorgeous day crunching through the leaves. Amy and Jilly are great friends.
The table really IS beautiful JACKIE. What a find! I was watching a program yesterday about the North Yorkshire moors and houses up for sale there. The moors are timeless in their beauty and Whitby was shown. One of my old haunts, oh and quaint little Robin Hoods bay. The sky was blue and even the North Sea was blue and beautiful and calm. Some things don't change!
It's a lovely, quiet, mellow day today on the Sneakers.