Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi y'all. I think the lateat problems are not my computer but changes being made by my server!. WiFi keeps disappearing and I'm offline again and again! Keep your posts coming; they are wonderful!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    If it helps at all BUZZ, I keep getting messages that read "we are unable to connect to your server". I got a lot yesterday.
    Well we are starting yet another heatwave today, I'm sure I heard the newscaster mutter something about 40 deg for one day, say it's not so!
    Jilly and I were out at six am (she being a very good little dog from my point of view) and we are just going out again for my morning cup of tea while it's still "cool", what I would have called a hot summer day in my England past!
    JERI, beautiful brand new baby, what a most attractive bunch of little kids!
    MARIE, happy 60th for you and your sweetie. You'll soon be back together again.
    Anne, consumer of copious cups of tea and puppy trainer.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) I am chairing my meeting today so just wanted to pop in and say good morning. I will be back later!!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Help i lost my log in days.. Must have happen shen i lost so many postdo angone know dow to resert them. I been to gym and walk all the way back to my room , a total of 81 sieps, So proud of me.and feeling so great
    See you latelove Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sorry Marie, I don't know about the login things. Maybe Sandy can tell you.

    Hi all, got to get a shower then get to it! Two days is all we have and this one is slipping thru my fingers. Spent an hour on the phone with mail order Pharmacy and hope they keep their promise. They ship Jim's refrigerated medication while we were gone, UPS delivered it, set it in full sun on the driveway, not on the porch. It had a temp tracker and showed overheated. They said they are reshipping overnight today. Plus the container was opened.
    Enough complaints!
    I'm supposed to get Honeys stitches out but will wait until tomorrow.
    It's a hot one here, but great for hanging wash on the line. Quilts etc. Not enough line for all our washing.
    Anne, I don't watch the 'nature' programs either. It's hard for me to love animals and accept God's creating the food chain. I wish we could have all been made vegetarian! And yet, I am not one myself. So I try not to dwell on it, I only get confused.
    Be safe today
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie , so happy to hear you are doing much better. <3

    Jackie - I saw the video and cried and cried, I am glad he had a happy ending and I hope a good family will adopt him.

    Anne - Tempertures here will be hot all week too, 91F today, tired of these hot days.

    Sandy - Good luck with the meeting today. Enjoy the pool.

    Jeri - You have such lovely grandchildren, enjoy your fishing day.

    Buzz - Hope you can get on to us soon and try to keep up when you can.

    Lin - You seem to be getting all the rain that we need so badly. The dog picture looks great!

    Patsy - Sorry about your health issues and good luck with finding a new doctor to help you with your heart condition. Those tests sound a little scary, I don't blame you for getting another opinion.

    Phoebe - Safe travels home!

    Last night we went to the boat and enjoyed a rib dinner with some friends. Our next sailing cruise
    is coming up at the end of this month.

    Dave and I got a bike ride in this morning before it got too hot. I have a dentist apt. this afternoon and
    getting a trim on my bangs at the hairdresser. My next apt. isn't until Aug 8th so that a ways a way.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2016
    MARIE, Belated Happy Anniversary and here is the reset link:
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    DARN! Another lost post! I wrote about almost stopping my housekeeper today due to panic about not getting my papers and other mess sorted, but my DD talke me out of it, and now that the place looks and smells clean again, I'm glad Liz came!
    We had an Art Show/French Cocktail hour last night and I found the courage to exhibit a sterling sugar and creamer set I had made years ago. I'll try to insert it, as one of the visitors snapped a photo with her I-Phone.
    Anyway, I must bring Mike fresh laundry upstairs, or he will appear at dinner tonight in dirty old jeans!
    I know I sound out of things, but I really read all your posts hungrily and always plan to get back with comments, but where do I go wrong?
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Buzz--that is beautiful work!!!!! <3<3<3

    Thank you for posting the picture. So many here are artists!!!! B)

    Back to making soup. Yes, I know, heat warnings and I am still making soup.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Wow, beautiful work BUZZ.
    It's very hot here, I'm fair skinned and daren't venture out for too long or I'll look like a lobster. It's supposed to remain this way for over a week with tomorrow being the worst! I promise, I really promise I will not complain this coming winter! I'm actually looking forward to sweaters and boots and cute hats and scarves. I'm looking forward to buying the Bean a woolly coat. I think she'll need it when we crunch through the snow. My grass looks like a mown hay field despite watering and the poor flowers are drooping. Many birds are visiting the bird bath. Summertime when the living is easy!
    Will your soup be cold summer soup LIN?
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my Buzz! Your silver work is stunning! I love the elegant fluid lines of your designs. I'll bet you miss working with metals. I tried several times and I was in a sculpture class. That isn't a medium for sissies! The hot popping sparks had me yelling ouch! Every few seconds. The silver and gold classes required special vents etc. like I said, these beautiful pieces don't happen easily, I know this from experience. Thank you for sharing photos of your work.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Good evening

    The soup is finished and now am baking a few sweet potatoes. They asked us to wait until 7pm to load more usage on the grid. Tomorrow is Tai Chi followed by a nice long visit at the auto repair. Fingers crossed on what they will find this time.

    Phoebe, this is a short time at home. I trust you will be able to fit in everything that must be done. What a disappointment with the mail order Rx. I hope they do better this time. Hugs for Honey as the stitches are removed. And hugs for you too, you are one busy busy lady.

    Shirley, good planning to get a bike ride in early! It is so hot here that even early morning is not very pleasant. The only saving grace here today was the breeze. I hope you have one as well.

    Anne, I love the progress Jilly is making. One of these days perhaps you will have time to do a bit of painting again. Meanwhile spending time with Jilly as you sip your tea sounds just perfect.

    Patsy, I love your Katie stories (and photos--hint, hint). Is your weather extremely hot too? And how is your son doing with the new sailboat?? Have you visited the boat in person?

    Sandy, how was the meeting today? Did you go to the pool afterwards?

    Hello Marie, Diane, Buzz, Marcella, Linda, Jeri, Gayla, Phyllis, Barbie, and all the other Sneakers!! Hoping for happy days with smooth sailing.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz thanks for the link <3

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3 MARIE, you are very welcome! Get well, Sis!
    PATSY, Thank you, and the others who liked my work. It certainly developed strong upper arm muscles, which have turned to flab now!
    Got Mike dressed up and we went downstairs for a lovely French dinner special. He started his old table wandering habit, but this time in his wheelchair. His oxygen level has been cut down a bit so he was able to stay slightly longer tonight.
    It's been a long day for me, so I'll get Buzzbed early finally! Stay cool, everybody!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cooler but very pleasant day and due to lots of sheep and a couple of calves in the middle of our usual route whose large mum with even larger horns gets quite feisty if anyone gets close, we took a different path and found a new area of moorland with many fascinating old mine building remains, sink holes and pretty butterflies. George also found a pile of smelly fox poo to roll in so once again we headed for the shower as soon as we got home and he's now drying off nicely! Scruff's mum took a photo of him playing King of the Castle on an engine house ruin and has promised to email me a copy which I'll then post.

    Buzz ~ Wow, your style of silver pieces is wonderful and could have stood proudly on any regal table enjoyed by our kings and queens past and present. I'm so pleased to read that you and Mike are still enjoying social times at meals together and that he's still able to mix with friends on other tables.

    To everyone else, have a great Friday whatever you're up to. I'm now going outside to clean the hen house, check for eggs and then continue a job I started yesterday tidying the area that runs from the side to back of my cottage. Being so rural we get lots of wild flowers popping up so I like to leave them until they've seeded for next year then strim it all down.... today's the day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good mprnomg sneskers <3 .checlonh in to keep my log in days.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    It's going to get very hot and humid today, it's already hot and humid. Watered and disturbed lots of butterflies with my shower head which Jilly enjoyed chasing, not to mention the spray. Like George she had to be towel dried. It's so hot that even the weeds are wilting! The good news the thrushes (named robins by most folk) are enjoying the wet grass for emerging worms and the bird bath is always full of birds snatching a drink. I've noticed we have a lot of yellow and black finches and woodpeckers in the dying apple tree at the back this year. Insects in the bark I expect.

    Anyone watch the convention last night? I watched a bit. I'll say one thing for the USA and the U.K. the news from both countries sure is livening up our news. Cross fingers, but everything is so quiet here that once May and Trump and Hillary are exhausted we are reduced to the scarcity of water fountains in Toronto during this official heatwave, oh and disgruntled British tourists stating they never expected Canada to get so hot!
    And that's me for the day, lying low, inside.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ They will be the Brits who imagine you all living like Nanook of the North!!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I must admit the heat surprised me when I first waded ashore on July 27th! One thing, I haven't been bitten by a mosquito so far! I wish I could peer through the fence and see if Harry's got rid of his fish pond!
    Loved the photo of little Prince George with his dog who looks a bit like our Beanie, tail and all. Bigger though seeing the Bean is still only the size of a
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Morning! Hot day, sunshine, threat of thunderstorms. Mostly just threats though. Today Honey finally gets her stitches out. She does so much better in the truck. She takes it easier, no where to walk much in the truck. Just a few steps. Then we walk for 10-15 minutes and I can watch her progress. It's difficult at home. She slips on the floor, rather than keeping to the rugs for traction.
    Lovely laundry and getting books for Jim. That's about it!
    Buzz, good to hear you planning to get an early night. I hope it helps you. Do you have all of your meals with Mike?
    Lin, I know you are trying to get that ,,,...***//!!! Check engine light issue resolved. Here's hoping.
    Going to Try to separate Jim from his Westerns long enough to drop him at the car repair to get my old back and forth to work car. Super shocked at the bill.- $00!!. They said Ac not working from a leak on a recent repair. Yay!
    Be safe