Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's a bit of a dismal day weather-wise so far but I understand it will clear up later so meanwhile there's plenty to do around the cottage. We walked in the woods first thing where George picked up every dead leaf or mouldy twig on his coat and carried it all home like a trophy. Yesterday we had walked along a track on the moors that had been levelled by the film production company and covered in what looked and behaved like wet cement so poor George had to be scrubbed in the shower when we returned home to remove the hardening lumps on his coat! Organic matter I can handle but not setting cement!

    Anne ~ In the week a gardening programme did an item about refugees in Manchester being offered land to grow fresh veggies and it was wonderful to see not only the wide variety of produce but interaction between the people there as it helped them with their mental health problems brought on by the traumas they experienced. Getting back to the land is a life changer for many. I imagine Canadian cities suffer the same problem our UK ones do where Russian and Chinese mafia types launder their ill-gained billions by purchasing property pushing up prices and rents so few locals can afford them!

    Jeri ~ It's obvious now how you are managing to lose the weight you have with a cut up apple and chamomile tea when out and about! This coming weekend I'm traveling to London with the friend I visited the Chelsea Flower Show earlier in the year and we are already planning to find as many Costa Coffees for their carrot cake so no watching our weight! LOL Our small town doesn't possess a Costa Coffee shop which is just as well although I've heard rumours they might be on their way..... oh dear!!

    Patsy ~ Last year when my energy levels were so low I bought myself a wheelbarrow, not necessarily for my garden which is terraced but to transport heavy items either out to the car or to the composting and bonfire area. The number of times I struggle having forgotten it's there ready for use is ridiculous because you're right, wheels are much easier to push round than heavy and awkward items. Has anyone suggested Manuka honey for your ulcer? Our district nurses visiting people in their homes with similar issues find it's a great healer and a local horse whisperer I knew a few years ago told me he was using honey to heal their wounds 50 years ago so I'm thinking there has to be something in it. A bit sticky but worth a try!!

    Buzz ~ Hopefully you had an early night and are feeling rested by the time you read this! <3

    Lin ~ Snowflakes.... now let me guess!! As ever I refuse to think about that season until one week beforehand then rush at it! Enjoy mah jongg today with lots of chit chat in between!

    Last but no least I too wish Jake a very happy birthday.

    Time to feed George his brunch then probably out with the Shark for some vacuuming! Yoga tonight!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm just munching my mid morning snack of one fresh off the tree apple. I too have one each day JERI mid morning. I'm a great believer in an apple a day keeps the doctor away. No chamomile tea though, I like a coffee mid morning. The apple a day doesn't result in weight loss for me however, I make up for a lack of carrot cake with everything else I stuff in my mouth.

    It's still warm and sunny here, but I gather from the weather channel that by tomorrow, Thursday and Friday we can expect LINS rain. That means more leaf clearing today, although the trees are still mainly green leafed around here. The change has barely begun. Because we had such a wet summer according to the experts.

    After the pleasant weekend, I do not feel like doing any housework, well feel less like doing it than normal! I HAVE got the washing going and we've had our usual sniff and stroll, but Jill's gone back to bed. She is definitely maturing. A lovely little puppy, but just as nice now and more in keeping as an old lady's pet! I think she is still recovering from all the extra walks and people.

    You've hit the nail on the head about Chinese and other nationals buying up property and pushing up rents JACKIE. It's a real much discussed problem here. The face of Toronto is really changing and the world famous glen Abbey golf course is in danger of being sold to a foreign investor who wants to build thousands of houses and condos on the beautiful grounds and tear up all the old trees. Big campaign going on to try and save it from this fate. It would make a gorgeous park. I think if the speculator wins, M and M will move because they live very close by. Money usually wins doesn't it! I've never understood why, after all you can't take it with you.
    Well I MUST do something. Guilt is taking over,
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good day sneakers! It is a rainy day here. Sort of cold but Katie has done a through check on the grounds. She checks for dragons and possible dinosaurs each day. She isn't as mature as Anne's Jilly. She wants to play ball, jump and play constantly. She is a very accomplished thief! She steals socks and underwear (gasp) and takes them outside. Interesting lawn decor!

    You don't want to know what has happened to real estate prices here in Oregon. Portland is the hottest real estate market in the US, according to the news. Oregon in general is in the spotlight for desirable investment. We will be here until we pass away! John wants to be put in a plastic bag and buried next to the blackberry vines. He said he might as well be buried there. He spends so much time hacking and cutting back these amazingly hardy vines. Some off them are as big around as our garden hose.

    I feel like I am trying to climb out of a deep slippery slope. I am not ready for fall and winter. I do love drinking coffee in the morning looking at a lovely fire in the fireplace. I love the smell of wet leaves and wet foliage as I walk (limp) around with Katie. I am sure my heel is better since I had my little hospital visit. I am confronted each day with the fact that life always presents us with a challenge. The sneakers are very good at adapting and coping.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    Good evening, good, wet and definitely making me think that winter is on the way. The furnace has been humming along and I am thankful that it is working.

    Nice time at Mah Jongg today and an even better time at coloring this afternoon. Small group of ladies this afternoon with a couple of very interesting people to talk to about a bit of this and a bit of that.

    I cooked a wonderful hot supper. Once again stir fry with tofu and some brown rice. Lots of work and lots of dishes. But since it is only once in a while, that is okay.

    I have finished some cards I need to mail tomorrow. So am settling in with my book club book, and am going to fall asleep over my book.

    Tai Chi and a stop at a library where they have weekly coloring. The stop is, for the most part, to talk to several people I haven’t seen for a few weeks and I heard this afternoon that they will be there tomorrow so it is on my list.

    Patsy, there be dragons!! Katie knows.

    Anne, housework will normally keep for another day.

    Jackie, dear George picking up everything in his coat. Oh my. I am sorry but just the thought of him always makes me smile.

    So the tired out old lady is going to fold for today.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2017
    And this tired old lady is going to bed! I am determined to change my poor sleep habits since according to everything I read, they are taking me straight down the wrong path, including hampering weight loss! So bless you all after reading about cemented George, grown up sleepy Jill and rambunctious Katie! LIN, you are so wonderfully controlled about your cooking and meal plans! May I develop at least some control again! Sleep well!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, I was wrong, she's not a grown up Jill after all. I think all the people over the weekend just temporarily subdued her and wore her out. She was right back to puppy girl yesterday, doing house zoomies, yapping at other dogs and throwing her toys, BUT she is in the doghouse. Just before bedtime last night I took her into the garden and the very naughty girl ran over to the end of the lawn and proceeded to roll on a something which on examination by torchlight was a disgusting smelly heap. I got the hosepipe out to disperse this smouldering mess before the rains started, all in my robe, and came inside to find the house reeking to high heaven. So........late in the evening, one Jilly was sitting in the sink and peering between the soap bubbles at Anne who was not amused. We then spent a further two hours drying off in perfumed air! Of course, this morning at 7:30 little madam is still fast asleep. I know this is normal dog behaviour but honestly what if us humans where so inclined!

    Oh and yes PATSY, Jill as a thing about socks and undies as well. We lead a dogs life don't we!

    My heating came on this morning, shades of things to come. Still much debate about which new furnace to install. Like LIN. I'm just glad this old thing is huffing and puffing and grinding away. Actually I'm contemplating buying an artificial fireplace in case of emergency. Anybody else got one? Are they good for heating a room decoratively?
    Breakfast time,
    Bye all,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a very early supermarket shop George and I met Scruff and her mum on the moors where, of course, the minute we stepped out of our respective cars the rain poured and wind howled! Never mind, the cobwebs have been well and truly blown away and after a stop off at my housebound neighbour when we reminisced about the good old days before hundreds of new houses and bad drivers seemed to appear from nowhere I'm home for a coffee and to plan the rest of my day. Last night I slept badly with pain in my hip and back so have phoned the GP to see if I can move on to more powerful painkillers than those I currently purchase in the supermarket and after an initial shock being told no appointments available until 30th of this month I did persuade the appointments booking lady to ask a doctor to phone me today so I can at least get a prescription. This of course comes from those new houses popping up but no new GP surgeries.... lack of sleep is making me grumpy so I'll move on!! The good news is we expect an Indian summer to arrive just in time for our visit to London at the weekend so we can travel light. Arrangements are vague but we think we will be taken first to our hotel then on to the theatre in the evening where we'll see Matilda, back to the hotel and then on Sunday morning we are free to shop in the centre of London before heading home. Of course Costa carrot cake whenever possible!!

    Anne ~ Oh dear, Miss Jilly has discovered the joys of smelly poo to roll in but late at night is not good timing!! Hopefully it was all washed away with your hosepipe otherwise she'll be straight back to it this morning. Apparently Mr T's golf course in Scotland isn't doing too well financially, in fact is making big losses but I expect all those locals he upset by bullying them over land issues when he first moved in will be cheering! It seems any piece of land will do for development these days which is so sad.

    Patsy ~ Doing my best to be practical I'm in the process of paying for an arranged funeral so as not to put the burden on friends when the time comes but am not sure some of my unconventional ideas will pass inspection!! John buried amongst the brambles reminds me of a novel I started to write that had police forensic folk digging at the bottom of my garden after my suspicions were raised by a visiting plumber!! it was always going to be a Winter project but somehow other tasks get in the way!

    Lin ~ This morning I switched my heating off after waking up to what felt like living in a hot house so we seem to be in for more mild weather before Winter arrives. Let's hope your current book club book is more riveting than the last one!

    Buzz ~ Lack of sleep has a lot to answer for.... I can see myself leaning towards easy comfort foods at the moment which isn't like me at all so I'm sure if you can grab a few more hours the rest will follow.

    A very nice GP just phoned me and after a short discussion has prescribed a high dose of paracetamol for night time and will book an x-ray to see what's going on so onwards and upwards, I might get some sleep soon!! A couple of my chooks' eggs scrambled for lunch seem a good idea so I'll head for my kitchen.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi JACKIE, I read that poor old Donald's golf course isn't doing too well. I believe he blamed it on renovations? He will have to budget with less revenue coming in, lol. He really does have his problems if he even notices. Ex wives coming out of the woodwork with phone privileges to the White House? If you look at it all differently it's beginning to look a lot like Coronation Street! Three possible First Ladies! Oh my.
    If my ex becomes mayor of his township, councillor at the moment, can I claim the title mayoress being number one wife! lol.
    Glad you have a sympathetic GP re pain killers and X-rays. Sleep well tonight, AND you too BUZZ.

    Anne sitting with a rose smelling dog - so far!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So I got to bed at a reasonable hour, before midnight, and lay there wide awake for hours until around 4:45AM, I decided I needed some breakfast and then got into my compression boots for a couple of hours while watching Morning Joe, a fairly young former Republican Representative from Florida. He has huge problems with the current Presidency, and today he was reading T's tweets and other statements concerning The Great Golden Head's desire to return to the Cold War and build more nuclear weapons so no one will threaten America First!
    Total insanity? Or Total Infancy? I hope I'm just having a bad nightmare and none of it is true!
    It frightens me that everyone's hands seem tied! As far as the T Golf Course, that's par for the course. There have been many bankruptcies but they never cost him a cent! Just cost the investors millions, but he never loses! Now he's about to try to "fix our tax code" so the supremely wealthy will pay fewer taxes while he cuts our Medicare! Are there any adults out there listening? I was shocked at watching Ivana's interviews; she had been a real beauty, but I think her dermatologist was the same one who gave Goldie Hawn those hugely overblown lips in an old comedy movie!
    With luck, I will drag myself around today until dinner time, trying to ignore the aches and pains from rain and lack of sleep! Move over, dear JACKIE!
    <3 Buzz

    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    Good afternoon, it is still cold here but no rain at the moment. Maybe it will be back tomorrow. Warmer weather is expected next week. It was a lovely morning. When meeting with my friends at the library, I was surprised with a lovely coloring that one of my friends made for my birthday. It is lovely.

    I need to get some vegetables cleaned and something cooked as I will have little time starting Friday morning through noon on Sunday. I am still looking forward to all the card and papercraft-related activity but am sorry that the weather is forecast not only to be rainy but there are chances of severe weather on Saturday afternoon. I guess I will drive my older car, not the little car with the new tires! I need to pack class kits as well as taking along my own meals for both days since there will be nothing for me. I hope they have hot tea and coffee but will take teabags and try to improvise.

    Jackie, I am glad that you were able to get a prescription for the short term at least. With review boards looking over their shoulders, most of our doctors are now refusing to write any prescription until after they see you in person. In any case, I trust it helps and that you will have a lovely time in London. And I can say that after reading just a bit of the new book club selection, yes, it is much more engaging than the prior book. Thank goodness.

    Anne, hey Jilly, no rolling in stinky stuff. That ruins my vision of you as a little princess. My big dogs had always taken any opportunity to cover their scent with anything disgusting! Bad dog. Well Anne, Mayoress, hummmmm, I am not sure about that. First wives club. Haaaaa. Well, I don’t think we need any further distractions. Every day is just a whirlwind of crazy.

    Buzz, maybe your sleep pattern just needs some time to readjust? I am sorry that you were not able to sleep. That is so annoying. This morning, I woke up early but I was so comfortable, the most comfortable I knew that I would be all day, that I decided to lounge for a while. I thought I would doze, but I didn’t, but I did not get up either. It was a total waste of time, I should have gotten up. Oh well, my feet and toes were happy to stretch out.

    I need to move along but I do have a question. Does anyone else have such sensitive skin that it feels painful, even like it is burned or irritated when nothing is wrong with it? Lotion does not help. Anyway, just wondering.

    Well, the big old world keeps turning. Wishing you well.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning Sneakers. A beautiful day so far, wall to wall blue skies and warm sunshine.... well it is October in the UK so what else should we expect now the climate has gone a little crazy?? The movie people were out and about making the most of the good weather so it seemed around every corner and in every bush was a group with a camera and of course George was just a bit too curious so had to check them out. Everyone was good humoured and had chats with him so I was tempted to joke about Hollywood types hiding in the bushes but decided not to what with the disgusting stories currently coming out of Tinsel Town!
    I picked up my prescription yesterday and once home decided to take a couple of tablets right away that would then give me a gap before taking 2 more when I went to bed. Goodness me, how potent they must be because within half an hour all pain had gone but nausea hit me so hard I could barely move. The morphine content gave a ghastly feeling that put me off taking any more but I think I did get a few hours sleep so have decided to take just one tonight, with trepidation, and see what happens. My dog walking friend tells me she "borrowed" a pack of the same brand from a friend of hers a few weeks ago when she was in pain and had to call a neighbour to drop in and make sure she wasn't going to die!! How anyone gets addicted to such pills is beyond me!

    Lin ~ Unfortunately our GP's are now inundated with so many new patients since we had to open our borders to all parts of Europe and our free NHS's great reputation pulls them in. So long as we talk to a doctor on the phone while they check our history on their records this is the best they can do for many of us but once an x-ray is carried out I will get an appointment although that will be many weeks ahead. Good job I'm a patient girl!! Your sensitive skin sounds like the wrong messages coming from nerve ends but I can't think why that would be. Organic aloa vera lotion is cooling and a great healer of burns and other irritations so maybe try that.

    Buzz ~ Unfortunately the problem with Mr T's plans to protect you all doesn't allow for some foreign leader as mad as him wanting a fight whatever the consequences! When I saw the latest pictures of dear Ivana I had to wonder why she thinks that look is good and would hope she's in the process of suing whoever is responsible! Growing old gracefully is the only way forward!! Your sleep pattern has become topsy turvy and will take time to right itself but do try to persevere and maybe avoid tv programmes that probably have you shouting at the screen because that's what I found myself doing watching news until I realised I can do nothing about today's madness so now do my best to avoid hearing about it!!

    Anne ~ So long as you get to wear chains round your neck occasionally I'd insist on being first lady mayoress although would it mean you having to learn the language of Quebec? :o I trust Jilly behaved herself in the garden last night! Poor George had to stand in my shower cubicle again when we returned from our walk because where so many filming vehicles had churned the ground into soggy peat he just had to walk didn't he.... very proud of himself too!!

    A fly just found its way into the cottage so I must chase it out before Brady hurls himself at it, bringing down ornaments and anything else in his way!


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited October 2017
    Oh yes JACKIE, I WOULD have to learn French FLUENTLY I guess which makes me wonder if the old man now speaks the language! By the way, what's so new about tinsel town! I remember when I first became free all sorts of undesirable creeps came creeping out of the woodwork! Many of them "happily" married to ladies I knew. I'd been married for over 20 years at this point and had lived a rather naive and sheltered life and couldn't believe the number of so called happily married men's behaviour. It did make me wonder what my ex had maybe been up to on business trips, working late etc. and me blissfully unaware. I know many decent men are out there, my own dad was a good example, but you have to wade through an enormous amount of (I won't say frogs, I like frogs) flotsam to find one! My boss explained it this way. "We keep trying, and eventually we will find someone who will comply."

    Jill behaved herself last night, but only because she wasn't let off the leash! She's still fast asleep. It's as black as Hades outside and I think she thinks it's still bedtime at 8:30!

    This weather is making my old joints creak and hurt. So far I've resisted pills resorting to the odd "blast, b....r this" as I heave upright. I'm not a great blasphemer actually in normal conversation, but it does help when heaving upright.

    Well, I hope everyone has a good day, with no pains or sleep deprivation.
    P.S. By the way, I can almost hear Mr T saying, "fake news, that's a fake photo of Ivana ".
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good day dear sneakers,

    Getting set for our son's birthday visit. He has been so busy this summer we have hardly seen him. We have our weekly calls to keep in touch but it isn't guite the same.

    Still limping about with my heel problem. The wet cold weather really shows everyone who is boss around here! All our old friends are limping, grunting and groaning around town. This is why soon there will be a mass exits to Arizona. John is not a snowbird and hates travel now. We stay here and just grow moss and growl about our arthritis.

    The sleep problem I suffer with is often part of the seasonal light condition. Vitamin D and a special little lamp that has a full,spectrum light in it is very helpful. Doc says that here in north and living with so many cloudy days makes it a real problem for a lot of people here.

    Anne: Jilly sounds like she is well trained and well behaved. As we were going about town on errands, Katie in back seat, as usual. She secretly found the umbrella and ate it as we drove around. Katie is like a razor-toothed demented fuzz-ball. She keeps life interesting.

    Jackie: both John and I have been given a prescription of Gabapintin for sciatica and in my case diabetic nerve damage. It is extremely successful. Non-addictive and very few few side effects. It is considered to be an "off label" use for these problems. You might want to explore it as an alternative.

    Buzz: I know you are aware that the facility you live in is uniquely special. So many of them are just scary awful. I am constantly impressed with staff and activities you describe. Here in Oregon we have some good facilities and some that should be shut down and burned down. Horrible places.

    Back to work, wrapping birthday gifts...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    Good evening Sneakers

    Life does provide some curves doesn’t it? My knee just snapped strangely last evening, it sort of twirled in a circle and I have hardly been able to get around since then. Now this has slowed me down considerably. I was planning on trying to get some rest today but it is difficult to rest when you hurt right?

    Anyway, tomorrow starts the wonderful Stamp/Card get together so I will not be around much until after church on Sunday. I have supplies lined up, meals and snacks and water ready. Now if I could move it would be optimal. If I sit down getting up and around is quite difficult. I am going to need the handicapped bathroom stall with a grab bar. I know, TMI.

    Meanwhile, I did call the clock repair shop and told the repairman that the chime was not working properly. He walked me through a few steps and bingo, the clock is working just fine now. If only everything in life would resolve that easily. Haaaaa.

    I will be able to use my driveway again in the morning. The caulk has dried long enough that it will stand the weight of a vehicle on it. I did go to the grocery store this morning in the car that was left out on the street. It was odd to walk a half block to my car and then when I got home I had to find a spot on the cut-de-sac and tote my bags to the house, dragging my leg behind me. Well, it felt like that. Hopefully it didn’t look that way! I would imagine my vehicle will be happy to get back in its house. :D:D

    Patsy, I hope the birthday visit was wonderful. Lovely—wrapped birthday presents. That is very considerate. And put me in the category of old, grumpy, limping people. Everything hurt today.

    Anne, if you learned to speak fluent French, would you still have your Yorkshire accent? I am trying to imagine that. No one is perfect and we all have our flaws. Some people have public heinous behaviors. I remain surprised at each new revelation of the sins of others. I am well acquainted with my own of course. On another topic, keep Jilly on a short leash. No additional late evening baths are needed.

    Jackie, we have lots of people that need healthcare but many still do not have access to it. Doctors are still quite busy though but not as swamped as yours must be. On another topic, Did you catch the fly? They often escape me. I will find them flitting around somewhere in the house the next day. Thanks for your thoughts on the skin problem. I believe you are right. Over sensitive nerves most likely. I don’t know why of course but my mom was the same when I think of it. No one ever knew why.

    I have just about finished the book club selection “Bottomland” by Michelle Hoover. I have found it interesting.

    More frightening health news. A lady I worked with for a few years and just happened to see a couple of weeks ago has been visiting her mother in Wisconsin and suffered a number of strokes. She will be staying in that area until January as they continue to do tests to try to ascertain why she had these strokes and to try to guard against further episodes. She is younger than me and is now on a handful of different meds. Frightening!! She is receiving speech therapy and is working to regain her reading skills.

    Wishing everyone well. Missing our Sneakers who haven’t posted for a while.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yesterday I received a new modem, and had no access to computer today so I finally re-started the thing to reset it and here I am, LATE and having to reset my log days! So sorry about all the necessary pain medications we have to use, but eventually, it appears we all require eventually! I have had exactly the same reaction as JACKIE to those containing morphine or anything similar; felt as though I was up around the ceiling looking down at myself! Never took another one! I sort of got used to just learning to live with the pain. For my Restless Leg Syndrome, I may soon have to add gabapentin to the already off-label Parkinson medication I have taken for about 8 years now. But augmentation is setting in so I need something more or different. LIN, the knee problem is scary! Could you use a walker for support for a couple of days just so you don't take a chance on falling? It might give way if you don't something! For the skin, I use that mentholated stuff, I think it's called BioFreeze but not certain. It dries without an odor and cools the surface and I even use it on gout! I bought a whole quart of it (not cheap!) because of frayed nerve-endings, which sometimes burn and other times tickle so much I could scream! It sort of helps! Oh my, it's so late. PATSY and ANNE, I haven't forgotten you , JERI or SANDY but also wish PHOEBE and others would say a few words! I've left Facebook again, as really do not trust the website! MARIE, how are you doing with your new computer?
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Mist has descended in spite of very mild temperatures so we all steam as if in a hot tub! A walk round the woods was sufficient and I'm now home with plans to do some housework before packing a bag for the weekend. It's difficult to know what to take because it will be warm in London but we have to get there first! Last night I chickened out and didn't take even one of those tablets because I couldn't bear the thought of feeling so sick in the night but plan to experiment after lunch just to see what happens.... that's the plan anyway! I understand an asteroid came close this morning but managed to miss us!!

    Anne ~ I always found Canadian men polite and rarely too forward but British men just the opposite when I returned to the UK and would write amused letters to my mother telling her of these men who thought they were irresistible!! Harvey seems to have been all about power, always a dangerous thing.

    Lin ~ Sorry to read you are struggling to get about with a painful knee. Did it slip out and back in or do you perhaps need a doctor to take a look? Ah yes, the fly! It left because I've discovered over the years that if I concentrate on mentally telling a fly in the home it's going to die because I'm about to swat it then open a window, 9 times out of 10 it will fly straight out so I'm guessing they are mind readers! Ants are the same.... sometimes I find one running about in my greenhouse and if I stare at it the running stops, look away off it goes again, stare and it stops. It's a fascinating time waster. The fly flew out!!!

    Patsy ~ I looked that drug up but the equivalent here would need a prescription so at the moment with an x-ray now booked for the 25th I'm gritting my teeth and plodding on but thanks for the thought. Hopefully those birthday celebrations were great fun.

    Buzz ~ I'm sticking to my plan to never go near facebook and so far found it easy! An Aspirin is more often than not a pill too far for me so morphine definitely was a shock to my system and if I have a similar reaction today to just one I'll put up with the painful hip.

    Must get on so I'll wish everyone an enjoyable Friday and weekend and see you all back here on Monday.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    ANNE ~ For Sunday!

    Lots of hugs from us all
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited October 2017
    Thank you JACKIE. I LOVE kitty cats and still miss Tabitha Daisy, Othello, Figaro, Bill and Miss Becky.
    But then I loved Jenny my lovely dog, and today of course I have Jilly Bean to delight me. I wonder if she would like a purry companion? Have a super super trip.
    Hugs back, Anne.
    P.S I didn't mention Canadian men lol. I worked with British engineers!!!!!!!!!!!! Nuff said. But on reflection you are SO right!
    I have to add the the three American engineers I worked with were super gentlemen and one, Rich, I kept in touch with him and his wife for a number of years after retirement and his return to the States. Sadly, both gone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    I posted but it is gone!! Hello.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So sorry LIN. All afternoon spent reporting scam call from US GOVT!!! I won an award and they want to send me a grant: where to? It has taken hours to report it to the FCC, and found out I'm no longer on the Do Not Call list??????????? Now have I time to shower? :s
    <3 Buzz

    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    Hello. At the event already. Raining. Great day to carry paper creations to the car. Haaaa.

    Wishing everyone a good day.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy birthday eve, Anne! Got on the iPad to check weather and just had to get the birthday greetings started. If you had stayed in England...would we have have had a chance to get to know you? Maybe! Things have a rhythm and a reason. As much as you miss England and the wonderful memories and culture, I believe you have a rich life in Canada. We would be the poorer for not enjoying you humor and history lessons.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Dear PATSY, you are so right. I am so blessed living in this beautiful country. I was also so blessed being born in the north of England. Double blessings are indeed heaped on me. How come I became so lucky? Most of my uk family are alas gone, but this country has given me cherished friends and wonderful pets, and I still have my own little family. I hope your weekend is as enjoyable as mine with the visit of your son. Another Libra? Enjoy the birthday cake and may the champagne flow. Happy birthday Damon! Have fun, Patsy, Damon, John and Katie.
    Anne ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    Dear friends, I am home but in such monumental pain, I am going to crawl off to my bed and a heating pad.

    A bit early for dear Anne!



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited October 2017
    LIN! What a lovely poo bear and a happy buzzy bee! Perfect! Oh and a lady bug I think. Thank you so much LIN!
    I'm so sorry you are in pain! I pray the heating pad will work and you get a good nights rest! Even in pain you thought of me! Again, a big thank you!
    Hugs from me, Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2017

    <3<3<3 Buzz

    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, what's the matter, Luv? So sorry you are in pain and hope you will be OK and feel better quickly! Where does it hurt?

    :'(<3 Buzz
    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,372 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oooooooooh dear Anne! I still can't operate those amazing graphic programs to with you a happy birthday.
    Know that I wish you a happy birthday and happy every day! You are still young, you are still beautiful, you are still Anne! We are so glad you are a sneaker.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    What a wonderful wake up from a group of very special ladies I am so fortunate to have met and have a peep into their lives! Thank you girls so very much, you have no idea how much I appreciate you all.