Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Here is the latest picture of Isaac in the pool. He is staying at the other grandparents house for a week with mom and dad.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Morning...or is t afternoon? Happy belated birthday Phoebe! I received your card roday...too cute! Thanks
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Internet has been out all day, and I just caught up with your posts and need time to digest all your wisdom! <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Sneakers,

    Just finished an 11 mile bike ride and I am pooped. I still have to shower and pack as we are leaving
    tomorrow for another sailing club cruise to Toronto area. I will keep in touch.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    To day we have sun and a bit of heat. I will try to get my housework going before it gets too warm. I just shut down when it gets too warm. I am a puddle of non-activity.

    I have one those strange activities next week. There is a couple we have been friends with for years, I have mentioned the guy before. He is the musician with dementia. We are taking them to lunch celebrating the birthday of the wife. She is a totally unpleasant person at times. Her husband is a sweet guy, he is barely here most of the time. The lunch will depress us for days. We love the husband and he is a formidable talent. It is odd, he can hardly carry on a conversation, but he can still play his music. He looks at a sheet of music and sings the notes, then he plays the music on one of the many instruments he can play. we want to stay in touch with the husband, but then there is that very unpleasant wife......we will silently celebrate the friendship of this amazing jazz musician.

    Katie lost a larger baby tooth. I thought it was a piece of a broken dish. Upon examination I see it was a Katie tooth. I saved an envelope with our sons baby tooth and a lock of his hair from the first haircut. The same for our daughter. I showed it to our son and he laughed and tossed it into the trash!!!! He said, not to worry. He had grown new teeth and as his hair line receded he would give me new locks of hair on a regular basis! He is still naughty.

    White peaches for breakfast with Greek yoghurt! Heaven!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Was Katie out of sorts losing the tooth PATSY? Miss Jill lost her second large bottom canine yesterday and was much subdued until after being wobbly and loose it finally fell out. They are the size of curved grains of rice, but extremely sharp!
    You must tell us how the lunch progressed! It reminds me of one of our late old friends, Annie. Such a sweet lady suffering from dementia, BUT we treated her to lunch and then a matinee of "The Gondoliers" for a birthday treat and every time the cast sang, which they do a lot in Gilbert and Sullivan, she joined in at the top of her quavery lungs. Much shushing from the audience, much embarrassment from us, she carried on undaunted. Quite a feat for a normally demure old English lady. We all gave up in the end and let her sing. I don't know if the professionals on stage could hear her! Memories are made of this!
    Going back to your friends unpleasant wife, sometimes unpleasant folk can be unconsciencely quite funny and you and your beloved can have a private giggle when you arrive home for a pick me up.
    Hi everybody!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Music is the greatest enjoyment for people suffering from dementia. Actually, the family suffers more, I think, but listening, singing, and playing music transforms the person inflicted with dementia! I hope the dinner was palatable, PATSY. Life can get complicated!
    Mike's 2 daughters visited at lunchtime today, and he had a great time chatting with them in our bistro. They left shortly after so I never got an opportunity to discuss health matters and choices with them but perhaps it's just as well.
    A very interesting coincidence came up during their visit in our lobby; I introduced them to a dear friend whose son is the conductor of the Oklahoma Symphony and we learned he will be conducting some Pops concerts at the Milwaukee Philharmonic sometime later on, and that is where our grandson (the 2nd clarinetist) plays! Small world!
    Mike agreed to eat downstairs tonight, so I must go get him ready.
    Isaac looks adorable!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    Just finished an 11 mile bike ride and I am pooped. I still have to shower and pack as we are leaving
    tomorrow for another sailing club cruise to Toronto area. I will keep in touch.

    Wow, An 11 mile bide ride! I'm pooped just from shopping for 3 hours today. Thinking it may be time to dust off my bike and try out some of the trails near where we live. Sounds a lot more fun than shopping! Though, I did find what I needed to buy. I have trouble finding shoes that fit and don't cost a fortune. Today, I was successful. Hopefully they will last a while.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We are having warm humid days this week. Still not too warm to enjoy the morning and early evening. Katie and I did our usual outdoor exercises on the deck. She is growing like the pervernial weed. I keep waiting for that promised feeling of extra energy when doing regular exercise. So far (we are talking at least 2 years) I am feeling winded and tired after exercise. What?

    Kids are getting ready for school. I see all sorts of activities going on at the grade school as we drive by. Here in Oregon we must lower our speed to 20 miles an hour when school is in session. We do this when we see kids anywhere. The little weasels will streak out in front of a car in seconds notice...then tragedy!

    Love all the fresh fruit this time of the year. John is a native Coloradan near Grand Junction, CO. Wonderful fruit like peaches, cherries, pears, apricots, etc. grow in the Grand valley. He eagerly looks for Colorado fruit. Costco sells Colorado peaches. We are quite peachy lately.

    Tai chi may look easy but it isn't! It is easy to fall over or lose balance while doing the exercises. Not only that but it is usually in the park here. Nothing to hold on to if you lose your balance. The teacher is a nice lady about 30 years old and has no understanding of fat old ladies, like me, who have difficulty just walking. I need a bit of understanding when it comes to standing on one leg etc.etc. I am back to the DVD in my dungeon. My ballet bar for hanging on if needed. Katie and John often stand in attendance while watching me perform, not pretty, not graceful, sometimes funny, Chinese exercises.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Will go hoome monday. i done sign my telesse papers. Be. So glad to gepout f this nut hour. and i is. Wow. But i am walkingp good. . A nn fready to go home.ready to go home
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Will go hoome monday. i done sign my telesse papers. Be. So glad to gepout f this nut hour. and i is. Wow. But i am walkingp good. . A nn fready to go home.ready to go home

    What great news Marie!!!!! Going home Monday!!!!!


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Yea Marie! Going home at last and walking better! You have been working hard to get better and I know you are going to enjoy life more now that you can get around when you want.

    All our best wishes and hope you can dance a jig for us!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yay Marie! Such good news.
    We are in southern Alabama. We deliver tomorrow morning and go home until Wednesday. Jim's back and hips hurt. He wants to go to the chiropractor. The new boss, we've never met, called Jim today. He wanted us to work instead of taking off. I'm Not feeling that generous!! They overbook themselves then beg people to work more, which isn't really safe.
    Patsy, I agree on exercise, it never energised me. Might as well just do housework. Hug Katie for me. I loved Grand Junction CO. Haven't been there in years. Someone once asked for a recommendation for a good place to move to. That's where I said to go.
    Marcella, I usually order my shoes, mostly to have a better selection.
    No, Shirley, I couldn't go 11 miles on a bike!!
    Quiet days here.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just came up after a tiring wait for the therapist assessing Mike's oxygen needs. I had a fit when the provider told me they had changed the date for his test, which had been set for today. It worked and he did arrive even though it was very late. I hate to complain, but sometimes it's necessary. I understand PATSY's problems with exercise completely. I am in such pain, even just standing, that the thought of moving about destroys me! unexpected reaction to my golden years!
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :):)Marie, I am so glad you are going home.

    Other people post pictures of their pets or their is a picture of my new shoes
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Marie ,


    And your honey is Jerry!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Marie, Hurray. So glad you can come home.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, you are a winner and a survivor! Hip, Hip, Hooray!
    BARBIE, looks like NuBalance? And looks like a great walking shoe! Enjoy!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2016
    Marie ~ That's wonderful news and I'm so proud of you getting back on your feet and walking well. We all look forward to Monday!

    Life is busy and hectic with at the moment a stray kitten thrown into the mix. Discovered under a prickly bush on the moors cold, wet and hungry he's been transported home with me while I do my best to check local vets and cats protection league because I have to assume there's an owner out there desperate to find him. Although I'm now stocked up with kitten food I'm not giving him a name yet with the assumption he will go home soon. He's currently snoozing in an old desk destined for the tip that's been placed in the porch ready to go

    Last night friends and I went to our local outdoor theatre that produced a wonderful Jesus Christ Superstar and were so impressed by amateur actors with glorious singing voices and moving performances. In the afternoon I travelled a few miles to a town that has a Specsavers (Cheaper glasses but great service) for an eye examination. New driving glasses on order but generally no major changes in 2 years despite cataracts. All good news.

    Patsy ~ You made me smile at your description of Tai chi because about 4 years ago I joined a group and was certainly the oldest one there so felt such a decrepit lady as I tottered on one foot. If I didn't have George to get me out for an hour's walk every morning I'm sure I'd be struggling but as it is my leg muscles complain constantly but I take that as a good sign I'm working them!

    Barbie ~ Nice!! The sort of comfy shoe I try to find for walking so long as they're waterproof what with our weather!!

    Buzz ~ I don't know if it's an age thing but these days I speak my mind even if in a very polite way because it seems to me lines on a face and grey hairs make one invisible so a pointed and raised voice cuts through. It worked for you and Mike so that's great!

    Clicked on post so actually will finish now and get on with some lunch and tidying. Have a good weekend everyone.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Beautiful kitten Jackie! Hope his parents find him or her. Your idea of a desk for the tip is the kind I would give to Jim for a fix me up! No space for it but irresistible.
    Buzz, glad you are the strong protective one for Mike. Have you ever thought about how it would be if your situation was reversed? Would Mike handle all of the details and decisions?
    Sandy, we miss you but see you are having a good time with your family. (Facebook).
    On our way home, with a stop or two added but accepted. Not out of the way.
    Had a dream that my phone was invaded by one of those things- viruses?. Glad to be awake and using it now. Reminds me to scan it :-)
    Have a good Saturday