Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Just popped by on a very busy day to wish MARIE a very happy going home on Monday.

    Gorgeous kitty JACKIE! Hope he becomes yours and gorgeous shoes BARBIE, meant for walking.
    Power to BUZZ and continuous complaining. We are a group to be reckoned with and should never be ignored by politicians and superior doctors.
    PHOEBE and PATSY, stuff exercise as far as I'm concerned, that's the treadmill, cycling, weight lifting, standing on one foot like an aging and gray stork sort. The walk every day suits me, even better now I've got the pup to walk with, power to those who love exercise, but me, I'm with PHOEBE, walking, gardening and housework keep the aging knees still moving.
    I shall now crawl down off my soapbox and resume washing the floor if I can find the wash cloth the pup ran off with earlier.
    Cheers, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) We have been very busy but today my son and DIL are leaving. I will be driving them to the airport this afternoon, they are flying Southwest which is only flown out of the other airport which is about 45 minutes away. O'Hare is only about 20 minutes or so but on Southwest you don't have to pay for luggage. My DIL suffers with severe migraines and has had one since yesterday so they are a little nervous with the plane trip, since the last time she flew she got sick. I am hoping all will be fine and they have a safe flight home.

    I will be back later or tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    SANDY, Gravol cures my migraines. Haven't had one for YEARS! As soon as the wavery, lines and bright flashing lights appear, I just take one Gravol pill and within minutes back to normal. Found this out purely by chance and desperation. Anne.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All

    Off to a family reunion - Ed's Grandmother's side. We met one person yesterday but have never met any of the rest. SB about 400 people. It is a family I discovered doing genealogy. We'll be spending the night in a city south of Calgary then going to a bbq on Sunday. Who knows what I'll be able to eat. I've been trying so hard to track everything I eat and get in my 10,000 steps each day. Wish me luck.

    My sweet grandson is very much into Pokemon Go. He's 6. To keep up and be a cool Grandma, I signed up too. I'm on level 5, he and his Dad on 15. He texted this am to see how many Pokemon I had. LOL here's mine



    Perhaps it's more appropriate to post what I ate, but this is more fun. LOL

    Cheers to all,


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jeri, lol, I don't have a clue!
    Sandy, Laurie is certainly a good sport to go thru so much that might trigger another bad headache. Bless her heart. My sis in law has them, she goes thru lots of bad days. Migraines would put me to bed. My mother had them. I had bad headaches, discovered their cause, grinding my teeth, and cured them. Now just the old barometric pressure.
    Gravol? I'll Google it. Thanks Anne.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited July 2016
    Jackie - That kitty looks pretty satisfied where it is... Just saying...

    Jeri - Pokemon looking good. "Gotta catch em all!"

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited July 2016
    PHOEBE, nobody told me about Gravol and migraines. I just tried it the first time out of desperation. I told the pharmacist and he was intrigued, "really!" Sort of thing. It works for me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Jackie, that is a beautiful kitty but if someone has lost this darling I am sure they are frantic. If no owner is found, I would say dear kitty looks settled in. :D

    Jeri, good for you. Pokemon Go!!!!! I am not joining in this madness. I do not have grandchildren and have only a 3G connection on my phone.

    I am doing some cooking and then *may* go to a birthday party for a dear little girl who's turning ONE!! If I don't get there tonight I'll take the gift to church tomorrow where I may see some of her family.

    I have been receiving periodic warning messages that I am reaching my data to limit on my I turner account for July. They say I have just 3% left. They are legitimate messages but interesting that their usage web site says I have 23% left although they do have a disclaimer that the info may not be up to date. I don't know what the surcharge is for going over the limit so I am not streaming any videos until August 1st. Thank goodness for DVDs.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Cool day today. Costco sales shopping, talking with our son, answering email and still need to write a snail mail letter to a low-tech friend. It drives me crazy when older people will not even try to grasp email or the computer in any capacity. Life could be so much more fun for them not to mention how much info would be at their fingertips. Fear of technology is not a new thing. In this day and age it is truly life threatening to not be aware of some of this information.

    We have pale yellow leaves up high in the alder trees! The grass is yellow as well. We can not get it wet enough to turn green again. It's an Oregon thing! August brown lawns.

    John bought home red and white roses from Costco for me. They are so great looking and they have a perfume! What a sweetheart! And he isn't angling for a new power tool!

    Our son is thinking of selling his house in Portland. He thinks he can make a nice profit and he would like a more interesting place to live. In Denver he lived in LoDo in a loft-studio. He loved it. He once bought a big barn in Colorado and turned that into an amazing studio-living quarters. It had a huge rock fireplace and a glass wall with thick stained glass designs. Wow! That was impressive! What ever he decides it will be unusual and very artistic. Oh to be young and full of ideas.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Poor dear Mike seemed so despondent today when I arrived for dinner. His shortness of breath and inability to moved more than a few steps before becoming winded and in chest pain have him very upset. I feel awful but
    useless, as well. His humor is generally so entertaining it was not good to see his real feelings, but I wish he would discuss them with me. I think on Monday, I'll ask our Social Worker to talk with us. I don't know how to get into the subject of pain, mortality, fear, etcetera without making him feel even worse. Not easy, is it? PHOEBE, when my hip was replaced, Mike tried so hard to be helpful and encouraging; that was 10 years ago. We are both such different people today!
    I spent about 3 hours this afternoon cleaning years worth of junk from the car. Some tools are excellent for donating to our workshop; rare files, tiny screwdrivers, magnifying glasses, etc. My Dad's fine birdwatching glasses (spyglasses?) were in the glove compartment! I forget names of things when I need to remember! My granddaughter will probably appreciate that I have someone coming tomorrow to thoroughly clean and polish the car, and I think I will simply tell her to bill me for fixing a broken visor, getting an oil change, and whatever else needs fixing. My red Camry is 9 years old, but has only 42,000 miles on it, so it should last her until she can replace it on her own! My son in law is having it transported up to NY next week. Boo-hoo. It's a huge decision, giving up driving! I think I'll miss Costco the most!
    JACKIE, that kitty has a divine sweet face! I think he was meant to be found by you! Lucky kitten!
    JERI, I can't believe you understand that Pokemon so well! I'm baffled completely :s
    SANDY, my dear Mom had dreadful migraines until my sister and I married and moved out. She never had another one!!!
    ANNE, I never heard of Gravo. What is it?
    SHIRLEY, did you say 11 miles????? WHOOSH!
    PATSY, We attended a Tai Chi Chuan week at an Elderhostel in Arizona some years ago, and it was outdoors by a stream with mountains in the background and Taliesin in view. Dreamy. But I could not balance today as I did then. No way! I think I loved it...or perhaps I felt I should. It did help my bad knee, but not in the long run.
    LIN, what is and I turner account? I'm so behind on these data terms! Did you get to that elderly baby's party?So cute!
    MARCELLA, I'm with you: huh?
    Expecting a call from Dell concerning a new laptop. I keep thinking I should get a touch screen. But this 17" seems mostly in excellent condition, and the thought of moving most favorites over is daunting! Their premium support has been incredibly helpful and I EVEN LOVE MY HOT PINK COVER!!! Why am I doing this? It's almost 4 years old so that makes it obsolete? I have the cost from my Rewards charge card, just waiting to be used! Then, what do we do with the old one? Smash the hard drive? Do we ask for Solid State Drive? Aaghhh!
    OK, the wash is done and I must run! Happy Sunday.
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    BUZZ, Gravol is for car or motion sickness, dizziness, nausea etc, so I guess that's why it's good for migraines.
    We've just been for our morning walk. Now I must start making potato salad etc for lunch. Everyone seems to show up sometime on a Sunday much to Miss Jill's delight. Playtime!!! Michael came unexpectedly last evening to see Jill, "and you" he added sheepishly. That's okay, I made hay while the sun shone as it were, filled the bird feeder, watered the geraniums I saved last fall from an early death, swept out the garage etc whilst the two kids bounced around the brown patch we call grass playing fetch. Jill adores Mike, I wonder why?
    Enjoy the day of rest - ah!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Alone again and I must admit as much as I love my family it is exhausting keeping them entertained. I did so much driving it was incredible. I was happy to be with them but happy to be alone again. Will spend my day at the pool relaxing.

    Anne, I told my DIL about Gravol so will see if she tries it. She however takes Oxicodin with two other pills which her doctor has prescribed when they get so severe. She has suffered with them since she is a child and I really feel bad for her. I love that your son comes to play with Jilly, any one who loves animals is okay in my book.

    Buzz, I can understand how Mike must get despondent, Babe is the same with his neck. Men have a hard time with communication and those closest to them are the ones to suffer with their frustration. I think talking together with the social worker is a great idea. I didn't realize you were giving up driving but will admit I think it is a good idea. With your facility having transportation there might be a way for you to still go to Costco.

    Patsy, Babe hasn't a clue to even turn on a computer. He hardly knows how to use the TV remote. I love technology but I do like to receive cards in snail mail. In fact I just told my son that I send cards for everything and although he thought a card on Facebook was the same I explained it wasn't. If I can go to the dollar store for a card why can't he? They are back in Portland, hoping for some cooler weather than we had here.

    Lin, I do hope you went to the party for the one year old, they are such fun to watch and make you smile. Did you check your phone physically to see how much data you have used?

    Phoebe, Laurie really wants to go to Africa to see Katie, so she flew home to see how she did.
    John said she did great so it sounds like a trip to Africa might be in their near future.

    Marcella, so glad your back and hope you are all mended from your surgery.

    Jeri, my granddaughter 21, is also into Pokemon Go so I of course downloaded the app to check it all out. She took us to the local library where there were hundreds of people all for Pokemon. She said they are all over and it is were you can get so many. She is at level 21 where I am at level 4. lol I hope you had a great time at the reunion and met a lot of nice new relatives.

    Marie, hope you are ready to come home tomorrow and I will update the pound a week.

    Have a great week!
    One Day at a Time

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    A mis clik lost my post.. be back later!!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello my dear sneakers, all is well here. I am going at half speed again today. Late night and for no good reason other than my brain would not shut off. I will skulk around today, my big thing will be to grill the fresh salmon tonight. Broccoli and a couple of little red potatoes. Sound good?

    Katie's baby teeth are falling out. I keep finding them where she has been chewing on her toys or chew bones. The poor baby is almost snaggle-toothed or snaggled toothless!

    Buzz: giving up independence would be tough. However, remember all the glamorous ladies riding around with a driver. Why not? Go with it my love! Be sure and wear a long scarf like that French actress. Use the Costco scooters and shop until you are bored. Your dear Mike might be having trouble finding the breath to talk during these depression spells. My sweet little brother can not communicate at times because he doesnt have enough lung power to breathe and talk. He has COPD and heart failure. An adorable man but he has suffered!

    Sandy: I am the one in this family that cannot get enough time with our kids. John loves them so much but so loves when they leave. They upset his schedule...but then it is like Christmas when they are at the door.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Amend my last night here I hope. After 32 days here annd fere in the hab. I will try to carch up when I get on my bib compuyor just wanted to vheck in with you huys. love MArie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hugs Marie!

    Lin :)<3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent about 2 hours on the VA website trying to navigate ordering hearing aid batteries for Mike, and it was hopeless and frustrating and I think SANDY should straighten out their webmaster...but good! Never could figure it out, and they had me logging in over and over accomplishing NADA!!! I guess I'll reorder the usual way, snail mail!
    Yes , I have mixed feelings about relinquishing driving, as I really loved it. Great memories of gymkhanas, ice-racing up in New Hampshire, tearing down country roads with no civilization for miles around, or just driving A1A here in Florida, with mansions not to be believed, being built or being torn down making room for Mr Trumps' golf course! Well, been there, done that, never so much as a scratch on any car, so I guess the time is right for gracefully exiting while still in one piece! Fortunately, we have free transportation to anything and everything medical supplied by Humana, with a wheelchair lift for Mike! I could not drive him any longer in an ordinary sedan. My darling GD will enjoy having her own car now, and today it got thoroughly cleaned and polished inside and out! And the trunk is finally empty!
    And of course Edgewater has buses and vans and all sorts of transportation including beach coast trips every week. Once we have his oxygen straightened out for more than 2 hours a tank, Mike might enjoy a beach ride. He must be so bored as well as frightened. Writing our DNRs was much easier while we were well than it actually is now that he is going downhill. His eyes haunt me!
    MARIE, I know how happy you will back in your home again! Such good news.
    PATSY, so sad about your sweet brother! Those Golden years get tarnished badly for some. How is his attitude?
    PHOEBE, how frustrating! I seem to click wrong more often than not!
    ANNE, such a busy you! Is Michael your son? I can't keep track of so much lately! Could I ever?
    LIN, so quiet and brief today. Hope you had a good weekend!
    <3 Buzz

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2016
    Lots of rain today, apparently more than we saw through the whole month of July but my garden and the allotment will be pleased to see it. We managed our usual walk on the moors before it set in but I'm now settling down indoors for the rest of the day. The stray kitten is still here as unfortunately no one has claimed him. He gets bolder by the day of course so my 2 older cats are pretty fed up but George adores him and they play together chasing round the cottage or battling over soft toys. Yes, he's certainly at home here!!

    Buzz ~ You giving up driving came as a surprise to me but with so much going on in your life I'm aware you can't be thinking of telling us everything. How poignant all those memories must be for you and such a sacrifice of independence but then when you describe the transport system on offer to go just about anywhere you want, it really is a wise move. If it's Audrey Hepburn Patsy sees you as driving around in a chauffeur driven convertible I'm with her!! Fighting for breath must be the most frightening of conditions and I so feel for Mike and of course Patsy's little brother.

    Marie ~ I'm so hoping you're home today and feeling great to be there. <3 Potatoes on the menu too no doubt!!

    Hello to everyone else but I must get myself some lunch. Enjoy the day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good day - just a quick check-in. I am off to the third of the farmland seminars I've signed up for. It will be time to renew the farm lease soon and I like to have as much information as I can get beforehand. This meeting is not close to home so on the road for me today. Raining with lots of thunder.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    And it's simcoe Day here in Toronto. I thought it was just a civic holiday, but LIN put me right.
    Well, Simcoe day or not, me and Miss Jilly went for walkies and we met Joyce and her gentle carthorse of a doggie Rheilly. Long chat, then we met Janice and little Amy for an even longer chat. Jill doesn't mind, she licks Amy's nose when Amy's lying in the grass and stares at Rheilly from between my legs. He ALMOST sat on her, but Jilly is a quick learner!
    Then I came home to my newly charged brand new cordless Dyson vacuum. Very lightweight, no cord to trip over and it did the entire house, basement and stairs and all before conking out for another charge. It picked up everything in sight, except Jill who took off, and after thinking I was very clean, I emptied 2 small canisters full of dust and fluff, quite amazing (and shaming!). Mike helped me find it, because it seemed sold out everywhere except for a Home Depot miles away where I snatched the last one, 10 percent off. Verdict, suits my needs, but maybe not for you gals who live in mansions.
    MARIE I hope I am correct in saying welcome home and welcome to a big bowl of spuds for lunch.
    Yes, BUZZ, Michael is my eldest son at 55 and Mark my youngest at 52. Where did my little boys go! The years just fly by! Mike is Devins (26) dad and Mark and Mary Jo are the parents of Derek (23). Where did my little grandsons go! Even the little Bean is growing up fast, new teeth coming in and although still doing zoomies and full of the joys of spring slightly toning it down these days. And where did Anne go! Who's that old lady peering back out of the mirror! Certainly not me!!!! Is it????
    Well enough of brooding, must do SOMETHING be it continued house cleaning, gardening, or walkies!