Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,372 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Had my meeting then met a friend and after did some errands and here it is 7:00 PM. The trailer I stayed in Wisconsin has been sold, it must have been the clean windows. lol I am going back with them Monday for 5 days to help them pack everything and their son is coming Friday with a truck to bring it back to Illinois. The furniture stays with the sale so it is just emptying all the drawers and cabinets. Our last hoorah in Wisconsin, it is bittersweet for them but her husband is 85 and I think the six hour drive is getting too much.

    Will be back in the morning.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    Good evening, another busy day. No monumental news except I think I am finished with the saga of the new tires. Wahoo! It was also a day of drizzle and cooler weather.

    Tomorrow may be a downright wetter than heck day. I may just stay home. See, hibernation is trying to take over!

    So I now have tires with nitrogen rather than air. I don’t know if that is a good thing or not. I didn’t get a choice. I guess time will tell.

    Got a message from a friend this evening that her sister and husband had an attempted fraud directly on their bank accounts. Thieves tried to move money out of their accounts. Apparently the bank caught it and shut down the transfer and contacted them. They have changed account numbers, passwords and have frozen their credit. Spooky!! Now my friend is spooked and she and her husband are changing all of their financial passwords and froze their credit with Equifax. I told her to freeze all three of them. I had heard an expert say that you need to keep a close eye on your accounts for the next three to four years. Guess I am glad my credit has been frozen for a long time.

    Made Halloween cards this afternoon and started to organize some things into three containers. One for everyday cards, one for Halloween, Fall, Thanksgiving, and the last one for Winter, Christmas, New Years.

    I don’t know why I am so tired once again. Too much thinking perhaps? I am reading “The Bookman’s Promise” by John Dunning. This is the third book in the series. I read the first book but the library does not have the second book in its collection. I am losing a bit of continuity but it isn’t insurmountable.

    Hugs Sneakers.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good evening folks; nice to see MARIE here again, and so happy for her that her swollen legs are down and so is her weight! Congrats, love, and take good care of the two of you!
    JACKIE, your table is a real "find"! Enjoy it tremendously.PATSY, I will look forward to seeing Redforf and Jane together again. A couple of real pros! He must have had his face lifts smoothed out and probablY looks so much better than the last time I saw him! I met him many years ago and was surprised at how short he is .I was 5'6" them and I recall looking downward to lock eyes! Oh dear, I cannot see straight and my eyes keep closing so I think I need sleep. Your posts were all super tonight! Thank you...
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,372 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It is a rainy, gloomy day but nothing going on today except for sitting with the boys later.

    Lin, I have never heard of tires with nitrogen, may I ask what kind of car you drive? Sorry about your friends and will you explain what you mean by freezing your accounts? Does that mean you can't use your own accounts?

    Jackie, absolutely love your table, it adds even more to the charm of your cottage.

    Enjoy your day today, trying to catch up on computer before leaving on Monday with no internet again.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good (but very chilly) morning! I was up early but not by choice. This is our trash day. We must get our trash container out to the side of a little road early. Our trash truck comes at such a strange disorganized time. Some weeks it is in the afternoon and some weeks it arrives at 7:30 am. We cannot leave it out the night before because of raccoons, dogs, and the occasional black bear. Life in rural Oregon...

    The plus side of such an early rising is that a load of wash is happily sloshing away, the dish washer is woshing and whirling with a load of dishes, coffee is made, Katie is fed and some very nice music is on our pbs radio station. The weekend is about to start and I am chugging around thinking of something interesting to do. John calls me the social director. I introduce options and he tells me which ones are interesting possibilities. I am going to get two big pumpkins for each side of our from deck and a big pot of colorful mums for the front deck as well. It is our Halloween/thanksgiving decor. Our sons birthday is coming up so it will be a colorful welcome when he comes.

    I wasn't organized enough to make birthday cards but I would love to do that especially for family cards. I am in the dungeon (sorry Buzz and Anne) all afternoon. John is fussing around with his car. He loves to do that even when I am sure the car works just fine. Then tomorrow to get pumpkins and mums. A low key weekend but nice. Homemade soup and a slice of the herb bread I picked up at the bakery.

    What is up for weekend plans for you all?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello, rainy, gloomy, foggy here too. I am staying in today...I think. :D

    Sandy, you can freeze your credit with the three major credit bureaus. You still can use any of your accounts but you cannot open new accounts as a “hard” credit inquiry is not permitted. Companies you currently do business with can still do “soft” inquiries as they want to know about your general financial condition such as your credit score etc. it makes it more difficult for the bad guys to open new accounts with your information as Equifax and Transunion will not give out any information. I have had this in place for a long time and had to jump through hoops to get an online Social Security and Medicare access. I still cannot get The Farm Service Access site to work for me but luckily that’s not a big deal.

    But I had no intention of opening any accounts. That may change going forward if I change cell phone service. Verizon and the others have to check your credit so I would have to jump through more hoops to unfreeze my credit and then refreeze it when the account is established. In the State of Iowa it also costs $10 per agency for the freeze or unfreeze.

    And the type of car isn’t why I have nitrogen, it is the tire vendor. That is all they use. Here’s a quick summary:

    “First is that nitrogen is less likely to migrate through tire rubber than is oxygen, which means that your tire pressures will remain more stable over the long term. Racers figured out pretty quickly that tires filled with nitrogen rather than air also exhibit less pressure change with temperature swings.”

    I can go there for all tire-related issues, checks, low tire, etc. so I will just go with it. I considered it when I purchased tires for my SUV years ago but the dealer did not encourage it.

    Now what a lovely staying indoors morning. A couple of times a year I purchase specialty coffee from Camano Island Coffee Roasters. And yes, my order showed up the other day and finally today I opened it. Heavenly! Yummmmm. Just the lovely smell of freshly roasted coffee made me smile. Making the coffee which was roasted on October 2nd and served in my new mug was a wonderful treat.

    Otherwise, laundry, bill pay, messing with paper (yes, my fingers have been inked!), reading, and packing for tomorrow. I know it will be horribly wet and nasty but I am going anyway. Come heck or high water. :D

    Sunday will be a day for testing my patience. Communion prep and clean-up, also asked to man the ticket table (for our upcoming turkey dinner) and also second person to count the day’s offering. I gave a little push back on this. All I know is my month off has become something less than what I had in mind. I am glad I did switch one activity to November. I would likely have exploded which is not particularly spiritual. Oops.

    I will steal Sandy’s word—Onward.

    Wishing everyone well.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    edited October 2017
    October 7th is World Card Making Day. :)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After an extremely busy day I'm now heading for an early night, something I rarely do. We had lovely sunshine all day, a stunning walk across the moors and then I picked up my new shears and headed for the garden to cut down the mounds of geraniums that have a habit of spreading across the lawns if not kept in check. Hidden under the greenery I found 3 tennis balls, 1 rubber ring, a purple spikey hedgehog and a fluffy mouse cat toy all dragged out there by George at some point in the summer! After lunch I visited the allotment to do some tidying up of cleared beds before coming home to cut the grass on 4 levels. My back is complaining but I've taken a couple of Ibuprofen and will take 2 more before bed.

    Patsy ~ A long trek to the pick up point for rubbish seems to be a rural district thing since I have to take mine about 300 meters so generally put the bags into the back of my car and drop them off on our way out for a morning walk. We too have problems with creatures tearing them open if left out overnight but mostly foxes and cats for us! My plans for the weekend revolve around a promised wet day tomorrow so jobs around the house including sorting through my wardrobes and casting out anything I no longer wear that can go to a charity shop. Sunday looks to be a brighter day so I'll take it as it comes!

    Lin ~ World card making day eh!! You'll be a busy girl tomorrow then. ;)

    Sandy ~ Well done, all that window cleaning definitely did the job so enjoy your next stay in Wisconsin with hopefully no windows left to be cleaned!

    A Twentieth Century Fox film production team has arrived in the area to shoot a movie called The Kid who would be king.... some sort of fantasy story based around King Arthur and already they've changed the frontage of the local store and are leveling off tracks laid by copper miners 150 years ago. The village name is Minions so of course we get lots of tourists arriving to look for those funny little yellow men with big eyes, so much so that a local wag has pasted a new village sign over the original showing a few Minions waving back. It amuses me but a few officials get quite cross because they feel their heritage is being undermined by yellow creatures speaking gobble-dee-gook!!

    Not so early to bed after all as the clock creeps towards midnight!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Friday is our pick up day as well PATSY and like you we are plagued by raccoons, coyotes, rodents and anything else that likes a nice ripe chicken carcass etc for its midnight snack if the garbage bins are taken out overnight. The town is forever testing new designs to keep the raccoons out, so far the raccoons are smarter than the designers. If one gets up early enough for a walk it's quite common to see residents hauling garbage out onto the road in their dressing gowns or robes.

    We had our usual grocery shop day. This Monday is our thanksgiving so the stores will be closed. I'm going to Marks place for the family dinner accompanied by my faithful hound.

    World card making day, wow! I wonder how many homemade cards will be manufactured tomorrow!

    We continue with warm, sunny days, 21C today. Warm enough to sit in the garden in the sun. I was interested in what our refugees are doing in some places in Toronto. Housed in high rises they had asked the city to allow them to seed and plant vegetables in the wasteland that is often near these buildings. Today on the news these new comers were shown harvesting their crops as they would in their Middle East home country and interviewed with interpreters because they are still struggling with English. I tell you, what with veggie plots and chicken keeping it does my heart good to see these concrete jungles becoming green! More good news, the proposed oil pipe line across Canada has been cancelled. It's not often the environmental folks win!
    Busy day today,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    Hi, not a good photo but gosh darn it’s the pendoodle paper mask project is finally pretty much finished.

    Now I can go back to cards tomorrow without guilt.



    Very busy day Jackie and Anne. I cannot believe it will be Thanksgiving in Canada so soon. Wow!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm not actually making up excuses , but I just fell asleep in the lobby while I sat down for a moment on the way back home! All the rain has left its mark on my joints, but I needed to grab our bus on its weekly Target run. While there, I noticed a CVS Pharmacy, and asked about flu shots and wow! Yes, I got that more potent shot and I'm through for this year! But I cannot stay awake, so it's a HI, GOODNIGHT, until tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Beautiful LIN, now you just need a masked ball to show off your skill!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2017
    Plenty of rain this morning so housework for me, not before time! Lin .....and a powdered wig to wear at the masked ball of course!! Now I see what it was you were making it is beautiful, clever you as ever!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good morningAll
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,372 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Boys wore me out last night so other than Mass later I think I am staying put inside today. I have to be there to sit at 8:30 AM tomorrow which means getting up at 7:00 AM. Not my favorite time of day. :( They will be gone until around 3:00 so I will be exhausted when I get home and will have to pack to leave Monday.

    MARIE So good to hear from you. Hope you have a wonderful day!! <3

    Lin, your mask is just beautiful!! You should put it in a glass covered frame and hang it on your wall. Your talent is above amazing!!!

    Anne and Jeri, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I probably won't get on the internet Monday or the rest of the week so wishing you a great holiday. We celebrate Columbus Day Monday so no mail, school or work for some people.

    Buzz, I heard that the flu this year is going to be bad, so when I get back I might go get a shot. Still leary of getting sick since I did that one year but will think about it.

    Jackie, of course my friend's daughter said it was the new bedspread she bought for her mom and my friend said it was the new throw rug she bought so in reality we all had a part in the sale. No windows this time, but lots of packing. We will still have our last hoorah at the casino and great dinners, so it will be worth the six hour drive.

    Patsy, you can be our social director any time, we all like to have a good time.

    Enjoy your weekend and I will check in when I can but if you don't hear from me have a great week!!

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I am reading all your delightful posts, though I cannot seem to recall reading why SANDY won't be here most of the coming week. I'm having trouble staying awake and wonder if weather has anything to do with it. Probably it's nothing more than lack of sleep! Happy Thanksgiving Day, ANNE. Hope I mentioned that magnificent mask of LIN's talent, and dungeon is fine with me, PATSY! JACKIE, so relieved you found that purple hedgehog!!! And MARIE, have a wonderful day! JERI, and all our friends north of the border, Happy Thanksgiving! I'll try a nap before dinner!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good evening.

    Buzz, my friend, get some rest. I continue to be concerned as you do not seem to get much sleep. It was probably a very wise idea to get that flu shot since you are living with many people and they all are likely not as healthy as you.

    Marie, hello my friend. So happy to see you!!

    Sandy, you seem to be on the run pretty much all the se days! Have a safe trip to Wisconsin. It is so good of you to help them pack. I don’t know many people would do that.

    Patsy, okay, we are all for you becoming the social director. Kind of a problem that we all live in different localities.

    Jackie, ick, housework. Well good for you in getting so much accomplished. I do my best to avoid it and keep it to a minimum in any case.

    Anne, are you doing any cooking or baking for Thanksgiving or do you have the opportunity to just go and enjoy yourself? I know Jilly will have a stupendous time.

    Well World Card Day did not pass me by. I worked on fussing about with cards all day. I am home and of course I have unpacked and I am back to making cards. I will collapse later. Haaaaa.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am going to get back on my sewing Plan on makin a Dallas Cowboy Collar to wear with a Sweatshirt in Lin definite ot lots of Talent
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Went out to lunch and spent so much time I didn't get to buy my pumpkins or mums. I guess this will be a Sunday afternoon thing. We love to go to this seafood place for lunch. We buy Katie a well cooked hamburger patty as a treat. She gets excited when we drive into the restaurant parking lot!

    It is rather cold and we have rain and gloom. People really get into decorating for Halloween here. Lots of houses have outdoor decor. It is fun to see and I know grow ups love to dress up in costume as much as the kids do. The harvest moon has been glorious. The moon light on the water was so outrageously beautiful.

    Buzz : interesting about your sleep issues. Our doctor is very concerned about my sleep problem. He says that many seniors have sleep depravation. He has really been very firm about a regular bedtime and usung an alarm to keep me on schedule. He would like me to take a daily nap. I am not very good at napping. He also is very insistent about the exercise and weight lifting. Not heavy weights but I guess light weights are very useful for building strength as well. I bring this up because these strategies are very helpful for me. Boring and at times very hard to follow his advice.

    Lin: there is something so lovely about getting a card in the mail. A handmade card is a lovely gift. I have a large box of special cards that I have kept over the years. I cannot even think of getting rid of them.

    Jackie: I think it is harder to do housework when it is rainy and cold. Why(?) who knows?

    Anne: have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family. Do you have turkey and pumpkin pie for thanksgiving like we do here? I force everyone to watch Charlie Browns thanksgiving and the Great pumpkin patch movie. A Classic!

    I got our son several trendy sweaters for his birthday. Here in Oregon we go around in very casual clothes but even the casual clothes are very spendy. As a bachelor, he has to have clothing that is easy to care for and not "scratchy." No wool! No light fussy colors! You can see this wasn't easy.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello girls. PATSY, I think most people here follow the Thanksgiving food of the USA, but my little lot don't. To us it's still harvest festival which in the old days was a trip to church to see the wheat sheaves and all the flowers and veggies decorating the altar and singing of the the old hymns. Then home to a normal Sunday dinner, roast whatever, Yorkshire pudding etc. I'm sure Mary Jo will have soup, a roast or maybe fish followed by her scrumptious home made apple pie. Not a turkey in sight. Confession, none of us like turkey; the turkeys will be relieved to learn. I'll take along a strawberry cheesecake and little madam. I'm not surprised Katie recognizes the parking lot and a hamburger in store for her! What dog wouldn't!
    Hope everyone enjoys Columbus Day on Monday!
    The harvest moon is glorious here as well in keeping with the day. So bright, it peeps through the chinks in the blinds and lights up the bed.

    I dug out an old painting I did before Jilly's somewhat disruptive arrival and I've got the urge to start painting again. My easel is huge which might confuse Jilly for a while, it taking up a fair chunk of the back room. I should get creative and call my version of PATSYs dungeon something different than "back room". After all it also contains most stuff I don't want to clutter anywhere else. Maybe The Dump? Any ideas?
    Uh uh, time for Roy's phone call from the UK.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Read all your dear posts, and I will simply add that without my favorite turkey it would not seem like Thanksgiving to me. I love it, right down to the carcass which made the most delicious broth! I miss smelling it roasting in the oven! And I always made a wonderful cranberry sauce and still have a stash of cinnamon sticks left over from heaven knows when!
    PATSY, you are so right about the sleep deprivation...and the exercise. About the only thing I do aside from the long walk to the dining room is the sit/stand/sit/stand which I do often with arms folded. Lately I am just tired!
    Saw the movie Churchill this afternoon. I never knew his approach to D-Day! Brought memories back as if it were yesterday, as I lost 6 friends in that invasion! Mere boys! I keep wondering how anyone can consider "proving our strength" by threatening war! Nuclear wars must never ever be even considered!
    Friends have invited me out to dinner so I'm off and running! Hugs to everyone!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    Good evening, another busy day. After all the church obligations I came home had lunch and got obsessed with hooking up my Cricut machine and worked on cutting some intricate holiday items. Not a straightforward issue as resizing, the weight of the card stock, stickiness of the mat all have an influence. So I guess I am saying the machine would cut for a. Dry ,one time and then I would find some of the detail had torn. Darn. I need to hunt down some more heavy paper. Meanwhile, did a load of laundry and am reading the Bookman mystery again.

    Take care everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,372 Member
    edited October 2017
    I am a couple of days early but Barbie's husband Jake's birthday is Tuesday and I am not sure I can get on the Internet! Wanted to wish him a happy birthday if he or Barbie check here!


    I will be back for Anne's birthday next Sunday!

    Have a great week!

    One Day At a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yesterday flew by with me doing a variety of chores after a gloriously sunny walk on the moors with George. Today is more Autumnal but still lovely and I have plans for outside so long as it remains dry. The gardener who will cut back the huge hedge between me and my nice neighbours will start next week and that will certainly made a difference with more light and air in the coming Winter months. The Harvest moon has been joyful to see lighting up the surrounding area and yesterday as we walked on the moors it was still visible high in the sky like a distant white balloon.... I love this time of year!!

    Sandy ~ Good luck at the casino.... let's hope you come home loaded!! ;)

    Buzz ~ It could be your tiredness is to do with the traumatic year you've had after losing Mike as well as a lack of sleep and of course the two may go together but if you nod off you nod off and I'm sure your friends will forgive you. My arthritic hip wakes me in the night and I find I toss and turn a bit then feel a distinct grumpiness in the day that isn't like me at all so lake of sleep certainly has its related issues. I read somewhere our lives are shortened by not getting enough sleep but by how much I'm not sure and won't let that worry keep me awake at night!!!

    Anne ~ Apparently your Thanksgiving in Canada was imported by American refugees escaping their civil war hence the turkey and trimmings. A Yorkshire pud sounds far more scrumptious to me too!!

    Patsy ~ One of the reasons I keep moving during the day is because if I sit and even begin to relax I nod off so although I know my body is telling me to rest it just seems a waste of daylight hours to me!! How are the exercises going and is your sciatica pain easing at all? The friend I dog walk with thinks she has a similar problem and is in the process of seeing doctors and getting an x-ray but I suggested she also download a few yoga exercises to follow as I do find they are helping me. I always think it amazing that we can share a Harvest moon even with the thousands of miles between us!

    Marie ~ Wonderful to see you back with us and I'm so happy you still have needle in hand to make those Dallas Cowboy outfits! Here's a bear just for you! <3

    Here we are, another Monday so have a good one everyone, especially those with celebrations to enjoy.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Happy, pouring with rain here, Columbus Day.
    Our day out yesterday was a huge success. Derek had his friend from university days over (he hails from the Yukon) his lovely girlfriend who's Chinese, and then of course us English. MJ, Portuguese and of course Jilly who's 3 DNAs hail from Tibet, Mexico and Germany. This made for a hilarious evening of merriment and much cheating etc during cards later. MJ cooked her scrumptious Duke of Wellington pie, mashed potatoes, carrots and parsnips and salad, followed by apple pie as predicted and my cheesecake, and Jilly was on her very best behaviour. I think she was slightly overwhelmed by the laughter and music but not too much because her little tail was continualy wagging. We finally staggered home, me full of unused to drinking port wine and we've woken up late. In fact madam has crawled back to bed. Obviously not used to English pub nights.

    Did I tell you of an English friend who took his dog out regularly for long evening walks? He died and his widow decided to take the dog out. All went well until they came to the village pub. Doggie stopped at the door, sat and refused to budge. A chap came out and said "well, well, well, its old Bills dog, are you his widow?" It turned out old Bill and his dog had a nightly pint!

    I won't say it's nice to know, but it appears we all share arthritic hips which wake us up in the wee small hours! I stagger to the bathroom and sometimes check my emails for news from different time zones! By the time I've read what's going on in Australia, the U.K. Etc it's somwhat eased off, the old hip, and I go back to bed with less stagger. Jill sleeps through all this night activity, oh to be a young pup again!

    Derek, who lived with friends during his university days, but then came home for a year, is moving out again at 24 to live in a downtown 2 bedroom condo with the aforementioned friend, who's another Derek. I think MJ will miss him, although she won't miss the washing and tidying up after him. The young have to share because the rent is unbelievable in downtown Toronto. About a thousand more than my combined pensions!

    Well, that's about me done for actual thanksgiving day!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,322 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good Morning Everyone and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving. Thanks for the good wishes Sandy and Buzz. We will be going over to Melanie’s for our family Thanksgiving Dinner. Should be lots of fun.

    I had my little finger operated on again last Friday for Duyputren’s Contracture as it was bending in again. I go back next Monday, a week from today to get the bandages and stitches taken out. It hasn’t even been a year since my last operation. He said he did a more thorough job this time (cutting out the diseased area) as it had reoccurred so quickly. I have this huge splint, bandages etc on my finger which makes it very awkward. Glad I’m not doing the turkey today.

    Marie Glad to see you back.

    Lin the mask is outstanding. Wow.

    Jackie Your walks on the moor make me envious. Fall really is a wonderful season. I’m afraid our leaves are now really starting to fall and with a good wind or rain they’ll be gone before we know it. Darn.

    Buzz your description of the turkey roasting made me smile. As we are going to Mel’s I will miss the leftover turkey but usually we are sent home with a “care package” so that will do just fine.

    Anne painting again. Looking forward to seeing the results.

    Patsy what kind of exercises do you do with your weights. I really need to start doing that myself.

    I woke early as I often do. Ed is still asleep upstairs. I guess I didn’t make too much noise. I can’t do anything quietly it appears. How can such a small person be so noisy??? LOL. I’ve had my breakfast, read my email and am enjoying a cup of chamomile tea. I’ve been plagued with acid reflux this past year and have stopped drinking regular tea or coffee. I always have chamomile tea packages in my purse as lots of places don’t carry it. I’m a cheap date as often all I order is a cup of hot water. I used to worry about bringing my own tea bag but I’ve never had a problem. That and the plastic zip lock with my cut up apple for a snack. LOL

    Have a great day everyone.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'd rather be early than forgetful! SO...A very HEALTHY one, dear friend

    <3 Buzz

    ...................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen !..........................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! The day started rather foggy and cold but the sun is out now and it is a lovely warm afternoon. I need to use it to good advantage.

    Yesterday I had a little trip to the ER for attention to my ever present diabetic ulcer on my heel. It never really heals and needs attention constantly. But no infection, pain is minimal, I am upright and limping around!

    We put much of the inherited stuff in storage until my friend's son has strength and time to consider which of these things he wants to keep. To this I want to suggest something...I bought a rolling cart that I use instead of trying to lug heavy things across our rugs and floor. It is about the size of a grocery basket but with shelves instead of a deep basket. It is so useful. And much safer than trying to lift and carry stuff. For example, I put my plant food, watering can, scissors and a refuse bag on the cart as I wheel it around caring for my inside plants. This is not good for stairs however.

    Jeri: so sorry to hear about your finger and hand problems. I hope you are healing well now. Having something wrong with your hand must be so troublesome. You have our symapathies, my friend? The cannot be easy.

    Anne: your thanksgiving sounds absolutely perfect! What a wonderful family you have! It sounds like they all love and take good care of their dear Annne and her beautiful little pup.

    afternoon chores to complete......
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    Good evening,

    Patsy I am sorry about your heel ulcer. My goodness, a trip to the ER sounds serious to me. Thanks heavens there is no infection. It sounds as if you have found a very good method of moving things about the house. Good for you! I need a freight elevator. I am always moving something to the basement or out of it. Laundry is so much fun as most of it accumulates on the second floor of my house and the washer/dryer are in the basement. So far, not a problem but everything can change quickly.

    Two members of my church had a health crisis yesterday. Each was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Both have survived so far. I was shocked and have done nothing to call or to visit. I haven’t even started cards. I feel like I am holding my breath waiting for more news and praying it will be good news.

    Jeri. I am sorry you required surgery again. Heal up quickly. I hope your Thanksgiving dinner was wonderful. I had to laugh, a cheap date indeed. Your own snacks and your own teabag. I often do the same thing but have trouble finding hot water!

    Anne, I won’t claim to have an arthritic hip but generally various body parts take their turns screaming at me. Today I woke up with an angry left hip and knee but later my right hand aches and ached. I dropped things all day long. More than usual that is.

    Jackie, I am sure you are looking forward to having everything nicely trimmed once again. I know when I had a tree trimmed up it was amazing how much more light there was!

    The weather here was nice today so i took advantage of it to do some errands as the weather is now cold and windy with lots of rain expected tomorrow. I got home around lunch time, did a bit of cooking and have been sorting through email, downloading files and doing lots of cutting again with my electronic machine. The last set of snowflakes just took more than an hour to cut and I haven’t removed them from the cutting mat yet. Maybe I will just shut things down and do that another day.

    Tomorrow is Mah Jongg and coloring in the afternoon.

    I will wear my heavy raincoat!!

    Hugs to my friends.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,471 Member
    H A P P Y *** B I R T H D A Y *** J A K E!! :)