Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had aqua fit this morning and some new people were there trying out a week of free days at the "Y" to see if they like it. I still like it and I need to get my cardio in because of my knee, today we did some interval aerobics where you go really fast for 30 secs then slow and then the same. I really enjoy that!

    I picked up my leather jacket today which I had a new zipper put in and waited about 2 weeks to get
    it but the lady at the cleaners did a great job on it!

    Sandy and Marcella, cheers! for all your hard work and losing your weight and getting to your goals.

    Marcella - Have fun at the RV camper show, I know we always enjoy the boat show when we go.

    Buzz- Glad you had a great celebration of Life and the poem could help you deal with your loss. <3

    Isaac will be coming tomorrow for an overnight, can't wait to see him.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    The latest picture of Isaac with his rudolph hat. :)


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good evening,

    Buzz, I am sorry for your sadness. :'(

    Marcella, enjoy the show. Let us know if you decide to purchase.

    Shirley, glad you got your jacket back. Enjoy your time with Isaac.

    Sandy, I hope you and Lisa had a nice visit.

    Marie, glad Missy is more outgoing now.

    I hope Jackie is enjoying her time away. Looking forward to hearing about it.

    I went to Qigong/Tai Chi this morning and stayed after to talk to a couple of ladies. Mixed blessing I guess. I found out one of my favorite gals has uterine cancer and they were talking about whether she will need radiation and chemo after her surgery (which is coming up soon). Just got me thinking about the subject. She is over 90 although I do not know her exact age. Rose exercises, is involved in many activities and is a water color artist. Her children are giving their opinions on what she should do. Another of our Tai Chi ladies is 91 1/2 and in good shape. Staying active is a very good thing but cannot protect you from everything.

    Anyway, I did a few things around the house and played a couple of DVDs and found I actually enjoyed the "Alice Through the Looking Glass"--I might watch it again before returning it to the library. I made a few cards where I will either add the sentiment later or write a note in them and then did a bit of coloring.

    Time to read.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    20,000 steps
    174 minutes walking Sasha
    103 minutes riding the exercise bike while watching figure skating and knitting
    taught the beginner line dance class

    :) tomorrow I'm going to an event that will include sitting for a long time and listening...fortunately, I'm meeting a friend for a walk afterward and will walk Sasha in the morning before I go.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2017

    Hi everybody, really too late to start with comments, though who could resist Isaac's Rudolph or not recognize BARBIE is back to normal? Thank you all for your comments, and I'd like to post that poem, as it was so moving to everyone, and comforting, as well. Sooner or later, I guess most of us will have to go through this, so perhaps hold on to it if you wish.


    <3 Buzz

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy Saturday! :)Buzz The poem is absolutely beautiful, I can see why it brings you comfort. Barbie 20k is amazing, I am happy when I reach 5k. I am trying to ride my bike every day to make up for the steps I don't take. Lin Nothing is guaranteed, no matter how healthy we think we are things happen. Tough decisions at 90, but as someone who wants to hang around as long as I can, I am not sure what I would do in her shoes. Shirley Isaac is just so cute, he has grown so much and his hat is adorable.
    The boys came to visit in the shirts I bought them so have to share. (They say Big Brothers Rock...Little Brothers Roll ) The blanket I bought for Max also came while they were here. We grandma's brag a lot, but who can blame us?

    Have a great day everyone!
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good Morning All,

    SHirley. That is such a cute picture. He is getting so big. You must have so much fun with him

    Lin- I'm sorry about your friend. Sounds like she has lived a good life , hard decisions

    BArbie - thanks for the update, you always give me lots of inspiration. 20,000 steps, wow. I got 16,000 the other day and I was pooped but you did that plus more and more. We've all been working hard here too.

    I got in 11,010 steps yesterday. And I rode my bike for 30 minutes. I am recording all my meals here on MFP again too. Trying so hard to get down to where I want to be. I don't have a lot so lose and the last of it always takes forever.

    BUzz- that poem brought tears to my eyes. So nice. Big big hugs.

    Sandy - just adorable

    Time to go get in some more steps. I am listening to a book as I walk. That always helps.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2017
    Sandy - Your pictures of your grandkids are adorable and yes we do like to brag about the grandkids.
    I can remember when Isaac was so small.

    Lin - My MIL is 90 going on 91 in April and she has to make a decision too about whether to take a chemo treatment either by intervenous or pill. She doesn't want to do either so her next visit to
    the oncologist will decide what she will do. She did say if it makes her sick she will stop, she doesn't
    want to feel sick on her last days on earth.

    Buzz- that poem is beautiful and I can why you wanted to keep a copy. I would put it on the fridge
    and you can look at it everyday and it will keep Mike close to you.

    I went to yoga this morning to drop off two of the meditation benches that Dave made. Theresa wasn't there to pick them up but she did leave the money. I stayed for the practice even though my knee was
    not in great shape. I did feel better after I left.

    We are waiting for Isaac to come to grandma's house. We are getting snow today and the side roads are very slick.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Promised to help fill gift bags for new admittance s to the skilled nursing floor, so I'll be brief.SANDY, JERI, SHIRLEY, MARIE, and ALL of you grand-moms...BRAG, BRAG, BRAG!!! There's excellent reason and those kids are priceless!
    And yes, I find as I re-read that poem, it becomes more comforting to me! I was impressed that several of the men, (you know that breed without emotions!) wanted copies!!!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I misplace my camera.Seems that I am always hunting for some lost items, boo hoo
    Lin you made my day. Love your Valentine card you sent me.Thank you thank you. My love
    - marie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Walked for an hour - 10,079 steps
    Rode my exercise bike for 30 minute
    Tracked everything

    Do I sound determined. You bet.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Go go go Jeri!!

    Glad you got the card Marie. I might be winging another your way. I like to send cards. B)

    Buzz, you had a busy day. Hope you had time to care for your legs and that you get some rest tonight.

    Shirley, yippee, enjoy your time with Isaac. I am sure it will be over much too soon. (Love the photo!)

    Sandy, great pictures of the boys. You could not have looked happier. Great shirts by the way.

    Marcella, did we hear from you today? Sorry, I cannot page back or I will lose this post.

    I did a trip to Trader Joe's, then some laundry, a bit of online banking, a rescue of some soup I'd made that just didn't taste right (more vegetables fixed that), a bit of reading, lots of fussing around adding embellishments to mostly completed cards. Then I drug out supplies and stamped some images on water color paper with the proper ink this time (didn't have any last time I tried this). Then I tried a few different types of water color pencils on stamped images -- but on plain copy paper. Then I tried a bit of cutting with my little scissors and finally tape/glitter burnishing. I accidentally dumped a huge box of colored pencils and need to get those in order if I want to sleep in my bed tonight. They are all spread out and in total disorder. :D

    Church tomorrow. Last week at leisure as next week starts another stint with communion prep/clean-up. Wahoo....I have November as well from what I've heard.

    Wishing everyone a good night's sleep.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Sandy, I am very fortunate to live in a place with relatively mild temperatures all year round so walking outdoors is always a good choice. I live in a neighborhood with smooth streets and almost no traffic. This last year I've acquired two friends to walk with in the very early morning so walking is even better.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm home with a pile of laundry to be done and housework where the cats have made themselves at home! Read all your posts so a quick response to Barbie, lucky Bess, she couldn't ask for a more loving home. I do hope the pick up goes well and she's soon in her forever home. <3 This past week I've sat far more than walked and goodness, don't I know it so back on the straight and narrow from today. Buzz What great news, you're walking unaided! The weight loss too; I'm sure healthwise it's onwards and upwards. To everyone else, it seems a good start to the year with so many doing well watching weight so now I just have to lose a few gained pounds eating and drinking far too much..... enjoyed every minute though!! This was how we relaxed after our spa!
    This is the hot tub where the outside temperature was close to zero!!
    Then there's the view from our hotel.....

    More to follow when I have some time, meanwhile a miserable day with rain and cool temperatures so a good time to rush round with my Shark!

    Happy Sunday everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Welcome home Jackie!! Lovely photos and of course I was immediately attracted to the photo of tea with bubbly!! Looks like a delicious spread. Good luck in catching up. Lots of work in store.

    Time for me to scoot along. Good morning :)


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Jackie, what a wonderful adventure. Thank you for sharing the photos.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Jackie - looked like soooo much fun. Welcome back.

    Barbie- so nice you now have a couple of walking friends. I don't walk with anyone but I use an app called Stridekick. My friend has a Fitbit and I have a Garmin Vivosmart. This program allows you to sync your steps and distance walked between your friends automatically using your device data. It is a great motivator for us both. Right now she is in Florida but still syncs each day and I am here in Calgary syncing away too. Very helpful for me.

    Lin - busy lady aren't you. Your cards are wonderful.

    I'm up early. Our daughter who lives out of town is coming inn today for lunch and a visit with her husband and their two boys. The boys have many bad allergies so I'm afraid it's hotdogs and fries for lunch. The last time they were here for lunch I made something different and Lukas said "what no hotdogs". He was disappointed.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Sandy - Robby and Max are too, too cute in their “brother” shirts!

    Marie - Hope you find your camera.

    Jackie - The hot tub looks inviting - - especially, with the cold temperatures!

    Well, yesterday did not quite go as planned. Turns out the camper/RV show was the previous weekend. So, we decided to go look at campers at a camper store close to where we live. We’re not looking to change what we already have right now. But just keeping up with options for the future.

    Today, I’m focusing on starting this week more organized than the last one. In fact, these are my goals for the week:
    1. Log food daily,
    2. Get 7-8 hours of sleep,
    3. Execute menu plan (as planned)
    4. Complete my home office tasks
    5. Hit the "154" number which will finally put me into the coveted "normal" weight BMI category! <3

    Wishing everyone a wonderful and blessed week,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Sunday! We are expecting some snow so it is a good day to stay home. I rented two movies last night, Sully which I liked and Jason Bourne which I kept falling asleep so will watch it this afternoon before returning it to Redbox.

    Not sure if Becky still checks our posts, I see she does play drop a word so hopefully she will see her birthday wishes.

    Marcella, sorry about the camper show but at least you got to see some campers at the store.
    Your goals are great and I know you can do them!! You have been doing great so far!!

    Jeri, you too, have been working so hard to get it done!! Great job, keep up the good work.
    I love hot dogs but can't remember the last time I had one. I used to love them out of the cart on the street where they were steamed and oh so good!!

    Jackie, welcome back and what great pictures. It looks like it was a relaxing time filled with good friends. Looking forward to more pictures.

    Barbie, hopefully you are on the way to pick up Bess. Can't wait to see her!! You are certainly more disciplined than I am, and truthfully I don't like to walk alone. At least I am riding the bike which is certainly helping me along with counting calories.

    Lin, I do admit those boys make me happy but so do all of my grandchildren!! Your crafts are getting better each project, time to get a booth at a craft show. You have the whole month of February for your volunteer time at your church? You are indeed a wonderful person.

    Patsy and Marie, hope all is well with you.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time