Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Sunday! Had an enjoyable brunch with some nice friends, one of whose daughters came upstairs after lunch to take a bag of frozen shrimp I can no longer eat due to fear of a gout attack! I'm so happy she could use this unopened delicacy, as it was a constant temptation!
    I wish JERI good luck in her weight loss quest. I, too, am trying to eat a whole fruit rather than juice, and healthy foods instead of the more complicated (tastier) selections offered. I wish I could prefer fish, as I heard the dolphin today was flaky and delicious, but it never tempts me somehow. I had a nice piece of roasted chicken breast with enough left over for a lunch or snack. I have lost 9 pounds since the beginning of the year, and have quadruple that as my first goal. It will be a long slow process I know, but worth trying. I realize the first place it will really show is my face, and that will bother me since I will not have surgery , seeing what it looks like if not followed up by more frequent surgery! I guess I will live with a lined face and give up the barrel body, and hopefully feel better!
    The winds are really whistling at my windows, and some possibilities of tornadoes are predicted for this evening, so I will finish my desk work and leave the office until the storms are past! My "office" is really the Florida room closed in by screened windows.
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    nice weight lost buzz . congrats to you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited January 2017
    Enjoy your time at the book store Jeri. I will make another cup of tea and join you. Did you enjoy the book?

    Buzz, congratulations on very good choices.

    Marie, hi! Some of the guys at church are all about the football today even though their favorites may have been eliminated. We do have one family of Steelers fans however. Say 'hi' to Missy for me.

    Home from church, laundry done and put away. Working on a couple of cards again today. Need to sort a few things to take along to my friend's house tomorrow and have to see what I can put together to take for lunch that is okay to eat cold as I do not want to ask to use the microwave.

    Dreary day here with bits of drizzle. Much nicer to lay out designs for cards. :D

    Hugs my friends.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Went to mass, had a video call with my son and met a friend to watch part of the football game and now I am home for the evening. Had a great time with the boys yesterday, the weather was beautiful so I took Robby to the park and Lisa walked there to meet us with Max strapped to her chest somehow. I couldn't find another shirt like the one my friend bought for Robby so I applied the credit to the Christening outfit for Max. When we laid it over Max it looked way too big so when I was going home I went back and exchanged it for a smaller size and brought it back to their house. A lot of driving but helping the best I can. Today I ordered the cutest little onesie for Max for Valentine's Day and another outfit for Easter, both say my first........ For Robby a few toys of his new favorite characters. The older grandkids get $20 since money is better for them then any gift I would choose.

    Lin, have fun tomorrow and I don't think it would hurt to ask your friend to use her microwave, I am sure she would understand.

    Marie, glad Missy is warming up to you and I think you will be big buddies in no time.

    Buzz, you are doing a terrific job and the weight will come off, as the rest of us know it takes time and patience.

    Jeri, knowing how you love books, I am sure you are in your glory at the book store.

    Will ride my bike tonight and get back at it, I didn't ride it yesterday because I had over 7000 steps with playing with Robby.

    Have a great evening and will be back in the morning.

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lots going on and I finally got to read all the posts.

    This morning I made pancakes from the Biggest Loser recipe and were delicious. Later I made beef stew a new recipe from Pinterest and it was delicious and we bought some french bread to go with it.
    We had Dave's mom over for dinner and she liked her meal which made me happy. We tried skyping with Isaac in his high chair but he was not in the mood and didn't touch a bit of his supper so we made it short so he could eat. At least my MIL got to see him for a little while.

    Tomorrow after my chiropractor apt. we are heading to Toronto to the boat show and spend the day there looking at all the boats we can't afford. ;)

    Dave finished painting the kitchen and is now painting the cupboards and almost done.

    Jackie - Enjoy your spa week I know you will!

    Loved all the pictures, collages and graphics today.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    A couple of the cards I finished today. Fun. ;)

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning, packing up and getting ready to leave for the day. And I was able to pack a cold lunch. Yippee. My friend is so nice to have me over I didn't want to ask for anything else. :)


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Toronto Boat show, I never made the chiropractic apt. I didn't sleep well last night had a stomach ache and didn't get to bed until 12:30am so skipped the apt. so I could sleep in. We will be leaving shortly for the boat show so I have to make this a quick one.

    Lin - Beautiful, cards you should start selling them at a craft table. You are so talented.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Had a hard time loggin in to t
    He sneakers
    What going on?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy Monday! Laundry is started and I have a dermatologist appointment at 12:45 so again not a lot of time. Just wanted to say good morning.

    Marie, not sure why you had a hard time but sometimes MFP is updating and it makes things difficult. Hopefully, the next time you log on it will be easy.

    Shirely, sorry you didn't sleep well and I do hope your tummy ache went away so you can enjoy the boat show, even if you can't afford a new boat!!

    Lin, have fun at your friend's house and enjoy each other's company. Your cards are just beautiful and I agree with Shirley, maybe sell them on Itsy.

    Time to eat and get showered. Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited January 2017
    Oh my, I had a wonderful day with my friend. She is tremendously talented and has EVERYTHING a card maker could dream of having. Just astounding. I brought home a few samples from things we played with. Couldn't be happier.

    Tomorrow is Mah Jongg day. Looking forward to that as well but really, I think today is the highlight of the year for me.

    Shirley, I hope you enjoyed the boat show.

    Marie, sorry you are having problems logging on. Please come back.

    Sandy, hope your appointment went well and the laundry was finished.

    Hi Buzz and Jeri and Marcella.


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Well Sunday and today have been busy. Yesterday, I enjoyed a Sisterhood Breakfast where we worship. The speaker was wonderful and I enjoyed seeing everyone. Today has been spend in the office and at the grocery store. Fun times. I also, finally attempted making a creative card to send to a friend who is suffering from back pain right now and couldn't attend the breakfast Sunday. Picture follows. It's a start. I also did something cute for the message inside too.
    I could obviously use some classes with Lin. But, it's a start and I know that my friend will be happy just knowing that I took the time to make it.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful week,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Marcella, your card is very lovely. You should be proud! And your friend will smile. :)

    The Sisterhood breakfast sounds like a lovely gathering. <3

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I know from experience how much people appreciate their handmade cards, as most receivers never throw mine out! Unfortunately, since Mike died, I have not really produced many cards; they take much time and my printer has had problems (like today, when it refused to go "online" until I finally figured out to update the driver...and it worked)! I get much pleasure making them, though mine are not as involved in cutting and pasting as LIN'S and MARCELLA's appear to be. Mine are my designs which I try to personalize when I know enough about the recipient, but they are then printed online with my printer. I decorate the envelopes, as well. I'll try to get back to it in February.
    Was on the phone this morning from 9 to 12:05 with bank staffers, about that one purchase last October for which I have been charged 5 times, credited 3, and they cannot seem to figure out why! Missed exercise class, too! I hope it will be finished.
    Falling asleep so goodnight everybody...
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited January 2017
    Lin and Marcella your cards are so nice. And Buzz you seem to be able to do everything. I used to do cards to but got lazy.

    We are having breakfast at A&W after driving Mary to kindergarten. She spent the night with us as Mel had to take the Elizabeth to write a final exam this morning and there was no one old enough to babysit. It was fun. Mary has so much personality.

    I took 2 pieces of gluten free toast in my purse this morning. I find that works well for me. I buy tea, Ed buys breakfast and I am happy.

    I am trying very hard to lose 10 lbs. the last 10 lbs is always the hardest. I started recording all my meals on MFP again. I had been doing WW but it lost its effectiveness for me. So far so good.

    Have a great day


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Babe was here with supplies and gave me money for my prescription. I have an itchy scalp so the dermatologist prescribed a foam. I do not have prescription insurance as I take no prescriptions. I went to Walmart to pick it up and they told me it would be $300 to which I said no thank you. I do use GoodRx to help with cost, so I came home to research and found the generic for Olux and with my card it will cost me $89 from Target.
    They have to order it but it should be here tonight or tomorrow. I suggest you all check your medicine costs with GoodRX, you would be surprised with the savings.

    Buzz, I used to make all my cards on the computer and agree people appreciate homemade cards. I however, now just buy them from the dollar store to save money. I send a lot of cards for many occasions so this saves me money, especially since ink is so expensive. Sorry you are having such a problem with your bank. Could it be you accidentally authorized a recurring charge? I made the mistake of ordering a free sample of a cream which said I only had to pay shipping costs. Low and behold I got a $99 charge on my credit card 30 days later. I called and they said the fine print said you agreed to pay for a monthly order until you cancel. I told them I would dispute this charge and will not pay it so they said they would remove it, only to be charged another $89 a week later. Again I called them and finally got them to cancel everything and refund both charges. I went back to see the fine print and it was so hidden it was impossible. What a scam, I will never order another free item again!!

    Marcella, your card is beautiful and the recipient will love it! I agree with Lin the sisterhood breakfast sounds great!

    Lin, I am so happy that you had a great time with your friend, no one deserves it better. Enjoy
    Mah Jongg today and add it to your fun days!!

    Jeri, I am right there with you in losing the last 7 pounds. I have been working hard on recording and riding my bike but things are moving very slow. I can imagine how much fun your granddaughter is, just judging from Robby who always makes me laugh.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Finally got to a yoga class this morning. When I went into the den for my compression boots session at 6:30 AM, I clicked on my TV and there was a blue screen...I enjoy watching TV during the compression hour, since I seldom watch during the day. A call to Comcast informed me my "box was not functioning" and someone will come to replace it tomorrow, So one more schedule to interfere with tomorrow's Total Workout Class! Sometimes I think how quiet life must have been without all the technology like TV, phones, printers and computers!
    The yoga was relaxing, but I almost got a leg cramp from one of the poses! I'm determined to get back into some kind of shape!
    Tonight we have a Dine Around the World dinner (China), and while I enjoy these once a month specials, I worry about the sodium in Chinese cooking! The cocktail party last night had such delicious hors d'oeuvres and my scale was up 2 ounces this morning. Struggle against desire, and I lose the game!
    SANDY, I once got taken for a $9.99 monthly charge on my cell phone because I never read a text message (from "unknown caller) telling me if I did not respond, I would be assumed to agree to join something I knew nothing about! A year later I ran out of time and checking with Virgin Mobile, discovered about the monthly deduction! We fought it through some Federal Commission, and I got my money back, but I disabled text messages on my cell! No, the Bank made a genuine big error on a purchase, and kept charging "ADJ." charges over and over, and I finally told them they caused me paranoid issues and I was leaving the bank and I think it has been straightened out and I am exhausted from the whole thing!
    Anyway, I will try to do the Balance Class this afternoon, especially now that I'm not using the wheelchair any longer! As far as the cards, they cheaper than therapy!!! I enjoy designing them and it's practically my only creative outlet now!
    JERI, I should follow your example and work up the desire to record eating on MFP again, as it worked so well for me when I originally joined! I wish I had a bit of whatever it is that drives BARBIE to keep her weight down! But forget dancing. Our place started Line Dancing and it breaks me up laughing every time I see dancing lines full of walkers being held by the members! I always worry about people falling while maneuvering in line!!!
    Gotta run...
    <3 Buzz


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    edited January 2017
    Buzz, I am so glad you do not need a wheel chair at this point. I hope you are able to get to classes on a regular basis. I am sure that will be good for you. Darn, another repair needed. I trust everything will be straightened out tomorrow.

    I hate having to sort out order problems. I am still waiting for a resolution on a disputed charge, have received some less than great merchandise in recent orders and today another damaged produce and I contacted the company. They have requested photos, which I sent, but no word on what action (s) might be involved after sending the photos.

    If it wasn't so handy to order online and the enticement of such a broad product range I would stop ordering this way. But darn, obtaining things I cannot get locally always lures me in once again.

    Sandy, good job in hunting down an alternative Rx. Things are so expensive.

    Jeri, what a lovely day. Always prepared to go out to a restaurant. Good for you!

    Mah Jongg was nice today and I did win one game which always makes it better! I got a few groceries, picked up my library books, filled my car with gas, and bought a lottery ticket. Now if we get nasty weather I am all set. I would like to go to Tai Chi tomorrow but if the roads are at all nasty I will probably pass. But I may go to the library later.

    I have been working on some Valentine cards this afternoon. I found some scallop-edged card stock and have been messing around with pre-scoring, folding, applying Washi tape, embossing a sentiment on the inside, applying shimmer and now I am letting them dry. Tomorrow I will work on adding embellishments. I did one tonight but prefer to give it a new start tomorrow.

    They will not be elegant but maybe a bit cute.

    I think I will read for a little while. I got "Dead Cold Brew" by Cleo Coyle from the library today. I have read most if not all of the books in this series.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,128 Member
    edited January 2017
    :) We found a new sister for Sasha. She was rescued from a bad living situation in Houston and has been living in a foster home for two years. Her name is Bess and she is a Retriever/spaniel mix. She has long black fur and some brown. She'll fly to Seattle this weekend and we'll drive to the airport to get her.

    Lin I've read all the coffee mysteries by Cleo Coyle and liked them a lot

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Congratulations Barbie and Jake!! Please post pictures once you have Sasha's new sister!