Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie what and who is the picture of? and why all the fence around those Bldg?.

    Shirley glad to hear you are so active.

    Hello to all Sneakers

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Jackie - Love your photo from the 70s. Guess I'll have to post one from when I could eat whatever I wanted and still stayed thin too.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2017
    Jackie - Nice picture and were slim as was your mum. When I was married I weighed 115 lbs. not now!!! I did have two kids but I have seen ladies who have had more and still look slim. My motto was I am going to get fat anyway so let's just eat. Wrong!!

    I had my chiro apt. this morning and then did some shopping. I need a large tube of Voltaren for my knee but no luck in 3 places I tried. I am looking for a large tube to get me through until my MRI but everyone is out of the extra strength. So I will try again on the weekend, its my go to now for my knee.

    Not much going on today, another gloomy and rainy day. Seems like I am in England, LOL, although Jackie is getting more sun than us. We will be going out for dinner tonight with friends from our sailing club, chinese, so tomorrow will be get rid of the sodium day!

    Have a wonderful day whatever you make of it!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Somehow, my yesterday post never remained here, although it showed as having posted! Or a I losing it? I remember oohing over that picture of Gagee and Isaac (and looking up the proper spelling for the new Grandma!) and expressing how happy I was that you were all back! Oh well, my computer plays tricks on me! I did see it post after clicking!!!
    Rushing off to our support group with pictures I just printed after editing and cropping and making a collage of Mike. It IS getting better! Wonderful pictures from the past from JACKIE and MARCELLA, and congratulations on your lucky win, SANDY! Love you all, and a special "hi" to li'l Sis, MARIE!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good afternoon, good to hear from everyone!!

    My plans got a bit sidetracked yesterday due to freezing fog, traffic jams and personal injury accidents so I regrouped and unfortunately Tai Chi was ditched. I did several errands and then met with the coloring ladies. When I got home I had some little things I wanted to get accomplished but ended up with some digestive problems which sort of derailed some of my good intentions. This morning was foggy again but did get to the post office to mail some cards and notes I prepared yesterday afternoon/evening. Then I went to meet the ladies at the library to play cards and was surprised. The library wanted us to work on a service project scheduled for MLK day that was derailed due to the ice on Monday. So most of the morning we assembled door hangars for residents at two nursing homes. We did as many as possible with all the penguins finished but there are many snowmen left to assemble so they will need to re-think this once more. I cannot work on them again, the cheap made in China kits caused me respiratory problems and I just stopped coughing about an hour ago!

    Tomorrow is the day long project to work on mats for the homeless. I hope this is successful and turns into a regular thing. And now you have caught up on where I have been.

    Lovely photo Shirley. Having such a good time with Isaac! I am sure you are happy with whatever name he is able to say---what a doll.

    Jackie and Marcella, you posted wonderful photos. Both beautiful!! Thank you for sharing them. Wow!!

    Buzz, I hope your time at the support group was beneficial today. You sound very positive about the group. Hugs.

    Shirley, sorry you cannot find the Voltaren you are looking for. Quite frustrating. Enjoy your dinner this evening.

    Marie, hello!!! Good to see you. Hope Missy is well. Do you like your haircut? Sometimes I am pleased with mine and other times he cuts it so short it just stands up on end for a week or so. Haaaaa.

    Sandy, congratulations on your Bingo win!! I would probably still go just when it suited me. I can be quite ornery.

    Jackie, I hope that steaming mug of coffee helped get you through the job of cleaning up after the girls. Sorry that the swimming pool has been out of bounds due to problems and programs. Now when do you leave for your spa holiday? Looking forward to a photo tomorrow so hey weather, cooperate with Jackie. Hello George!!

    Take care everyone. Jeri, I hope you are well. Hi Patsy.



  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Lin - You're last two days have been somewhat crazy! The mats for the homeless sounds really fun to do and rewarding. Here's hoping your Friday stays a little more to plan.

    Buzz - Hope the support group trip went well. The collage sounds like a wonderful idea.

    Shirley - Hope you enjoyed your dinner with friends and the Chinese food. You right about the sodium. But every now and then, it can be worth it.

    Sandy - Congratulations on your Bingo winnings. Sounds fun!

    Marie - I'm glad to hear that things are going better with Missy. I'm sure she will be worth the effort as the two of you continue to bond.

    Today was my most pleasant of the week. Did my regular Thursday "fresh milk & pastured eggs" pickup. Then dropped off a jug of fresh milk to my friend and stayed long enough to enjoy a cup of coffee and some good "girl talk" time.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2017
    Another cold and frosty morning for me so anyone we met on our walk didn't hang around to talk much afraid they might freeze to the spot! Of course because I took my camera a mist hung over the distant moors so I didn't get pictures I wanted. We did come upon a group of very healthy looking ponies with their thick glossy coats, all very relaxed as we walked past.
    Having had a shower when I got back and hung washing out to dry I'm now going to make a bean casserole to last until I leave for the Lake District on Monday (Lin) then see if I can pop into my housebound neighbour for a chat.

    Marcella ~ What a lovely photo of yourself and as soon as I saw it I thought you belonged in a gentle English movie when you'd be seen wandering a cottage garden, picking roses and then sitting down to tea and a slice of Victoria sponge! Sounds like you had the perfect day yesterday and again I just love the idea of you travelling for fresh milk and eggs. My hens stopped laying before Christmas in order to rest so I too have to travel but only to the local farm shop a mile away!

    Lin ~ Busy as ever but I'm not sure what those door hangers were with snowmen and penguins; some sort of decorations? Hopefully your fog has lifted today and you are feeling a lot better than you were.

    Buzz ~ You'd be the last one to "lose it" so I'm sure it would have either been your computer or MFP that glitched! Creating a collage of Mike was hopefully cathartic in some ways so you could smile at the memories.

    Marie ~ The railings outside that property in my photo would have been put up when the house was built in late Victorian times when designs were always ornate, probably to show off the fact they had money but during WWI most were torn down to be used for armaments and replaced by wooden replicas so I'm not sure how those survived. I had a bedsit in there when I first moved to this part of England but didn't stay long because it was a damp house so I soon developed bronchitis!

    Shirley ~ Ha, I think most of us think we can get away with eating too much when we're older until it affects our health but so difficult to stop when we enjoy our food! I expect today you'll be flushing all that Chinese sodium out of your system!

    Sandy ~ That was a good win and I'm guessing would have paid for the evening out. You do seem to win quite often unless I'm thinking that because you don't mention the times you don't! This time of year I'm happy to stay home night times but once the weather warms and days get longer I'm more inclined to socialise.

    I must get that casserole prepared and into the crockpot so will wish you all a happy Friday and to all my American friends peaceful times under your new president.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Getting ready for aqua fit class and listening to the upcoming inaugration day news. I know there will be a lot of protests about this I just hope things will go as planned for them. I could go on but everyone has their political views and I try to keep mine to myself.

    Our dinner last night was enjoyable and our friends gave us news that they sold their vetranarian business. Kim will stay on for 2 years with the new owners and her husband will be in semi retirement mode. They both bought a place in Florida to vacation at.

    Another wet and gloomy day but our temperatures will be rising into the 40's F. this week.

    Dave has finished painting our kitchen and now is doing the cupboards which will take a little longer to complete. Then I can give it a good cleaning and we will be back in food making again although we are working around it now.

    Isaac will be coming for a sleepover at grandma and grandpa's house on the 28th so I want to pick up a few things for him today for his visit.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Just saying HI! Cut up some veggies to take for my lunch today and now off to work on that project, overcast and drizzly here today..........


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) Not happy, gained an ounce with all my hard work. I even rode the bike for 90 minutes yesterday. I will keep at it, maybe one day it will say I lost 5 pounds in one day. lol
    I watched the inauguration and as usual it is always very moving to see one president leave and another take office. No plans for today, at least not yet!!

    Lin, busy lady working on all good causes, you are one special lady.

    Shirley, lucky you, getting Isaac for a sleepover, I would love that. I did sort of get a sleepover when Lisa had Max and I got to spend two nights with Robby at his house. Enjoy your time together.

    Jackie, $50 really does not cover my expenses but it helps. I am a little lucky but there are times I don't win for months. How are you hanging your laundry out to dry if it is so cold, won't it freeze? lol

    Marcella, as Jackie, you are just as pretty now as in your picture. I found this one from 1978 when I stood up to a wedding. I was 36 and had four kids and was divorced the year before. Too be young again and know what I know now!!

    Buzz, MFP is sometimes very touchy so maybe you did hit post but the cyber bunnies stole your post. I am glad things are improving in your life and maybe you can share a picture of the collage you made with Mike.

    Marie, how are you this morning?

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, SANDY, I tried to scan the sheet with the most recent picture of Mike taken on my last birthday on the upper right. Left center was taken on Long Island before moving to Florida; quite muted but I love it. The bottom is one of us enjoying a lunch in Naples, Florida, before moving to Edgewater Pointe.
    I think you looked (and still do) like a movie star in that photo. The thought of bringing up 4 children alone sounds overwhelming to me! What courage and spirit you still have!
    LIN, I certainly hope you do for yourself what you do for others! As a volunteer, you must be on every managers' list!
    SHIRLEY, I watched TV the entire morning , right through that last helicopter taking the Obamas off to the rest of their lives. I wished Barack well, and for all our sakes, I wish Donald the same. If he has our interests at heart, I hope the Congress will work better with him than the past 8 years. If his interest is in conflict with his promises, well then, I hope someone will fight for our Social Security, Medicare, and education, as well as environmental good. I certainly wish him and the United States the very best of luck! I surely thought the Obamas were more than gracious to our new president and first lady, despite the constant barrage of hatred they had sustained for so many years, and I hope this country will heal and come together, and remember we do not live in isolation...none of us! And thank you, JACKIE, for your kind wishes. I think we would all appreciate peace in this world. I have watched too many documentaries about wars, lost lives and liberties, and sorrows sustained by those touched by the above, and would love to enjoy the results of the joys of a peaceful world before my time comes!
    <3 Buzz
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  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    I love the photos everyone is posting. BUZZ, very nice. SANDY so beautiful. MARCELLA gorgeous

    Here's one of me. I guess I am 25 in this picture. I always looked so young for my age.


    We got back from Edmonton this afternoon. It was a good trip and nice to see people I don't see that often. Last night we had supper with a very nice couple we met last year at the Mcinnis family reunion we went to. I'm glad we made contact with everyone. Nice to add new and new people to your lives.

    We watched the inauguration before we left to drive back to Calgary. I did find it interesting and wonder how things will work out eventually.

    Time for supper.

    See you all tomorrow


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cold and grey day here so our walk was a freezing one. Since then I've been buying pet food for George to take to Scruff's mum on Monday before I go away and cat food that will be distributed by my neighbours.

    Jeri ~ Honestly, I thought that was a photo of you around the age of 12.... no wonder you say you looked young for your age!

    Buzz ~ Your collage is wonderful and shows what a handsome couple you were, so serene and obviously extremely happy. Only parts of the inauguration were viewed by me so I won't comment other than to say I hope he's controlled to some extent because to me he's a cold fish, lacks any true empathy and is just a bit too fond of himself!

    Sandy ~ If I time it right the hanging washing dries between noon and 1pm when the sun is at its highest so the air is dry even if cold. It's back indoors and close to a heater by mid afternoon but at least gets some fresh air through it!

    Much to do before my break so signing off and hoping everyone has a pleasant week. I don't possess an iphone or ipad so won't be on the internet.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy Saturday! :) It is 56 degrees in January, hard to believe!! I am going to go see the boys today, I can only go a week with missing them. While they are napping I am going to go pick up a gift my friend sent to Robby and exchange it for the right size. Since he is two she thought a 2t would be his size, however he is a 5t, he is a big boy. I told Lisa to leave the package on the front porch so I don't disturb their nap. While at the store I will see if they have the Christening outfit she liked online so he has it for his Baptism on February 19.

    Jackie, seems like a lot of work to get fresh air on your clothes. Wouldn't a fresh air softener in your dryer be easier? lol Enjoy your spa week, we will miss your posts.

    Jeri, oh my gosh, you do look twelve in that picture, what great genes you have. You are just as cute now as you were then, your baby face is perfect!!

    Buzz, the bottom photo reminds me of the photo I took in Florida and how I remember both of you. What a great job you did with the collage and by the way talk about movie stars, you certainly qualify.

    I better get in the shower and get moving.
    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Buzz - You collage is beautiful!

    Sandy and Jeri your photos are awesome! It's been so fun to see each other's photos from back when.

    Today is my day to chill and I'm doing just that. Think I may spend some time trying my hand at menu planning for the week. If I can ever get that routine down, I think life will go more smoothly at meal time every day.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend,

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, you may be right about the bottom picture! I thought my cousin took it in Naples, but it looks like where we met you, too! Memories!
    JACKIE, keep us i your prayers! And have a relaxing wonderful spa vacation. We'll miss you.
    JERI, truly everyone is seeing what I saw: a 12 year old beauty! With all you deal with, how have you managed to keep that youthful look?
    MARCELLA, the picture you posted was also a beauty! Good luck at chilling out. we all need that now!
    MARIE, you were the original glamour gal, as the picture on our Golden Sneaker page proves.
    OK, Must make an order for my leg covers before I get down for dinner, so I'll see you all tomorrow! Happy weekend.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Good evening, my hands are still pretty stiff and sore after yesterday. It was a long day of making plarn and my hands are not forgiving me. Thought it would be better by now. Maybe tomorrow.

    Let's see, Jackie you asked about what we made the other day. They were individual kits of foam pieces that you put together. When finished you can either hang from a door handle (the penguin's hat has a nice big curve in it) or you can hang it from a hook. Many nursing homes have a permanent place to hang something on each resident's door so they can decorate for various seasons and Holidays. At least that is the case here so that is what we were doing. Making decorations for the residents.

    Buzz, wonderful collage. You selected wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope your legs are feeling better as you spend more time caring for them.

    Jeri, wow, I cannot believe you were in your twenties!! You are gorgeous and did look like a teenager. Wow. Thanks for sharing that photo as well. I was trying to get a better look at your shoes. Platforms?? In any case just lovely.

    Jackie, ready for a lovely holiday. Enjoy it and we will anticipate your return!! We will miss you.

    Sandy, I hope you enjoyed your time with the boys. Very considerate of you to try to let them sleep.

    Marcella, a day to chill is just perfect. I hope you have enjoyed each and every minute of it!

    Marie, hello to you my friend. I hope you are having a good weekend.

    I made a trip to Trader Joe's this morning and returned some library books. I watched a number of videos, sorted through tons of emails, and messaged with some friends.

    Tomorrow is church of course and I hope I get home relatively early because I did not do any laundry or cooking today so am a bit behind. I did start another card project. Cut up some water color paper, stamped the pieces with several different flower stamps and now am water coloring the backgrounds, not the flowers. I have done half of them and stopped. Having fun with one of them now with a shimmer background and some Stickles on parts of the flower.

    If all goes according to plan, I will be gone all day on Monday. A friend offered a day of paper crafting and it is finally coming up. Hoping the weather doesn't interfere, or personal emergencies or car problems, etc.

    I am going to read and watch videos. I watched the really old movie "Topper" earlier today. Ha. So silly.

    Take care everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    SANDY, you may be right about the bottom picture! I thought my cousin took it in Naples, but it looks like where we met you, too! Memories!

    I think you are right Buzz, this is the only picture I could find of us at Club Med.
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  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WOW, SANDY, you haven't changed a bit; still gorgeous! I hope your grandchildren believe your relationship! Yes that's the same blouse , but I think the earrings are different and the necklace is missing, so perhaps it's the same year but different places? I do treasure memories of meeting you that day!
    Would you believe I fell asleep at the computer as I was researching the leg liners, and only a phone call from concerned friends wakened me! Guess I better get to bed early now!
    LIN, I cannot believe how much you into a day! It would exhaust me!
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 2017
    Ed has gone ice fishing with our Melissa's husband. An unusual pleasure, I am sitting at a bookstore with a cup of tea enjoying the atmosphere. Ed isn't big on book stores so I don't often do this.

    Really trying hard to lose some weight so i took my own snack, an apple, instead of a higher calorie snack. Still good.

    I'll catch up with you all later.
