Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Emu oil is derived from the fat of the emu bird. They are raised as livestock all over the world primarily for their meat. In fact, they are the perfect environmentally friendly livestock. All parts of the bird are used, they do not tolerate inhumane conditions and actually improve the land on which they are raised.

    Sounds good to me Patsy!

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Well, unless you are an emu! Lol.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Blimey Anne, you made me laugh with your English Slang! I love it, it is so you! Busy day today, meeting my cleaning girl to clean old place, landlady will come to give my my check and I in return will give her the keys, garage door opener and my pool pass.
    I also have to go the bank and I have left a message for my new landlord to get me a pool pass and trying to find out why the front door key can't be made. I need two more sets of keys, one for my cleaning girl and one for Bryanna but two places tried to duplicate the key and it just doesn't work. Once he calls me back I will hit him with these little repairs I need done.

    I best get moving to get everything done today so I can start enjoying my new place.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Whoops! Lost my post again! Now...what was I saying? Oh yes. It is Friday yea! Trash day. It is veggie pizza night. I printed up a poster of Buzz’s life lessons to put on my frig. A great reminder for me. I have that tendency toward depression so I always need to remind myself...”life is really pretty darned good! “

    The donkey video was just charming. As a kid we had a regular sized donkey. He was given to us by a tour guide that used the donkeys as a way to get tourists down a steep canyon called Pala Dura. Our donkey was also like a big dog. He had pasture right near our house. He had the most ear splitting whinny. He greeted us and demanded pets and carrots and apples and bell peppers as I remember. I had to groom him when I groomed our horses. He was expert at getting the apples out of my pocket.

    I googled emu and Gee! They are interesting creatures. We have lots of llàmas here in Oregon and other South American animals. No emus however.

    Sandy, your old landlord sounds like a very greedy person. She should be so glad that you were the kind of person who took care of the apartment, paid the rent. Not all landlords are that lucky.

    Jackie, seeing your garden wilt and in need of water must be so upsetting. You put so much effort into your garden, it is like another pet. One must care for each plant and give it attention in order for it to flourish. Another lesson I need to keep in mind.

    Lin, you are a wonder. I think daily shopping would drive me mad. I hate to shop. John is our family shopper. He is like you. He is organized and keeps a list going of supplies needed and tasks to be done. I bounce from one emergency to the next.

    Anne, the joy of different cultures! I once saw a tv programs about English bakers. These people could teach the French a thing or two about baking! The Irish have to be some of the worst cooks. My grandmother could do many things but she could not cook. Her cooking disasters were legendary. But my mom was an amazing cook. Maybe she learned out of desperation.

    Buzz, big lizards are great. We have one under the walk right by our garage door. I think he eats spiders. Anyway he is a friend and we try not to discourage him. We have an acquaintance with a big iguana as a pet. That lizard is alarming he is so big. How do you bond with a lizard? Or snake?

    Take on the day and when necessary tickle it until you giggle.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Too sleepy to think tonight, but spent about 1/2 an hour today marveling at 4 iguana of varying colors cavort about on one of our shrubs. I don't mind if they eat spiders, but I hope they leave our geckos alone! Sorry I can't stop and chat , but have been getting strange reactions online from a bank which will not open, and an alert regarding credit reports , which I suspect is a fraud! I can't stand this much longer! "Nite all.
    <3<3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Buzz, we are told by our banks to always make contact with a phone call to number you know to be them if in any doubt about internet banking. Don't let these thieving so-and-so's spoil your day! :#

    Just home from woodland walk and must do a few chores before it gets too hot so back later.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Today it will reach 35 deg so it's relatively cool right now at 23. Time to do a few odds and ends like JACKIE.
    We met Janice and Amy at the vets yesterday. We had just gone to pick up Jilly's treats and for a nail trim, but Janice was there because 11 year old Amy has a heart condition and she was picking up pills. She has cardiac tests next week. Amy is a rescued dog from the streets of Thailand and Jilly's best friend. Jilly as usual was oohed and aahed over by the vet and staff and told what a good natured girl she is. Earlier at the grocery store the older cashier said "here's our sweet little girl" to which I replied "are you talking about me?" and I actually got a hug and a giggle.
    It's our long weekend, Canada Day AND the tariffs come into effect on July 1st. We've all been stocking up on toilet paper before the prices SOAR. Can live without whiskey but toilet paper!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thirsty tomato plants watered yet again but having already enjoyed two delicious cucumbers from that plant already and watching the peppers expand I'm happy to keep them going because my own tomatoes taste so much better than shop bought. They are shiny green at the moment but hold so much promise. A slug the size of my thumb and with markings more suited to a chipmonk was sitting on the pot waiting to be watered so I scattered a few poison pellets round it in the hopes it takes a meal from that rather than my tomatoes!!

    Anne ~ Perhaps I should buy my Harley Davidson now before the tariffs bite! B)
    That's lovely you got a hug in the grocery store... still a lot of wonderful people in Canada!! Scruff's mum was guided to a website for a charity saving street dogs in Romania by a friend last week that has so many sad stories to tell and was tempted to adopt one that was the spitting image of Scruff. It turned out to be quite a bit larger when more details arrived so she changed her mind and I have to say I put my two-penny-worth in pointing out there are many dogs in UK shelters needing homes and none of us can save the world population from the cruelty that goes on in these uneducated countries. Social media has done a good job in showing people in those countries what goes on so hopefully they will soon do more to help their street dogs. I know that's happened in China. She told me this morning she gave it a lot of thought and won't be looking anymore.... well, at least not for now!! Of course I found myself looking too just out of interest and they do pull at heartstrings!

    Sandy ~ I hope there were no upsets yesterday and you received your money from the landlady without hassle. Cripes, get that pool pass too then you can get down to your favourite pastime and relax.

    We just might get some rain tomorrow although it could miss us on the moors but I'll have every bucket out ready to catch the drops because the heat will return next week. Last night I picked pounds of gooseberries at the allotment before the blackbirds eat them all and we watered everything that's popping its head up.... Russian kale, carrots, beans, onions, butternut squash and lots more. It was a beautiful evening so we stayed until after 8pm sipping tea between the jobs in hand.
    This afternoon there's a women's lawn tennis final in Eastbourne before Wimbledon begins next week so a good excuse to do nothing more than watch the ladies rush about in the heat while I top and tail the goosegogs!

    Patsy ~ I will also be tickling the day until I giggle!!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good day! Time for me to tickle the day as well!! Will it giggle? Ah, I hope so.

    I have spent an hour on hold with my main email provider. It stopped functioning yesterday afternoon. I used both an iOS device and a Windows device to assure it was not my issue and my WiFi is working fine. This morning I called their regular number and got a fast busy signal so I tried the 1-800 number and went through the many menus to get to residential support and was on hold for an hour before giving up. Somewhat frustrating. Buzz, if you deal with these sorts of things each day, oh my, exhausting!

    July 1st, bundles of new laws and regulations. So sad. Happy Canada Day to Anne, Jeri and any other Canadian Sneakers. I hope you have a lovely long weekend. I am not sure what will go up in price here, everything I suspect! Time will tell. I wish the boys could just get along and let the regular folk live their lives.

    Jackie, ahhhh, gooseberries? I have never had any. What do you do with them? Eat them raw? Put them in pie? Anyway, the garden/allotment sounds lovely even with the strange weather we are enduring this year. And I agree, there are so many animals in need locally that we might focus on our own backyards. I met a lady who works with an organization that does several really wonderful things! They provide pet food to the indigent folks who cannot afford to buy it and they check folks who have meals delivered to them as well. If they are poor and have a pet they send along a meal for the pet to be delivered with the person’s meal.

    Sandy, I also hope yesterday went well and I also hope Comcast is working again. I heard there was a huge outage yesterday.

    Patsy, I am not going anywhere today! Just the mailbox. Second load of laundry is chugging away and I have some mess to make with paint. Haaaaaa.

    Hugs all round.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    P.S. Glad I went out in the heat to get the old SUV serviced. That was fine but they found my power steering fluid was very bad. Yep, got that replaced. B)

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    It's just reached 30 deg here! How about everyone else?
    You can do anything you like with a gooseberry LIN. Ever heard of the dessert "gooseberry fool"? Gooseberry pie and ice cream or clotted cream. mmm mm finger licking good! Anyone fancy a glass of gooseberry wine? AND in the U.K. babies are born under gooseberry bushes. Well that's what our moms and dads told us when very young. No signs of storks doing the work in my extreme youth. That came later!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Only 85 degrees F so far. Haaaaa.

    Meanwhile, I had no idea how versatile the gooseberry is. My grandmother craved a gooseberry pie once in a while but they are not that plentiful here. And as far as I was told, babies are found under big cabbage leaves!


    My email service is back with hundreds of messages from yesterday and today. Yippee!

    Lin :D
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Well, the landlady gave me $750 out of my $1350.
    I really don't think it is fair, but I will just take my loss and move on.
    She came just as we were about to clean and asked me to help change the code on the garage door pad. It was so hot outside and we managed to mess up the whole thing and had to call the company. The very patient man who I am sure thought these two old ladies are batty did manage to help us change the code. I gave her all the keys but one and she said I could use her pool pass until I get a new one. The place was spotless when we left so she shouldn't have any complaints.

    I am going to the pool today even though there are excessive heat warnings. I will just float around on my chair and try and relax.

    Bryanna came and had dinner with me last night, I made burgers on the grill. I love when she comes here but of course she is 23 and has a boyfriend and works a lot, so it is different.

    Enough rambling from me, try and enjoy your day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    30c according to my thermometer, certainly too hot to push a lawnmower up and down my terraced lawns but I managed it. The garden looks tidy even with burnt grass but I'm sure once we get rain it will soon green up.
    The earlier tennis match was entertaining and those girls can really hit a ball wow... too much grunting from one player though!
    Lin, I freeze the gooseberries then make either a crumble or fool in the winter for a lovely taste of summer. A few years ago I did make wine that turned out to be the tastiest ever but never managed to repeat it.

    Sandy, so what you've in effect had to do is pay for the landlady's choice of decoration for herself... a bloomin cheek but you're graciously moving on and good for you. Enjoy the pool but don't overheat. B)

    George had a cool shower earlier so is coping well with the heat but instead of doing zoomies afterwards with Mr Fox he chose a plastic dish... very funny!
    A cup of tea for me and a rest in the shade.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    I think your landlady needs a good old boot up the bum SANDY. That's almost half of your deposit. I lived in a rented townhouse here in my forties, and painted the walls and I papered. I had to take the paper down, but I got all of my deposit back! AND the landlord said I was such a good tenant despite the decorating I was welcome back anytime! She's a Greedy old thing! And you are one sweet gal for graciously moving on.

    My thermometer is now showing 32 so it looks as if the forecasters and warnings will be right saying 35 by 4:00pm. Maybe I'll try frying an egg on the concrete drive just for fun.

    Gooseberries! Do you remember we were called a "gooseberry" if we joined a courting couple? A chaperon I guess but I wonder why?
    Annie - who was found under a gooseberry bush because my parents said so, lol.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dear SANDY, of course she wasn't fair! Painting between residents is a normal function of being a landlady! But you will love your new place, which is already your new home! Lots of luck!
    The fraudulent emails never stop, and no matter how real it looks, never ever click on any link! Yesterday, supposedly my credit rating was drastically changed (call quick, it warned) my new charge had been temporarily closed to protect me from hackers (!), and several other beauts showed up, though I can't remember! I sent them all to spam and then checked the real URLs, and sure enough, they were all phony! But while checking, Transunion credit bureau tried to sell me protection!
    Kids arriving tomorrow, and I must clear away my junk! Not too bad, but for some reason, walking is difficult! And I am so slow, slow, slow getting about! I'm sure I used to mutter under my breath years ago, following behind some poor old dear having trouble walking!
    Thank you all for your interesting posts. ANNE, I love the haircut and new picture! JACKIE, homegrown tomatoes taste REAL! Store bought are like cardboard.
    Restless legs started too early today, and I cannot sit, so I doubt I'll have much computer time this coming week. They'll want to "shlepp" me around everywhere they go (ugh)!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy with that marine layer. Very cool, so it is sweater weather again. We also have a restriction on burning weeds or campfires in the parks and forests. All the tourists are upset epically the campers. If they were lucky enough to reserve a a camping spot, there is special fire or grill pits for cooking. It is truly tourist season. We have had. Two sets of drop in guests this past week. I a was madly straightening up my messy house as they were driving in the driveway. I threw stuff in the instant pot for chicken enchiladas and sangria in the frig. Whew! Why do I care about people I only see every 3 or 4 years? I suspect they drop by to get a free meal and use the bathroom. You can tell I am tired and cranky.

    On NPR they had a program where people called in and reviewed their favorite new book. The moderators were a book editor and a bookstore owner and a librarian. Odd that the moderators all liked very literary style books. The call ins like books of political scandals and thrillers. What ever happened to romance? Fun program to listen to as we drove around on our errands.

    Sandy, good attitude about the old landlady. My knee jerk reaction would be to leave a note wishing her well but to be clear, her refusal to give back the deposits was unfair and if there is renters rights where you live, illegal. Refusal to refund deposits is based on rents due, damage past normal wear and tear. We have friends that own a duplex and an apartment complex. Their complaint is about real problem renters. Serious problems...serious damage and overdue rents!

    Tears of joy not dispare. I need to go into my dungeon and have an attitude adjustment!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Watched Uruguay beat Portugal in the World Cup. Exciting game, and the temperature here did indeed reach 35. Then I watched the news and saw poor old England, and JACKIE and ROY also sweltering in the heat. Roy was all addled today probably from the heat because he phoned thinking it was Sunday. We have now dropped to a lovely cool 31 which sure beats 35. The winter was so horrible and long I will try not to moan about feeling all hot and sticky with frizzy hair and especially knowing SANDY and LIN are in endurance mode as well! PATSY in a sweater. I break out in a rash thinking sweaters! PATSY, blow some of that sea air this way, PLEASE.

    Big hot Annie and her little hot dog.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh joy, heavy rain in the night that did all my watering for me then this morning I took George to the woods, just the 2 of us as Scruff is off to a dog show, and I can only describe the rain as stair rods or as my brother and I used to say 60 years ago as we watched the rain hit the road outside our house, the soldiers are marching again! It's only Cornwall that's getting it as a few stormy clouds drift up from France but for once I don't mind because already the garden is looking happier. After the Beast from the East's visits in the winter I'm of the same mind as Anne, no way will I complain about the heat which in spite of rain is still with us today. Poor Roy though.... not used to that sort of heat up north where we now have several out of control brush fires to contend with.
    I had missed that football result so was amazed to see Portugal go out of the world cup last night along with Argentina. I don't see England progressing on from Tuesday's game but we'll see.
    Forgot eye drops this morning, an indication I think that things are beginning to feel normal rather than scratchy and tomorrow is the last day on my schedule and only once first thing, hooray!
    Back from our walk my jeans were wet from the rain so I've slipped on a light summery pair of slacks with large flowery pattern, looked in the bedroom mirror and come back down stairs muttering "must lose some weight" even though another 1lb. has gone after yesterday's heat. My hips look enormous in them but no visitors or visiting today so I'll just avoid mirrors!

    Patsy, when I first moved to Cornwall 40 years ago I was always putting up friends and family but after a couple of years realised this was only between the months of April and September.... not one visitor the rest of the year to enjoy our Cornish beaches, thus I quickly picked up the term take me as you find me and you know where the tea and coffee are kept!! Enough political scandals going on in the real world on a daily basis without having to read a novel on the subject.... it's that old saying about truth being stranger than fiction!

    Buzz, do enjoy every minute of your family's visit and let them 'shlepp' you about as much as they want. I did smile at your comment about being behind older slow people because on the way back from the woods this morning I realised I was only travelling 28 mph on the country lanes, a speed I used to tease an older friend about if stuck behind her. Here I am a couple of years on doing exactly the same and it certainly feels fast enough to me!

    Anne, I looked up the saying about someone being a gooseberry and it seems there was the term gooseberry-picker for a chaperone a few hundred years ago then once that requirement was no longer needed by society a couple wanting to be on their own but hindered by a third party would say they'd been gooseberried!! Why gooseberry-picker? I haven't looked back that far yet!

    Have a peaceful and enjoyable Sunday everyone including Sandy, Lin and anyone else checking in.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

    Buzz, enjoy your visit with family. <3<3<3<3<3

    Our metro is a total mess. Five to ten inches of rain last night. Flooding in many places, flood gates down on the route I usually take to church. Flowing water on many streets. A house blew up last night, a person swept away in the flood, power outages.

    See you later.

